The External Sex Organs

The Sex Organs
- The Female Sex Organs

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女性外部性器官由阴阜大阴唇、小阴唇阴蒂头阴道口所组成。这些结构全部统称为阴户(vulva,拉丁语 covering 覆盖物)

The External Sex Organs

The female external sex organs consist of the Mons Veneris, the major and minor lips, the glans of the clitoris, and the vaginal opening. All of these parts together are also often referred to collectively as the vulva (lat. covering).


[Course 1] [Female Sex Organs] [External Sex Organs] [Mons and Lips] [Clitoris] [Vaginal Opening] [] [Internal Sex Organs] [Homologous] [Menstrual Cycle] [Breasts]