Course 4
True or False
Multiple Choice
Short Essays
Long Essays
Short Essays
短論文題目:10選6題   Topics for Short Essays: 6 out of 10
  1. 論述為什麼性傳播疾病不再局限于一國人口的特殊亞人群。
  2. 論述為什麼許多男性不使用安全套的原因。
  3. 敘述醫學對抗性傳播疾病的簡史。
  4. 比較16世紀梅毒流行與20世紀愛滋病流行。
  5. 論述細菌性與病毒性性傳播疾病的差別及其對感染者生活的繼發影響
  6. 論述"高危人群"、"危險個體"和"高危行為"的概念。
  7. 解釋性傳播疾病的發生率和流行之間的差異。
  8. 敘述"安全性行為"概念演變的簡史。
  9. 設法解釋為什麼許多政府以前未能與現在仍然未能採取對抗AIDS的適當措施。
  10. 解釋"安全的性行為"、"可能安全的性行為"和"不安全的性行為"的概念。
  1. 討論各種性傳播疾病的地理分佈(the role of travel in changing it——如何翻譯?尚不肯定——譯者注)Discuss the geographic distribution of various STDs and the role of travel in changing it.
  2. 設法解釋為什麼義大利人把梅毒稱為“法國病”,而法國人稱它稱為“義大利病”。
  3. 解釋為什麼AIDS不是也從不是“同性戀病”。
  4. 列舉和描述在分娩前與分娩期間可能從母親傳染給孩子的性傳播疾病。
  5. 討論性傳播疾病的主要預防策略。
  6. 有關使用安全套誰對其有爭議,為什麼有爭議?
  7. 描述“安全性行為指南”的原理和各種應用狀況。
  8. 討論HIV抗體檢測的反對與贊成的理由。
  9. 在性傳播疾病的報告中保密為何重要,為什麼重要?
  10. 為什麼在性傳播疾病的報告中給病人貼上“同性戀”的標籤會讓人產生誤解?
  1. 在預防AIDS與授予婦女權利之間有什麼聯繫?
  2. 描述AIDS對貧窮的發展中國家可能的經濟影響。
  3. 描述世界主要宗教對使用安全套的的立場。
  4. 解釋為什麼在一國的AIDS流行的早期匿名檢測和面對面諮詢是重要的。
  5. 解釋為什麼在貧窮國家廉價的AIDS治療措施不足以終止AIDS的流行。
  6. 討論在對抗性傳播疾病中節制性活動的效力。
  7. 討論為靜脈毒品注射者提供消毒針頭的政策。
  8. 解釋“世界愛滋病日”、其起源、意義、目的和在對抗AIDS中的潛在作用。
  9. 討論聯合國愛滋病聯合規劃暑的“35專案”。
  10. 列舉和描述至少10個不同的、可能必須對其實行針對性的特殊預防AIDS計畫的亞人群。
Choose 6 out of the 10 topics below and write a short essay on each of the chosen topics.
Total available time: 3 hrs.
  1. Discuss the reasons why STDs do not remain restricted to special subgroups of the population.
  2. Discuss the reasons why many men do not use condoms.
  3. Write a brief history of the medical fight against the STDs
  4. Compare the syphilis epidemic of the 16th century with the AIDS pandemic of the 20th century.
  5. Discuss the difference between bacterial and viral STDs and its consequences for the lives of the infected.
  6. Discuss the different concepts of “risk groups”, “persons at risk”, and “risky behavior”.
  7. Explain the difference between the incidence and the prevalence of STDs.
  8. Write a brief history of “safer sex”.
  9. Try to explain why many governments failed and still fail to take adequate prevention measures against AIDS.
  10. Explain the concepts of “safe sex behavior”, “possibly safe sex behavior” and “unsafe sex behavior”.
  1. Discuss the geographic distribution of various STDs and the role of travel in changing it.
  2. Try to explain why the Italians called syphilis “the French disease” while the French called    it “the Italian disease”.
  3. Explain why AIDS is not and never was a “gay disease”
  4. List and describe the STDs that can be transmitted from mother to child before and during birth.
  5. Discuss the main STD prevention strategies.
  6. What is controversial about the use of condoms to whom and why?
  7. Describe the principle and various applications of the “safe sex guidelines”.
  8. Discuss the pros and cons of HIV antibody testing.
  9. How important is confidentiality in the reporting of STDs and why?
  10. Why is it misleading to label patients “homosexual” in STD report forms?
  1. What is the connection between AIDS prevention and the empowerment of women?
  2. Describe the possible economic impact of AIDS on poor developing countries.
  3. Describe the positions of the leading world religions on condom use.
  4. Explain why anonymous tests and interviews are important in the early stages of a country’s AIDS epidemic.
  5. Explain why the availability of cheap AIDS treatments is not enough to stop the epidemic in poor countries.
  6. Discuss the effectiveness of sexual abstinence programs in the fight against STDS.
  7. Discuss the policy of providing clean needles to intravenous drug users.
  8. Explain "World AIDS Day", its origin, meaning, purpose and potential
    contribution to the fight against AIDS.
  9. Discuss the UNAIDS program of  "3 by 5".
  10. List and characterize at least 10 different groups that my have to be targeted in specific AIDS prevention projects.

[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination] [True or False] [Multiple Choice] [Short Essays] [Long Essays]