Oral Intercourse


Oral intercourse is here defined as involving sexual contact between the sex organs of one person and the mouth of another.

The sex organs and the mouth are the two most easily stimulated erogenous zones of the body, and it is therefore only natural that they should be brought into direct contact. Indeed, such behavior is quite common in nearly all mammals, and, from a biological standpoint, there is no reason why human beings as the most highly developed and most sensitive mammals should be an exception.

However, in some human societies and historical periods, oral intercourse was considered sinful, criminal, or sick, and couples who engaged in it were severely punished. As a matter of fact, in many states of the United States today oral intercourse (even between husband and wife) is still defined as a "crime against nature" which may carry a penalty of many years in prison. (For a discussion of American sex laws, see "Conformity and Deviance.")

Still, in spite of its traditional religious, legal, and psychiatric condemnation, oral intercourse has always been widely practiced in our culture. This is hardly surprising, since it can be quite satisfying for both men and women. Furthermore, it cannot lead to the conception of a child and therefore naturally recommends itself to couples who worry about unwanted pregnancies and who cannot find the right contraceptives. Unmarried teenagers especially may appreciate the many advantages of oral intercourse. It not only removes the risk of pregnancy, but also preserves a girl's "virginity" while allowing her to find complete sexual satisfaction with a boy. By the same token, boys may enjoy ejaculating into a girl's mouth just as much as into her vagina. In short, it is very useful to know about the various forms of oral intercourse, and everybody who takes the trouble to learn and practice them will be rewarded with greatly increased erotic capacities.


The term "fellatio" (from Latin fellare: to suck) is used to describe the licking and sucking of the male sex organs.

Many men enjoy having the penis sucked, and many women love bringing their partners to orgasm in this fashion. The male external sex organs are extremely sensitive to the touch, and the lips, the tongue, and the warm, moist interior of a woman's mouth can provide the most pleasant sexual stimulation. Actually, a woman may already greatly arouse a man by kissing the inside of his thighs rights next to the scrotum, or by gently licking his testicles. She may also use her mouth to explore some of his other erogenous zones in this general area, such as the space between the scrotum and the anus (the perineum), and the anus itself.

A woman who sucks a man's penis should, of course, ask him how exactly he likes it done, and she should also realize that she may need some practice before she can bring him to orgasm. Slow, firm, and steady movements of lips and tongue will usually be most effective. At the same time, the woman has to be careful not to let her teeth touch the penis at any point. As the man approaches orgasm, she may slightly accelerate her movements and use one or both hands to masturbate the shaft of the penis while just sucking the glans. However, she may also use fellatio just as a means of stimulation and, after a while, prefer to switch to other forms of sexual intercourse. Here, as always, the couple's individual preference is the only meaningful guide.

Many women enjoy having the man ejaculate into their mouths and, in fact, love the taste of warm semen. Semen is a clean and harmless substance which can be swallowed without any ill effects. (The only exception is the contaminated semen of a man who is suffering from a venereal disease, and it is possible for hepatitis to be transmitted through semen.)

A man can be fellated in many different positions. He may simply lie on his back, sit on the bed or a chair, or stand up while the woman kneels in front of him. Men and women may try all of these and many other variations of fellatio, and they may very well come up with new possibilities of their own. To give only one final example: a woman may like to increase her own enjoyment of sucking a man's penis by asking him to dip it first into honey or some other sweet and nourishing substance.


The term "cunnilingus" (from Latin cunnus: vulva and linguere: to lick) is used to describe the licking or sucking of the female sex organs.

A woman's external sex organs and the surrounding areas usually represent the most sensitive erogenous zones of her body. They are easily stimulated by regular, soft strokes of the hand, or by gentle and passionate kisses. Thus, a man may greatly arouse a woman by licking the inside of her thighs, the space between the sex organs and the anus (the perineum), and the anus itself. He can further heighten her pleasure by kissing, licking, and sucking the minor lips of her vulva and the shaft of the clitoris. Indeed, with some practice, he may very well bring her to orgasm this way.

A man who licks a woman's sex organs should, of course, ask her how she likes it best and then follow her instructions. In some situations, where the man cannot get an erection and therefore cannot begin coitus, he may be glad to discover that prolonged oral stimulation alone often leaves a woman completely satisfied. On the other hand, a man may also use cunnilingus simply as a means of arousal before switching to other forms of sexual intercourse. At other times, he may continue it until the woman has had several orgasms and then bring her to orgasm once more through coitus.

With mounting sexual excitement, a woman's vagina secretes some special lubricating fluid. In a healthy woman, this fluid is quite clean and can be swallowed without any ill effects. In fact, many men learn to love its peculiar, slightly acidic taste. However, in recent years the cosmetics industry has begun to produce certain "feminine hygiene" sprays and sweet-smelling vaginal douches. These superfluous products may upset the vaginal ecology and thus cause infection and irritation. Furthermore, they may also prove harmful to the sensitive areas of a man's penis or mouth. It is therefore advisable for a woman to avoid all vaginal douching and to restrict herself simply to washing her vulva with soap and water. The vagina cleanses itself with its own secretions. In short, there is no need for either the woman or the man to fear that cunnilingus might be unpleasant or unhealthy. Unusual vaginal secretions or odors are a sure sign that something is wrong. In such a case, a physician should be consulted.

Just as fellatio, cunnilingus can be practiced in many different positions. Individual sexual partners have to find out for themselves which position gives them the greatest pleasure. Some couples may avoid cunnilingus during the woman's menstrual period for aesthetic reasons. This is a matter of personal preference. However, it has been suggested that no man should lick or suck a woman's sex organs in the last stages of pregnancy because air blown into the vagina may then cause serious damage to the woman and the fetus. This danger may be somewhat exaggerated, although in the late stages of pregnancy some caution and circumspection is advisable for all forms of sexual intercourse. (See "Pregnancy.")


The slang term "sixty-nine" (or French soixante-neuf) is used to describe a form of oral intercourse in which the partners simultaneously lick each other's sex organs. In doing so, the position of their bodies in relation to each other is similar to that of the inverted numerals in the number 69.

Simultaneous mutual oral intercourse can be very enjoyable for both partners, and it can, of course, lead to orgasm. However, most men and women will probably use it only as a means of stimulation and then proceed to other forms of lovemaking because they may find it difficult to keep adjusted to each other in this unusual position. Such adjustment is a little easier if they take their time and lie on their sides rather than on top of each other. However, even then only one of the partners may be able to reach orgasm. In this case, it may be better to continue sexual intercourse in some other way.


[Title Page] [Contents] [Preface] [Introduction] [The Human Body] [Sexual Behavior] [Development of Behavior] [Types of Activity] [Sexual Maladjustment] [Sex and Society] [Epilogue] [Sexual Slang Glossary] [Sex Education Test] [Picture Credits]