Growing Up Sexually



IES: Russia






Shirokogoroff (1929/1966:p289])[1]: “In order to give pleasure to the children, adults sometimes […] tickle the sexual organs”. A footnote reads: “I did not observe among the Tingus [sic], the sucking of the penis of small boys, as is common among the Machus. Among the Birarčen I saw a mother who was tickling the sexual organs of her small daughter. In another case a girl sixteen-year-old was tickling the penis of her brother who was about four year old. These practices are very common[2]”. Shirokogoroff  (1935:p249)[3]continues with the fact that


“[…] among all Tungus groups a certain attention is paid to the sexual organs of children. The children, under the pretext that they are children and do not understand what they do, are asked to exhibit their genitalia in the presence of adult persons, who enjoy in seeing children—performers. However, among the Tungus groups this practice is not equally in vogue. Its greatest development is observed among the Khingan group, --i.e. exactly in the group where erectio penis was performed [proving a point on exhibitionism as a psychological trait],-- the children, especially girls sometimes of the age of ten and even twelve years, are requested to show their genitalia. They willingly do it, for the adult people do approve it (I cannot now assert that the parents always are present and frankly approve their children). As to whether the children are absolutely conscious of what they do—personally I think that a Tungus child of ten or twelve years may be so—is not of importance, for we are interested in the social side of exhibitionism” [etc.].


Children are not allowed to use “coprolalic” words “[…] for they do not need them so much as adult people” (p247). The legal minimum bride’s age was 18 (p100).










Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004




[1] Shirokogoroff, S. M. (1929) Social Organization of the Northern Tungus. Shanghai. 1966 reprint, Oosterhout [Holland]: Anthropological Publications

[2] Page 327 reads: “Adult people sometimes require small girls to show their nudity in public (as among the Kumaren)”.

[3] Shirokogoroff, S. M. (1935) Psychomental Complex of the Tungus. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner