


IES: Philippines



TAGALS  (Philippines)


IndexAsiaPhilippines→ Tagals



Tagals  (Philippines)


Among the Philippine Tagals, uncircumcised children are teased by the insult of suput (“tight”), or being unfit for sexual intercourse[1].

Plasencia (p118)[2] suggests that marriages have been contracted in early childhood. Premarital freedom would be considerable, according to Blumentritt[3] (also cited by Wilken, 1889:p439)[4], citing author Cañamaque[5] who accuses even children of lewdness (“beschuldigt selbst Kinder der Unzucht”).







Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Dingwall, E. J. (1925) Male Infibulation. London: John Bale, sons & Danielsson Ltd., p90, referring to Barney, C. N. (1903) Circumcision and Flagellation among the Filipinos. Carlisle, Pa., p4

[2] Plasencia (1893) De gewoonten der Tagalogs op de Filippijnen, Bijdragen Taal-, Land-, & Volkenk Nederlansch-Indie XLII:101-19

[3] Blumentritt, F. (1882) Versuch einer Ethnographie der Philippinen, Ergänzungsheft No. 67 zu Petermanns Mitteilungen / Gotha, p15

[4] Wilken, G. A. (1889) Plechtigheden en gebruiken bij verlovingen en huwelijken bij de volken van den Indischen archipel, Bijdragen Taal-, Land-, & Volkenk Nederlansch-Indie [Holland] XXXVIII:380-460

[5] Cañamaque, F. (1877) Recuerdos de Filipinas,. Madrid. I, p174