


IES: Philippines






IndexAsiaPhilippinesIgorotsSagada Igorots





Among the Sagada Igorots, children began to sleep at the dap-ay (where courtship techniques are transmitted by older boys) or ebgan (where courtship takes place) at age six, or eight (Eggan, 1960:p42/1971)[1], or thirteen (1965:p79-81)[2]. According to one high school student, girls learn from elder girls how to perform massage (on boys, mainly). “The function of the ebgan was primarily to provide training in courtship and preparation for marriage” (Eggan, 1963:p51-2[3]; cf. Pacyaya, 1951)[4]. “ “Sleeping together” today may or may not involve sexual relations but probably did so more frequently in the past, when it was the major way in which marriages were arranged” (E., 1963).











Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Eggan, F. (1960) The Sagada Igorots of Northern Luzon, in Murdock, G. (Ed.) Social Structure in Southeast Asia. Chicago Quadrangle Books. 1971 reprint, p24-50

[2] Eggan, F. & Scott, W. H. (1965) Ritual life of the Igorots of Sagada: courtship and marriage, Ethnology 4,1:77-111

[3]Eggan, F. (1963) Ritual life of the Igorots of Sagada: from birth to adolescence, Ethnology 2,1:40-53

[4]Pacyaya, A. (1951) The Sagada Ebgan, The Gold Ore 5:i, 2-4. Quoted by Eggan (1963:p)