
(separate section for New Guinea) (Solomon Islands [Tikopia, Kurtatchi, Shortland Isl., Siuai], Vanuatu [Big Nambas, Tanna, Mewun], Fiji)


Reche[1] noted the late menarche and pubertal onset (“axillarche” and thelarche at age 16) in Melanesians[2]. Coital knowledge starts early, as is seen in demonstrations. Diamond (1990:p403)[3] mentions such obscene “unofficial” dances. Schievenhövel (1990:p403-7)[4] sketches an exhibitionistic childhood. No homosexuality is observed, although Schievenhövel “did hear of male and female children “having had intercourse” in the grassland beside the village. Everyone laughed with good humor about this behavior; the children involved were never reprimanded or punished in any way”.












Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Reche, O., Untersuchungen über das Wachstum und die Geschlechtsreife bei Melanesischen Kindern, Korrespondenzbl Deutsch Ges Anthropol 41,7. Cited by Freimark, H. (1911) Das Sexualleben der Afrikaner. Leipzig: Leipziger Verlag

[2] See also Höltker, G. (1949) Zur Frage nach dem Reifealter bei Melanesischen und Indonesischen Mädchen, Acta Trop (Basel) 6:13

[3] Op.cit.

[4] Schievenhövel, W. (1990) Ritualized adult-male/adolescent-male sexual behavior in Melanesia: an anthropological and ethnological perspective, in Feierman, J. R. (Ed.) Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions. New York (etc.): Springer, p394-412