Growing Up Sexually

World Reference Atlas (Oct., 2002)

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Janssen, D. F. (Oct., 2002). Growing Up Sexually. Volume I: World Reference Atlas.

Interim report. Amsterdam, The Netherlands



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-- References to online or paper resources;

-- Personal communications relating to fieldwork or unpublished research notes.

-- Reportage of missing links

Contributors are not required to identify their name, residence, current or past academic affiliation, motivation, or e-mail address. In contributing missing references, please identify author, date of publication, volume, issue and page numbers as precise as possible; if contemporarily online, please copy and paste current URL(s). In specifying or reinterpreting contemporarily included references, please likewise identify source and page number(s). Please note that eventual references can and will be checked (whether online or in print) only if such is possible within the domain of Dutch academic and specialised libraries. It is not possible to offer "attached" messages or documents. Contributors will not receive a response, and requests for bilateral communication will be granted only in selected cases. If not specified otherwise, significant Contributors are added to a list of relations for purposes of credit in due time. 


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Copyright © 2002 D. F. Janssen, MD
Last Modified: 061202