Growing Up Sexually


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GUS Digital Archive

"Developmental Sexualities and Culture"


Complementing author's paper archive, GUS Digital Archive contains resources available online in the period February through December 2002, collected in CD format for future usage. The selection includes relevant published articles, dissertations, bibliographies, monographs, curricula vitae, book reviews, web-publications, etc. The usual format is bookmarked, touched-up PDF. The central part of the running collection (more peripheral objects being collected in a concurrent shadow archive) currently holds some 1600 objects, or some 750 MB. Some authors have contributed nonavailable digital drafts in person.

GUS Digital Archive will be periodically updated, and in its present existence reserved for private rather than commercial use (given copyright and distribution regulations for many works). Contents are included in GUS Online edition for the sake of complementarity, transparency and supplementary support. It should be noted that this is not in any sense to be interpreted as a thematic bibliography, or suggestive of any personal ideology; inclusion does not in any predictable sense translate to collector's agreement with or frustration of messages or frameworks. Rather, the works are selected for their contribution to the ethnohistorical production and representation of "developing" sexualities, with an obvious emphasis on social, social constructionist, contemporary and counterhegemonic perspectives.

Printing takes over 60 pages if unaltered in size and font.


See here for Interim Contents