Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)


4/Prehomosexual Homosexualities


Main Index®Index Volume 3 ® Bibliography 4

Compiler’s Note


Ontological narratives addressing “sexual orientations” are among the essential ingredients in understanding these niches of the human experience as trajectories or curricula. The following works embody the historically recent exploration of “homosexual firsts”, a range of psychic and social performances considered essential in Western type “homosexual” trajectories. The works mainly explore themes from an essentialised chronological perspective, with a heavy emphasis on numerics; some are descriptive accounts. Particularly interesting issues implicit in these works include the academic and personal “chronologising” of homoeroticism, in terms of “homo-erotarche”, the concept of “homosexual” behavioural sexarche, and associated “stages” or “phases”. The current bibliography is biased to privilege the exposure of these “productions” or “performances of development” by selecting for applications to pre-teenage, in particular the localisation and cultural understanding of “beginnings”. A parallel bibliography for “hetero-erotic” beginnings, but particularly also off-axial (not centralising gender) and “paraphilic” (“pathological”) “orientations” would both prove smaller, and, as for content, merely pseudoparallel.


See also bibliography 26 on ‘Coming out’.


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.


§  !Outproud (2001) 2000 Survey Results Preview

§  Adelman, M. R. (1980) Adjustment to Aging and Styles of Being Gay: A Study of Elderly Gay Men and Lesbians. Dissertation, The Wright Institute [DAI-B 41/02, p679, Aug 1980]

§  Bailey, J. M. & Oberschneider, M. (1997) Sexual orientation and professional dance, Arch Sex Behav 26:433-44

§  Bell, A. P., Weinberg, M. S. & Hammersmith, S. K. (1981a) Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press / Der Kinsey Institut Report über Sexuelle Orientierung und Partnerwahl. München: C. Bertelsmann

  • Bell, A. P., Weinberg, M. S. & Hammersmith, S. K. (1981b) Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women: Statistical Appendix. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press

§  Bieber, L. et al. (1962) Homosexuality. New York: Basic Books

  • Blanchard, R. Zucker, K. J. et al. (1995) Birth order and sibling sex ratio in homosexual male adolescents and probably prehomosexual feminine boys, Developm Psychol 31,1:22-30
  • Bon, M. & d’Arc, A. (1974) Rapport sur l’Homosexualité de l’Homme. Paris: Éditions Universitaires
  • Boxer, A. M., Cook, J. A. & Herdt, G. H. (1989, August) First Homosexual and Heterosexual Experiences Reported by Gay and Lesbian Youth in an Urban Community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, California

§  Caletti, G. (1980) Report on the sexual behavior of a selected group of people, in Forleo, R. (Ed.) Medical Sexology. Littleton, Mass.: PSG Pub. Co, p144-7

§  Califia, P. (1979) Lesbian sexuality, J Homosex 4,3:255-66

§  Carrier, J. M. (1971) Childhood cross-gender behavior and adult homosexuality, Arch Sex Behav 15,1:89-93

  • Cohen, K. M., & Savin-Williams, R. C. (1995) Developmental perspectives on coming out to self and others, in R. C. Savin-Williams & K. M. Cohen (Eds.) The lives of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: Children to adults (p113 - 151) Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace

§  Croghan, J. G. (2001) Mirrors of manhood: The formation of gay identity, DAI-B 62(1-B):574. Based on a 1993 dissertation, Pacifica Graduate Institute

  • D’Augelli, A. R. & Hershberger, S. L. (1993) Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in community settings: Personal challenges and mental health problems, Am J Commun Psychol 21:421-48
  • D’Augelli, A. R. (1991) Gay men in college. Identity processes and adaptations, Journal of College Student Development 32:140-6
  • D’Augelli, A. R. (1994) Lesbian and gay male development: Steps toward an analysis of lesbians’ and gay men’s lives, in B. Greene & G. Herek (Eds.) Contemporary Perspectives in Gay and Lesbian Psychology. Vol. 1. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, p118-32
  • D’Augelli, A. R. (1998) Developmental implications of victimization of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths, in Herek, G. M. (Ed.) Stigma and Sexual Orientation: Understanding Prejudice against Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, p187-210
  • Dank, B. (1971) Coming out in the gay world, Psychiatry 2(34):180-97
  • Dannecker, M. & Reiche, R. (1974) Der Gewöhnliche Homosexuelle. Frankfurt: Fischer
  • Davenport, C. W. (1986) A follow-up study of 10 feminine boys, Arch Sex Behav 15,6:511-7
  • Davies, P. M., Hickson, F. C. I., Weatherburn, P. & Hunt A. J. (1993) AIDS: Sex, Gay Men and AIDS. London: Falmer Press

§  Davies, P. M., Wheatherburn et al. (1992) The sexual behavior of young gay men in England and Wales, AIDS Care 4,3:259-72

§  Dawood, K., Pillard, R. C. et al. (2000) Familial aspects of male homosexuality, Arch Sex Behav 29,2:155-63

§  Deenen, A. & Van Naerssen, L. (1988) Een onderzoek naar enkele aspecten van de homoseksuele identiteitsontwikkeling, Tijdschr Seksuol [Dutch] 12:105-16

§  Dubé, E. & Savin-Williams, R. (1999) Sexual Identity and Intimacy Development among two Cohorts of Gay and Bisexual Men. Masters’ Thesis, Corwell University, Ithaca, NY

§  Ellis, H. (1927) Studies in the Psychology of Sex.  Volume II. New York: Random House Appendix B: The School-friendships of Girls. []

§  Fellows, W. (1996) Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men From the Rural Midwest. Madison, WI.: University of Wisconson Press

§  Fox, R. C. (1993) Coming out Bisexual: Identity, Behavior, and Sexual Orientation Self-Disclosure. PhD Thesis, DAI-55,12B:222

  • Green, R. (1974) Sexual Identity Conflict in Children and Adults. London: Duckworth
  • Green, R. (1974) The behaviourally feminine male child: Pretranssexual? Pretransvestic Prehomosexual? Preheterosexual?, in Friedman, R. (Ed.) Sex Differences in Behavior. New York: Wiley, p301-14
  • Grossman, Th. (2001) Prähomosexuelle Kindheiten. Online PhD thesis, Universität Hamburg, at

§  Hamer, D. H., Magnuson, V. L. et al. (1993) Linkage between markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation, Science 261, July 16:321-7

  • Hanson & Hartman (1996) Latency development in prehomosexual boys, in R. P. Cabaj, & T. S. Stein (Eds.) Textbook of Homosexuality and Mental Health. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, p253-66

§  Hart, J. (1995) My First Time: Gay Men Describe Their First Same-Sex Experience. Boston: Alyson

§  Hedblom, J. H. & Hartman, J. (1980) Research on lesbianism: selected effects of time, geographic location, and data collection technique, Arch Sex Behav 9,3:217-34

§  Hedblom, J. H. (1973) Dimensions of lesbian sexual experience, Arch Sex Behav 2,4:329-43

  • Herdt, G. H. & Boxer, A. (1993) Children of Horizons- How Gay and Lesbian Teens are Leading a New Way out of the Closet. Boston: Beacon Press

§  Herek, G. M., Cogan, J. C. et al. (1997) Correlates of internalized homophobia in a community sample of lesbians and gay men, J Gay & Lesb Med Assoc 2:17-25

§  Hirschfeld, M. (1914) Die Homosexualität des Mannes und Weibes. 1920, 2nd ed. Berlin: Marcus, p108-24

§  Hogan, R., Fox, A. & Kirchner, J. (1977) Attitudes, opinions and sexual development of 205 homosexual women, J Homosex 3:123-36

§  Holeman, R. & Winokur, G. (1965) Effeminate homosexuality: a disease of childhood, Am J Orthopsychia 35,1:48-56

  • Isaacs, G. & McKendrick B. (1992) Male Homosexuality in South Africa : Identity Formation, Culture and Crisis. Cape Town: Oxford University Press

§  Isay, R. (1989) Being Homosexual. New York: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux

§  Janssen, D. F. (Oct., 2002). Growing Up Sexually. Volume II: The Sexual Curriculum: The Manufacture and Performance of Pre-Adult Sexualities. Section, Online

§  Jay, K. & Young, A. (1977/9) The Gay Report. NewYork: Summit Books. Esp. p41-51, 83-104

  • Jones, G. P. (1981) Using early assessment of prehomosexual boys as a counselling tool: an exploratory study, J Adolesc 4,3:231-48

§  Keynon, F. E. (1968) Studies of female homosexuality IV: The exclusively homosexual group, Acta Psychia Scand 44 :224-37

§  King, J. R. (1980) The Etiology of Homosexuality as Related to Childhood Experiences and Adult Adjustment: A Study of the Perceptions of Homosexual Males, Their Parents and Siblings. Dissertation, Indiana University [DAI-B 41/02, p734, Aug 1980]

  • Kryzan, Ch. & Walsh, J. (1998) !Outproud / Oasis Internet Survey of Queer and Questioning Youth, August to October 1997.

§  Lancaster, E. G. (1897) The Psychology and Pedagogy of Adolescence, Pedagogical Seminary, July. Cited by Ellis (1927)

§  Lebovitz, Ph. S. (1972) Feminine behavior in boys: aspects of its outcome, Am J Psychia 128,10:1283-9

  • Lehmann, J. B., Lehmann, Ch. U. & Kelly, P. J. (1998) Development and health care needs of lesbians, J Women’s Health 7,3:379-88

§  Lehne, G. K. (1978) Gay male fantasies and realities, J Soc Iss 34,3:28-37

§  Liddicoat, R. (1956) Homosexuality: Results of a Survey as Reklated to Various Theories. Unpublished Thesis, Dept. of Psychology, University of Witwatersrand, Oct.

§  Manosevitz, M. (1970) Early sexual behavior in adult homosexual and hetrosexual males, J Anorm Psychol 76,3:396-402

§  Manosevitz, M. (1972) The development of male homosexuality, J Sex Res 8:31-40

§  McClintock, M. & Herdt, G. H. (1996) Rethinking puberty: the development of sexual attraction, Curr Direct Psychol Sci 5:178-83

  • McDonald, G. J. (1982) Individual differences in the coming out process for gay men: implications for theoretical models, J Homosex 8,1:47-60

§  Mercante, V. (1905) Fetiquismo y Uranismo feminino en los internados educativos, Archivos de Psiquiatria y Criminologia, pp. 22-30; abstracted by D. C. McMurtrie, Urologic Review, August, 1914, cited by Ellis (1927)

§  Merla, P. (Ed., 1996) Boys Like Us: Gay Writers Tell Their Coming Out Stories. New York: Avon Books

§  Miller, P. R. (1958) The effeminate passive obligatory homosexual, AMA Arch Neurol & Psychia 80:612-8

§  Mndebele, N. E. (1998) Swaziland Secondary/ High School Students’ Risks That May Promote HIV Infection and the Spread of AIDS. National Curriculum Centre

§  Moerings, M. (1971) Homofiele jongeren in relatie tot hun omgeving, Tijdschr Soc Geneesk [Dutch] 49:691-5

§  Neubauer, John. (1992) The Fin-de-Siècle Culture of Adolescence. New Haven: Yale UP, pp. 156-7

  • Newman, B. S. & Muzzonigro, P. G. (1993) The effects of traditional family values on the coming out process of gay male adolescents, Adolescence, 28:213-26

§  Obici G. & Marchesini, G. (1898) Le “Amicizie” di Collegio. Roma: Dante Alighieri. Cited by Ellis (1927)

§  Pattatuci, A. M. & Hamer, D. H. (1995) Development and familiarity of sexual orientation in females, Behav Genet 25,5:407-20

§  Peters, D. & Cantrell, P. (1991) Factors distinguishing samples of lesbian and heterosexual women, J Homosex 21,4:1-15

  • Pik Ki Leung, (2005) "Heterotopias of Same-Sex Intimacies: Schoolgirls' Tales and Practices of Transgressive Emotionality and Sexuality in Postsocialist China". Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia 1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9 July 2005

§  Reiche, R. & Dannecker, D. (1977) Male homosexuality in West-Germany: a sociological investigation, J Sex Res 13,1:35-53

§  Reiche, R. & Dannecker, M. (1973) Sexualität im normativen Vakuum: eine soziologische Untersuchung über männliche Homosexualität, Sexualmed 2:495-8; 3:392-6

§  Remafedi, G. (1987) Homosexual youth. A challenge to contemporary society, JAMA 258,2:222-5

§  Remafedi, G., Farrow, J. A. et al. (1991) Risk factors for attempted suicide in gay and bisexual youth, Pediatrics 79,3:326-30

§  Remafedi, G., Resnick, M. et al. (1992) Demography of sexual orientation in adolescents, Pediatrics 87,6:869-75

§  Riddle, D. I. & Morin, S. (1977) Removing the stigma: data from individuals, APA Monitor, Nov.,16:[18]

  • Rodriguez, R. A. (1988) Significant Events in Gay Identity Development. Gay Men in Utah. Paper presented at the 96 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Roesler, T. & Deisher, R. W. (1972) Youthful male homosexuality, JAMA 219:1918-23

§  Rosario, M., Meyer-Bahlburg, H. et al. (1996) The psychosexual development of urban lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, J Sex Res 33,2:113-26

  • Rubio, E. (1995?) Acquisition, Development, And Consolidation Of Homosexual Identity: A Retrospective Analysis With Spanish Gay Men And Lesbians, Rev Sexologique 3,2

§  Saghir, M. T. & Robins, E. (1973) Male and Female Homosexuality: A Comprehensive Investigation. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co.

§  Saghir, M. T., Robins, E. & Walbran, B. (1969) Homosexuality: II. Sexual behavior of the male homosexual, Arch Gen Psychia 21,2:219-29

§  Sanders, G. (1977) De Zelf-Beleving als Uitdagingssituatie: Een Kwalitatieve Analyse van de Levensloop van een Aantal Personen di Zichzelf als Homofiel Beschouwen. Institute for Social Psychology, Groningen, Holland

§  Savin-Williams, R. C. & Diamond, L. M. (2000) Sexual identity trajectories among sexual minority youths: gender comparisons, Arch Sex Behav 29,6:607-27

§  Savin-Williams, R. C. (1993) Sex and Sexual Identity among Gay and Bisexual Gay Male Youths. Unpublished manuscript

  • Savin-Williams, R. C. (1998) “...And Then I Became Gay”. Young Men’s Stories. New York: Routledge

§  Schäfer, S. & Schmidt, G. (1974) Weibliche Homosexualität. Hamburg: Institut für Sexualforschung

§  Schäfer, S. (1976) Sexual and social problems of lesbians, J Sex Res 12,1:50-69

§  Schickedanz, H. (1979) Homosexuelle Prostitution: Eine Empirische Untersuchung über SozialDiskriminiertes Verhalten bei Strichjungen und Call-Boys. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag

§  Schofield, M. (1965) Sociological Aspects of Homosexuality. London: Longmans

  • Sears, J. T. (1991) Growing Up Gay in the South: Race, Gender, and Journeys of the Spirit. New York: Haworth

§  Silverstein, Ch. (1981) Man to Man: Gay Couples in America. New York: Quill

§  Spada, J. (1979) The Spada Report: The Newest Survey of Gay Male Sexuality. New York: New American Library

§  Stokes, J. P., Damon, D. & Mckirnan, D. J. (1997). Predictors of movement toward Homosexuality: A longitudinal study of bisexual men, J Sex Res 34,4:304-12

  • Telljohann, S. K. & Price, J. H. (1993) A Qualitative Examination of Adolescent Homosexuals’ Life Experiences: Ramifications for Secondary School Personnel, J Homosex 26,1:41-56

§  Troiden, R. (1977) Becoming Homosexual: Research on Acquiring a Gay Identity. Doctoral Dissertation, State University of New York, Stony Brook

  • Troiden, R. (1979) Becoming homosexual: a model of gay identity acquisition, Psychiatry 42, Nov.:362-73
  • Troiden, R. R. (1988) Homosexual identity development, J Adolesc Health 9,2:105-13

§  Vetere, V. (1982) The role of friendship in the development and maintenance of lesbian love relationships, J Homosex 8,2:51-65

§  Westwood, G. (1960) A Minority: A Report of the Life of the Male Homosexual in Great Britain. London: Longmans

§  Whitam, F. L. & Mathy, R. M. (1986) Male Homosexuality in Four Societies: Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines, and the United States. London: Praeger

§  Whitam, F. L. (1977) The homosexual role: a reconsideration, J Sex Res 13,1:1-11

§  Whitam, F. L. (1980) The prehomosexual child in three societies: the United States, Guatemala and Brazil, Arch Sex Behav 20,2:151-70

§  Williams, T. (1984) Jongens en Wat met Hen aan de Hand Is: Een Onderzoek naar Homo-Erotiek in de Vriendschappen tussen Jongens. Amsterdam: [Ped. Acad.] Karthuizer [Dutch]

§  Wolff, Ch. & Woude, J. M. van der (1979) Biseksualiteit: Analyse van de Veelzijdige Seksualiteit van Mannen en Vrouwen. Baexem: Gamma [Dutch]

§  Young, Allison J. Kelaher (2005) Scout's Honor: Duty, Citizenship, and the Homoerotic in the Boy Scouts of America. AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2005 Conference, Montreal, April 11–15, Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability

§  Yu-Xin Chen, Yin Wang, (2005) "Passionate Friendship: Schoolgirl Romance and Female Homosexuality in May Fourth Era China". Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia 1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9 July 2005

  • Zambotti, M. (1998) Born Gay: Mom Should Have Known When...: Recollections of Childhood Memories. Tajique, NM: Alamo Square Press






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Jan 2006