Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)





Main Index®Index Volume 3 ® Bibliography 35


Compiler’s Notes:




(and please search Frans X. Eder’s majestic Sexbiblio.)


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.


  • Belemann-Smit, Anja (2003) Wenn schnöde Wollust dich erfüllt ... Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte in der Anti-Onanie-Debatte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang
  • Bloch, Karl Heinz (1989) Masturbation und Sexualerziehung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
  • Bloch, Karl Heinz (1998) Die Bekämpfung der Jugendmasturbation im 18. Jahrhundert. Ursachen - Verlauf – Nachwirkungen. Frankfurt a. M.
  • Braun, Karl (1995) Die Krankheit Onania: Körperangst und die Anfänge moderner Sexualität im 18. Jahrhundert. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/M. (Historische Studien Bd. 16)
  • Bullough, V. L. (1987) Technology for the Prevention of "Les Maladies produites par la masturbation". Technology & Culture, 28(4), 828-832
  • Cade, J. F. (1973) Masturbational madness: an historical annotation. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. Mar;7(1):23-6
  • Carter, C. (1983) Infantile hysteria and infantile masturbation in late 19th century German language medical literature, Med Hist 27:186-96
  • Chromy K. (1984) [Masturbation and the history of psychiatry] Cesk Psychiatr. Jun;80(3):180-3
  • Cohen, E. (1999) From Solitary Vice to Split Mind: Psychiatric Discourses of Male Sexuality and Coming of Age, 1918-1938, Australian Hist Studies 30,112:79-95
  • Combs, S. (1995) Abraham Jacobi on masturbation in children, Pediatrics 96, Jul:68
  • Comfort, Alex (1967) The anxiety makers: Some curious preoccupations of the medical profession. London, Nelson [pp. 69-113: The rise & fall of self-abuse]
  • Cornog, Martha (2003) The Big Book of Masturbation: From Angst to Zeal. San Francisco: Down There Press
  • Cowan, James C. (1995) Lawrence, Freud and Masturbation, Mosaic 28,1:69 et seq.
  • Darby, Robert (2003) The masturbation taboo and the rise of routine male circumcision: a review of the historiography. J Soc Hist 36:737-57 []
  • Darby, Robert (2005a) Pathologizing male sexuality: Lallemand, spermatorrhea, and the rise of circumcision, J Hist Med Allied Sci. Jul;60(3):283-319
  • Darby, Robert (2005b) A Surgical Temptation: The Demonization of the Foreskin and the Rise of Circumcision in Britain. University of Chicago Press
  • Duffy, John (1963) “Masturbation and Clitoridectomy.” JAMA. 186:246-248
  • Eder, Franz X. (2002a) At the Roots of the Sexual Subject: The German Discourse on Onanism at the End of the 18th Century. 4th European Social Science History Conference, 27 February - 2 March 2002
  • Eder, Franz X. (2002b) Onanie – Erfahrung oder Diskurs? Das onanistische Subjekt im späten 18. Jahrhundert. 11. Schweizerische HistorikerInnentagung 2002 für Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 15./16. Februar 2002, Universität Zürich
  • Eder, Franz X. (2003) Diskurs und Sexualpädagogik: Diskurs und Sexualpädagogik. Der deutschsprachige Onanie-Diskurs des späten 18. Jahrhunderts, Paedagogica Historica 39, 6, 719-735
  • Eder, Franz X. (2004) Erfahrung oder Diskurs? Das onanistische Subjekt im späten 18. Jahrhundert, in Marguérite Bos, Bettina Vincenz & Tanjy Wirz (Ed.) Erfahrung: Alles nur Diskurs? Zur Verwendung des Erfahrungsbegriffs in der Geschlechtergeschichte, Zürich, pp. 255-263
  • Elden, S. (2001) The constitution of the normal: monsters and masturbation at the Collège de France, boundary 2, 28,1:91-105
  • Elia, J. P. (1987) History, etymology, and fallacy: attitudes toward male masturbation in the ancient Western world. J Homosex14(3-4):1-19
  • Engelhardt, H. Tristram, Jr. (1974) The Disease of Masturbation: Values and the Concept of Disease, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 48,2:234 et seq.. Reprinted in Caplan EL, Engelhardt HT, McCartney JJ, (Eds.) Concepts of Health and Disease: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1981,  pp. 267-80
  • Fitch, Jennifer Susanna (2002) Hairy palms and psychic retreats: The masturbation taboo in psychoanalytic theory. PsyD, Wright Institute
  • Foucault, M. (1976) Histoire de la Sexualité. Vol. 1. 1980 English ed., New York: Vintage Books
  • Foucault, M. (Ewald, F. et al., eds.) (1999) Les Anormaux; Cours au Collège de France (1974-1975). Paris: Gallimard / Seuil
  • Gilbert, A. N. (1975) Doctor, patient, and onanist diseases in the nineteenth century, J Hist Med & Allied Sci 30,3:217-34
  • Greydanus, D. E., & Geller, B. (1980). Masturbation; historic perspective. New York State J. Med. 80(12), 1892-1896
  • Hall Lesley A (2002) ‘Masturbational insanity was ... real enough - it was affecting the medical profession'. 4th European Social Science History Conference, 27 February - 2 March 2002
  • Hall, L. A. (1992) Forbidden by God, Despised by Men: Masturbation, Medical Warnings, Moral Panic, and Manhood in Great Britain, 1850-1950, J Hist Sex 2,3:365-87. Reprinted in Forbidden History: The State, Society, and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe, ed. John C. Fout, University of Chicago Press, 1992
  • Hall, L. A. (2003) '"It was the doctors who were suffering from it": the history of masturbatory insanity revisited', Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 39,6
  • Hamowy, R. (1977) Medicine and the Crimination of Sin: "Self-abuse" in 19th Century America, J Libert Stud. 1(3):229-70 This paper was delivered at the Conference on Crime and Punishment, sponsored by the Liberty Fund and the Center for Libararian Studies, at the Harvard Law School, March, 1977 []
  • Hare, E. H. (1962) “Masturbational Insanity: the History of an Idea.” Journal of Mental Science 108:1-25
  • Holthuis, F. (1990) “Sterker dan God was de onanie”: over masturbatie in twee jongensboeken, Parmentier [Dutch] 2,1/2:55-64
  • Hunt, A. (1998). The Great Masturbation Panic and the Discourses of Moral Regulation in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 8(4), 575-615
  • Hurteau, Pierre (1993) Catholic Moral Discourse on Male Sodomy and Masturbation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 4,1, p. 1-26
  • Jacobs, K-F. (1963) Die Entstehung der Onanie in der Literatur im 17. & 18. Jahrhundert. Med. Diss. Munich
  • Laqueur, Thomas W. (2003) Solitary sex: A cultural history of masturbation. New York, NY, US: Zone Books
  • Lindemann, M. (2000) The fight against adolescent masturbation in the 18th century - Causes, outcomes, aftermath. Medical History, 44(1), 141-143
  • Lütkehaus, L. (1992) ‘O Wollust, o Hölle’. Die Onanie. Stationen einer Inquisition. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Tsachenbuch
  • MacDonald, R. H. (1967) The Frightful Consequences of Onanism: Notes on the History of a Delusion, J Hist Ideas 28,3:423-31
  • Makari, G. J. (1998) Between seduction and libido: Freud's masturbation hypotheses, Bull Hist Med 72,4:638-62
  • Money, J. (1985) The Destroying Angel: Sex, Fitness, and Food in the Legacy of Degeneracy Theory, Graham Crackers, Kellogg's Cornflakes, and American Health History. Buffalo, Prometheus Books
  • Money, J. (1998) Honk if you masturbate, in Money, Sin, Science and the Sex Police. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, pp. 214-227
  • Money, J. (1999) The Sex Police in History. Journal of Gender, Culture & Health, 4(4), 269-279
  • Mortier, F. & Colen, W. (1995) Inner-scientific reconstructions in the discourse on masturbation (1960-1950), Paedagog Hist [Belgium] 30,3:817-47
  • Neuman, R. P. (1975) Masturbation, madness, and the modern concepts of childhood and adolescence, J Soc Hist 8,3:1-27
  • Pilgrim, Volker Elis (1975/85) Der Selbstbefriedigte Mensch: Freud und Leid der "Onanie." Hamburg: Rowahlt
  • Pryke, Sam  (2005) The control of sexuality in the early British Boy Scouts movement, Computer Science Education, February, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 15-28
  • Richter, S. (1996) "Wet-nursing, onanism, and the breast in 18th-century Germany." Journal of the History of Sexuality, 7, 1 (July) 1-22
  • Rohlje, Uwe (1991) Autoerotik und Gesundheit. Untersuchungen zur gesellschaftlichen Entstehung und Funktion der Masturbationsbekämpfung im 18. Jahrhundert. Münster/New York
  • Rosario, Vernon (1995) Phantastical Pollutions:  The Public Threat of Private Vice in France, in Bennett, Paula & Vernon Rosaria (Eds.) Solitary PleasuresNew York:  Routledge
  • Rowan, E. L. (1989) Editorial: Masturbation according to the Boy Scout Handbook, J Sex Ed & Ther 15,2:77-81
  • Schetsche, M. & Schmidt, R. (1996) Ein “dunkler Drang aus dem Leibe”: Deutungen kindlicher Onanie seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, Ztschr Sexualforsch 9,1:1-22
  • Schroth (1994) Zum Onanieproblem: Die Abhandlung der Onanie in den populärmedizinischen Handbüchern der Jahrhundertswende. Dissertation, Bonn
  • Schwarz, Gerhart S. (1973) Devices to Prevent Masturbation, Medical Aspects on Human Sexuality (May 1973), p. 141-144, 147-149, 153
  • Shepard, Benjamin (2004) Masturbating Madness, Sexualities 7:363-368
  • Spitz, R. (1952) Authority and masturbation: [some remarks on] a bibliographical investigation, Psychoanal Study Child 7:490-527; Psyche 6(1952), 4:1-24; Yearb Psychoanal 9(1953):113-45; Psychoanalytic Quarterly 21(1952), p. 490-527
  • Spree, R. (1986) Sozialisationsnormen in ärztlichen Ratgebern zur Säuglings- und Kleinkindpflege, in Martin, J. & Nitschke, Au. (Eds.) Zur Sozialgeschichte der Kindheit. München: Verlag K. Alber, pp. 609-59 [see pp. 628-9, 641-3]
  • Stengers, J. & Van Neck, A. (1984): Histoire d'une grande peur: La masturbation. Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles
  • Stolberg, Michael (2000) Self-pollution, Moral Reform, and the Venereal Trade: Notes on the Sources and Historical Context of Onania (1716), J Hist  Sexuality 9,1/2:37-61
  • Stolberg, Michael (2002) Moralist and Medical Discourses on Masturbation in the Late 17th and Early 18th Centuries. 4th European Social Science History Conference, 27 February - 2 March 2002
  • Stolberg, Michael (2003a) Homo patiens. Krankheits- und Körpererfahrung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Köln / Weimar / Wien: Böhlau
  • Stolberg, Michael (2003b) The crime of Onan and the laws of nature. Religious and medical discourses on masturbation in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, Paedagogica Historica 39,6:701 et seq.
  • Szasz, Th. (2000) Remembering masturbatory insanity; Ideas on Liberty, Irvington-on-Hudson 50,5:35-6
  • Tissot, Samuel Auguste, "Die Onanie, oder Abhandlung über die Krankheiten die von der Selbstbefleckung herrühren." Nach der beträchtlich vermehrten sechsten. Originalausgabe aus dem Französischen neu übersetzt (1774). Erstausgabe 1758. 208p, scans
  • Van Ussel, J. (1968) "Vuile manieren" en seksuele opvoeding, Persoon & Gemeenschap [Dutch] 21,3:137-47
  • Walczak, Rainer (1997) Masturbation und Autoerotik. Argumente in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Diplomarbeit, Univ. Wien
  • Wong, M. (May 2002) Because It’s There: Morals, Medicine and Masturbation in the Nineteenth Century, University of Toronto Medical Journal, volume 79, number 3, p263-5





Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Feb 2006