


IES: Philippines






IndexAsiaPhilippines→ Agta





Peterson (1978:16[1], as cited by Hewlett[2] and by Konner, in press:p56)[3] describes for the Philippine Agta hunter-gatherers:


“The infant is eagerly passed from person to person until all in attendance have had an opportunity to snuggle, nuzzle, sniff, and admire the new- born [...]. A child’s first experience, then involves a community of relatives and friends. Thereafter he enjoys constant cuddling, carrying, loving, sniffing and affectionate genital stimulation”.


“Premarital female chastity is not an ideal of much currency. […] Although some data are difficult to collect concerning sex, almost certainly girls are able to engage in sexual activity with relative ease; promiscuity is not favored in any circumstance. Males may have as little or great difficulty in engaging in sex as females (Estioko-Griffin and Griffin 1981:138)”[4].






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Peterson, J. (1978) The Ecology of Social Boundaries: Agta Foragers of the Philippines. Urbana: University of Illinois Press

[2] Cited by Hewlett, B. S. (1996) Diverse contexts of human infancy, in Ember, C. & Ember, M. (Eds.) Cross-Cultural Research for Social Science. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall; and in Hewlett, B. S. (1991), as cited in Konner, cit.infra

[3] Konner, M. (in press) Hunter-Gatherer Infancy and Childhood, The !Kung and Others, in Hewlett, B. & Lamb, M. (Eds.) Culture and Ecology of Hunter–Gatherer Childhood. Aldine, New York, p19-63

[4]Estioko-Griffin, A. A. & Griffin, P. B. (1981) Woman the Hunter: The Agta, in Dahlberg, F. (Ed.) Woman the Gatherer. New Haven Yale University Press, p121-51, as cited by Konner, cit.supra., p57