
Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence: Mutilation of Female Sex Organs: Prevention: Strategies

The many governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations that have officially condemned sexual mutilations know, of course, that their statements must be followed by concrete actions. They have also learned that little can be accomplished without the voluntary co-operation of the communities concerned. In many cases, great social changes will have to be brought about, and these can occur only if everyone sees their advantages. A campain to end the traditional mutilations must therefore combine legal reform with education, and both must be supported by religious authorities and other leaders in the community.

CARE International
This well-known organization fighting global poverty also tries to end the mutilation of female sex organs. In 2006, the president of
CARE therefore asked the citizens of the world to sign a petition to stop it. However, at the same time, she also empasized that, ultimately, this goal can be reached only through respectful community dialogue:

“Our approach includes:
  - Educating key community leaders, religious leaders and village elders,
  - starting a community dialogue and holding public discussions,
  - supporting individual change in families that abandon the practice.”


Thus, CARE, drawing on its long experience, points the way toward a practical solution.
For details, click

In the same spirit, UNICEF has published a practical guide on how to achieve the same goal: “
Changing a Harmful Social Convention: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting.” This guide also concentrates on community action. It proposes the creation of “an enabling environment for change”.
It therefore emphasizes

-  Dialogue and non-judgmental discussions,
-  alternative rites of passage (initiation ceremonies),
-  alternative employment opportunities for the excisers, and 
-  working with migrant populations in industrialized countries.


For the complete text, click here.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]