Historical Note 2

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Historical Note 2

The “father of sexology” Iwan Bloch considered prostitution to be the most important and most rewarding subject for his new science because it had both biological and socio-cultural aspects. Its study therefore required an interdisciplinary approach – a co-operation between the natural and the social sciences. Indeed, Bloch himself began an ambitious research project along these lines, but died before he could complete it (“Die Prostitution” vol. I, 1912).

Another, never completed study of prostitution had been outlined much earlier by Wilhelm von Humboldt as part of a planned “History of Dependency in the Human Race” (1826/27). In his brief outline, Humboldt had already found the key concept for understanding prostitution – dependency. Prostitution arises and flourishes under conditions that keep certain people economically, socially, and psychologically dependent on other people who can therefore take advantage of them. This is especially true of many women who are forced to depend on men, but it also applies to male prostitutes who depend on the income from their customers.
While this is not the whole truth - the reality is more complicated - Humboldt’s insight nevertheless still offers the most promising scientific approach to prostitution. It explains, for example, why prostitution increases with increasing poverty, why sexual trafficking involves mostly poor women and children, and why sex tourism targets poor countries. It also explains why the number of prostitutes decreases when women are given access to education and thus can improve their economic and social status.

Brothel tokens
Upon entering a brothel, such tokens were purchased and then used to pay for the services provided.
(Left) Tokens from imperial China. (Right) Tokens from ancient Rome.
(Courtesy China Sex Museum,Tongli)

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]