Kegel Exercises

The Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions - Sex Therapy

The “Classic” Dysfunctions - The Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunctions

Absence of Orgasm - Treatment

Kegel Exercises - Strengthening the PC Muscle
In order to strengthen the PC muscle, certain exercises recommended by
Arnold H. Kegel have proved useful. They can be combined with biofeedback and electrostimulation. The exercises usually show positive results within weeks or a few months.
Once the PC muscle is identified, the woman can practice contracting it repeatedly whenever she has the time.
She simply flexes this muscle ten times in a row three to five times a day until it is firm. As a result, coitus becomes much more enjoyable for both partners because the contact between penis and vagina is closer. While it is true that the vaginal walls themselves contain hardly any nerve endings and therefore no feeling, the muscles surrounding the vaginal barrel do contain nerve endings, and, if these muscles are firm, their stimulation can be felt and enjoyed. In any case, the ability to control her vaginal muscles is bound to be welcomed by any woman who wants to make the most of her sexual relationships.

[Course 5] [PC Muscle] [Identifying the PC] [Kegel Exercises]