The Third Trimester


The Woman During Pregnancy: The Three Stages of Pregnancy

Progress of pregnancy by months and corresponding changes in abdominal shape.

(After 9 months, the uterus moves downward.)

The Third Trimester
During the last three months of pregnancy, the woman has to visit her doctor more often because potential complications are most likely to occur during this period. The growth of the fetus becomes even more obvious as the swelling in the woman's abdomen reaches higher above the navel. By the thirty eighth week of pregnancy, the fetus has attained its maximum growth and is then called term fetus. It is ready to be born.
The exact time from the beginning to the end of pregnancy varies, even with the same woman. Women who engage in vigorous physical exercise usually deliver sooner than others, girls are often born a little earlier than boys, and, in some very rare cases, pregnancies last over 280 days.

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