Temporary Depression


The Period After Delivery

Temporary Depression
In addition to these minor annoyances, many women experience a mild depression (post partum despression). They become overly sensitive, irritable, and may cry without any apparent reason. This kind of unexpected despair has not always been taken as seriously as it should.
Many people speak jokingly of "the baby blues." However, there is nothing funny about it. The physical strain of giving birth together with the demands of the new role as mother may, for a while, seem to overwhelm a woman who suddenly feels that she is unprepared for the task. After all, whether recognized or not, becoming a parent is a genuine crisis in everyone's life. Still, like any other crisis, it carries great possibilities for growth. In this situation, a woman can be helped a great deal by her family, and particularly by the baby's father. It is another of those occasions when mutual understanding between man and woman is invaluable.

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