
The Sex Organs - The Male Sex Organs

The External Sex Organs: The Penis

Tightness of foreskin (also called phimosis) is one of the reasons for a popular operation called circumcision. It consists of the surgical removal of the foreskin. This practice has a long tradition among Jews and Moslems, for whom it also has a religious significance. However, in the meantime circumcision has found wide general acceptance, and in the United States today most males are circumcised as a matter of course right after birth regardless of their religion. Circumcision has no effect on a man's sexual capacity.

Circumcision for religious reasons

(Left) Circumcision in ancient Egypt, ca. 3000 BC. (Right) Today: For Jews and Moslems, male circumcision also has a religious significance because it expresses Abraham's covenant with God. Shown here are tradidional Jewish circumcision instruments. Left: The barzel, a shield with a slit through which the foreskin is drawn before it is cut. Right: The izmel, a double-edged knife that can cut with either side.