Why Four Phases?

The Sexual Response
- 4 Phases of Response



Albert Moll (1862-1939)

当代,亚尔波特·摩尔(Albert Moll )在他的“儿童的性生活”(1909)的著作里第一次分析和描述了性反应周期。他也提出了性反应4相周期划分模式:

1. 性欲快感激发期,
2. 快感平稳感受期,
3. 性欲快感颠峰期,
4. 骤然释放期。

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)

([1927] 1942)里提出了不同的描述

1. 机械性紧张期,
2. 生物电荷载期,
3. 生物电释放期,
4. 机械性松弛期。

William H. Masters
Virginia Johnson

晚近,威廉 H.玛斯特斯(William H. Masters)和维吉尼亚·约翰逊 (Virginia Johnson)在他们的著作《人类的性反应》(1966)将它们重新标定如下时相:

1. 兴奋期,
2. 平台期,
3. 高潮期,
4. 消退期。




Why four phases?

When we divide the sexual response cycle into four phases - arbitrary as this may be - we follow a convenient scientific tradition.

In modern times, the sexual response cycle was first analyzed and described by Albert Moll in his study "The Sexual Life of the Child" (1909). He also proposed its division into four major phases:

1. the onset of voluptuousness,                                                                                                   
2. the equable voluptuous sensation,                                                                                         
3. the voluptuous acme, and                                                                                                        

4. the sudden decline                                                                                                                   
Later, Wilhelm Reich offered a different description in his book "The Function of the Orgasm" ([1927] 1942):
1.  mechanical tension ,                                                                                                               
2.  bioelectric charge
3.  bioelectric discharge, and
mechanical relaxation                                                                                                             
More recently, William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson, in their book “Human Sexual Response” (1966) relabeled these phases as
1. excitement ,                                                                                                                                2.  plateau ,                                                                                                                                     3.  orgasm, and                                                                                                                              4.  resolution.                                                                                                                             
In addition, they have introduced the concept of a fifth phase, the                                         
refractory period .                                                                                                                         

The following descriptions of the female and male sexual responses are based on the four-phases division proposed by Masters and Johnson. Although there may very well be room for finer distinctions and a more sophisticated terminology in the future, the Masters and Johnson model is quite adequate for our present purposes.

[Course 1] [Four Phases] [Why Four?]