Menopausal symptoms

Sex Organs
- The Female Sex Organs



The Menstrual Cycle: Menopause

Menopausal symptoms
As described earlier, the number of a woman's oocytes dwindles to zero over the years. Correspondingly the woman also ceases to produce the hormones necessary for the preparation of the uterine lining. In some women, the resulting hormonal changes may, for a while, produce rather distressing symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, and depression. Another symptom that may occur repeatedly is a "hot flash" or brief heat sensation spreading over the body. Such a flash may last from a second to a few minutes, and it may be followed by chills or heavy perspiration. These and other menopausal complaints can often be alleviated or even avoided by hormonal treatment. In most cases, the entire climacteric does not last longer than about two years.

    [Course 1] [Menopause] [Symptoms] [Loss of Fertility]