附錄 IV. 性衛生保健專業人員培訓課程


B. 專門從事性傳播疾病與HIV/AIDS預防和控制專案的專業人員性健康教育

C. 專門從事性科學的專業人員性健康教育與培訓

Appendix IV. Curriculum for the Training of Health Professionals
in Sexual Health

A. Sexual Health education for health professionals specializing in reproductive health programs

B. Sexual Health education for professionals specializing in STI’s and HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs

C. Sexual Health education and training for professionals specializing in sexology


中文翻譯:彭曉輝(中國 武漢 華中師範大學生命科學學院,430079)完成時間:20063
TranslatorXiaohui Peng (Life Science College of CCNU, Wuhan, 430079, China)
   對:吳敏倫(中國 香港 香港大學醫學院)完成時間:20068

附錄 IV. 性衛生保健專業人員培訓課程

A. 專門從事生殖保健專案的衛生保健專業人員性健康教育


C. 專門從事性科學的專業人員性健康教育與培訓

基礎性健康教育(Basic Sexual Health education)應該成為所有衛生保健專業人員培訓課程的組成部分。已經有了大量的為不同層次的衛生保健專業人員和技術人員開發的優質培訓課程。實施培訓課程時,尤其必須要兼顧所實施國家的特點和所在國家/地區的特殊需要。















B. 專門從事性傳播疾病與HIV/AIDS預防和控制專案的專業人員性健康教育














C. 專門從事性科學的專業人員性健康教育與培訓





性教育學(Sexuality education)是專門研究性教育的性科學分支學科。全面的性教育除了涉及到父母、教師、社會活動家、大眾傳媒專業人員和宗教領袖以外,它還關乎億萬普通大眾。然而,社會還需要擅長於性教育專案和特定性教育課程的設計、實施和評估的專業人員(為其他非專業教育工作者能夠依賴的專家)。全面的性教育含有性健康的教育內容,所以也稱為性健康教育(Sexual Health education)






臨床性科學(Clinical sexology)是專門預防和護理性功能障礙綜合征(sexual dysfunction syndromes)、性別認同綜合征(gender identity syndromes)、強迫性行為綜合征(compulsive sexual behavior syndromes)以及性受害後綜合征(syndromes following sexual victimization)等性健康問題的性科學分支學科。至於其他類型的性健康問題由於需要特殊的臨床技術,已經分別歸屬於其他學科所管轄,它們是:生殖綜合征病例(the case of reproductive syndromes——由婦產科學(gynecology)、男科學(andrology)和泌尿科學(urology)予以處理;性傳播疾病病例——由傳染病學(infectology)來處理。然而,正如在本紀要所提及的那樣,既然這些學科的專業人員原初的專業訓練缺乏人類性學的綜合知識,值得對他們進行性健康基本知識的培訓。臨床性科學的每一個分支學科利用不同的臨床治療方法,有特殊的專業訓練要求;但是,儘管性健康知識至今仍然未成系統,讓處理各自臨床病症的專業人員分享這些知識也是完全值得的。依據所運用的治療方法不同,臨床性科學專業人員可以按照各自的專業領域進行分類:性醫學醫師、性外科學醫師、性諮詢師和性心理治療師。









理論性學(Research sexology)是在人類性學內專門整合資訊以建立新知識的性科學分支學科。它運用適合於該學科和研究領域的方法展開研究。理論性學專業人員應該在人類性學和性健康方面具有廣博的知識和受到嚴格的訓練,以很好地履行研究活動中的特殊任務。










Appendix IV. Curriculum for the Training of Health Professionals
in Sexual Health

A. Sexual Health education for health professionals specializing in reproductive health programs

B. Sexual Health education for professionals specializing in STI’s and HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs

C. Sexual Health education and training for professionals specializing in sexology

Basic Sexual Health education should be part of the curricula of all health professionals. There have been a number of good curricula developed for different levels of health professionals and technicians. The implementation of a particular curriculum must take into account the particularities of the country and specific needs of a country/region.

It was suggested that a minimal profile of basic training in Sexual Health for health professionals should be developed for each of the disciplines (medical, nursing, health promoters, etc.) involved.

In any case these minimum profiles should include:

Basic knowledge of human sexuality.

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices.       

Basic skills in identifying and, if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional, problems of Sexual Health. 

It was also agreed that there is need for establishment and support of continued education for health professionals, due to the changing nature of sexual knowledge and the deficiencies that in many instances still can be observed in the basic training curricula.

A. Sexual Health education for health professionals specializing in reproductive health programs

Health professionals specializing in reproductive health programs should have adequate training in human sexuality. Due to the obvious connection between reproductive health and human sexuality, it is often assumed that taking care of the reproductive aspects of health will be enough to satisfy the needs posed by the right to Sexual Health, but this assumption is incorrect. “Sexual health” has been a common addition to reproductive health programs. Although the definitions of reproductive health include aspects of the complexity of human sexuality, Sexual Health is implied, rather than explicitly stated.

Health professionals specializing in reproductive health should have a more in-depth training in human sexuality issues than the general health practitioner. As in the case of training needs for the general health practitioner, specific curricula should be designed adapted to the specific needs of the country / region, but it is desirable that the abilities include:

Basic knowledge of human sexuality

Extensive knowledge in human reproduction and the means for its regulation that takes into account broader sexual rights concerns.

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices.

Basic skills in identifying, counseling and, if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional, problems of Sexual Health.

It is therefore suggested that a minimal profile of training in Sexual Health for professionals specializing in reproductive health programs should be developed for each of the appropriate levels (program planners, service providers, educators, community leaders, etc.) involved.

B. Sexual Health education for professionals specializing in STI’s and HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs

The magnitude of the threat of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has prompted many governments to set up special programs to prevent and control the epidemic. More recently, it has become clear that the efforts to reduce and control HIV/AIDS could be more effective if actions are linked to a broader approach of controlling and preventing sexually transmitted infections, which, in themselves, besides being a significant threat to health, increase the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission. This threat has created a new type of health professional who works in the planning and implementing of programs with this focus.

The fact that these infections are transmitted through sexual activity makes it indispensable that professionals working in its prevention and control have sufficient training in Sexual Health, especially as it is conceived in this document, where all aspects of human sexuality are taken into account.

Health professionals specializing in STIs and HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs should have training in Sexual Health that gives them an integrated vision of the determinants of human sexual behavior. As in the other cases, specific curricula should be designed to adapt to the specific needs of the country / region, but it is desirable that the abilities include:

Basic knowledge of human sexuality.

Extensive knowledge in the determinants of responsible sexual behavior.

Extensive knowledge in sexually transmitted infections.

Extensive knowledge in the proven strategies in prevention of STI's transmission.

Basic HIV/AIDS and STIs epidemiological prevalence and incidence knowledge, together with knowledge of epidemiology of common risk behaviors. Such knowledge should include a general knowledge of the epidemic plus specific knowledge relevant to any target populations.

Knowledge of local sexual education programs and ability to refer, where appropriate, clients for educational intervention.

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices

Basic skills in identifying, counseling and, if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional, Sexual Health concerns and problems.

Skills to work with target populations, including sensitivity towards and comfort with the sexual practices, concerns, and sexualities of populations at risk.

It is also suggested that a minimal profile of training in Sexual Health for professionals specializing in STI's and HIV/AIDS prevention and controls programs should be developed for each of the appropriate levels (program planners, service providers, educators, community leaders, and advocates of minority groups, etc.) involved

C. Sexual Health education and training for professionals specializing in sexology

There continues to be a shortage of health professionals who have human sexuality as their focus of training. Professionals of related disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, gynecology, urology) have developed a specialized field of work in problems related to human sexuality, but an integrated approach in their work is difficult to find because their point of views are usually biased by their original training. For these reasons, the expert working group recommends that a special effort should be made in promoting the training of specialists in Sexual Health that, in addition to their original field of training, have sufficient knowledge and skills as to be able to perform the tasks related to their subspecialty field. So far, the experience in different countries has led to the recognition of the following areas of sub specialization of the professionals of Sexual Health:

Sexuality education)

Clinical sexology (including sexual medicine, sexual surgery, sexual counseling and sexual psychotherapy)

Research sexology)

Sexuality education is the area of sexology that specializes in sexuality education. Comprehensive sexuality education concerns many individuals, including parents, teachers, community leaders, mass media professionals, and religious leaders, among others. However, there is a need for professionals specializing in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs and specific curricula (on which the rest of the non-specialized educators can rely). Comprehensive sexuality education implies a sexuality education for Sexual Health, also named Sexual Health education.

Professionals in sexuality education should have as a minimum the following areas of expertise covered by their training:

Knowledge of human sexuality

Extensive knowledge of education including educational skills to design, implement and evaluate educational programs in human sexuality, particularly from a participatory perspective.

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices.

Basic skills in identifying, and if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional, problems of Sexual Health. 

Clinical sexology is the area of sexology that specializes in the prevention and care of sexual problems that pertain to sexual dysfunction syndromes, gender identity syndromes, compulsive sexual behavior syndromes and, syndromes following sexual victimization. Other kinds of sexual problems have been covered by other disciplines due to the specific skills required for their solution: gynecology, andrology and urology in the case of reproductive syndromes and infectology in the case of sexually transmitted infections. However, training in the basic issues of Sexual Health is still desirable for professionals of these disciplines since their original training often lacked an integral approach to human sexuality and Sexual Health as proposed in this document. Each of the areas of clinical sexology utilizes different therapeutic modalities that require specialized training for its utilization, but it is desirable that professionals dealing with these problems share a basic knowledge in Sexual Health that is still unfortunately fragmentary. Depending on the therapeutic approach utilized, a clinical sexologist can be classified in the following areas: sexual medicine, sexual surgery, sexual counseling and sexual psychotherapy.

Professionals in clinical sexology should have as a minimum the following areas of expertise covered by their training:

Knowledge of human sexuality

Extensive knowledge of Sexual Health concerns and problems

Knowledge of local sexual education programs and ability to refer, where appropriate, patients for educational intervention

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices  

Skills in identifying, and etiologically diagnosing problems of sexual problems included in the area of clinical sexology: (i.e.:sexual dysfunctions, gender (gender identity syndromes), compulsive sexual behavior syndromes and, syndromes following sexual victimization

Skills in identifying, and if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional, problems of Sexual Health in the other areas such as reproductive syndromes and sexually transmitted infections

Skills for implementing treatment strategies in their areas of specialization: sexual medicine, sexual surgery, sexual counseling and sexual psychotherapy, as well as skills in referral to the appropriate treatment specialist when the etiologic diagnosis indicates the need for a treatment different from that which the professional is able to provide.

Research sexology is the area of sexology, which specializes in the gathering of information to build new knowledge in human sexuality. It utilizes methodologies appropriate to the discipline and area of study. Professionals in research sexology should have a broad based knowledge and training in human sexuality and Sexual Health in order for them to better perform their specific tasks in research activity.

Professionals in research sexology should have as a minimum the following areas of expertise covered by their training:

Basic knowledge of human sexuality

Extensive knowledge and skills in research methodologies according to their field of specialization

Awareness of personal attitudes towards one's own and other people's sexuality which should include a respectful attitude towards persons with different sexual orientations and sexual practices.

Awareness of personal attitudes towards other researchers' disciplines, which should include a respectful attitude that facilitates interdisciplinary investigation

Basic skills in identifying problems of Sexual Health and if necessary, referring to the appropriate professional

A commitment to undertaking research only of the highest ethical standards, as promoted through courses and mentoring on research ethics, particularly as they pertain to Sexual Health research.

It is suggested that a minimal profile of training in Sexual Health for professionals specializing in clinical sexology should be developed for each of these professional categories: education for sexuality, clinical sexology (including sexual medicine, sexual surgery, sexual counseling and sexual psychotherapy) and research sexology.

中文翻譯:彭曉輝(中國 武漢 華中師範大學生命科學學院 430079                                             TranslatorXiaohui Peng (Life Science College of CCNU, Wuhan, 430079, China)

    對:                                                                                      版權所有© 2005818