Course 1
Sex Organs
Female Sex Organs
Male Sex Organs
External Sex Organs
Internal Sex Organs
The Male Sex Organs


The Sex Organs - The Male Sex Organs

  1. 陰莖(Penis)
  2. 陰莖海綿體Corpus cavernosum(one of a pair)
  3. 尿道海綿體(Corpus spongiosum)
  4. 包皮(Foreskin)
  5. 陰莖頭(Glans)
  6. 尿道口(Opening of urethra)
  7. 陰囊(Scrotum)
  8. 睾丸(Testicle)
     (one of a pair)
  9. 附睾(Epididymis)
     (one of a pair)
  10. 輸精管(Vas deferens)
     (one of a pair)
  11. 精囊腺(Seminal vesicle)
     (one of a pair)
  12. 膀胱(Urinary bladder)
  13. 前列腺(Prostate gland)
  14. 尿道(Urethra)
  15. 尿道球腺(Bulbourethral
    (Cowper's) gland)
     (one of a pair)


Schematic depiction of the male external and internal sex organs

[Course 1] [Sex Organs] [Definition] [Female Sex Organs] [Male Sex Organs] [External Sex Organs] [Internal Sex Organs] [Homologous]