
Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft

原著:[]欧文黑伯乐(Erwin Haeberle);译者:[中国]彭晓辉;校对者:[]阮芳赋

Original: Erwin Haeberle [Germany];  Translator: Xiaohui Peng [China];  Reviser:  Fang-fu Ruan [USA]


    3.近代早期                                                                          上一页  下一页 返回目录 返回首页
突尼斯,纳夫扎伊酋长(Sheikh Nefzawi)撰写了一本阿拉伯做爱手册《芳香园》(The Perfumed Garden),它与印度的《欲经》相似,却更为详细。该书其中写同性之爱的一部分后被查禁,并且现已失传。
意大利是当代科学的解剖学的发源地。列奥纳多··芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452-1519)通过解剖尸体做过解剖学研究,他是最早做此研究的解剖学家之一。·芬奇绘制和描述了一些内部性器官、性交和妊娠的图谱。
安德里亚斯·维萨里斯(Andreas Vesalius)出版了第一本精确的人体解剖学。随后的解剖学家们传承了这本解剖学知识,并就内部性器官有了新发现。
加布里洛·法拉皮奥(Gabriele Fallopio)描述了输卵管(法拉皮奥氏管,Fallopian tubes);瑞格尼尔··格拉夫(Regnier de Graaf)描述了格拉夫氏卵泡和女性射液现象;伽斯帕·帕瑟森(Caspar Berthelsen)描述了前庭大腺;威廉·科伯(William Cowper)描述了尿道球腺。


到了16世纪末,侍臣皮埃尔··堡岱尔(Pierre de Bourdeille)和阿贝··布冉特姆(Abbé de Brantome)的短篇小说集《美人与加朗夫人的生活》(Life of the Fair and Gallant Ladies)中含有许多娱乐性的性行为个案描写。
1642年,J.B.西尼巴尔丢斯(J.B. Sinibaldus)在罗马出版了他的教科书《Genanthropoeia》,这是一本全面论述解剖学和动情刺激的教材。
1677年,安东··列文虎克(Anton van Leeuwenhoek)第一次在显微镜下看到了人类的精子。

安东··列文虎克 (1632-1723)

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    3.Early Modern Times
In Tunisia, Sheikh Nefzawi writes an Arabic love manual, "The Perfumed Garden", which resembles the "Kama Sutra", but is more detailed. The part of the book dealing with homosexual love is later suppressed and is now lost.
Italy is the birthplace of modern scientific anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci conducts anatomical studies by dissecting corpses, being one of the first to do so. He draws and describes some internal sex organs, coitus, and pregnancy.
Andreas Vesalius publishes the first exact human anatomy. Later anatomists continue the work and make new discoveries regarding the internal sex organs:
Gabriele Fallopio describes the oviducts (Fallopian tubes), Regnier de Graaf the Graafian follicles and female ejaculation, Caspar Berthelsen (Bartholinus): Bartholin's glands, William Cowper: Cowper's glands.
Toward the end of the 16th century, the courtier Pierre de Bourdeille, Abbé de Brantome, writes his "Life of the Fair and Gallant Ladies", a literary memoir containing many entertaining 'case histories' of sexual behavior.
In 1642 the physician J.B. Sinibaldus publishes his "Genanthropoeia" in Rome. It is a comprehensive textbook dealing with anatomy and erotic stimulation.
In 1677 Anton van Leeuwenhoek sees, for the first time, the human sperm cell under the microscope.

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Note: Our directories depend on the input of interested readers. For corrections, additions, and suggestions, please contact: HaeberleE@web.de