Growing Up Sexually




IndexAmericasCaribbean, Middle / Central AmericaWest Indies



 (Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica)



According to Rose (1994:[p136-8])[1], virtually all St. Lucia women, young and old, reported that at the time of menarche they were grossly ignorant of menstruation. When it does occur [ages 14, 15] they are told, apart from hygienic instructions, not to “play” or “mess” with boys. It is stated that “very little research has actually been conducted on documenting sex relations across the life-cycle” (p186-7). Andre[2] argued that differences in the upbringing of male and female children in French West Indian society aim not to determine different attitudes toward sexuality, but rather contrast the sexual and the nonsexual.











Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Rose, J. (1994) Songs from the Village: An Ethnography of Gender, Reproduction, and Sexuality in St. Lucia, West Indies. PhD Diss., Southern Methodist University

[2] Andre, J. (1985) Le coq et la jarre. Le sexuel et le feminin dans les societés afro-caribéennes, Homme 25,4/96:49-75