Growing Up Sexually



IES: Indonesia





ENDEH (Flores, Indonesia)


IndexIndonesiaFlores → “Endeh




Van Praag cites Van Suchtelen[1] in that, in contrast to the Rokkas of Flores (Van Staveren, cited by vP, p347), “[d]e geslachtsrijpe jongeling vindt vrijwel onbeperkte gelegenheid tot bevrediging van het mannelijk instinct in het inderdaad zeer vrije verkeer der sexen. Zij, die dan ook aan onanie schuldig maken, worden door allen bespot. Sodomisme komt betrekkelijk weinig voor […]”[2]. The girl, however, has to be a virgin when entering marriage (vP, p340).






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Van Suchtelen, B. C. C. M. M. (1921) Endeh (Flores). Weltevreden: Papyrus

[2] “A sexually mature boy encounters a near infinite occasion for satisfying the male instinct given the indeed very liberal intercourse between the sexes. Those who give themselves to the practice of onanism, are ridiculed by all. Sodomy is a comparatively rare thing” [DJ].