Growing Up Sexually




IndexAmericasSouth AmericaChileEaster Island




“On Easter Island children from the age of six on imitate the sexual behavior of adults without censure […]” (Ford and Beach, 1951:p191). McCall (1981[1994:p80])[1]: “[…] adults refrain from discussing [sexual matters]. Some sexual experience is apart of most Rapanui pre-adolescent behavior and while some parents are worried about the consequences of such play, particularly for their daughters, most realise that it is a part of becoming an adult”. A complex custom exists in regard to the clitoris (Marshall, 1962:p249). “There it was teased out by the priest until he could fasten a cord to it. From this dangled a weight which stretched the organ to a length of two to three inches”. According to Danielsson (p89-90) citing a German author, the girl is first orally instructed by an older woman, after which she had intercourse with an older male relative. Métraux ([1957:p107-8])[2] states that puberty (10-11 for girls, 12-14 for boys)


“[…] does not even coincide with the beginning of sex life, which starts at a relatively tender age. Nowadays few girls reach the critical age [puberty] without having had some sexual experiences or even with adults, who, we were told, have recourse to various methods of seduction or even force. The little boys are precocious and at an early age imitate the frolics in which they have seen their elders engaging. As far as we could judge, parents take very little notice of these early sexual activities. Among the Easter Islanders puberty is a purely physiological state in the mode of life”.













Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] McCall, G. (1981) Rapanui. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Second ed., 1994

[2] Métraux, A. (1957) Easter Island. Transl. from 1957 French. orig. Bristol: A. Deutsch