
IES: Indonesia






ALORESE (Indonesia)


IndexIndonesia → Alorese


DuBois (1944, [1960, I:p69-70])[1] on the Alorese: “The masturbation that little boys pursue so casually and freely during early childhood seems to disappear after the acquisition of a loincloth. At least it is no longer observed, and adults say that “children forget about it”. […] Sex play during this period is frowned upon by adults, but it undoubtedly occurs, both in heterosexual and homosexual forms. […] It is said that if [homosexual] behavior comes to the attention of any adult the children are scolded. […] Play groups of boys often join groups of girls in field houses for several days at a time. Adults are usually suspicious of such alliances and are inclined to warn the girls against the boys. These play groups usually imitate adult relationships. This may at times take the form of attempted intercourse, performed either secretly in pairs of within a group of age-mates. As one informant puts it, “Children hear their mothers and fathers having intercourse. Then they say to each other, “Our parents do this, so let us also” “[…]. Such behavior is not approved by adults, but when reported or discovered it is likely to be shrugged off as mere play”. Parents, and children, may masturbate infants to quiet them (DuBois, 1944:p37; DuBois, 1945 [1956:p131, 148])[2]. Early childhood masturbation (penile manipulation) is public (1944:p45). Nicolspeyer (1940:57)[3] agrees that virginity is a virtue, but only in theory.






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Du Bois, C. ([1944] 1960) The People of Alor: A Social-Psychological Study of an EastIndianIsland. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. See vol. 1, p37, 45, 69-73, 79; Ford, C. S. & Beach, F. A. (1951) Patterns of Sexual Behavior. New York: Harper & Row, p187; Whiting, J. & Child, I. (1953) Child Training and Personality: A Cross-Cultural Study. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, p79, 88, 90-1

[2] Du Bois, C. (1945) The Alorese, in Kardiner, A. (Ed.) The Psychological Frontiers of Society. New York: Colombia University Press. 1956 reprint, p101-45ff

[3] Nicolspeyer, M. M. (1940) De Sociale Structuur van een Aloreesche Bevolkingsgroep. Rijswijk [Holland]: V. A. Kramer