Archive for Sexology / Archivo de Sexología

Belgium / Bélgica / Belgien

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  1. Centre de Thérapie et des Recherches Sexologiques A.S.B.L.(EFS)
  2. European Community Concerted Action on Sexual Behavior & Risks of HIV Infection
  3. HEXUS Formation de Sexologues Cliniciens
  4. Institut de Formation du C.E.F.A
  5. Institute d'Etudes de la Famille et de la Sexualité
  6. Institute of Family and Sexological Sciences (EFS)

  1. Centre de Thérapie et des Recherches Sexologiques A.S.B.L.(EFS)

    Dr. E. J. Leblanc
    Avenue Winston Churchill 83
    B-1180 Bruxelles

    Phone:   (+32-2) 344 62 64 or (+32-2) 344 10 45

  2. European Community Concerted Action on Sexual Behavior & Risks of HIV Infection

    Centre d'etudes sociologiques, Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
    Prof. Michel Hubert
    Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43
    B-1000 Bruxelles

    Phone:   (+32-2) 2 11 79 70
    Fax:       (+32-2) 2 11 79 97

  3. HEXUS Formation de Sexologues Cliniciens

    Collaboration Famille Heureuse
    390 Chaussée de Boonadel
    B-1050 Bruxelles,

  4. Institut de Formation du C.E.F.A

    Institute for Training in Counseling and Sexology
    Mme Anne Quintin
    Avenue de la Chasse141
    B- 1040 Bruxelles

    Phone:   (+32-2) 733 75 00
    Fax:       (+32-2) 732 11 09

  5. Institute d'Etudes de la Famille et de la Sexualité

    Université Catholique de Louvain
    Dr. Robert Steichen
    70 Rue des Wallons
    B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve-

  6. Institute of Family and Sexological Sciences (EFS)

    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    Academisch Ziekenhuis Sint Rafael
    Prof. Piet Nijs
    Kapucijnenvoer 38
    B-3000 Leuven

    Phone:   +32-16- 33 69 09
    Fax:       +32-16- 33 26 44


  1. Fédération Francophone Belge Pour Le Planning Familial Et L'Education Sexuelle (FFBPFES)
  2. Societé d'Etude et de Coordination de Sexologie Scientific Internationale (SECSSI)
  3. Societé de Sexologie
  4. Societé des Sexologues Universitaires de Belgique (SSUB), (EFS)
  5. Vlaamse Vereniging voor Seksuologie

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  1. Fédération Francophone Belge Pour Le Planning Familial Et L'Education Sexuelle (FFBPFES)

    Liliane Pelosie
    34, Rue de la Tulipe
    B-1050 Bruxelles

    Phone:   (+32-2) 50 28 203
    Fax:       (+32-2) 50 25 613

  2. Societé d'Etude et de Coordination de Sexologie Scientific Internationale (SECSSI)

    Rue St.-Charles 9
    B-6061 Charleroi

  3. Societé de Sexologie

    Colette Legrand-Delhaye
    Av. Reine Marie Henriette
    B-1190 Bruxelles

  4. Societé des Sexologues Universitaires de Belgique (SSUB), (EFS)

    Mme Anne Quintin (Psychologist-Sexologist), Dr. Edouard Jaen Leblanc (Gynecologist-Sexologist)
    83 Avenue Winston Churchill
    B-1180 Bruxelles

    Phone:   (+32-2) 3 44 62 94
    Fax:       (+32-2) 3 44 10 45

  5. Flemish Association For Sexology /
    Vlaamse Vereniging voor Seksuologie

    Groot Begijnhof 36/3
    B-3000 Leuven


Resource Centers

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Training Programs

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  1. Institut de Formation du C.E.F.A.

    Mme Anne Quintin
    Institute for Training in Counseling and Sexology
    Avenue de la Chasse, 141
    Bruxelles B- 1040

    Phone:   (+32-2) 733 75 00
    Fax:       (+32-2) 732 11 09

    Name of program:

    Work program of clinical sexology.
    Sexual complains and sexual behavior dsyfunctioning of the man, the woman and the couple are essential work during consulation. The sexologist investigates first the proposed situation ( anmnesis, medical exams...etc) and decides eventually to send the patient to other specialists or to take him in charge for sexotherapy. The therapy is based on sexotherapeutic exercices and the understanding of the link between the sexual symptomatology and the defensive collusive mechanisms within the couple. The working out of the communicatiom between the partners permits the undertaking of new ways of life and new representations of their sexual life. Finalities of the training: Educate to the counseling andespecially to the sexotherapeutical consultation : how to manage the sexological demands. It is important to link the affective perspective, and the relational aspect within the couple.

    Basic training:

    First year:
    a) Personal evolution within a group:

    To develop personal and professional basic capactities: learn how to listen and to be listened by other people, the
    reflection, the empathy, the analysis of personal ideologies. The candidates personal approach to sexuality will also
    have to be treated.
    b) Theoric cursus
    Introduction to psychology
    Physiology of sexuality
    Phychology of the couple and conjugal problems
    Sociology of the couple and the family.

    Second year.
    a) Training to listen in the psychosexual consultation:

    Development of professional capacities; acquisition of consultation techniques with individuals and couples. Method
    b) Sexologic studies:
    Study of the sexual symptom.
    Study of the sexual dysfunctions (vaginismus, dyspareunia, frigidity, erection and ejaculation problems, anorgasmia,
    Study of the prescripted therapeutics.

    Further details have not been provided.

  2. Institute of Family and Sexological Sciences (EFS)

    Prof. Piet Nijs
    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    Academisch Ziekenhuis Sint Rafael
    Kapucijnenvoer 38
    Leuven B-3000

    Phone:   +32-16- 33 69 09
    Fax:       +32-16- 33 26 44

    Name of program:

    1. Master's Degree in Family and Sexuality Studies Doctor of Family and Sexuality Studies
    2. Doctor of Family and Sexuality Studies

    Admission requirements:

    1. Master's Degree in Family and Sexuality Studies Doctor of Family and Sexuality Studies

    The degree of Master of Family and Sexuality Studies can be awarded to foreign candidates who meet the requirements of article 39 of the decree of June 12, 1991 relating to universities in Flanders. The degree is arwarded after the examination has been passed and a thesis has been defended. For full-time students one year of study is required, for part-time students two years.
    The licentiate or Master's degree in family and sexuality studies cum laude is required. Students who have received their first degree of licentiate from the Institute of Family and Sexuality Studies will be considered for admission to the doctoral programme if their thesis shows sufficient ability for further research.
    The following are the formal requirements for the doctoral degree:

    Two years of residence, one of which must be the year preceeding the defence
    One seminar during each year of residence
    Submission and defence of a dissertation and three minors theses
    Publication of (a portion of) the dissertation.

    2. Doctor of Family and Sexuality Studies

    The licentiate of Master's degree in family and sexuality studies cum laude is required.

    Students who have received their first degree of licentiate from the Institute of Family and Sexuality Studies will be considered for mission to the doctoral program if their thesis shows sufficient ability for further research.

    The following are the formal requirements for the doctoral degree:

    1. Two years of residience, one of which must be the year preceeding the defence.
    2. One seminar during each year of residence.
    3. Submission and defence of a dissertation and three minors theses.
    4. Publication of (aportion of) the dissertation.

    Further details have not been provided.


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