Works cited in An Encyclopedia of Male Homosexual Poetry (2002)


Adler, The Great Ideas = Mortimer Adler, editor, The Great Ideas: A Synopticon of

Great Books of the Western World, 2 volumes, Chicago; Encyclopædia Britaninica,


 A`in i Akbari anthology = anthology in *Abu 'l-Fazl `Allami, *A`in-i Akbari, volume

three, compiled probably in *Delhi, ca. 1600, in the English translation of *H. S.

Jarrett, Calcutta, 1894

Allgemeine deutsche Biographie = Historische Commission bei der Königlichen

Academie de Wissenschaften, editors, Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, 56 volumes,

Berlin: Dunker and Humbolt, 1967–71 (facsimile reprint of the first edition Munich

and Leipzig: Dunker and Humbolt, 1875–1912)

American National Biography = John A. Garraty and Mark C Carnes, editors,

American National Biography, 24 volumes, New York: Oxford University Press,

1999. There may be entries in the Dictionary of American Biography (1928–1955)

listed below.

Amerikanike Homophylophile Poiese = *Andreas Angelakes, editor, *Amerikanike

Homophylophile Poiese, Athens: Odusseas, 1982

Andere Lieben = *Joachim Campe, *Andere Lieben: Homosexualität in der deutschen

Literatur, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1988

And Thus Will I Freely Sing = *Toni Davidson, editor, *And Thus Will I Freely Sing:

An Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Writing from Scotland, Edinburgh: Polygon, 1989

Angels of the Lyre = *Winston Leyland, editor, *Angels of the Lyre, San Francisco:

Panjandrum Press and *Gay Sunshine Press, 1975

Anthologie de l'amour turc = *Edmund Fazy and *Abdul-Halim Memdouch,

*Anthologie de l'amour turc, Paris: *Mercure de France, 1905

Arberry, Legacy of Persia = *A. J. Arberry, The Legacy of Persia, Cambridge, UK:

Cambridge University Press, 1953

Arberry, Sufism =* A. J. Arberry, Sufism: An account of the mystics of Islam, London:

Allen and Unwin, 1950

Art of Gay Love  = [no editor], *Art of Gay Love, London: Hamlyn, 1995

Ashbee, Bibliography of Prohibited Books = *Henry Spencer Ashbee, Bibliography

of Prohibited Books, 3 volumes, New York: Jack Brussel, 1962 (facsimile reprint of

Index librorum prohibitorum, London: the author, 1877, Centuria librorum

absconditorum, London: the author, 1879, and Catena librorum tacendorum, London:

the author, 1885)

Atkins, Sex in Literature = *John Atkins, Sex in Literature, 4 volumes, London:

Calder and Boyers, 1970–78

A True Likeness = *Felice Picano, editor,*A True Likeness: Lesbian and Gay Writing

Today, New York: Sea Horse Press, 1980

Australian Dictionary of Biography = Douglas Pike and others, editors, Australian

Dictionary of Biography, 15+ volumes, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press,

1969– (in progress)

A-Z Guide to Modern Literary and Cultural Theorists = Stuart Sim, editor, The A-Z

Guide to Modern Literary and Cultural Theorists, Hertfordshire, UK: Prentice Hall,


Badboy Book = *David Laurents, editor, *The Badboy Book of Erotic Poetry, New

York: Masquerade Books, 1995

Bailey, Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition = *Derrick Sherwin

Bailey, Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, London: Longmans,

Green, 1955

Balay, Guide to Reference Books = Robert Balay, Guide to Reference Books,

Chicago: American Library Association, 1996

Bartlett, Who Was That Man? = *Neil Bartlett, Who Was That Man?: A Present for

Mr Oscar Wilde, London: Serpent’s Tail, 1988

Basham, The Wonder That Was India = A. L. Basham, The Wonder That Was India,

third revised edition, London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1967

Baumann, Das doppelte Geschlecht  = *Hermann Baumann, Das doppelte

Geschlecht: Studien zur Bisexualität in Ritus und Mythos, Berlin: Reimer, 1955

*Beau petit ami. See *L’amour bleu below.

Beeston, Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period  = A. L. Beeston,

Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press, 1983

Bellamy, Banners of the Champions = James Bellamy and Patricia Steiner, Banners

of the Champions; An Anthology of Medieval Arabic Poetry from Andalusia and

Beyond, Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1989

Benson, Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures = Eugene Benson and L. W.

Connolly, Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English, 2 volumes, London:

Routledge, 1994

Bestandsverzeichnis der August von Platen-Bibliothek Siegen = Uwe Meyer, editor,

Bestandsverzeichnis der August von Platen-Bibliothek Siegen, Siegen: Universität
Gesamthochschule Siegen, 1995

Besterman, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies = Theodore H. Besterman,
A World Bibliography of Bibliographies and of bibliographical catalogues, calendars,
abstracts, digests, indexes, and the like
, fourth edition, 5 volumes, Lausanne: Societas
Bibliographica, 1965–66. (Toomey, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies 1964– 1974,
below, continues this work.)  Best Mates: Gay Writing in Aotearoa New Zealand =
*Peter Wells and Rex Pilgrim  editors, Best Mates: Gay Writing in Aotearoa New Zealand,
Auckland: Reed Books,  1997  Bilder-lexikon = [*Leo Schidrowitz, editor],
*Bilder-lexikon Kulturgeschichte, 4  volumes, Vienna and Leipzig: Institut für
Kulturforschung, 1928–31   Biographie universelle = Joseph François Michaud, editor,
Biographie universelle  ancienne et moderne, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlaganstalt,
1966 (facsimile  reprint of the first edition, Paris: Madame C. Desplaces, 1854–65) 

Black Men/ White Men = *Michael J. Smith, editor, *Black Men/ White Men: A Gay

Anthology, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1983

Blue Boys = *Philebus (pseudonym) and others, *Blue Boys, London: *Gay Men’s

Press, 1992

Boorman, Biographical Dictionary = Martin L. Boorman, Biographical Dictionary of

Republican China, 5 volumes, New York: Columbia University Press, 1967–79

Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality = *John Boswell,

Christianity, Social Tolerance  and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe

from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century, Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1981

Bowra, Greek Lyric Poetry = *C. Maurice Bowra, Greek Lyric Poetry from Alcman to

Simonides, second revised edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961 

Brandt, Sittengeschichte griechenlands, volume 2 = *Paul Brandt, Sittengeschichte

griechenlands: Das Liebesleben der Griechen, volume 2, Dresden: Paul Aretz, 1926

Brandt, Sittengeschichte griechenlands, volume 3 = *Paul Brandt, Sittengeschichte

griechenlands, volume 3, Ergänzungsband [Supplement volume], Dresden: Paul

Aretz, 1928

Bray, Homosexuality in Renaissance England = *Alan Bray, Homosexuality in

Renaissance England, London: *Gay Men’s Press, 1982

Bredbeck, Sodomy and Interpretation = *Gregory W. Bredbeck, Sodomy and

Interpretation: Marlowe to Milton, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991

Briggs and Calder, Classical Scholarship = Ward M. Briggs and William Calder III,

Classical Scholarship: A Biographical Encyclopedia, New York: Garland, 1990

British Library General Catalogue = Jim Emmett and others, editors, British Library

General Catalogue of Printed Books to 1975, 360 volumes, London: Clive Bingley,


Brongersma, Loving Boys = *Edward Brongersma, Loving Boys, 2 volumes, New

York: Global Academic Publishers, 1986–1990

Bronski, Culture Clash = *Michael Bronksi, Culture Clash: The Making of Gay

Sensibility, Boston: South End Press, 1984

Brother Songs  = *Jim Perlman, editor,*Brother Songs: A Male Anthology of Poetry,

Minneapolis: Holy Cow! Press,1979

Brother to Brother = *Essex Hemphill, editor, *Brother to Brother: New Writings by

Black Gay Men, Boston: Alyson, 1991

Browne, Literary History of Persia = *Edward Browne, A Literary History of Persia,

4 volumes, London and Leipzig: T. Fisher Unwin and Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press, 1902–24

Brunet, Manuel du libraire = Jacques Charles Brunet, Manuel du libraire et de

l’amateur de livres, fifth edition, 6 volumes, Paris: Didot, 1860–65.

Consult also the Supplément, 2 volumes, edited by P. Deschamps and Gustave Brunet,

Paris: Firmin, 1868–70

Buffière, Eros adolescent = *Felix Buffière, Eros adolescent: la pédérastie dans la

Grèce antique, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980

Bugger: an anthology = *Ed Sanders, editor, Bugger: an anthology of anal erotic,

pound cake, cornhole, arse-freak, and dreck poems, New York: Fuck You Press, 1964

Bullough, Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality = *Vern L. Bullough, *W. Dorr

Legg, *Barrett W. Elcano and *James Kepner, *An Annotated Bibliography of

Homosexuality (in two volumes), volume 2, New York: Garland, 1976

Bullough, Sexual Variance = *Vern L. Bullough, Sexual Variance in Society and

History, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976

Caesar, Taking It Like a Man = *Adrian Caesar, Taking It Like a Man: Suffering,

sexuality and the War Poets, Brooke, Sassoon, Owen, Graves, Manchester and New

York: Manchester University Press,1993

Cassell's Encyclopaedia of World Literature = S. H. Steinberg, editor, Cassell’s

Encyclopaedia of World Literature, second edition, 3 volumes, London: Cassell, 1973

Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit = Randy P. Conner and

others, Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit: Gay, Lesbian,

Bisexual, and Transgender Lore, London: Cassell, 1997

Collison, Dictionaries of Foreign Languages = Robert L. Collison, Dictionaries of

Foreign Languages, New York: Haffner Publishing Company, 1955

Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature = *Byrne R. S. Fone, *Columbia Anthology of

Gay Literature: Readings from Western Antiquity to the Present Day, New York:

Columbia University Press, 1997

Contemporary Authors = [Gale Research Co.], Contemporary Authors: A BioBibliographical

Guide to Current Authors and their Works, 185+ volumes, Detroit:  Gale Research Co., 1962–
(in progress). Continued by Contemporary Authors New  Revision Series (see next entry).

Contemporary Authors New Revision Series = Ann Evory and others, editors,  Contemporary
Authors New Revision Series
, 77 volumes, Detroit: Gale Research Co.,  1981– (in progress).
This is a continuation of Contemporary Authors (see previous  entry).

Contemporary Literary Criticism = Carol Riley and others, editors, Contemporary  Literary
, 120+ volumes, Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1973– (in progress)

Contemporary Poets, third edition = James Vinson, editor, Contemporary Poets, third
edition, London: Macmillan, 1980. There may also be an entry in the fourth, fifth and
sixth editions cited below and in earlier editions.

Contemporary Poets, fourth edition = James Vinson and D. L. Kirkpatrick, editors,
Contemporary Poets, London: St. James Press, fourth edition, 1985. There may also
be an entry in the fifth and sixth editions or in earlier editions.

Contemporary Poets, fifth edition = Tracy Chevalier, editor, Contemporary Poets,

fifth edition, Chicago: St. James Press, 1991. There may also be an entry in earlier

editions and the sixth edition, edited by Thomas Riggs, New York: St James Press,


Cooper, Sexual Perspective = Emmanuel Cooper, The Sexual Perspective:

Homosexuality and Art in the last 100 years in the West, London: Routledge and

Kegan Paul, 1986

Courouve, Ces petits grecs = *Claude Courouve, Ces petits grecs ont un faible pour

les gymnases... l’amour masculine dans les textes grecs et latins—nouvelle edition,

Paris: the author, 1988

Courouve, Vocabulaire de l'homosexualité masculine = *Claude Courouve,

Vocabulaire de l'homosexualité masculine, Paris: Payot, 1985

Crew, Gay Academic = *Louie Crew, editor, The  Gay Academic, Palm Springs, CA:

ETC Publications, 1978

Cuaderno bibliográfico gay = [no editor], *Cuaderno bibliográfico gay 1987/ Gay

bilduma bibliografikoa, Bilboa: Movimiento de liberacion gay del pais vasco, 1987

Dar al-Tiraz = *Ibn Sana al-Mulk, *Dar al-Tiraz: Poétique du muwassah par Ibn

Sana al-Mulk: édition critique d’après les mss. du Caire et de Leyde, second edition,

edited by Jawdat Rikabi, Damascus: Librairie Dar al-Fikr, 1977 (reprint of the first

edition Damascus, 1949)

Dawes, A Phase of Roman Life = *Charles Reginald Dawes, A Phase of Roman Life,

ca. 1914. Manuscript in the *British Library held in the *Private Case at Cup 363. ff.


Dawes, Study of Erotic Literature in England =  *Charles Reginald Dawes, A Study of

Erotic Literature in England, ca.1943. Manuscript in the *British Library held in the

*Private Case at Cup. 364. d. 15.

Deakin, Catalogi librorum eroticum = *Terence J. Deakin (pseudonym), Catalogi

librorum eroticum: A critical bibliography of erotic bibliographies and bookcatalogues,

London: Cecil and Amelia Woolf, 1964  De Bary, Guide to Oriental Classics =
William Theodore de Bary, A Guide to  Oriental Classics, third edition, New York:
Columbia University Press, 1989

Delight of Hearts = Ahmad *al-Tifashi, *Delight of Hearts, translated by
*E. A. Lacey, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1988

Der kleine Pauly = Konrat Ziegler and Walther Sontheimer, editors, Der kleine

Pauly: Lexikon der Antike, 5 volumes, Munich: Druckmüller, 1975

Derks, Der Schande der heiligen Päderastie = *Paul Derks, Der Schande der heiligen

Päderastie: Homosexualität und Öffentlichkeit in der deutschen Literatur 1750–1850,

Berlin: *Verlag rosa Winkel, 1990

Dessaix, Australian  Gay and Lesbian Writing = *Robert Dessaix, Australian Gay

and Lesbian Writing, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1993

Dictionary of American Biography = Allen Jones and others, editors, *Dictionary of

American Biography,  20 volumes, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928–

1936,with 10 supplementary volumes, 1944–1995. There may be entries in the

American National Biography (2000) listed above.

Dictionary of Brazilian Literature = Irwin Stern, editor, Dictionary of Brazilian

Literature, New York: Greenwood Press, 1988

Dictionary of Italian Literature = Peter and Julia Bondanella, Dictionary of Italian

Literature, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979

Dictionary of Literary Biography = *Joel Myerson and others, editors,  Dictionary of

Literary Biography, 211+ volumes, Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978– (in progress)

Dictionary of National Biography = Leslie Stephen and others, editors, Dictionary of

National Biography, 22 volumes, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1885–1901.

Dictionary of National Biography 1901–11 etc. refers to the supplements of the

Dictionary of National Biography for the years referred to; see also the next entry.

Dictionary of National Biography: Missing Persons = C. S. Nichols, editor, The

Dictionary of National Biography: Missing Persons, London: Oxford University

Press, 1993. This volume has entries for persons  omitted from the main volumes.

Dictionary of Oriental Literatures = Jaroslav Prusek, editor, Dictionary of Oriental

Literatures, 3 volumes, London: Allen and Unwin, 1974

Dictionnaire Gay  = Lionel Povert, Dictionnaire Gay, Paris: Jacques Grancher, 1994

Die Bedeutung der Freundesliebe = *Adolf Brand, *Die Bedeutung der

Freundesliebe für Führer und Völker, Berlin: *Der Eigene, 1923 

Die Stumme Sünde = *Brigitte Spreitzer, *Die Stumme Sünde: Homosexualität im

Mittelalter mit einem Textanhang, Göppingen: Kümmerle, Germany,1988

Digte om mænds kærlighed til mænd = Peter Boesen and *Vagn Søndergaard, editors,

Digte om mænds kærlighed til mænd, Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter, 1980

Dimock, Literatures of India = Edward C. Dimock, editor, Literatures of India: An

Introduction, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974

Directory of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Archives and Libraries

= *Alan V. Miller, editor, Directory of the International Association of Lesbian and

Gay Archives and Libraries, Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1987

Dissertation Abstracts International = *Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann

Arbor: University Microfilms, 1935– (in progress). Issued as Microfilm abstracts

from 1935 to 1951 and called Dissertation Abstracts  from 1952 to 1969. A CDROM

exists from 1993 called Dissertations Abstracts which includes all material from

previous published editions and from 1998 there is an *Internet version.

Dizionario biografico degli Italiani = Alberto M. Ghisalberti, editor, Dizionario

biografico degli Italiani,  53+ volumes, Rome: Enciclopedia italiana, 1960– (in


Dover, Greek Homosexuality = *Kenneth J. Dover, Greek Homosexuality, London:

Duckworth, 1978

Drew, Boys for Sale = *Dennis Drew and *Jonathan Drake (pseudonym), Boys for

Sale: A Sociological Study of Boy Prostitution, New York: Brown Book, 1969

Duberman, Hidden from History = *Martin Duberman and others, editors, Hidden

from History: Reclaiming the Gay and  Lesbian Past, New York: Meridian, 1989

Duroc, Homosexuels et lesbiennes illustrés = *Pierre Duroc, Homosexuels et

lesbiennes illustrés: dictionnaire anecdotique, Brussels: Les Auteurs réunis, 1983

Dynes, Homolexis = *Wayne Dynes, Homolexis: A Historical and Cultural Lexicon

of Homosexuality, New York: Gay Academic Union, 1985

Dynes, Homosexuality: A Research Guide = *Wayne Dynes, Homosexuality: A

Research Guide, New York: Garland, 1987

Edge City = * Gary Dunne and others, editors, *Edge City on Two Different Plans: A

Collection of Lesbian and Gay Writing from Australia, Sydney: Sydney Gay Writers

Collective, 1983

Edwardes, Erotica Judaica = *Allen Edwardes (pseudonym), Erotica Judaica: A

Sexual History of the Jews, New York: Julian Press, 1967

Eglinton, Greek Love = *J. Z. Eglinton (pseudonym), Greek  Love, New York: Oliver

Layton Press, 1964

Eldorado = Berlin Museum, *Eldorado: Homosexuelle Frauen und  Männer in Berlin

1950–1950: Geschichte, Alltag und Kultur, Berlin: Frölich und Kaufmann, 1984  

Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religion = Mircea Eliade, editor, Encyclopedia of Religion,

16 volumes, London: Macmillan, 1987

Ellis, Sexual Inversion = *Havelock Ellis, Sexual Inversion, third edition,

Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1915

Enciclopedia italiana = Gaetano de Sanctis and others, editors, Enciclopedia italiana,

36 volumes plus supplements, Rome: Enciclopedia italiana, 1949  (in progress)

Encyclopædia Britannica = [Encyclopædia Britannica, editor], Encyclopædia

Britannica, fifteenth edition, 30 volumes, Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1982.

The fifteenth edition, the current edition was first published in 1974; other printings

of this edition apart from the 1982 printing may be checked for articles cited. Articles

cited may also be in preceding editions. The Encyclopædia Britannica is also

available on a CDROM and on the *Internet.

Encyclopædia Britannica, eleventh edition = [Encyclopædia Britannica, editor],

Encyclopædia Britannica, eleventh edition, 29 volumes, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press, 1910–1911

Encyclopædia Iranica = *Ehsan Yarshater, editor, Encyclopædia Iranica, 8+

volumes, London and Casta Mesa, CA: Routledge and Kegan Paul and Mazda

Publishers, 1982– (in progress)

Encyclopedia Judaica = Cecil Roth and others, editors, Encyclopedia Judaica, 16

volumes, Jerusalem: Encyclopedia Judaica, 1971–72

Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition = Martinus Theodorus Houtsma and others,

editors, Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition, 4 volumes plus supplement, Leiden:

Brill, 1911–38 

Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition = *H. A. R. Gibb and others, editors,

Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition, 10+ volumes and Indexes, Leiden: Brill,

1960– (in progress). There may be entries in the French edition edited by the same

editors, Encyclopédie de l’Islam, Paris: G. P. Maisonneuve, 1960–.

Encyclopedia of Homosexuality = *Wayne R. Dynes, *William A. Percy and *Warren

Johansson, editors, Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, 2 volumes, New York: Garland,


Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics = R. E. Asher, editor, Encyclopedia of

Language and Linguistics, 10 volumes, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1994

Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature = Verity Smith, editor, Encyclopedia of

Latin American Literature, London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1997

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology = Leslie Shephard, editor,

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, third edition, 2 volumes, Detroit:

Gale Research Co., 1991

Encyclopaedia of Sexual Behaviour = Albert Ellis and Albert Abarbanel,

Encyclopaedia of Sexual Behaviour, 2 volumes, London: The Corsano Co., 1961

Encyclopedia of World Art = Massimo Pallottino, editor, Encyclopedia of World Art,

15 volumes and two supplements, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959–1987 (translated

from the Italian edition Enciclopedia universale dell’ arte, edited by Massimo

Pallottino, Venice and Rome: Instituto per la collaborazione culturale, 1958–1967, 15

volumes). 2 supplement volumes also exist.

Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century = Leonard S. Klein, editor,

Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century,  revised edition, 5 volumes,

New York: Continuum, 1993, and Supplement volume, 1994.

Eros: An Anthology of Friendship = *Alistair Sutherland and *Patrick Anderson,

editors, *Eros: An Anthology of Friendship, London: *Anthony Blond, 1961

Eros: Die Männerliebe der Griechen =  volume 2 of *Heinrich Hössli, *Eros: Die

Männerliebe der Griechen,  2 volumes, St. Gallen, Switzerland: E. P. Scheitlin, 1836–


Eros in Boystown = *Michael Lassell, editor, *Eros in Boystown, New York: Crown

Publishers, 1996

Eros Russe = [no editor], *Eros Russe, Geneva [: no publisher], 1879, reprinted in

facsimile Oakland, CA: Scythian Books, 1987 and Saint Petersburg, 1993 (on the St

Petersburg printing the place of publication is stated to be Geneva).

Everyman Companion to East European Literature = Robert B. Pynsent, editor

Everyman Companion to East European Literature, London: Harper Collins, 1993.

This work is titled  Reader’s Encyclopedia of East European Literature in the United

States printing, New York: Harper Collins, 1993  

Flores, Spanish American Authors = Angel Flores, Spanish American Authors: The

Twentieth Century, New York: Wilson, 1992

Forberg, Manual of Classical Erotology = *Friedrich Carl Forberg, Manual of

Classical Erotology (De figuris veneris), 2 volumes in 1, New York: Grove Press,

1966 (facsimile reprint of F. C. Forberg’s De figuris veneris, Coburg, 1824, using the

edition titled Manual of Classical Erotology which has the imprint Manchester:

privately printed, 1884)

Foster, Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes = David William Foster,

Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook,

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994  

Foxon, English Verse 1701–50 = David Foxon, English Verse 1701–50: A catalogue

of separately printed poems with notes on contemporary collected editions, 2

volumes, London: Cambridge University Press, 1975

Frå mann til mann = *Jan Olaf Gatland, *Frå mann til mann: Dikt om menns kjærleik

til menn, Oslo: Oktober, 1986

Frankel, Early Greek Poetry = *Hermann Frankel, Early Greek Poetry and

Philosophy, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1973

Gaio verso: poesia latina per l'altro amore =*Miro Gabriele, editor, *Gaio verso:

poesia latina per l'altro amore, Ocata, Italy: Giano, 1992

Garde, Homosexual in Literature = *Noel I. Garde (pseudonym),The Homosexual in

Literature: A Chronological Bibliography 700 B.C.–1958, New York: Village Press,


Garde, Jonathan to Gide = *Noel I. Garde (pseudonym), Jonathan to Gide: The

Homosexual in History, New York: Vantage Press, 1964

Garland of Meleager = *Garland of Meleager, place of compilation not known,

possibly a city in Lebanon, ca. 80 B.C.

Garland of Philip = *Garland of Philip, possibly published in *Thessaloniki, ca. 40


Gay and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time = *Carl Morse and *Joan Larkin, editors, *Gay

and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time, New York: St Martin’s Press, 1988

Gay Bards = *Jim Kernochan and others, editors, *Gay Bards: An Anthology of Gay

Poetry, New York: X Press, 1979

Gay Histories and Cultures = George E. Haggerty, The Encyclopedia of Lesbian and

Gay Histories and Cultures: Volume II: Gay Histories and Cultures: An

Encyclopedia, New York and London: Garland, 2000

Gay Poetry = [editor not known], Gay Poetry: (from oppression to liberation/ from

past to present/ from in-the closet to coming out), Milwaukee: Gay Info Data Bank,

[no date but ca. 1970–1982]

Gay Roots: An Anthology of Gay History = volume 2 of *Winston Leyland, editor,

*Gay Roots: An Anthology of Gay History, Sex, Politics and Culture, 2 volumes, San

Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1993. This is a supplementary volume to the next entry.

Gay Roots: Twenty Years of Gay Sunshine = *Winston Leyland, editor, *Gay Roots:

Twenty Years of Gay Sunshine, San Franciso: *Gay Sunshine, 1991. See also the

preceding entry, which is a supplementary volume.

Gay Verse = [editor not known], *Gay Verse, [London?, ca.1975]

Gents, Bad Boys, and Barbarians = *Rudy Kikel, editor, *Gents, Bad Boys and

Barbarians: New Gay Male Poetry, Boston: Alyson, 1994

Geraci, Dares to Speak = Joseph, Geraci, Dares to Speak: Historical and

Contemporary Perspectives on Boy-Love, London: Gay Men’s Press, 1997

Gibb, History of Ottoman Poetry = *E. J. Gibb, A History of Ottoman Poetry, 6

volumes, London: Luzac, 1900–1909

Gibson, Federico García Lorca = *Ian Gibson, Federico García Lorca: A Life, New

York: Pantheon Books, 1989

Gomes Viana, O homosexualidade no mundo = *Julio Gomes Viana, O

homosexualidade no mundo, 2 volumes, Lisbon: the author, [no date; ca. 1985]

Goodbye to Berlin? = Schwules Museum and Academie der Künste, Berlin, editors,

Goodbye to Berlin?: 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung, Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1997 

Goodich, The Unmentionable Vice = *Michael Goodich, The Unmentionable Vice:

Homosexuality in the Later Medieval  Period, [no place]: Dorset Press, 1979

Goodland, Bibliography of Sex Rites = *Roger Goodland, Bibliography of Sex Rites

and Customs: An Annotated Record of Books, Articles and Illustrations in all

Languages, London: Routledge, 1931

Graves, Greek Myths = *Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, two volumes in one, Mt.

Kisco, NY: Moyer Bell, 1988

Great Soviet Encyclopedia = A. M. Prokhorov, editor, Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 31

volumes, New York: Macmillan, 1973–83 (translated from the third Russian edition,

Bol’shaia Sovietskaia Entsiklopediia, Moscow: Sovietskaia Entsiklopediia Publishing

House, 1970)

Greenberg, Construction of Homosexuality = *David F. Greenberg, The Construction

of Homosexuality, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988

Grier, The Lesbian in Literature = Barbara Grier, The Lesbian in Literature, third

edition, Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981

Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music = Colin Larkin, editor, Guinness

Encyclopedia of Popular Music, second edition, 6 volumes, Enfield: Guinness

Publishing, 1995. Entries may also be in the third edition, 8 volumes, London, 1998

Hafkamp, Pijlen van naamloze liefde = *Hans Hafkamp and Maurice Lieshout,

editors, Pijlen van naamloze liefde, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SUA, 1988

Hallam, Book of Sodom = *Paul Hallam,*The Book of Sodom, London: Verso, 1993

Handbook of Elizabethan and Stuart Literature = James Ruoff, Handbook of

Elizabethan and Stuart Literature, London and New York: Macmillan, 1975

Hansen, Nordisk Bibliografi = *Bent Hansen, Nordisk Bibliografi: Homoseksualitet,

Copenhagen: Forlaget Pan aps., 1984

Harner, Literary Research Guide = James L. Harner, Literary Research Guide, second

edition, New York: Modern Language Association, 1993

Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics = James Hastings, editor,

Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 13 volumes, Edinburgh: Clark, 1908–21


Hayn, Gotendorf, Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica = *Hugo Hayn and *Alfred N.

Gotendorf, Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica & Curiosa, 9 volumes, Hannau/ Main:

Müller and Kiepenheuer, 1968 (facsimile reprint of the first printing, volumes 1–8,

1912–25, edited by Hugo Hayn and Alfred N. Gotendorf, and volume 9,

Ergänzungsband  [Supplement], 1929, edited by *Paul Englisch)

Henderson, Introduction to Haiku = Harold Henderson, An Introduction to Haiku: An

Anthology of Poems and Poets from Basho to Shiki, New York: Doubleday, 1958

Herdt, Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia = *Gilbert Herdt, Ritualized

Homosexuality in Melanesia, editor, Berkeley: University of California Press,1984

Herdt, Rituals of Manhood = *Gilbert Herdt, editor, Rituals of Manhood: Male

Initiation in Papua New Guinea, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982

Here to Dare = *Assotto Saint, editor, *Here to Dare: 10 Black Gay Poets, New

York: Galiens Press, 1991

Herzer, Bibliographie zur Homosexualität = *Manfred Herzer,  *Bibliographie zur

Homosexualität: Verzeichinis des deutschsprachigen nichtbelletristischen Schrifttums

zur weiblichen und männlichen Homosexualität aus den Jahren 1466 bis 1975 in

chronologischer Reihenfolge, Berlin: *Verlag rosa Winkel, 1982           

Het huis dat vriendschap heet = *Ron Mooser, editor, *Het huis dat vriendschap

heet; mannerlijke homoseksualiteit in de twintigste-eeuwse Nederlandse literatur,

Amsterdam: B. V. Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1985  

Hidden Heritage = *Byrne R. S. Fone, *Hidden Heritage: History and the Gay

Imagination: An Anthology, New York: Avocation Publishers, 1979 

Hinsch, Passions of the Cut Sleeve = *Brett Hinsch, Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The

Male Homosexual Tradition in China,  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990          

Hirschfeld, Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes = *Magnus Hirschfeld,

Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes, Berlin: Louis Marcus, 1914

Histoire de l'amour grec = *L. R. de Pogey-Castries (pseudonym), Histoire de

l'amour grec, Paris: Guy le Prat, 1980

Homosexuality and world religions = Arlene Swidler, editor, Homosexuality and

world religions, Valley Forge, PA: Trinity International Press, 1993

Homosexuality in Canada, first edition (1979) = *Alex Spence, Homosexuality in

Canada: A Bibliography, Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1979. See also the next

entry which is the second edition.

Homosexuality in Canada, second edition (1984) = *William Crawford,

*Homosexuality in Canada: A Bibliography, second edition, Toronto: Canadian Gay

Archives, 1984. The previous entry is the first edition.

Hovanessian, Anthology of Armenian Poetry = Diana Der Hovanessian and Marzbed

Margossian, Anthology of Armenian Poetry, New York: Columbia University Press,


Howes, Broadcasting It = *Keith Howes, Broadcasting It: An Encyclopaedia of

Homosexuality on Film, Radio and TV in the UK 1923–1993, London: Cassell, 1993

Human Relations Area Files = [no editor], *Human Relations Area Files: Survey of

World Cultures, New Haven, CT: Human Relations Area Files,1958– (in progress)

Hummel, Eminent Chinese = A. W. Hummel, editor, Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing

Period (1644–1912), 2 volumes, Washington: United States Government Printing

Office, 1943–44

Hurley, Guide to Gay and Lesbian Writing in Australia = *Michael Hurley, A Guide

to Gay and Lesbian Writing in Australia, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1996

Hutton, The Greek Anthology in Italy = *James Hutton, The Greek Anthology in Italy

to the Year 1800, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,1935

Hyde, History of Pornography = *Montgomery Hyde, A History of Pornography,

London: Heinemann, 1964

Hyde, The Other Love = H. *Montgomery Hyde, The other love: a history and

contemporary survey of homosexuality in Britain, London: Heinemann, 1970. The

United States edition, Boston: Little Brown, 1970, was titled The Love That Dared

Not Speak Its Name: a candid history of homosexuality in Britain and is identical in

pagination with the British edition.

Ian Young: a bibliography  (1962–1980) = [*Canadian Gay Archives], Ian Young: a

bibliography (1962–1980), Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1981

IGA Pink Book 1985 = [no editor], IGA Pink Book 1985: a global view of Lesbian

and Gay oppression and liberation, Amsterdam: International Gay Association, [no

date; ca. 1985] The Third Pink Book below is the third edtion of this work.

Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature = William H. Nienhauser,

editor, The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Bloomington, IN:

Indiana University Press, 1986

In Homage to Priapus = E. V. Griffith, editor, *In Homage to Priapus, San Diego:

Greenleaf Classics, 1970

In Praise of Boys = *Erskine Lane, translator, *In Praise of Boys: Moorish Poems

from al-Andalus, San Francisco: Gay Sunshine, 1975

International Encyclopedia of Linguistics = William Bright, editor, International

Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4 volumes, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992

In the Life = *Joseph Beam, editor, *In the Life: A Black Gay Anthology, Boston:

Alyson, 1986

Invisible Ghetto = *Matthew Krouse and *Kim Berman, editors, The *Invisible

Ghetto: Lesbian and Gay Writing from South Africa, London: *Gay Men’s Press,


Ioläus (1902) = *Edward Carpenter, *Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship, London:

Swan Sonnenschein, 1902

Ioläus (1906) = *Edward Carpenter, *Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship, second

enlarged edition, London: *Swan Sonnenschein, 1906

Ioläus (1917) = *Edward Carpenter, *Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship, New York:

Mitchell Kennerly, 1917

Ioläus (1935) = *Edward Carpenter, An Anthology of Friendship, New York, A. and

C. Boni, 1935

Jünger, Literatures of the Soviet People = Harri Jünger, editor, The Literatures of the

Soviet Peoples, New York: Frederick Ungar, 1966

Karlen, Sexuality and Homosexuality = *Arno Karlen, Sexuality and Homosexuality,

London: Macdonald, 1971

Karsch-Haack, Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Naturvölker = *Ferdinand

Karsch-Haack, Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Naturvölker, Munich: Ernst

Reinhardt, 1911

Katz, Gay American History = *Jonathan Katz, Gay American History, New York:

Harper and Row, 1976

Katz, Gay/ Lesbian Almanac = *Jonathan Katz, Gay/ Lesbian Almanac, New York:

Harper and Row, 1983

Katzner, Languages of the World = Kenneth Katzner, The Languages of the World,

revised edition, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986

Kearney, History of Erotic Literature = *Patrick J. Kearney, History of Erotic

Literature, London: Macmillan, 1982

Kearney, Private Case = *Patrick J. Kearney, The Private Case:  An Annotated

Bibliography of the Private Case Erotica in the British (Museum) Library, London:

Jay Landesman, 1981

Keine Zeit für gute Freunde = *Joachim S. Hohmann, *Keine Zeit für gute Freunde:

Homosexualität in Deutschland 1933–1969: Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch, Berlin:

Foerster Verlag, 1982

Kiefer, Sexual Life in Ancient Rome = *Otto Kiefer, Sexual Life in Ancient Rome,

London: Abbey Library, 1934 (translated from the German edition Kulturgeschichte

Roms unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der römischen Sitten, Berlin: Paul Aretz,


Kindlers neues Literatur Lexikon = Walter Jens, editor, Kindlers neues Literatur

Lexikon, 22 volumes, Munich: Kindler, 1988–98

Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male = *Alfred C. Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in

the Human Male, Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1948

Klaniczay, History of Hungarian Literature = Tibor Klaniczay, A History of

Hungarian Literature, [Budapest]: Corvina Kaidó, 1982

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan = [Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, editor],

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, 9 volumes, Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983

Kuster, Over Homoseksualiteit in middeleeus West-Europa = *Hendrikus Johannes

Kuster, Over Homoseksualiteit in middeleeus West-Europa/ Some Observations on

Homosexuality in Medieval Western Europe, Utrecht: the author, [no date; ca. 1977]

Lads: Love Poetry of  the Trenches = *Martin Taylor, editor, *Lads: Love Poetry of

the Trenches, London: Constable, 1989

L’amicizia amorosa = *Renzo Paris and *Antonio Veneziani, *L’amicizia amorosa,

Milan: Gammalibri, 1982

L’amour bleu = *Cécile Beurdeley, *L’amour bleu, New York: Rizzoli, 1978

Lang, Guide to Eastern Literatures = David Marshall Lang, Guide to Eastern

Literatures, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1971

Language of Water = *Bertha Freistadt and *Pat O’brien, *Language of Water,

Language of Fire, London: *Oscars Press, 1992

Larkspur and Lad’s Love = Clare MacCullough, editor, *Larkspur and Lad’s Love,

Carlisle, Ontario: Brandstead Press, 1977

Lee, Poems from Korea = *Peter H. Lee, editor, Poems from Korea, London: Allen

and Unwin, 1974

Leggere omosessuale = *Giovanni dall’ Orto, Leggere omosessuale: bibliografia,

Turin: Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1984

Legman, Horn Book = *Gershon Legman, The Horn Book: Studies in Erotic Folklore

and Bibliography, London: Jonathan Cape, 1970 (first published New York:

University Books, 1964)

Les Amours masculines = *Michel Larivière, editor, *Les Amours masculines:

Anthologie de l’homosexualité dans la littérature, Paris: Lieu Commun, 1984

Lesbian Histories and Cultures = Bonnie Zimmerman, editor, The Encyclopedia of

Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures: Volume I: Lesbian Histories and Cultures:

An Encyclopedia, New York: Garland, 2000

Leupp, Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan =

*Gary P. Leupp, Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa

Japan, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995

Levy, Persian Literature = *Reuben Levy, Persian Literature: An Introduction,

London: Columbia University Press, 1969

Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae = [no editor], Lexicon

iconographicum mythologiae classicae, 8 volumes, Zurich and Munich: Artemis,


Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens = Severin Corsten and others, editors, Lexikon des

gesamten Buchwesens. LGB2, second edition, 4+ volumes, Stuttgart: Anton

Hiersmann, 1987– (in progress)

Lexikon homosexuelle belletristik = Dietrich Molitor, *Wolfgang Popp and others,

editors, *Lexikon homosexuelle belletristik, Siegen, Germany: Uni-Gh Siegen, 1983–

(in progress)

Leyland, Gay Sunshine Interviews = *Winston Leyland, editor, Gay Sunshine

Interviews, 2 volumes, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1978 and 1982

Licht, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece = *Hans Licht (pseudonym), Sexual Life in

Ancient Greece, London: Abbey Library 1932 (translated from the German edition

Sittengeschichte Griechenlands, Dresden: Paul Aretz verlag, 1925–28)

Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon = Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott,

A Greek-English Lexicon, ninth edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1940

Lieblingminne und Freundesliebe = *Elisar von Kupffer, *Lieblingminne und

Freundesliebe in der Weltliteratur, Berlin: *Adolf Brand, 1900

Lilja, Homosexuality in Republican and Augustan Rome = *Sara Lilja, Homosexuality

in Republican and Augustan Rome, Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1982

Liu, Sunflower Splendor = Wu-chi Liu and Irving Yucheng Lo, Sunflower Splendor:

Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry, New York: Anchor Books, 1975

Living the Spirit = *Will Roscoe, editor, *Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian

Anthology, New York: St Martin’s Press, 1988

Lotus of Another Color = *Rakesh Ratti, editor, *A Lotus of Another Color: An

Unfolding of the South Asian Gay and Lesbian Experience, Boston: Alyson, 1993

Love and Death = *Denis Gallagher, editor, *Love and Death: An Anthology of

Poetry and Prose, Sydney: Print’s Realm, 1987

Maldoror im blauen Mond = *Nico Wurtz, editor, *Maldoror im blauen Mond,

Berlin: Maldoror Flugschriften, 1980

Male Muse = *Ian Young, editor, *The Male Muse, Trumansburg, NY: Crossing

Press, 1973

Malinowski, Gay and Lesbian Literature = *Sharon Malinowski, Gay and Lesbian

Literature, Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1994

Mannenmaat = *Gert Hekma, editor, *Mannenmaat: Rekenboek voor jongens zonder

meisjes, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Blaauw, 1980                                                                          

Martin, Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry = *Robert K. Martin, The

Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979

“Matrosen sind der Liebe Schwingen” = *Joachim Campe, editor, *”Matrosen sind

der Liebe Schwingen”. Homosexuelle poesie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart,

Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1994

Mayne, The Intersexes = *Xavier Mayne (pseudonym), The Intersexes: a history of

similisexualism as a problem in social life, New York: Arno Press, 1975 (facsimile

reprint of the first edition, [Rome?: no publisher: ca. 1911])

Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship = *Thomas Stehling, *Medieval

Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, New York: Garland, 1984

Men and Boys = [*Edward M. Slocum, editor], *Men and Boys,  New York and

London: Coltsfoot Press, 1978 (facsimile reprint of the first edition New York:

privately printed, 1924)  

Milchsilber = *Bernd Gaiser and others, editors, *Milchsilber, Berlin: *Verlag rosa

Winkel, 1979

Milking Black Bull = Vega Press, editor, *Milking Black Bull: 11 Gay Poets,

Sicklerville, NJ: Vega Press, 1995

Miller, Our Own Voices = Alan Miller, *Our Own Voices: Directory of Lesbian and

Gay Periodicals 1890–1990, Toronto: *Canadian Gay Archives,1991. An expanded

edition is available on the *Internet.

Milosz, History of Polish Poetry = Czeslaw Milosz, The History of Polish Poetry,

second edition, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983

Mitler, Ottoman Turkish Writers = Louis Mitler, Ottoman Turkish Writers: A

Bibliographical Dictionary of Significant Figures in pre-Republican Turkish

Literature, New York: Peter Lang, 1988

Moll, Berühmte Homosexuelle = *Albert  Moll, Berühmte Homosexuelle, Weisbaden:

J. F. Bergmann, 1910

Monroe, Hispano-Arabic Poetry = *James Monroe, Hispano-Arabic Poetry,

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974

Monteiro, Amor safico e socratico = *Arlindo Camillo  Monteiro, Amor safico e

socratico, Lisbon: the author, 1922

Murray, Catalogue of Selected Books = * Francis Edwin  Murray, *A Catalogue of

Selected Books from the Private Library of a Student of Boyhood, Youth and

Comradeship, [London: the author], 1924

Murray, Islamic Homosexualities = *Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe, Islamic

Homosexualities: Culture, History and Literature, New York: New York University

Press, 1997

Murray, Male Homosexuality in Central and South America = *Stephen O. Murray,

editor, Male Homosexuality in Central and South America, San Francisco: Instituto

Obregón, 1987

Murray, Oceanic Homosexualities = *Stephen O. Murray, editor, Oceanic

Homosexualities, New York: Garland, 1992

My Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters through the Centuries = *Rictor Norton, editor, My

Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters through the Centuries, San Francisco: Leyland

Publications, 1998 

Naar vriendscaap zulk een mateloos verlangen = *Hans Hafkamp, editor, *Naar

vriendscaap zulk een mateloos verlangen: Bloemlezing uit de nederlandse homoerotische

poezie 1880–nu , Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 1979

Name of Love = *Michael Lassell, editor, *The Name of Love: Classic Gay Love  Poems,
New York: St Martin’s Press, 1995

National Union Catalog = [no editor], The *National Union Catalog of Pre 1956
, 754 volumes, London: Mansell, 1968–80. Supplements were  published in
book form in several series covering the years from 1956 to 1982.

Neue deutsche Biographie = F. Wagner and others, editors, Neue deutsche  Biographie,
19+ volumes, Berlin: Dunker and Humbolt, 1982– (in progress)

New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians = Stanley Sadie, editor, New Grove
Dictionary of Music and Musicians
, 20 volumes, London: Macmillan, 1980

New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics = Alex Preminger and
T. V. F.  Brogan, editors, New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics,
Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 1993

New Songs from a Jade Terrace = *Anne Birrell, translator, New Songs from a Jade

Terrace: An Anthology of Early Chinese Love Poetry, London: Allen and Unwin, 1982

Nin Frias, Alexis = *Alberto Nin Frias, Alexis o el significado del temperamento

uraño, Madrid: Javier Morata, 1932

Nordisk Bibliografi = *Bent Hansen, *Nordisk Bibliografi: Homoseksualitet,

Copenhagen: Forlaget Pan aps., 1984                                                                

Norton, Homosexual Literary Tradition = *Rictor Norton, The Homosexual Literary

Tradition: An Interpretation, New York: Revisionist Press, 1974

Not Love Alone = *Martin Humphries, editor, *Not Love Alone: A Modern Gay

Anthology, London: *Gay Men’s Press, 1985

Now the Volcano = *Winston Leyland, editor, *Now the Volcano: An Anthology of

Latin American Gay Literature, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1979

Nykl, Hispano-Arabic Poetry = *Alois Richard Nykl, Hispano-Arabic Poetry,

Baltimore: the author, 1946

Of Eros and Dust = *Steve Anthony, editor, *Of Eros and Dust: poems form the city,

London: Oscars Press, 1992

Oinas, Heroic Epic and Saga = Felix J. Oinas, editor, Heroic Epic and Saga,

Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1978

Orgasms of Light = *Winston Leyland, editor, *Orgasms of Light: Poetry, Short

Fiction, Graphics, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1977

Out of the Blue = Kevin Moss, editor, *Out of the Blue: Russia’s Gay Literature: An

Anthology, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1997

Oxford Classical Dictionary = N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard, editors, The

Oxford Classical Dictionary, second edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970.

There may be an entry in the third edition (see next entry).

Oxford Classical Dictionary, third edition = Simon Hornblower and Anthony

Spawforth, editors, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, third edition, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1996. There may be an entry in the second edition (see entry above).

Oxford Companion to Australian Literature = William H. Wilde and others, editors,

Oxford Companion to Australian Literature, Melbourne: Oxford University Press,

1985. There may be an entry in the second edition (see next entry).

Oxford Companion to Australian Literature, second edition = William H. Wilde and

others, editors, Oxford Companion to Australian Literature, Melbourne: Oxford

University Press, 1994.

Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature = William Toye, editor, Oxford

Companion to Canadian Literature, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1983. There

may be an entry also in the second edition (see next entry).

Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, second edition = William Toye, editor,

Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1997.

There may be an entry in the first edition (see preceding entry).

Oxford Companion to English Literature = Margaret Drabble, editor, Oxford

Companion to English Literature, fifth edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press,

1985. There may be an entry in the sixth edition, 2000. Earlier editions may also have

an entry.

Oxford Companion to German Literature = Henry and Mary Garland, The Oxford

Companion to German Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976. There may

be an entry in the second and third editions, 1986 and 1997.

Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature = Roger Robinson and Nelson Wattie,

editors, The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature, Melbourne: Oxford

University Press, 1998

Oxford Companion to Spanish Literature = Philip Ward, editor, Oxford Companion to

Spanish Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978

Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium = Alexander P. Kazhdan, Oxford Dictionary of

Byzantium, 4 volumes, New York: Oxford University Press, 1991

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church = F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone,

editors, Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, second edition, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1988 printing, with corrections, of the 1974 edition

Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt = Donald B. Redford, editor, Oxford

Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, 4 volumes, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001

Oxford English Dictionary = James H.  Murray and others, editors, The Oxford

English Dictionary, second edition, 20 volumes, Oxford: Oxford University Press,


Oxford Latin Dictionary = P. G. W. Glare, editor, Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 1982

Pagis, Hebrew Poetry = *Dan Pagis, Hebrew Poetry of the Middle Ages and

Renaissance, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991

Palatine Anthology = *Palatine Anthology, manuscript, Istanbul, ca. 980. See the

entry for details of publication in mechanically printed form. Entries are cited to the

*Loeb edition of *W. R. Paton, 2 volumes, London: W. Heinemann and Cambridge,

MA: G. P. Putnam.s Sons, 1916–1918 (reprinted).

Palatine Anthology xii = *Mousa Paidike (Book Twelve of the *Palatine Anthology ),

Turkey?, ca. 130. Palatine Anthology xii:1 means Palatine Anthology, Book 12, poem


Parlett, A Short Dictionary of Languages = D. S. Parlett, A Short Dictionary of

Languages, London: English Universities Press, 1967

Partings at Dawn = *Stephen D. Miller, editor, *Partings  at Dawn: An Anthology of

Japanese Gay Literature, San Francisco: *Gay Sunshine, 1996

Pauly, Wissowa, Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft =

August Pauly, Georg Wissowa and others, editors, Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der

classischen Altertumswissenschaft, second edition, Stuttgart: J. B. Metzlerscher, 54

volumes in 2 series, plus 15 supplements and Register (Index), 1894–1980. There

may be entries in the new edition Der neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike, edited by

Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider, 8+ volumes, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1996+ (in


Pearson, Oriental Manuscripts = J. D. Pearson, Oriental Manuscripts in Europe and

North America: A Survey, Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company AG,


Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse = *Stephen Coote, editor, *The Penguin Book of

Homosexual Verse, London: Allen Lane, 1983

Penguin Book of Latin Verse = Frederick Brittain, editor, The Penguin Book of Latin

Verse, Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1962

Penguin Book of Turkish Verse = Nermin Manemencioglu and *Fahir Iz, editors, The

*Penguin Book of Turkish Verse, Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books, 1978

Penguin Companion to World Literature = Anthony Thorlby and others, editors,

Penguin Companion to World Literature, 4 volumes, New York: McGraw Hill, 1969

Perkins, History of Modern Poetry = *David H. Perkins, A History of Modern Poetry,

2 volumes, Cambridge, US: Harvard University Press, 1976–87  

Peters, Hunting the Snark: A Compendium of New Poetic Terminology = Robert

Peters, Hunting the Snark: A Compendium of New Poetic Terminology, New York:

Paragon House, 1989

Pia, Les Livres de l'Enfer = *Pascal Pia (pseudonym), Les Livres de l'Enfer, 2

volumes, Paris: C. Coulet et A. Fauré, 1978

Pink Ink = *Kerry Bashford and others, editors, *Pink Ink: An anthology of

Australian lesbian and gay writers, Sydney: Wicked Women, 1991

Plomer, Dictionary of the Printers = H. R. Plomer, Dictionary of the Printers and

Booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland 1557–1775,

Yorkshire, UK: The Bibliographical Society 1977 (unrevised facsimile reprint of the

1907–32 edition, London: Bibliographical Society)

Poemas do amor maldito = *Gasparino Damata (pseudonym) and *Walmir Ayala

(pseudonym), *Poemas do amor  maldito, Brasília: Coordenada Editora de Brasília,


Poemes Gais = [no editor], *Poemes Gais, Barcelona: Institut Lambda, 1978

Poems of Love and Liberation = *David Miller, editor, *Poems of Love and

Liberation, New York: North American Man Boy Love Association, 1996

Poets for Life = *Michael Klein, editor, *Poets for Life: Seventy-Six Poets Respond to

Aids, New York: Crown Publishers, 1989

Pour tout l'amour des hommes = *Michel Larivière *Pour tout l'amour des hommes:

Anthologie de l’homosexualité dans la littérature, Paris: Delétraz Editions, 1998,  

Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature = Earl Miner and others,

editors, The Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature, Princeton:

Princeton University Press, 1985

Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics = Alex Preminger, editor, Princeton

Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, enlarged edition, London and New York:

Macmillan, 1975. There may also be an entry in the New Princeton Encyclopedia of

Poetry and Poetics (see next entry).

Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms = Alex Preminger, editor, Princeton Handbook

of Poetic Terms, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986

Prinz Eisenherz (editors), Lyrik = computer list of poetry books listed for sale 19881993

compiled by *Prinz Eisenherz bookshop, Berlin: Prinz Eisenherz, 1993

Quaritch, Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors =
Bernard  Quaritch, editor, Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors

(facsimile reprint, New York: Burt Franklin, 1968, of the first edition London:

Bernard Quaritch, 1891–1921)

Queneau, Histoire des littératures = Raymond Queneau, Histoire des littératures,

three volumes, Paris: Gallimard, 1955–58

Rachewiltz, Black Eros = *Boris de Rachewiltz, Black Eros. Sexual Customs of

Africa from prehistory to the present day, London: Allen and Unwin, 1964 (translated

from the Italian edition Eros nero, Milan, 1963)

Raffalovich, Uranisme et unisexualité = *Marc-André Raffalovich, Uranisme et

unisexualité, Lyon: Storck, 1896

Rahman, “Boy love in the Urdu ghazal”, Paidika vol. 2 no. 1 (1989) = *Tariq

Rahman, “Boy love in the Urdu ghazal” in Paidika vol. 2 no. 1 (1989), 10–27

Reade, Sexual Heretics = *Brian Reade, *Sexual Heretics: Male Homosexuality in

English Literature from 1850 to 1900, New York: Coward-McCann, 1970

Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature = Max J. Herzberg, editor, Reader's

Encyclopedia of American Literature, London: Methuen, 1963. There may be entries

in the third edition, [no editor], Benet’s Readers Encyclopedia, New York: Harper and

Row, 1987 or the fourth edition, New York: Harper Collins, 1991 (reprinted).

Reid, Eternal Flame, volume 1 = *Anthony Reid, The *Eternal Flame, volume 1,

Elmhurst, NY: Dyanthus Press, 1992

Reid, Eternal Flame, volume 2 = *Anthony Reid, The *Eternal Flame, volume 2

(unpublished manuscript, a copy of which is in the possession of *Paul Knobel)

Road Before Us = *Assoto Saint (pseudonym), editor, *The Road Before Us: 100 Gay

Black Poets, New York: Galiens Press, 1991

Rosen, Gay Life and Gay Writers = *Wilhelm von Rosen and *Vagn Søndergård,

Gay Life and Gay Writers, Copenhagen: Skoleradioen,1979

Rossel, History of Scandinavian Literature = Sven H. Rossel, A History of

Scandinavian Literature 1870–1980, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,


Rowse, Homosexuals in History = *A. L. Rowse, Homosexuals in History, London:

Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977

Ruitenbeck, Homosexuality and Creative Genius = *Hendrik M. Ruitenbeck,

Homosexuality and Creative Genius, New York: Astor-Honor, 1967

Ruoff, American Indian Literatures = A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff, American Indian

Literatures, New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1990

Rypka, History of Iranian Literature = *Jan Rypka, History of Iranian Literature,

Dordrecht, Netherlands: D. Reidel, 1968

Sadiq, History of Urdu Literature = *Muhammad Sadiq, A History of Urdu

Literature, second edition, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1984

Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship = *Sir John Sandys, History of Classical

Scholarship, 3 volumes, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1903–1908

Saslow, Ganymede in the Renaissance = *James H. Saslow, Ganymede in the

Renaissance, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1986

Schmidt, Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen (1984) = Wolfgang Johann Schmidt,

editor, *Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen, 2 volumes, Frankfurt am Main:

Qumran, 1984

Schmitt, Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies = *Arno Schmitt

and Jehoeda Sofer, editors, Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in  Moslem

Societies, New York: Haworth Press, 1992

Schreibende Schwule  = *Bernd Gaiser and others, editors, Schreibende Schwule,

Berlin: rosa Winkel, 1979

Schuyler, Diary = Nathan Kernan, editor, The Diary of James Schuyler, Santa

Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow, 1997

Schwüle Lyrik, schwüle Prosa = *Elmar Kraushaar, editor, *Schwüle Lyrik, schwüle

Prosa, Berlin: rosa Winkel, 1977

Schyberg,Walt Whitman = *Frederik Schyberg, Walt Whitman, New York: Columbia

University Press, 1951

Second ILGA Pink Book = [no editor], Second ILGA Pink Book: a global view of

lesbian and gay oppression, Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies

Rijksuniversaiteit, 1988

Sedgwick, Between Men = *Eve Sedgwick, Between Men: English Literature and

Male Homosocial Desire, New York: Columbia University Press, 1985

Sergent, Homosexuality in Greek Myth = Bernard Sergent, Homosexuality in Greek

Myth, Boston: Beacon Press, 1986 (translated from the French editon

L’Homosexualité dans la mythologie grecque, Paris: Payot, 1984)

Shasha, History of Homosexuality in China = *Sam Shasha (pseudonym), Zhongguo

tongxingai shilu (History of Homosexuality in China, Chinese edition), Hong Kong:

PInk Triangle Press, 1984

Shipley, Encyclopedia of Literature = Joseph T. Shipley, Encyclopedia of Literature,

New York: Philosophical Library, 1946 

Simes, Bibliography of Homosexuality = *Gary Simes, Bibliography of

Homosexuality: A Research Guide to the University of Sydney Library, Sydney: The

University of Sydney Library and The Australian Centre for Lesbian and Gay

Research, 1998

Smith, Books of the Beast = *Timothy d’Arch Smith, The Books of the Beast,

Crucible: [Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire], 1987

Smith, Love in Earnest = *Timothy d'Arch Smith, Love in Earnest: Some Notes on

the Lives and Writings of English ‘Uranian’ Poets from 1889 to 1930, London:

Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970

Son of the Male Muse = *Ian Young, editor, The *Son of the Male Muse: New Gay

Poetry, Trumansberg Press, NY: The Crossing Press, 1983

Sørensen, The Unmanly Man = Preben Meulengracht Sørensen, The Unmanly Man:

concepts of sexual defamation in early Northern society, Odense: Odense University

Press, 1983

Stambolian, Homosexualities and French Literature = *George Stambolian and

*Elaine Marks, Homosexualities and French Literature, Ithaca, NY: Cornell

University Press, 1979

Steele, Major Libraries of the World = Colin Steele, Major Libraries of the World: A

Selective Guide, London: Bowker, 1976

Stern, Geschichte der offentlichen Sittlichkeit in Russland = *Bernard Stern,

Geschichte der offentlichen Sittlichkeit in Russland, 2 volumes, Berlin: H. Barsdorf,


Stern-Szana, Bibliotheca Curiosa et Erotica = Stern-Szana, Bibliotheca Curiosa et

Erotica, [Vienna: the author, 1921]                                               

Sugar and Snails = [no editor], *Sugar and Snails: An Oscars Mixture, London:

Oscars Press, 1987

Summers, Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage = Claude Summers, The Gay and

Lesbian Literary Heritage, New York: Henry Holt, 1995

Surieu, Sarv e Naz: An Essay on Love and the Reception of Erotic Themes in Ancient

Iran = *Robert Surieu, Sarv e’Naz: An Essay on Love and the Reception of Erotic

Themes in Ancient Iran, Munich, Geneva and Paris: Nagel, 1967

Symonds, A Problem in Greek Ethics = *John Addington Symonds, A Problem in

Greek Ethics being an inquiry into the phenomenon of Sexual Inversion addressed

especially to medical psychologists and jurists, London: printed for private

circulation, 1901 (using the facsimile reprint in John Lauritsen, editor, John

Addington Symonds, Male Love: A Problem in Greek Ethics and other writings, Nork:

Pagan Press, 1983)

Take Any Train = *Peter Daniels, editor, *Take Any Train, London: Oscars Press,


Tarnowsky, Pederasty in Europe = *Benjamin Tarnowsky, Pederasty in Europe, New

York: Anthropological Press, 1933

Terras, Handbook of Russian Literature = Victor Terras, Handbook of Russian

Literature, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1985

Theognidea = *Theognidea, Greece, 700 B.C.– ca. 460 B.C.

Thieme, Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler = Ulrich Thieme and

Felix Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur

Gegenwart, 37 volumes, Leipzig: E. A. Seeman, 1908–1950. A second edition is in

progress titled Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: die bilden Künstler aller Zeiten und

Völker, 26+ volumes, edited by Günter Meissner, Leipzig: E. A. Seeman and K. G.

Saur (from volume 4), 1983–.

Toomey, A World Bibliography of BIbliographies 1964–1974 = Alice F. Toomey,

editor, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies 1964–1974, 2 volumes, Totowa, NJ:

Rowman and Littlefield, 1977. This work supplements  Besterman, A World

Bibliography of Bibliographies, listed above.

Tongues Untied = [*Martin Humphries, editor], *Tongues Untied, London: Gay

Men’s Press, 1987

Trevisan, Perverts in Paradise = *João S. Trevisan, Perverts in Paradise, London,

1986 (translated from the Portuguese Devassos no paraiso, Saõ Paolo: Editora M.

Limonad, 1986)

Trypanis, Greek Poetry = *Constantine Trypanis, Greek Poetry from Homer to

Seferis, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1981

Türk ansiklopedisi = A. Dilacar, editor, Türk ansiklopedisi, 33 volumes,  Ankara:

Millî Egitim Basimevi, 1946–1984

Twenty-something = *Martin Humphries, *Twenty-something, London: Gay Men’s

Press, 1992

Tyrkus, Gay and Lesbian Biography = Michael J. Tyrkus, Gay and Lesbian

Biography, Detroit: Gale, 1997

Ullstein Enzyklopädie der Sexualität = *Ernest Borneman, Ullstein Enzyklopädie der

Sexualität, Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1990 

Unending Dialogue = *Rachel Hadas, editor, *Unending Dialogue: Voices from an

Aids Poetry Workshop, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1991

Vanggaard, Phallos = Thorkil Vanggaard, Phallos: a symbol and its history in the

male world, London: Macdonald, 1972

Van Gulik, Sexual Life in Ancient China = *R. H. Van Gulik, Sexual Life in Ancient

China, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974

Verzeichnis der Schwulen und Schwul-lesbischen Bibliotheken = Josef Fournier and

Peter Nick, Verzeichnis der Schwulen und Schwul-lesbischen Bibliotheken, Archive

und Geschichtswerkstätten, Cologne, 1991

Voices Against the Wilderness = *William L. Surrah, *Voices Against the Wilderness,

Tucson, Arizona: Black Cardinal Press, 1983

Weindel, L’Homosexualité en Allemagne = *Henri Weindel and F. P Fischer,

L’Homosexualité en Allemagne: étude documentaire et anecdotique, Paris: Juven,


Welter, Bibliographie Freundschaftseros = *Ernst Gunther Welter, Bibliographie

Freundschaftseros, Frankfurt: dipa-Verlag, 1964

When Two Men Embrace = *Jonathan Fisher, *When Two Men Embrace: The New

Zealand Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Poetry, Publishing Giant Press: Christchurch,


Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History= *Robert Aldrich and Garry

Wotherspoon, editors, Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History,

London: Routledge, 2001.

Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity = *Robert Aldrich and Garry

Wotherspoon, Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War

II, London: Routledge, 2001.

Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, History of Classical Scholarship = *Ulrich von

Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, History of Classical Scholarship, London, 1982 (translated

from the 1927 German edition, Geschichte der Philologie)

Wilhelm, Gay and Lesbian Poetry = *James J. Wilhelm, *Gay and Lesbian Poetry:

An Anthology from Sappho to Michelangelo, New York: Garland, 1995

Winternitz, History of Indian Literature = Maurice Winternitz, A History of Indian

Literature, revised edition, 3 volumes, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1981–1985

(translated from the German Geschichte der indischen Literatur, 3 volumes, 1905–20)

Woods, Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-eroticism and  Modern Poetry = *Gregory

Woods, Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-eroticism and Modern Poetry, New Haven, CT:

Yale University Press, 1987

Wright, Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature = J. W. Wright Jr. and Everett

K. Rowson, Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature, New York: Columbia

University Press, 1997

Yarshater, Persian Literature = *Ehsan Yarshater, Persian Literature, Albany, NY:

State University of New York, 1988

Young, Male Homosexual in Literature, first edition = *Ian Young, *The Male

Homosexual in Literature, first edition, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1975

Young, Male Homosexual in Literature, second edition =  *Ian Young, The Male

Homosexual in Literature, second edition, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1982

Yüzgün, Türkiye'de Escinsellik = *Arslan Yüzgün, Türkiye'de Escinsellik, Istanbul:

Hür-Yüz, 1986 

Zvelebil, Lexicon of Tamil Literature = Kamil V. Zvelebil, Lexicon of Tamil

Literature, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995


© Paul Knobel 2002