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A caveat to this permissiveness is that certain
behaviors are completely unacceptable. Sex with
children, in particular, is not permissible in this society.
Anyone caught at, or even accused of, this behavior will
experience a wide variety of severe societal sanctions. The
only acceptable course of action is to work deliberately to
extinguish such behaviors completely.
Be careful when a therapist suggests that all your
problems arise entirely from intimacy issues, your mother,
the time your babysitter touched you "there," etc.
Of course, such issues can certainly be significant, but
emotional difficulties are rarely so simple.
The process of therapy involves two people sitting
down together, with one person a little more in touch
with what is happening ­ usually, but not always, that
person is the therapist. It is a process of forming a special
relationship that can help you confront or change aspects
of your feelings and behavior that are very difficult to
approach alone. The therapist does not get to impose her
views on you, nor does she know how you "should" be.
She is not a guide, since nobody knows your destination;
she is a facilitator.
At the end of therapy, you will not be ecstatically
happy. Therapy is the process of trading in one set of
problems for another set of problems, until you are
happy with the set you have. It enables you to move
past whatever problems were blocking your way prior to
therapy, but will not remove all obstacles from your life
forever, or even for just now.
We live in a world where we are taught that most sex
is bad, and even the "right" type of sex is fraught with