Paul Knobel
here by permission of the author. Contents (years covered):
This bibliography is a listing of items catalogued by libraries on Worldcat under the Descriptor Term “homosexuality”. Descriptor is a wider term than Subject Term “homosexuality” but also includes Subject Term: that is, it refers to works catalogued under both the Subject Term “homosexuality” and the Descriptor Term “homosexuality”. It was downloaded in the Digital Humanities Center at Columbia University from 22 to 24 December 2010; I acknowledge the help of Bob Scott of the Center in compiling it. It is made public in accordance with Worldcat use conditions that such works can be made public provided no fee is charged. “Homosexuality” was chosen as it is a long used term in its subject area; “gay” and latterly “queer” increasingly yield items as well.
The work supplements the annotated bibliographies of Wayne Dynes Homosexuality; a research guide (New York, 1987), 823 pages, now available free on the internet on the sexological web site of Erwin Haeberle in Berlin, and Gary Simes, A Bibliography of homosexuality: a research guide to the University of Sydney Library (Sydney, 1998), 371 pages. Gary Simes’s Bibliography, to which I contributed many items. was modelled on that of Wayne Dynes and, despite its title, is a general work, including listing many works not in the University of Sydney Library. It lists 6,129 items and Wayne Dynes’s work 4,858; both works include periodical article.
There are 15,418 items listed in the bibliography below which shows the enormous growth of the subject; most items are books and periodicals though film, for instance, is represented. Most are in English but many other languages are represented. Readers are referred to my Bibliography of Homosexuality: the non-English sources on Erwin Haeberle’s site for a breakdown of works in non-English languages to 2010, listed by language from Arabic to Urdu.
The sequence is arranged by year from 1984. Each year is in two sequences, firstly works without authors (such as gay periodicals) arranged from A to Z then the second sequence, works with authors arranged by author from A to Z. The number of items in each year is given in brackets after the year.
Paul Knobel
Sydney, Australia 20 May 2011 1984 (313 items)
Ambush Magazine. Baton Rouge, La.: Ambush, 1984.
Arkansas Advisor. Little Rock, Ark.: Universal Publishers, 1984.
Around the Clock. [New Orleans, La.: ATC Enterprises, 1984.
Before Stonewall. 1984.
Bl Newsletter. Paramus, N.J.: BL Newsletter, 1984.
Body Politic Xtra. Toronto: McLaren Micropublishing, 1984.
Brokeback Mountain. Montreal, PQ: Alliance Atlantis, 1984.
Can Jue Ji. Duan Xiu Bian Cong Tan. Zhongguo Gu Yan Xi Pin Cong Kan.; Di 1 Ji;. [Taipei: Dan qing chu ban she, 1984.
Common Ground: Conference Program. Brisbane: The Conference, 1984.
Dallas Voice. Dallas, Tex.: William Marberry, 1984.
Der Weg Zu Freundschaft Und Toleranz: Männliche Homosexualität in Der 50er Jahren. Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1984.
The Era-Gay-Aids Connection. Alton, Ill.: Eagle Forum, 1984.
Fugues. [Montréal: Les Éditions Nitram, 1984.
Gay Christian Network. Haymarket, N.S.W.: Gay Christian Network, 1984.
Gay Times. London: Millivres, 1984.
Homoseksualiteit in Bezet Nederland Verzwegen Hoofdstuk. Amsterdam Uitgeverij SUA, 1984.
Homosexuality Right or Wrong. 1984.
Impulse Magazine. El Paso, Tx.: B. Renteria, 1984.
Instep. Milwaukee, Wis.: R. Geiman, 1984.
Lifestyles. New York, N.Y.: Human Sciences Press, 1984.
Lots of Queer Quakers, Some of Whom Are Gay Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. Seattle, Wash., 1984.
Master List: Agenda Materials for Res Chicago 1984 (Updated May 1984). [Grand Rapids: Reformed Ecumenical Synod Secretariat?], 1984.
Materials on Man/Boy Love and Related Subjects from a San Francisco Bay Area Private Collection. San Francisco, Calif.: [s.n., 1984.
Neither Gay nor Straight: Reprinted from the Frying Pan, Dec. 1982, Jan.-Feb. 1983. Winnipeg, Man.: Council on Homosexuality and Religion, 1984.
The Open Hand. Evanston, IL: Affirmation: United Methodists for Gay and Lesbian Concerns, 1984.
The Oxford Lifestyle Magazine. Darlinghurst, N.S.W.: Floor Space Auditors Pty. Ltd., 1984.
Philadelphia Gay News. Philadelphia, Pa.: Masco Communications, Inc., 1984.
The Power Exchange. Richmond Hill, NY: Power Exchange, 1984.
Rites for Lesbian and Gay Liberation. [Toronto: Rites Pub., 1984.
Secretariado Latino Americano De Grupos Homnosexuales (Slagh) Informativo. Bahia, Brasil: Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB), 1984.
Siegessäule Berlins Herrenmagazin. Berlin: Treffen Berliner Schwulengruppen, 1984.
Sodoma. Torino: Fondazione Sandro Penna, 1984.
Sydney Gay News. [Darlinghurst, N.S.W.: Sydney Gay News, 1984.
Twitch. Honolulu, Hawaii: Printers Ink, 1984.
Wisconsin Step. Milwaukee, Wis.: WisInk, Ltd., 1984.
Working with Gay and Lesbian Clients. Practice Digest,; 7, No. 1;. Silver Spring, Md.: National Association of Social Workers, 1984.
Xtra! [Toronto: Pink Triangle Press], 1984.
Aardweg, G. J. M. van den. Geaardheid of Scheefgroei?: Een Psychologische Kijk Op Homofilie, Stromen Van Levend Water ;; D. 2;. Brugge: Tabor, 1984.
Affirm, Gays, and Canada Lesbians of the United Church of. A Statement on Our Ordained and Commissioned Ministry in Our United Church of Canada. Vancouver, B.C.: AFFIRM-Gays and Lesbians of the United Church in B.C., 1984.
Alexander, John F. Olson. Theotherside. Philadelphia, Pa.: Other Side, 1984.
Alexander, Robert W. Seeking God's Wisdom About Christian Homosexuality. Laguna Hills, CA: [s.n., 1984.
American Psychoanalytic, Association. Toward the Further Understanding of Homosexual Women. [United States: The Association, 1984.
Apuzzo, Virginia. Lecture on the State of Gay Rights1984.
Ariès, Philippe, and sociales Ecole des hautes études en sciences. Die Masken Des Begehrens Und Die Metamorphosen Der Sinnlichkeit: Zur Geschichte Der Sexualität Im Abendland / Béjin, André. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1984.
Ariès, Philippe, and sociales Ecole des hautes études en sciences. Sexualités Occidentales / Béjin, André, Points ;; 172; Communications / Ecole Des Hautes Études En Sciences Sociales, Centre D'études Transdisciplinaires (Sociologie, Anthropologie, Sémiologie) ;; 35; Variation: Communications (Ecole Des Hautes Études En Sciences Sociales. Centre D'études Transdisciplinaires (Sociologie, Anthropologie, Sémiologie)) ;; 35. [Paris]: Seuil, 1984.
Arin, Phinitwararak. Kanchai Ru’ang Rak Ruam Phet Nai Nawaniyai Thai Pho. So. 2516-Pho. So. 25251984.
Athens Gay/Lesbian, Alliance. The Athens Gay/Lesbian Alliance Newsletter, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 71. Athens, Ga.: Athens Gay/Lesbian Alliance, 1984.
Atlanta Gay, Center. The News a Publication of the Atlanta Gay Center, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 72-73. Atlanta, Ga.: Atlanta Gay Center, 1984.
Augsburger, Stanley Wayne. The Church as a Change Agent for the Male Homosexual: Etiology, Intervention, and Change1984.
Augusta Gay Lesbian, Contact. Augusta Gay Lesbian Contact [Newsletter], Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 74. Augusta, Ga: Augusta GLC, 1984.
Aurora. Lesbian Love Signs: An Astrological Guide to Women Loving Women. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Aurora of Santa Cruz, 1984.
Aurora, of Santa Cruz. Lesbian Love Signs: An Astrological Guide to Women Loving Women. Santa Cruz, CA: Starstruck Enterprises, 1984.
Award, Films. This Special Friendship. Hollywood, Calif.: Award films, 1984.
Bagnall, Robert G. Goldstein. Burdens on Gay Litigants and Bias in the Court System: Homosexual Panic, Child Custody, and Anonymous Parties / Gallagher, Robert G1984.
Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room, Triangle Classics.;. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1984.
Bar Association for Human Rights of Greater New, York. Lesbian-Gay Law Notes. New York: Bar Association for Human Rights of Greater New York, 1984.
Bar Association for Human Rights of Greater New, York, Lesbian, and York Gay Law Association of Greater New. Lesbian/Gay Law Notes. New York: Lesbian & Gay Law Association of Greater New York, 1984.
Bay Area Municipal Elections, Committee. Ephemeral Materials, 1984: San Jose, Calif., 1984.
Benenson, Robert. Gay Politics, Editorial Research Reports ;; 1984, V. 1, No. 24;. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1984.
Benson, Terry. Aids: Profile of an Epidemic. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Audio-Visual Center, 1984.
Best, Berl, and College Central Bible. Homosexuality. [Springfield, Mo.: Central Bible College, 1984.
Blair, Ralph. Doubtful Christians Make Queer Saints. New York: Evangelicals Concerned, 1984.
Blair, Ralph, and Concerned Evangelicals. Doubtful Christians Make Queer Saints / Luther, Martin,; 1483-1546. [New York, N.Y. ?: s.n.], 1984.
Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela. Der Weibmann, Fischer Wissenschaft ;; 7348;. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984.
Bollé, Michael, and Museum Berlin. Eldorado: Homosexuelle Frauen Und Männer in Berlin, 1850-1950: Geschichte, Alltag Und Kultur. Berlin: Frölich & Kaufmann, 1984.
Bridgewater, Dee. Correlates of Attitutes toward Homosexuality among Gay Men1984.
Brightmore, M., and College Police Staff. To Investigate Police Methods in Dealing with Male Homosexuals. [Bramshill, Eng.]: Police Staff College, 1984.
British Medical Association, Council, and Britain Great. Homosexuality and Prostitution: A Memorandum of Evidence. London: British Medical Association, 1984.
Bronski, Michael. Culture Clash: The Making of Gay Sensibility. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1984.
Bronx, Humberto. Bazuco, Homosexualidad, Enfermedades Malditas. [Medellín?]: Editorial Copiyepes, 1984.
Broome Lesbian-Gay, Alliance. Newsletter. Binghamton, N.Y.: Broome Lesbian-Gay Alliance., 1984.
Browning, Christine. Bias in Evaluation: The Effects of Target Sexual Orientation and Personality on Judgments of Social and Occupational Desirability1984.
Bullinga, Marcel. Het Leger Maakt Een Man Van Je: Homoseksualiteit Disciplinering En Seksueel Geweld. Amsterdam: SUA, 1984.
Burg, B. R. Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean. New York: New York University Press, 1984.
Camus, Renaud. Chroniques Achriennes. Paris: P.O.L., 1984.
Canadian Library, Association, and Group Gay Interest. Basic List of Books on Homosexuality. [Winnipeg: Gay Interest Group, Canadian Library Association, 1984.
Canadian Library, Association, and Group Gay Interest. Basic List of Books on Homosexuality: #1, Spring 1984. [Winnipeg: The Group], 1984.
Canadian Library, Association, and Group Gay Interest. Gaielivraison. [Winnipeg: Gay Interest Group, Canadian Library Association, 1984.
Cardín, Alberto. Guerreros, Chamanes Y Travestís: Indicios De Homosexualidad Entre Los Exóticos, Cuadernos Ínfimos ;; 120;. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1984.
Carpenter, Marilyn J., Church United Methodist, Pacific, and Conference Southwest. Other Perspectives: Christian Views of Homosexuality. [S.l.]: Conference Council on Ministries, Pacific and Southwest Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, 1984.
Cavailhès, Jean Bach. Rapport Gai: Enquête Sur Les Modes De Vie Homosexuels En France / Dutey, Pierre. Paris: Editions Persona, 1984.
Cégep de, Saint-Jérôme, and pédagogiques Service de recherche et d'expérimentation. Homosexualité, Série Témoignages Sur La Sexualité Humaine;. [Saint-Jérôme, Québec]: Cégep de Saint-Jérôme, Service de recherche et d'expérimentation pédagogiques, 1984.
Century Book, Club, and Bookshop Walt Whitman. [Gay Books Catalogs]1984.
Chaneles, Sol. Gender Issues, Sex Offenses, and Criminal Justice: Current Trends. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
Charlesworth, Kate. Exotic Species: A Field Guide to Some of Our British Gays. London: GMP, 1984.
Chasnoff, Debra. Choosing Children Klausner, Kim. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Documentary Films, 1984.
Chesley, Robert. Miscellaneous One Act Plays, 1981-1984. [San Francisco]: Robert Chesley, 1984.
Clygout, Sanivar Homer. Homosexuality: Medical Subject Analysis and Research Guide with Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: ABBE Publishers Association, 1984.
Cobb, John B. Is the Church Ready to Legislate on Sex?, Occasional Papers / United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry ;; No. 55; Variation: Occasional Papers (United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry (U.S.)) ;; No. 55. Nashville, TN: United Methodist Church, Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1984.
Comfort, Ray. What's Wrong with Being "Gay"?: A Look at Homosexuality and Lesbianism. Christchurch, N.Z.: Living Waters Publications, 1984.
Community, Center. The Community Center: Resources for Gay and Lesbian People. [Boise, Idaho: Community Center, 1984.
Consoli, Massimo. Homocaust: Il Nazismo E La Persecuzione Degli Omosessuali, La Fiaccola ;; No. 15;. Ragusa: La Fiaccola, 1984.
Cooney, John E. Letter, 1984 September 101984.
Council on Social Work, Education, and Education Commission on Gay/Lesbian Issues in Social Work. Annotated Filmography of Selected Films with Lesbian/Gay Content. New York, N.Y.: Council on Social Work Education, 1984.
Council on Social Work Education. Gay/Lesbian Task, Force. Annotated Filmography of Selected Films with Lesbian/Gay Content. New York: The Task Force, 1984.
Crawford, William. Homosexuality in Canada: A Bibliography / Spence, Alex. ; Homosexuality in Canada, Canadian Gay Archives Publication ;; No. 9;. Toronto, Ont., Canada: Canadian Gay Archives, 1984.
Crawford, William, and Archives Canadian Gay. Homosexuality in Canada: A Bibliography / Spence, Alex. ; Homosexuality in Canada, Canadian Gay Archives Publication ;; No. 9.; Variation: Canadian Gay Archives Publication ;; No. 9. Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1984.
Cream City Business, Association. The Newsletter. Milwaukee, Wis.: The Association, 1984.
Croydon Area, Lesbian, Society Gay, and Society Croydon Area Gay. Cgs News: Newsletter of Croydon Gay Society. South Croydon: The Society, 1984.
Curry, Hayden. A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984.
Curry, Hayden Warner. A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. [Berkeley, CA]: Nolo, 1984.
Curry, Hayden Warner. A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples Clifford, Denis. [Berkeley, CA]: Nolo, 1984.
Czirr, Ruth Patrice. Repressiveness toward Homosexual People in an Adult Sample: Sexual Conservatism, Religious Variables, and Dimensions of Homosexism1984.
Dall'Orto, G. Leggere Omosessuale: Bibliografia, Guide ;; 1;. Torino: Gruppo Abele, 1984.
Darty, Trudy, and d. Women-Identified Women / Potter, Sandee. Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1984.
Darty, Trudy, and d. Women-Identified Women Potter, Sandee. Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1984.
Davis, Brian Sloe. Want Xavier, Daniel. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1984.
De Cecco, John P. Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Critical Clinical Issues, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 9; Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 9. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
De Cecco, John P. Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Critical Theoretical Issues / Shively, Michael G, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 8; Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 8. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
De Cecco, John P. Controversy over the Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Commentaries and Reaction, Journal of Homosexuality ;; V. 10, Nos 3/4;. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1984.
De Cecco, John P. Gay Personality and Sexual Labeling. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1984.
De Cecco, John P. Homophobia: An Overview, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 10; Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 10. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
De Rome, Peter. The Erotic World of Peter De Rome. London: GMP, 1984.
Denneny, Michael. Decent Passions: Real Stories About Love. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1984.
Denneny, Michael Steele. The Christopher Street Reader / Ortleb, Charles. New York: Perigee Books, 1984.
Dennis, Roy. Misconceptions About Homosexuality. Lindale, TX: Last Days Ministries, 1984.
Dennis, Ron. Misconceptions About Homosexuality How to Minister to the Homosexual. Lindale, Tex.: Last Days Ministries, 1984.
Dennis, Ron, and Ministries Last Days. How to Minister to the Homosexual. Lindale, TX: Last Days Ministries, 1984.
Dobbeling, M. Het Topje Van De Ijsberg: Inventarisatie Van Tien Jaar Discriminatie Op Grond Van Homoseksualiteit En Leefvorm / Koenders, Pieter, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1984, 3; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 3.: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Homologie Distributie [distributor, 1984.
Douma, Jochem. Homofilie, Ethische Bezinning;. Kampen: Uitgeverij van den Berg, 1984.
Dover, Kenneth James. Homosexuality and Initiation in Ancient Greece, Variation: Andrew D. White Professors-at-Large Lectures.1984.
Duyves, Mattias Koelemij. Onder Mannen, Onder Vrouwen: Studies Van Homosociale Emancipatie / Hekma, Gert. Amsterdam: SUA, 1984.
Dyer, Richard. Gays and Film. New York: New York Zoetrope, 1984.
Edwards, George R. Gay/Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1984.
Edwards, Sarah A. The Bible Says: Homosexuality -- an Exegetical Exploration. [Hartford, Conn.]: Hartford Seminary ;, 1984.
Ellingham, Lewis Killian. Poet Be Like God1984.
Epstein, Robert. The Times of Harvey Milk. New York: Cinecom, 1984.
Fanlight, Productions. First Dance. Boston, MA: Fanlight Productions, 1984.
Faury, Mára Lúcia. Uma Flor Para Os Malditos: A Homossexualidade Na Literatura, Coleção Krisis;. Campinas, SP: Papirus Livraria Editora, 1984.
Faury, Mára Lúcia Auteur. Uma Flor Para Os Malditos, Coleção Krisis; Variation: Coleção Krisis. Campinas, SP: Papirus Livraria Editora, 1984.
Feldman, Steven. First Dance. Boston, MA: Fanlight Productions, 1984.
Ferrari, Marianne. Places of Interest 1985 / Nardelli, Stefanie. Phoenix, AZ: Ferrari Publications, 1984.
Fortunato, John E. Embracing the Exile: Healing Journeys of Gay Christians. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.
Fratti, Gina. Liberación Homosexual / Batista, Adriana, Colección Duda Grandes;: [México] Posada, 1984.
Frings, Matthias. Liebesdinge: Bemerkungen Zur Sexualität Des Mannes / Kraushaar, Elmar, Rororo Sachbuch;. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1984.
Galloway, Bruce. Prejudice and Pride: Discrimination against Gay People in Modern Britain. London ; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984.
García Córdova, Héctor J. Actitudes Hacia Los Homosexuales Y Las Lesbianas De Cuatro Grupos De Estudiantes Universitarios (as)1984.
Gardner, Phil, and Evangelical Fellowship Gay Christian Movement. The Challenge of Freedom: Some Gay Evangelical Christians Put Pen to Paper. Leeds [Eng.]: Evangelical Fellowship within the Gay Christian Movement, 1984.
Gay Academic, Union, and Chapter New York. The Cabirion and Gay Books Bulletin. New York, NY: Scholarship Committee of the New York Chapter of the Gay Academic Union, 1984.
Gays for, Equality. Directory. [Winnipeg: Gays for Equality, 1984.
Gays for, Equality. The Law and the Homosexually-Oriented Person: Gays for Equality, 1984.
Gide, André. Korynton. Athena: Gnose, 1984.
Gil-Albert, Juan Gil-Albert, and patrio Drama. Heraclés ; Drama Patrio, Obra Completa En Prosa / Juan Gil-Albert ;; 7; Variation: Gil-Albert, Juan.; Prose Works ;; 7. [Valencia]: Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo, Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 1984.
Glen, Judy. The Right Time. [S.l.]: Rissole Records, 1984.
Gnerre, Francesco. Avventure Dell'eros. Milano: Gammalibri, 1984.
Gogin, Kevin R. Changing Images: Women and Gay Men in the Catholic Church1984.
Goldyn, Lawrence Mark. Legal Ideology and the Regulation of Homosexual Behavior. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1984.
Gomez, Jose, and Foundation Human Rights. Demystifying Homosexuality: A Teaching Guide About Lesbians and Gay Men. New York, N.Y.: Irvington Publishers, 1984.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You'll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation1984.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.
Greenwood, Judith Goodwin Watts, Television Yorkshire, and Four Channel. The Same Sex Bangroft, John, Sex Matters.;. [England]: Yorkshire Television, 1984.
Griffiths, David. His New Children: A Christian Response to Homosexuality. Houston, Tex. (P.O. Box 56431, Houston 77227): D. Griffiths, 1984.
Griffiths, David William. The Sexual Relationships of Established Gay Male Couples1984.
Grupo de Acción, Gay. Sodoma. Buenos Aires, Argentina: GAG, 1984.
Guldin, Rainer. Riten Der Randzonen: Hubert Fichtes Untersuchungen Zur Tradition Des Abartigen: Zürich, Zentralstelle der Studentenschaft, 1984.
Halfhill, Bob, and Group Gay Men's Political Discussion. Socialism and Gay Liberation, Gmpdg Paper ;; #1;. [Minneapolis, Minn.?: Gay Men's Political Discussion Group, 1984.
Hampshire College. Task Force on Sexual, Preference. Special Report. Amherst, MA: Hampshire College, 1984.
Harry, Joseph. Gay Couples. New York, NY: Praeger, 1984.
Hart, John. So You Think You're Attracted to the Same Sex? Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1984.
Hasty, Richard S. The Other People: Sermon and Service, 1984 September 161984.
Hauer, Gudrun, Wien Homosexuelle Initiative, and Auslandsgruppe. Rosa Liebe Unterm Roten Stern: Zur Lage Der Lesben Und Schwulen in Osteuropa / Marek, Kurt Krickler, Frühlings Erwachen ;; 7;. Hamburg: Frühlings Erwachen, 1984.
Heger, Heinz Silverstolpe. Fångarna Med Rosa Triangel, Människan I Historien;. Malmö, [Sweden]: Författarförlaget, 1984.
Hendrix, David. Guarding the Truth. Columbus, Ga.: Brentwood Christian Press, 1984.
Herdt, Gilbert H. Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
Herdt, Gilbert H. Symbolic and Behavioral Attachments in Sambia Ritualized Homosexuality. [Calif?: s.n., 1984.
Hetrick, Emery S. Innovations in Psychotherapy with Homosexuals / Stein, Terry S, Clinical Insights; Variation: Clinical Insights. Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1984.
Hetrick, Emery S. Innovations in Psychotherapy with Homosexuals / Stein, Terry S.,; 1945, Clinical Insights;. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1984.
Hetrick, Emery S., Council Children's Book, and Transcripts Audio Video. The Gay Adolescent Developing Positive Self-Images. Hunter, Joyce. New York: Audio Video Transcripts, 1984.
Hewitt, Thomas Furman. The American Church's Reaction to the Homophile Movement, 1948-19781984.
Heyward, Carter. Our Passion for Justice: Images of Power, Sexuality, and Liberation. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1984.
Hiller, Arthur. Making Love. [Farmington Hills, Mich.]: CBS Fox Video, 1984.
Hinds Junior College, District, and Services Educational Media. Decriminalization of Homosexuality1984.
Hirschfeld Gay Community, Centre. Out. Dublin (10 Fownes St. Upr., Dublin 2): Hirschfeld Gay Community Centre, 1984.
Hirschfeld, Magnus. Die Homosexualität Des Mannes Und Des Weibes, Klassiker Der Sexualwissenschaft ;; 1;. Berlin ; New York: W. de Gruyter, 1984.
Hirschfeld, Magnus. Die Homosexualität Des Mannes Und Des Weibes / Haeberle, Erwin J, Klassiker Der Sexualwissenschaft ;; 1; Variation: Klassiker Der Sexualwissenschaft ;; 1. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1984.
Hohmann, Joachim Stephan. Homosexualität Und Subkultur. Frankfurt: Foerster, 1984.
Hoogma, M. Wet En Werkelijkheid: Literatuuronderzoek Naar De Voorwaarden Waaronder Een Wet Gelijke Behandeling Optimaal Kan Functioneren, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1984, 1; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1.: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Homologie Distributie [distributor, 1984.
Horstmeyer, Kirk. Homosexuality1984.
Hurst, Ed, and Outpost. Homosexuality: Laying the Axe to the Roots / Kenney, Robbi. St. Paul, Minn.: Outpost, 1984.
Jacobsen, Wolfgang. Rosa Von Praunheim, Reihe Film,; 30;. München: C. Hanser, 1984.
Jarman, Derek. Dancing Ledge / Allen, Shaun, A Quartet Original;. London ; New York: Quartet Books, 1984.
Jarman, Derek. Dancing Ledge Allen, Shaun, A Quartet Original;. London ; New York: Quartet Books, 1984.
Johnson, Johnnie Louis. The Minister and the Homosexual Parishioner. Dayton, Ohio: Consortium for Higher Education Religion Studies, United Theological Seminary, 1984.
Johnson, Paul R. Gays and the Bible. Los Angeles, CA: P.R. Johnson, 1984.
Johnston, Craig, Lobby Gay Rights, and N. S. W. Homosexual Law Reform Coalition. Homosexual Law Reform: Questions and Answers: Darlinghurst, NSW : Gay Rights Lobby ; Sydney, NSW : Homosexual Law Reform Coalition NSW, 1984.
Joint Committee on Homosexual, Law. [Ge Jie Guan Zhu Tong Xing Lian Fa Li Lian He Wei Yuan Hui Zhi Xing Zheng Ji Li Fa Liang Ju Lie Wei Yi Yuan Shu Guan Yu Tong Xing Lian Fa Li Bao Gao Shu]. [Xianggang: Ge jie guan zhu tong xing lian fa li lian he wei yuan hui, 1984.
Jourdan, Eric, Wisconsin-Madison University of, and Libraries. Eric Jourdan Collection of Manuscript and Printed Materials / Armbrecht, Thomas J.D. Date: 1984-2005., 1984.
Kahn, Paul, and Scientists Association of Orthodox Jewish. Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Proceedings of the Associations of Orthodox Jewish Scientists ;; V. 7; Variation: Proceedings of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists ;; V. 7. New York, N.Y.: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1984.
Ko, Helen O. The Moral Implication of Homosexuality. Costa Mesa, CA: Southern California College, 1984.
Koake, Takeshi. Zhongguo Tong Xing Ai Shi Lu. Xianggang: Fen hong san jiao chu ban she, 1984.
Koenders, Pieter. Homoseksualiteit in Bezet Nederland: Verzwegen Hoofdstuk. 's-Gravenhage: Sua-Woelrat, 1984.
Lacombrade, Francis Nat, particulières Amitiés, Films Award, and films Société production général de. Les Amitiés Particulières. Haudepin, Didier. Hollywood, Calif.: Award Films International, 1984.
LaHaye, Tim. What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1984.
Lanham, Larry. The Patlar: Voice of Gay America. Weston, Jolliff, ; Ed. Sacramento, CA: Patlar Gazette, 1984.
Lansdown, Andrew. Blatant and Proud: Homosexuals on the Offensive. Cloverdale, W.A.: Perceptive Publications, 1984.
Lapp, Charles L. A Critical Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes in the United States Navy Regarding Homosexuality: With Guidelines for Ministry by Navy Chaplains1984.
Lapp, Charles L., San Anselmo San Francisco Theological Seminary, and Thesis. A Critical Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes in the United States Navy Regarding Homosexuality1984.
Larivière, Michel. Les Amours Masculines: Anthologie De L'homosexualité Dans La Littérature. Paris: Lieu commun, 1984.
Laurenti, Ruy. Homosexualismo E a Classificacao Internacional De Doencas; Editorial1984.
Lautmann, Rüdiger. Der Zwang Zur Tugend: Die Gesellschaftliche Kontrolle Der Sexualitäten, Edition Suhrkamp ;; 1189 = N.F., Bd. 189;. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984.
Lebovici, Serge Kreisler. La Homosexualidad En El Niño Y En El Adolescente, Colección Psicología Contemporánea;. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Nueva Visión, 1984.
Lennon, Julia Hammack. Homosexuality: An Image by Utep Students1984.
Levy, Phyllis. Ministry to Gays and Gays in Ministry, Care Cassettes ;; V. 11, No. 9. [Schaumburg, Ill.]: College of Chaplains, 1984.
Libertäre, Assoziation. Frühlings Erwachen. Hamburg: Libertäre Assoziation, 1984.
Lieshout, Maurice van. Ontmaskering Van De Homo-Identiteit, Reeks Homopolitieke Teksten ;; 5;. Amsterdam: Woelrat, 1984.
Life Skills, Education. Understanding Homosexuality. Weymouth, MA: Life Skills Education, Inc., 1984.
Lovelace, Richard F. Homosexuality: What Should Christians Do About It?, Power Books;. Old Tappan, N.J.: F.H. Revell, 1984.
Ma, Pearl. The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Infections of Homosexual Men / Armstrong, Donald,; 1931. New York, N.Y.: Yorke Medical Books, 1984.
Ma, Pearl. The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Infections of Homosexual Men Armstrong, Donald,; 1931. New York, N.Y.: Yorke Medical Books, 1984.
Mains, Geoffrey. Urban Aboriginals: A Celebration of Leather Sexuality. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1984.
Marcotte, David B. Conversations with Chris: Ten Year Follow-Up. [Chapel Hill, S.C.?]: University of South Carolina, 1984.
McBirnie, William Steuart, and America United Community Churches of. How Gay Power Plans to Swing the 1984 Elections! Glendale, CA: United Community Churches of America, 1984.
McCaffrey, David J., Minorities Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual, Paul Archdiocese of St, and Minneapolis. Pastoral Needs Assessment Survey Report. St. Paul, Minn.: Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities, 1984.
McCown, Wayne, Wayne Biblical perspective on homosexuality. McCown, Bible, W. Stanley homosexuality. Johnson, Counseling, Al homosexuality. Stiefel, homosexual Counseling the, and Seminar Western Evangelical Seminary. Seminar on Ministry to the Homosexual Coleson, Joseph. ; Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality. [Portland, Or.: Western Evangelical Seminary, 1984.
McEnany, Geoffry W. A Study to Determine Homophobia among Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Comparison of Religiously Affiliated and State University1984.
McEwen, Mary Anne. God, Gays and the Gospel. New York: Cinema Guild, 1984.
McKnight, Richard S. Nurse Practitioners and Homosexuality: Attitudes and Clinical Knowledge1984.
McRae, Heather. Homosexuality and the Law the Development of the Law Relating to Male Homosexuality in England and Australia. [Melbourne]: Australian Microfilm Services, 1984.
McWhirter, David P. The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop / Mattison, Andrew M.,; 1948. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Mesler, Ray. One View of the Current Status of Homosexual Persons in Various Church Denominations in the United States1984.
Mieli, Mario. Towards a Gay Communism. [London]: Pirate Productions, 1984.
Mirabet i Mullol, Antoni. Homosexualitat Avui: Acceptada O Encara Condemnada?: Barcelona : Edhasa : Institut Lambda, 1984.
Morgenthaler, Fritz. Homosexualität, Heterosexualität, Perversion. Frankfurt am Main: Qumran, 1984.
Murray, Stephen O. Social Theory, Homosexual Realities, Gai Saber Monograph ;; No. 3;. New York, NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, New York City, 1984.
National Gay Health Education, Foundation, and Aids Related Organizations Federation of. Sourcebook on Lesbian/Gay Health Care. New York, N.Y.: National Gay Health Education Foundation, 1984.
National Gay Task, Force. Gay Parent's Support Packet. New York: The Task Force, 1984.
National Gay Task, Force. Task Force Bulletin. New York: The Task Force, 1984.
Nederlandse hervormde, Kerk, and synode Algemene. Verwarring En Herkenning: Over Gemeente En Homoseksualiteit. 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, 1984.
New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform, Society. Homosexuality: Some Questions and Answers for People Considering the Issue of Homosexual Law Reform. [Wellington: N.Z. Homosexual Law Reform Society, 1984.
Nitzschke, Bernd. Männerängste, Männerwünsche. München: Matthes und Seitz, 1984.
Nugent, Robert, and Sds. A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church. New York: Crossroad, 1984.
Oetomo, Dede, and Group Gays in Indonesia Translation. Gays in Indonesia: Selected Articles from Print Media. North Carlton, Vic.: Gays in Indonesia Translation Group, 1984.
Osterman, Mary Jo Kinheart. Homosexuality and the Church: Leader's Guide / Athey, Phyllis Jean Kinheart. Evanston, Ill.: Kinheart Program on Sexuality & Homophobia, 1984.
Parkinson, P. G., Lesbian, and Centre Gay Rights Resource. List of Serial Holdings, May 1984. Wellington [N.Z.]: Centre, 1984.
Pätzold, Alexandra. Frauenliebe, Männerliebe: Bilder Und Dokumente Zur "Homosexualität" in Deutschland. Marburg/Lahn: A. Pätzold, 1984.
Pesek Marous, Georgia. The Bull: A Religious and Secular History of Phallus Worship and Male Homosexuality. Rolling Hills, Calif.: Tau Press, 1984.
Philbert, Bertrand. L'homosexualité À L'écran. Paris: H. Veyrier, 1984.
Pickles. Queens. London ; New York: Quartet Books, 1984.
Popp, Wolfgang. Die Suche Nach Dem Rechten Mann: Männerfreundschaft Im Literarischen Werk Hans Henny Jahnns / Kalveram, Maria,; 1958, Literatur Im Historischen Prozess ;; N.F., 13; Argument-Sonderband ;; as 128; Variation: Argument-Sonderbände ;; as 128. Berlin: Argument-Verlag, 1984.
Powell, Gail Marie. Psychosocial Impact of Acquired Immunodeficency Syndrome (Aids) on Healthy Male Homosexuals1984.
Powell, L. Laurence, Jr. The Male Homosexual Character as Portrayed in Six Selected Plays from the American Theatre, 1968-19781984.
Praunheim, Rosa von. Horror Vacui (the Fear of Emptiness). Berlin: R. von Praunheim, 1984.
Rhoads, Allan Harry. Personality Characteristics of Single and Coupled Male Homosexuals1984.
Rice, Charles E., and Studies Center for Judicial. Legalizing Homosexual Conduct: The Role of the Supreme Court in the Gay Rights Movement, Constitutional Commentaries ;; No. 1;. Cumberland, Va.: Center for Judicial Studies, 1984.
Riess, Curt. También Tú, César -- ?, Colección En Línea;. Barcelona: Editorial Argos Vergara, 1984.
Rijksuniversiteit te, Utrecht, and Homostudies Interfacultaire Werkgroep. Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Verspreiding, Homologie Distributie, 1984.
Rites, Publishing. Rites. [Toronto: Rites Pub.]. 1984.
Rosario Collazo, Wayne G. El Desarrollo De La Comunidad Y La Promoción Popular Como Vehículos Liberadores Ante La Marginalización: La Homosexualidad En Una Comunidad De Clase Media1984.
Roscoe, Will. Making History: The Challenge of Gay Studies. San Francisco, Calif.: Will Roscoe, 1984.
Rose, David Steven. Homosexuality and the Rorschach: A Study of Labelling Bias in Clinicians1984.
Rosenberg, Robert, Inc Before Stonewall, and Center Alternative Media Information. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community / Scagliotti, John. New York: First Run Features, 1984.
Rosenberg, Robert, Inc Before Stonewall, and History Center for the Study of Filmed. Before Stonewall, the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community Scagliotti, John: [S.l.] : Before Stonewall, Inc. in association with Center for the Study of Filmed History ; New York, NY : Cinema Guild [distributor], 1984.
Rowe, H. Edward. Homosexual Politics: Road to Ruin for America. Washington, D.C.: Church League of America, 1984.
Rutter, Itala, America Democratic Socialists of, and Commission Feminist. Perspectives on Lesbian & Gay Liberation & Socialism. New York, NY: Gay and Lesbian Taskforce of DSA's Feminist Commission, 1984.
Salveson, Paul. Loving Comrades: Lancashire's Links to Walt Whitman. Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire: Published by the author in conjunction with Bolton Branch of the Worker's Educational Association, 1984.
San Francisco, Aids Foundation, Research, and Corporation Decisions. A Report on Designing an Effective Aids Prevention Campaign Strategy for San Francisco: Results from the First Probability Sample of an Urban Gay Male Community. San Francisco, Calif. (375 Sutter St., Suite 300, San Francisco 94108): The Corporation, 1984.
Santos, Wilson Afonso. A Participação Dos Homossexuais No Movimento Negro Brasileiro. Salvador, Bahia: [Grupo Adé Dudu?], 1984.
Saslow, James M. Ganymede in Renaissance Art Five Studies in the Development of a Homoerotic Iconology. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1984.
Sauerman, Tom, Parents Federation of, Lesbians Friends of, and Gays. Coming out to Your Parents. Los Angeles, CA: Federation of Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays, 1984.
Savage, John. The Best Gay Short Stories. Port Washington, N.Y.: Ashley Books, 1984.
Schiller, Greta Scagliotti, Inc Before Stonewall, and Center Alternative Media Information. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community / Rosenberg, Robert,; 1955. New York: Cinema Guild, 1984.
Schiller, Greta Scagliotti, Network Media, and Guild Cinema. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community / Rosenberg, Robert,; 1955. New York, N.Y.: Cinema Guild, 1984.
Schmiechen, Richard. The Times of Harvey Milk Epstein, Robert. [S.l.]: Black Sand Productions, 1984.
Schmiechen, Richard, and Films Cinecom International. The Times of Harvey Milk Epstein, Robert. New York, NY: Cinecom, 1984.
Schmiechen, Richard Coburn, Arts Pacific, Productions Black Sand, and Pictures Telling. The Times of Harvey Milk Epstein, Robert. San Francisco, CA: Telling Pictures Distribution, 1984.
Schoenberg, Robert Shore. Homosexuality and Social Work / Goldberg, Richard S. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
Schoenberg, Robert Shore. Homosexuality and Social Work Goldberg, Richard S. New York: Haworth Press, 1984.
Schwartz, Kendra Lee. Patterns of Cellular Immune Changes in Healthy Homosexuals in 19821984.
Scroggs, Robin. The New Testament and Homosexuality: Contextual Background for Contemporary Debate. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984.
Sergent, Bernard. L'homosexualité Dans La Mythologie Grecque, Bibliothèque Historique;. Paris: Payot, 1984.
Serra, Francis Thomas. A Descriptive Study of the Level of Homophobia in the Faculty, Administrative Officers, Academically Closely Related Staff, and Secretarial/Technical Staff of the California State College at Bakersfield1984.
Shively, Charlie. Children's Sexual Rights1984.
Sievert, Hermann. Das Anomale Bestrafen: Homosexualität, Strafrecht Und Schwulenbewegung, Ergebnisse,; 24;. Hamburg: Ergebnisse-Verlag, 1984.
Smith, Akiko. The Homosexual Theme in Medieval Japanese Fiction with an Annotated Translation of a Representative Tale: Toribeyama Monogatari1984.
Smith, Barbara. Making Connections: Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia1984.
Snyder, Patricia Giniger, and Productions Pioneer. Silent Pioneers Winer, Lucy. [U.S.]: Silent Pioneers, 1984.
Sommers, Mason Andrew. The Relationship between Present Social Support Networks and Current Levels of Interpersonal Congruency of Gay Identity1984.
St. John, Andrew Reginald. What Good News Does the Church Have for Its Gay Members?1984.
Stehling, Thomas. Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, Garland Library of Medieval Literature ;; V. 7.; Series a; Variation: Garland Library of Medieval Literature ;; V. 7. New York: Garland Pub., 1984.
Stehling, Thomas, and f. Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, Garland Library of Medieval Literature ; Vol. 7, Series a; Variation: Garland Library of Medieval Literature ; Vol. 7, Series A. New York: Garland, 1984.
Sverige Utredningen om homosexuellas situation i, samhället. Homosexuella Och Samhället: Betänkande, Statens Offentliga Utredningar,; 1984:63;. Stockholm: Liber/Allmänna förl., LiberTryck), 1984.
Sweden, Socialdepartementet, and samhället Utredningen om homosexuellas situation i. Homosexuella Och Samhället: Betänkande, Statens Offentliga Utredningar,; 1984:63;. Stockholm: Liber, 1984.
Symonds, John Addington. The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds / Grosskurth, Phyllis. New York: Random House, 1984.
Symonds, John Addington. The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds Grosskurth, Phyllis. London: Hutchinson, 1984.
Symonds, John Addington. Sexual Inversion. New York: Bell Pub. Co., 1984.
Symonds, John Addington. Sexual Inversion: Embodying, a Study in Greek Ethics and a Study in Modern Ethics: New York : Bell Books : Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1984.
Thomas, Marlo Cates, Video King Bee, and Company Starger. Consenting Adult Sheen, Martin: [S.l.] : King Bee Video : Distributed by MCA Distributing Corp., 1984.
Thorkelson, Lori. Emotional Dependency. San Rafael, CA.: Exodus, 1984.
Townsend, Larry. The New Leatherman's Workbook. Los Angeles, Calif.: Larry Townsend, 1984.
Traub, George. The Christian and Homosexuality1984.
Traub, George, and Network Theological Research Exchange. The Christian and Homosexuality, Variation: Theological Research Exchange Network (Series) ;; 009-00311984.
Turano, Vincent Anthony. The Effectiveness of Instruction in Human Sexuality as a Means of Changing Homophobic Attitudes1984.
Tweedy, Richard W. Homosexual Signs on the Rorschach and Gender Identity, Psychopathology and Overt Sexual Behavior1984.
Uhrig, Larry J. The Two of Us: Affirming, Celebrating, and Symbolizing Gay and Lesbian Relationships. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1984.
Ukleja, Philip Michael. A Theological Critique of the Contemporary Homosexual Movement1984.
United Church of Canada. Division of Ministry, Personnel, and Education. Sexual Orientation and Eligibility for the Order of Ministry: Report of the Division of Ministry Personnel and Education on the Ordination and Commissioning of Self-Declared Homosexual Persons. [Toronto: United Church of Canada, 1984.
United Church of Canada. Division of Ministry, Personnel, and Education. Sexual Orientation and Eligibility for the Order of Ministry: Report of the Division of Ministry Personnel and Education on the Ordination and Commissioning of Self-Declared Homosexual Persons for the United Church of Canada. [S.l.: s.n.], 1984.
University of Amsterdam. Baschwitz Institute for Public, Opinion, and Psychology Mass. Dutch Continuous Survey, 1972, Icpsr ;; 7021; Variation: Icpsr (Series) ;; 7021. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan [distributor], 1984.
University of Amsterdam. Institute for Political, Science, Political Inter-university Consortium for, and Research Social. Dutch Continuous Survey, 1972 University of Amsterdam. Baschwitz Institute for Public Opinion and Mass Psychology, Icpsr; 7021; Variation: Icpsr (Series) ;; 7021. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1984.
University of California, Berkeley, and Students Associated. Poetry from a Gay Perspective. Berkeley, Calif.: Multi-Cultural Gay Students, ASUC, 1984.
Utredningen om Homosexuellas Situation i, Samhället. Homosexuella Och Samhället: Betänkande Av Utredningen Om Homosexuellas Situation I Samhället, Statens Offentliga Utredningar ;; 1984,63 : Socialdep.;. Stockholm: Liber, 1984.
Visconti, Luchino, Cinematografica Alfa, and Video Warner Home. Death in Venice Morte a Venezia / Badalucco, Nicola. Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 1984.
Vogel, Peter, and Issues New York . State Task Force on Gay. Governor's Task Force on Gay Issues [Held at] Office of the Governor, Two World Trade Center, New York, New York, Monday, August 13, 1984, 1:00 P.M, New York State Legislative and Executive Hearings Transcripts.;: [Albany, NY : Task Force on Gay Issues ; New York, NY : S. & S. Reporting Co., 1984.
Vogel, Peter, and Issues New York . State Task Force on Gay. The State of New York Governor's Task Force on Gay Issues [Held at] 2 World Trade Center, New York, New York, Room 5890, Tuesday, October 23, 1984, 3:00 P.M, New York State Legislative and Executive Hearings Transcripts.;: [Albany, NY : Task Force on Gay Issues ; New York, NY : S. & S. Reporting Co., 1984.
Vujnovic, Sandra A. A Profile of Patients at a Community Agency Serving Sexual Minorities1984.
Walravens, Hartmut. Eugen Wilhelm, Jurist Und Sexualwissen-Schaftler: Eine Bibliographie, Arcana Bibliographica ;; Bd. 2;. Hamburg: C. Bell, 1984.
Warren, Hugh, and Group London Gay Teenage. Talking About School. London: London Gay Teenage Group, 1984.
Weitzman, Marcia. Homosexuality as Viewed from Five Perspectives: The Child, the Parents, the Family, the Counselor, the Community, an Informational Handbook. Washington, D.C.: The National Federation of Parents and Friends of Gays, 1984.
Wilcox, Michael. Gay Plays, V. 1-3: A Methuen Theatrefile; V. 4: A Methuen New Theatrescript; Variation: Methuen Theatrefile.; Methuen New Theatrescript. London ; New York: Methuen, 1984.
Wilcox, Michael. Gay Plays, Volume Two, A Methuen Theatrefile;: London : New York : Methuen, 1984.
Wilcox, Michael. Gay Plays. Vol.1 / Mcclenaghan, Tom, A Methuen Theatrefile;. London: Methuen, 1984.
Wilcox, Michael Selig, Timothy Terminal bar. Mason, and war Prisoners of. Gay Plays, Volume Three / Crowe, Richard. ; Cock & Bull Story, A Methuen Paperback; a Methuen Theatrefile; a Methuen New Theatrescript;. London: Methuen, 1984.
Worthen, Frank. Steps out of Homosexuality. San Rafael, Calif.: Love In Action, 1984.
1985 (331 items)
Aclu Joins Gays in Struggle for Equality. 1985.
Anamika. Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 70. Brooklyn, N.Y: Anamika, 1985.
An Anthology for the Gay Community. [Denver: Dignity Inc.], 1985.
Collection of Sample Pictorial Magazines and Pamphlets with Male Homosexual Themes. New York: New York Public Library, 1985.
The Constitutional Status of Sexual Orientation: Homosexuality as a Suspect Classification. 1985.
Fighting Back: Lesbian and Gay Draft, Military and Veterans Issues. Supplement. [S.l.: s.n.], 1985.
The Gaybeat. Cincinnati, Ohio: Whitman Pub., 1985.
Gr Gaze Review of Books. Broadway [N.S.W.]: Stilone Pty Ltd., 1985.
[the Homosexual Law Reform Bill: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings]. 1985.
Homosexualidad: Literatura Y Política. El Libro De Bolsillo ;; 1079;. Madrid: Alianza, 1985.
Homosexualität Und Wissenschaft. Berlin: R. Winkel, 1985.
In His Youth. Vancouver, B.C.: Ageneios Press, 1985.
Leather and Bondage a Collection of Sample Pictorial Magazines and Pamphlets with Male Homosexual Themes. New York: New York Public Library, 1985.
The Legal System and Homosexuality--Approbation, Accommodation, or Reprobation?: Symposium. University of Dayton Law Review,; V. 10, No. 3;. Dayton, Ohio: University of Dayton School of Law, 1985.
Macho Tips. México, D.F.: Macho International, 1985.
Melbourne's Star Observer. Carlton South, Vic.: Gay Publications, 1985.
Michael Booth: [Collection]: 1985-1997. 1985.
Symposium, the Legal System and Homosexuality: Approbation, Accommodation, or Reprobation? Dayton, OH: University of Ohio Law Review, 1985.
The Voice. Detroit, Mich.: Pegasus Enterprises, 1985.
Who's Who: Colorado's Most Extensive Gay Publication. [Aurora, Colo.: Who's Who], 1985.
Aardweg, G. J. M. van den. Homosexuality and Hope: A Psychologist Talks About Treatment and Change. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1985.
Aaron, James. The Gay Trivia Quiz Book. New York: Arbor House, 1985.
Acevedo, Zelmar. Homosexualidad: Hacia La Destrucción De Los Mitos. Bs. As. [i.e. Buenos Aires], Argentina: Ediciones del Ser, 1985.
Achtenberg, Roberta, Guild National Lawyers, Gay Bisexual Rights Committee Lesbian, and Chapter San Francisco Bay Area. Sexual Orientation and the Law. [Eagan, Minn.]: Thomson West, 1985.
Affirmation: United Methodists for, Lesbian, and Concerns Gay. Manna for the Journey: Washington, D.C. : Affirmation : United Methodists for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, 1985.
Alyson, Sasha Ireland. Young, Gay & Proud! / Brown, Enid. Boston, Mass.: Alyson Publications, 1985.
Amendt, Günter, Berlin Freie Universität, and Studentenausschuss Schwulenreferat im Allgemeinen. Dokumentation Der Vortragsreihe "Homosexualität Und Wissenschaft". Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel, 1985.
Ammon, Richard Albright. When There's No Wedding, How Do You Know You're Married?: The Development and Characteristics of Bonding in Long-Term Gay Male Relationships1985.
Anglican Church of Australia. Diocese of Sydney. Standing, Committee. Report of the Standing Committee on 1983 Synod Motion on Homosexuality and Ministry. Sydney: Anglican Church of Australia, Diocese of Sydney, Standing Committee, 1985.
Ariès, Philippe. Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times / Béjin, André, Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times; Variation: Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times. Oxford: Blackwell, 1985.
Ariès, Philippe, and sociales Ecole des hautes études en sciences. Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times / Béjin, André, Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times;. Oxford, UK ; New York, NY, USA: B. Blackwell, 1985.
Association of American Law, Schools, Gay Section on, and Issues Lesbian Legal. Aals Section on Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues [Newsletter]. [Washington, D.C.?]: The Association, 1985.
Athens Gay/Lesbian, Alliance. Agla. [Athens, Ga.: Athens Gay/Lesbian Alliance, 1985.
Atlanta, Business, and Guild Professional. The Phoenix a Publication of the Atlanta Business & Professional Guild, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994;; Reel 71. Atlanta, Ga.: Atlanta Business and Professional Guild, 1985.
Babenco, Hector, Leonard direction. Schrader, Raul cast. Julia, araña Beso de la mujer, and H. B. Filmes. Kiss of the Spider Woman Weisman, David, ; Production. [S.I.: H.B. Films], 1985.
Babenco, Hector, Leonard direction. Schrader, Raul cast. Julia, woman Kiss of the spider, H. B. Filmes, Films Sugarloaf, and Collection Copyright. Kiss of the Spider Woman = O Beijo Da Mulher Aranha / Weisman, David, ; Production: United States : Island Alive, Brazil : s.n., United States : Charter Entertainment, 1985.
Bacon, C. James, and Citizens Coalition of Concerned. The Social Effects of Homosexuality in New Zealand. Christchurch, N.Z.: Coalition of Concerned Citizens, 1985.
Baker, Don. Beyond Rejection: The Church, Homosexuality, and Hope. Portland, Ore.: Multnomah Press, 1985.
Bakker, E. Homosekualiteit En De Media / Schuyf, J. ; (Judith), Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; Nr. 4;. Utrecht: Rijksuniversiteit, 1985.
Bakker, E., R. T. V. Urania Stichting Homo, and Utrecht Rijksuniversiteit te. Homoseksualiteit En De Media: Verslag Van Een Studiedag Georganiseerd Door Homo Rtv Urania En Homostudies Utrecht / Schuyf, J. ; (Judith), Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1985, 4; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 4.: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Verspreiding, Homologie Distributie, 1985.
Baumgardt, Manfred, Gesellschaft Magnus Hirschfeld, and Kulturbesitz Staatsbibliothek Preussischer. Magnus Hirschfeld, Leben Und Werk: Eine Ausstellung Aus Anlass Seines 50. Todestags, Veranstaltet Von Der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft: Katalog / Hirschfeld, Magnus,; 1868-1935, Schriftenreihe Der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft ;; Nr. 3;. Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1985.
Binding, Paul. Lorca: The Gay Imagination. London: GMP, 1985.
Black, Gay, Forum Lesbian Leadership, Black National Association of, and Together White Men. You Can't Play--without the Right Equipment Rubbers--Every Time!, You Can't Play without the Right Equipment;. Los Angeles, Calif.: Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, 1985.
Black, Gay, Forum Lesbian Leadership, and Aids Prevention National Task Force on. Hot, Horny, and Healthy Rubbers--Every Time! Los Angeles, Calif.: Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, 1985.
Black, Gay, Forum Lesbian Leadership, and Aids Prevention National Task Force on. If You Really Love Him-- Rubbers--Every Time!, Rubbers--Every Time;. Los Angeles, Calif.: Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, 1985.
Black, Gay, Forum Lesbian Leadership, and Aids Prevention National Task Force on. No Glove, No Love! Rubbers--Every Time!, Rubbers--Every Time;. Los Angeles, Calif.: Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, 1985.
Blackbridge, Persimmon. Still Sane / Gilhooly, Sheila,; 1951. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Press Gang, 1985.
Blackbridge, Persimmon. Still Sane Gilhooly, Sheila,; 1951. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Press Gang, 1985.
Blackwood, Evelyn. Anthropology and Homosexual Behavior, Journal of Homosexuality,; V. 11, Nos. 3/4 (Summer 1985); Variation: Journal of Homosexuality ;; V. 11, Nos. 3-4. New York: Haworth Press, 1985.
Blackwood, Evelyn. Anthropology and Homosexuality, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 12; Variation: Research on Homosexuality. New York: Haworth Press, 1985.
Bonnet, Henri. Les Amours Et La Sexualité De Marcel Proust. Paris: Libr. A.-G. Nizet, 1985.
Bonser, Helen A. An Experience in Leadership with Parents Flag1985.
Booher, Gary. Affirmations: A Select Anthology of Writings for Gay and Lesbian Mormons / Mortensen, Paul. Los Angeles: Affirmation/Gay and Lesbian Mormons, 1985.
Booher, Gary, Gay Affirmation, and Mormons Lesbian. Affirmations: A Select Anthology of Writings for Gay and Lesbian Mormons / Mortensen, Paul. Los Angeles, Calif.: Affirmation/Gay and Lesbian Mormons, 1985.
Borland, James A. Homosexuality an Alternative Life-Style, or Sin?, Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-1173;1985.
Boswell, John. Christianisme, Tolérance Sociale Et Homosexualité: Les Homosexuels En Europe Occidentale Des Débuts De L'ére Chrétienne Au X1ve Siécle, Bibliothéque Des Histoires;. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1985.
Bourdonnay, Katherine. Fighting Back Lesbian and Gay Draft, Military and Veterans Issues, Cic Women's Studies Preservation Project ;; V. 94, No. 5;. Chicago, Ill.: Midwest Committee for Military Counseling, 1985.
Boyd, Jerry T. The "P" Street Beach Handbook. [Washington, D.C.]: PSBH Associates, 1985.
Burton, Peter. Parallel Lives: London : GMP ; Boston, MA, USA : Distributed in North America by Alyson Publications, 1985.
Bwmt/Connecticut. Black and White Men Together: Monthly Newsletter. Hartford, Conn.: BWMT Connecticut, 1985.
Campaign for, Equality. The Truth Examiner: It's Time to Tell the Truth About the Most Important Issues of Today. No. 1, August 1985. Auckland, [N.Z.]: Campaign for Equality, 1985.
Canadian, Lesbian, and Network Gay History. Canadian Lesbian and Gay History Network Newsletter. [Toronto]: The Network, 1985.
Canadian University, Press. Sex & Love. [Ottawa]: The Press, 1985.
Canadian University, Press. Sex & Love: A Canadian University Press Special Lesbian/Gay Features Exchange: 8 February 1985. [Ottawa]: The Press, 1985.
Cañas, Dionisio Lipton. Inhabitants of the Flesh: A Selection of Poems. [S.l.: s.n.], 1985.
Carrasco, Rafael. Inquisición Y Represión Sexual En Valencia: Historia De Los Sodomitas, 1565-1785, Colección Rey De Bastos ;; 14;. Barcelona: Laertes, 1985.
Cason, Mairin. Some Psychological Aspects of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: Case Studies1985.
Cass, Vivienne. Homosexual Identity Formation the Presentation and Testing of a Sociocognitive Theory1985.
Chauncey, George. Christian Brotherhood or Sexual Perversion?: Homosexual Identities and the Construction of Sexual Boundaries in the World War One Era1985.
Christians for Homosexual Law, Reform, and Action Christian. Say Yes: Christians and the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. Auckland [N.Z.]: Christian Action, 1985.
Church of the Province of New Zealand. Provincial, Public, and Committee Social Affairs. Submission Homosexual Law Reform Bill1985.
Cleveland Gay People's Press, Associates. Gay People's Chronicle. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Gay Peoples Press Associates, 1985.
Clifford, Colm Young, and Annexe Library. The Writings of Four Gay Men. Clews, Nic. London: Library Annexe, 1985.
Cohen, David. Law, Society, and Homosexuality in Classical Athens, Variation: University Lectures.1985.
Congregation Bet, Haverim. Congregation Bet Haverim [Newsletter], Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 75. Atlanta, Ga: Congregation Bet Haverim, 1985.
Cook, Colin. Homosexuality: An Open Door? Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Association, 1985.
Cook, Colin, Anonymous Homosexuals, and Donahue. Homosexuality. [S.l.]: Phil Donahue Show, 1985.
Copely, Ursula Enters, and Center Homosexual Information. Directory of Homosexual Organizations and Publications: A Field Guide to the Homosexual Movement in the United States and Canada. Hollywood, Calif.: Homosexual Information Center, 1985.
Core, Philip. Philip Core: Paintings, 1975-1985. London: GMP, 1985.
Cotter, Jim. The Other Country: Spies of God, Friends of God, The Seventh Michael Harding Memorial Address; Variation: Michael Harding Memorial Address ;; 7. London: Gay Christian Movement, 1985.
Cotter, Jim, and Movement Gay Christian. The Other Country: Spies of God, Friends of God: [a Lecture] Given at the Leadmill, Sheffield 23 March 1985, The Seventh Michael Harding Memorial Address; Variation: Michael Harding Memorial Address ;; 7. London: Gay Christian Movement, 1985.
Cotter, Jim, Movement Gay Christian, and Aberystwyth United Theological College. The Other Country: Spies of God, Friends of God: [an Address] Given at the Leadmill, Sheffield 23 March 1985, Michael Harding Memorial Address ;; 7; Variation: Michael Harding Memorial Address ;; 7.; the Seventh Michael Harding Memorial Address. London: Gay Christian Movement, 1985.
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Coxon, Anthony P. M. The 'Gay Lifestyle' and the Impact of Aids, Sru Working Paper ;; No. 17;. Cardiff: Social Research Unit, Dept. of Sociology, University College, Cardiff, 1985.
Crompton, Louis. Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th-Century England. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.
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Curry, Hayden. A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. [Berkeley, CA.]: Nolo Press, 1985.
Dailey, Timothy J. The Use of Scripture in Normative Christian Ethics the Limit Case of Homosexuality as Viewed in the Contemporary Debate (1955-1984)1985.
Dam, Wim van. Astrology and Homosexuality. York Beach, Me.: S. Weiser, 1985.
Dank, Barry M. The Development of a Homosexual Identity: Antecedents and Consequents1985.
Davila, Juan. The Mutilated Pieta / Foss, Paul. Surry Hills, NSW: Artspace, 1985.
De Cecco, John P. Bashers, Baiters & Bigots: Homophobia in American Society. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
De Cecco, John P. Controversy over the Bisexual and Homosexual Identities: Commentaries and Reactions, Journal of Homosexuality,; V. 10, No. 3/4 (Winter 1984); Variation: Journal of Homosexuality ;; V. 10, No. 3/4. [Binghampton, N.Y.]: Haworth Press, 1985.
De Cecco, John P. Gay Personality and Sexual Labeling. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
De Cecco, John P. Origins of Sexuality and Homosexuality / Shively, Michael G, Journal of Homosexuality ;; Vol 9 Nos 2/3;. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
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Dench, Judi Burke. The Angelic Conversation [Dvd] Costin, Simon. London: BFI, 1985.
Diamond, E. L. Manning. Coming to Terms. [Buffalo, N.Y.]: E.L. Diamond, 1985.
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Dignity, inc, and V. Region. An Anthology for the Gay and Lesbian Community. [Michigan]: Dignity Region V, 1985.
Dyer, Sarah, History Sallie Bingham Center for Women's, and Culture. Sarah Dyer Zine Collection, Ca. 1985-19991985.
Dynes, Wayne R. Homolexis: A Historical and Cultural Lexicon of Homosexuality, Gai Saber Monograph ;; No. 4;. New York, N.Y.: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, 1985.
Dynes, Wayne R., Union Gay Academic, and Chapter New York. Homolexis: A Historical and Cultural Lexicon of Homosexuality, Gai Saber Monograph ;; No. 4; Variation: Gai Saber Monograph ;; No. 4. New York, NY: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, 1985.
Epstein, Robert Snyder, and Productions Pioneer. The Life and Times of Harvey Milk Schmeichen, Richard1985.
Eye Witness, News, and Centre Heylen Research. Homosexuality: Heylen Poll, April 20th, 1985. Auckland, [N.Z.]: Heylen Research Centre, 1985.
Falcon, Chuck Tilton. The Effect of Gender and Sex-Role on Attitudes toward Homosexuals1985.
Farnan, Dorothy J. Auden in Love. New York, N.Y.: New American Library, 1985.
Filmworks, Inc. America Undercover Being Homosexual1985.
FitzSimons, David, Britain Great, Hygiene Bureau of, and Diseases Tropical. [Aids Newsletter Press Cuttings]. [London: Bureau of Hygiene & Tropical Diseases, 1985.
Flinn, Richard, and Committee Reformed Churches of New Zealand. Political Contact. Homosexuality and the Law: Freedom at Last?: A Submission / Steenhof, John,; 1949. [Auckland, N.Z.: The Committee, 1985.
Follett, Richard James. On Teaching Gay Literature1985.
Forrest, Anna R. The Moral Lobbyist: A Study of Homosexual Law Reform and the Regulation of Video Pornography in Western Australia1985.
Foucault, Michel. Von Der Freundschaft Als Lebenweise: Michel Foucault Im Gespräch. Berlin: Merve, 1985.
Fox, John. The Boys on the Rock, Arena;. London: Arrow books, 1985.
Friele, Karen-Christine. De Forsvant Bare-: Fragmenter Av Homofiles Historie. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1985.
Gallagher, Raphael CSsR. Understanding the Homosexual. Dublin: Veritas, 1985.
Gangel, Kenneth O. Zhu. Fu Yin Yu Kuai Huo Ren: Cong Sheng Jing Zhen Li Kan Tong Xing Lian Xing Wei. Xianggang: Tian dao shu lou, 1985.
García Lorca, Federico. Oda Y Burla De Sesostris Y Sardanápalo / García-Posada, Miguel, Colección Esquío De Poesía ;; 16;. Ferrol: Sociedad de Cultura Valle-Inclán, 1985.
García Lorca, Federico. Oda Y Burla De Sesostris Y Sardanápalo / García-Posada, Miguel. ; Ed, Colección Esquío De Poesía ;; 16; Variation: Colección Esquío De Poesía ;; 16.: Ferrol : Esquio-Ferrol : Sociedad de cultura Valle-Inclán, 1985.
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Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. Chance of a Lifetime. New York, N.Y.: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1985.
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Gellert, Roger. Quaint Honour. Vol.2. Wilcox, Michael,; 1943, A Methuen Theatrefile;. London: Methuen., 1985.
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Gide, André. Corydon, Gay Modern Classics;. London: GMP, 1985.
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Glines, John, Lucille Lortel, Marshall W. Mason, Dennis Parichy, Chuck London, Fred Reinglas, Apr, Jonathan Hogan, Steven Gregan, Lily Knight, Lou Liberatore, Betty L. Corwin, Organization Shubert, and Collection Billy Rose Theatre. As Is Lane, Lawrence. ; (Producer): New York, 1985.
Goldblum, Peter Benjamin. Psychosocial Factors Associated with the Risk of Attempted Suicide by Homosexual Men1985.
Goldsmith, Diane, Educational Connecticut Women's, and Fund Legal. Legal Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men in Connecticut: Women's Legal Resources Project. Omilian, Susan M. Hartford, CT. (22 Maple Ave., Hartford 06114): Connecticut Women's Educational and Legal Fund, 1985.
Gonsiorek, John C. A Guide to Psychotherapy with Gay and Lesbian Clients. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
Gonsiorek, John C. Homosexuality & Psychotherapy: A Practitioner's Handbook of Affirmative Models, Research on Homosexuality; V. 4; Journal of Homosexuality ;; V. 7, No. 2-3 (Winter/Spring 1981/1982); Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 4.; Journal of Homosexuality ;; V. 7, No. 2-3. New York: Haworth Press, 1985.
Gonzales Ruiz, Armando Colome Canales. Masculino De 25 Anos Con Diarrea, Perdida De Peso Y Tos De Larga Duracion1985.
González de Alba, Luis. Bases Biologicas De La Bisexualidad, Serie Ciencia ;; 1; Variation: Serie Ciencia (Mexico City, Mexico) ;; 1. México: Editorial Katún, 1985.
Goodey, Ila Marie. Sexual Identity Conflict: A Qualitative Analysis of Clinical Presentation1985.
Goodwin, Joseph P. More Man Than You'll Ever Be: Gay Folklore and Acculturation1985.
Gough, Jamie. Gay Liberation in the Eighties / Macnair, Mike. London: Pluto Press, 1985.
Gough, Jamie. Gay Liberation in the Eighties Macnair, Mike. London: Pluto Press, 1985.
Grahn, Judy. The Highest Apple: Sappho and the Lesbian Poetic Tradition. San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, 1985.
Greyson, John. Kipling Meets the Cowboys. [Ontario]: John Greyson, 1985.
Greyson, John, Council Canada, and V. Tape. The Jungle Boy Campbell, Colin. Toronto, Canada: V Tape, 1985.
Hanick, Linda. Coming out of Homosexuality Hanick, Jack. [S.l.]: Good News Communications, 1985.
Hanig, Josh, and Films New Day. Coming of Age Hicks, Dennis. Wayne, N.J.: New Day Films, 1985.
Hardwick, Michael Rosen, States United, Appeals Court of, Sex Committee on, and Law. In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1985, Michael J. Bowers, Attorney General of Georgia, Petitioner, V. Michael Hardwick and John and Mary Doe, Respondents: On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, Brief Amicus Curiae / Bowers, Michael J. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1985.
Harris, Mark Manning. Male Attitudes toward Male Homosexuality: Self-Acceptance and Attitudes About Sex Roles1985.
Harvey, John F. Homosexuality Fitzgibbons, Richard P. Fairview Village, PA: Love Tape Ministry, 1985.
Harvey, John F. Pastoral Care of of the Homosexual. [S.l.: S.n., 1985.
Harvey, James P. Moral and Pastoral Aspect of Homosexuality Fitzgibbons, Richard. Glenolden, PA: Love Tape Ministry, 1985.
Hencken, Joel David. Sexual-Orientation Self-Disclosure1985.
Heylen Research, Centre. Public Support for Homosexual Law Reform. Auckland [N.Z.]: Heylen Research Centre, 1985.
Hidalgo, Hilda Woodman. Lesbian and Gay Issues: A Resource Manual for Social Workers / Peterson, Travis L. Silver Spring, Md.: National Association of Social Workers, 1985.
Hill, Tod. Are Homos Male and Female Sexed?: Social and Political Relations between Lesbians and Gay Men in America in the 1950s. [S.l.: s.n., 1985.
Hirschler, Horst. Homosexualität Und Pfarrerberuf, Vorlagen ;; Heft 28/29; Variation: Vorlagen ;; Heft 28/29. Hannover: Lutherhaus Verlag, 1985.
Hirsig, Huguette. Astrologie Homosexuelle. Corcelles-le-Jorat, Suisse: Y. Peyret, 1985.
Hochstein, Lorna M. Pastoral Psychotherapists: Their Attitudes toward Gay and Lesbian Clients1985.
Hodge, William C. Homosexual Law Reform. [Auckland, N.Z.: Human Rights Commission], 1985.
Hodge, William C., Zealand New, and Commission Human Rights. Homosexual Law Reform. [Wellington, N.Z.: Human Rights Commission], 1985.
Holt, Thomas B. A Study in the Gender Arrangements of Gay Men1985.
Ide, Arthur Frederick. The City of Sodom & Homosexuality in Western Religious Thought to 630 Ce, Woman in History,; V. 39; Variation: Woman in History ;; 39. Dallas: Monument Press, 1985.
Ide, Arthur Frederick. Gomorrah & the Rise of Homophobia. Las Colinas: Liberal Press, 1985.
Ide, Arthur Frederick. Idol Worshippers in 20th Century America: Phyllis Schlafly, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and the Moral Majority on Women, Work, and Homosexuality: With a Parallel Translation and Critical Commentary on Genesis 19. Dallas: Monument Press, 1985.
Ide, Arthur Frederick. Idol Worshippers in America: Phyllis Schlafly, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and the Moral Majority on Women, Work, and Homosexuality: With a Parallel Translation and Critical Commentary on Genesis 19. Dallas: Monument Press, 1985.
Indonesian Gay, Society. Jaka. Yogyakarta: Persaudaraan "G", 1985.
Institute for the Scienfic Investigation of, Sexuality. Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality. Lincoln, NE: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality, 1985.
Jacobs, Maxie. Conditioned Aversion Applied to the Treatment of Homosexuality and Compulsive Ruminations. [S.l.: s.n.], 1985.
Jarman, Derek, and Institute British Film. The Angelic Conversation Mackay, James. London: BFI, 1985.
Jarman, Derek, Institute British Film, Coil, and Cinefil. The Angelic Conversation Dench, Judi,; 1934, Derek Jarman Dvd Collection;. Japan: Uplink / Cinefil, 1985.
Jarman, Derek, Sonnets, Institute British Film, and Four Channel. The Angelic Conversation Reynolds, Paul. New York, NY: Mystic Fire Video, 1985.
Katz, Jonathan. Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A, Harper Colophon Books;. New York ; London: Harper & Row, 1985.
Katz, Jonathan. Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A.: A Documentary, Harper Colophon Books;. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
Kellogg, Stuart. Essays on Gay Literature. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
Kellogg, Stuart. Literary Visions of Homosexuality, The Research on Homosexuality Series ;; No. 6; Variation: Research on Homosexuality. New York, N.Y.: Haworth Press, 1985.
Kennedy, Anne, Bridget Ikin, Alan Locke, Commission New Zealand Film, and Films Hibiscus. [About Face Jewel's Darl and My First Suit]. Wells, Peter. ; (Director). New Zealand: Produced by Hibiscus Films Ltd. in association with the New Zealand Film Commission, 1985.
Kennedy, Anne, Commission New Zealand Film, and Films Hibiscus. Jewel's Darl Wells, Peter, About Face: Seven Tales for Television;. New Zealand: Produced by Hibiscus Films Ltd. in association with the New Zealand Film Commission, 1985.
Kepner, Jim, Gay International, and Archives Lesbian. A Brief Essay on Gay Movement History & Goals, or, Why Can't We All Get Together? And What Do We Have in Common after All? [Hollywood, Calif.: International Gay and Lesbian Archives], 1985.
Klein, Fred. Bisexualities: Theory and Research / Wolf, Timothy J, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 11; Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 11. New York: Haworth Press, 1985.
Klugkist, Dagmar Adina Inga. The Role of Rituals in the Stabilization of Gay Relationships. Pretoria: Unisa, 1985.
Kochanowski, Paul D. Trends in Treatment and Research Issues with Male Homosexuals1985.
Koertge, Noretta. Philosophy and Homosexuality. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
Kollar, Michael A. A Comparison of the Satisfaction with a Residence Hall Living Situation of Gay/Lesbian Residents with Heterosexual Residents as Measured by the University Residence Environment Scale and a Gay/Lesbian Awareness Workshop Program for University Residence Hall Assistants1985.
Komine, Shigeyuki. Doseiai to Dosei Shinju No Kenkyu / Minami, Takao,; 1910. Tokyo: Komine Kenkyujo, 1985.
Kureishi, Hanif Frears. My Beautiful Laundrette [Video] Day-Lewis, Daniel. London: Cinema Club, 1985.
Lambda Associates of Sataten, Island. Quarterly. Staten Island, N.Y.: Lambda Associates of Staten Island, 1985.
Landsforeningen for bøsser og, lesbiske. [Landsforeningen for Bøsser Og Lesbiske Collection of Danish Organizational and Related Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Printed Matter from Copenhagen, 1985-2009]1985.
Langford, Joe. Homophobia and Sex Role as Factors in the Intimacy of Same-Sex Friendship1985.
Lavender, Menace, West, and Bookshop Wilde. Books for Men. Edinburgh: Lavender Menace, 1985.
Leonard, Robin, and Project Lesbian Rights. Lesbians, Gay Men, & Employment Discrimination: An Annotated Bibliography of Cases and Law Review Articles. San Francisco (1370 Mission St., San Francisco 94103): Lesbian Rights Project, 1985.
Lesbian, and Centre Gay Rights Resource. Aids and the Law: Notes for Lobbyists Working for Homosexual Law Reform. [Wellington, N.Z.]: the Centre, 1985.
Lever, Maurice. Les Bûchers De Sodome: Histoire Des "Infâmes". Paris: Fayard, 1985.
Lewes, Kenneth Allen. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality1985.
Licata, Salvatore J. The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays / Petersen, Robert P. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
Licata, Salvatore J. Historical Perspectives on Homosexuality / Petersen, Robert P, Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 2; Journal of Homosexuality,; V. 6, No. 1-2;: New York : Haworth Press : Stein and Day, 1985.
Logan, Bill, and Force Gay Task. Rebuttal of a Handbook of Homophobia: Response to the Coalition of Concerned Citizens' Booklet the Social Effects of Homosexuality in New Zealand. Wellington [N.Z.]: Gay Task Force, 1985.
Lutherans Concerned/North America. Task Force on, Theology. A Call for Dialog: Gay and Lesbian Christians and the Ministry of the Church. [Chicago, Ill.: Lutherans Concerned, 1985.
Lynd, Laurie. Together and Apart. New York: Cinema Guild, 1985.
Maeng, Chang Ho. Sexual Ethics in Paul: A Thesis. [Stockton, Calif.]: C.H. Maeng, 1985.
Magnuson, Roger, and League Berean. Are "Gay Rights" Right?: A Report on Homosexuality and the Law. St. Paul, Minn.: Berean League, 1985.
Magnuson, Roger J. Are "Gay Rights" Right?: Homosexuality and the Law. Minneapolis: Straitgate Press, 1985.
Magnuson, Roger J., and Fund Berean League. Are "Gay Rights" Right?: A Report on Homosexuality and the Law. St. Paul, Minn. (2875 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul 55113): The Fund, 1985.
Maher, Pat, and Center Upstate Medical. The Effects of Discrimination on Health Care the Politics of Gay and Lesbian Health, Humanistic Approaches to Health Care1985.
Manen, Hans van, Trust Terrence Higgins, Centre Amsterdam Health Education, and Volksgezondheid en Cultuur Ministerie van Welzijn. Safer Sex, Keep It Up! Vellinga, Menne. [London]: Terrence Higgins Trust, 1985.
Marshall, Stuart, Chicago Art Institute of, and Bank Video Data. Bright Eyes. Chicago, Ill.: Video Data Bank, 1985.
Martínez, Ernesto. Guía Legal Del Homosexual Urbano. México: EDAMEX, 1985.
Matt. Poe, Ken Hawkins. Sado Island / Bales, Mikal. Los Angeles, Calif.: Zeus Publications, 1985.
Maza, Francisco de la. La Erótica Homosexual En Grecia Y Roma, Colección Biblioteca De Las Decisiones ;; 9;. México, D.F.: Editorial Oasis ;, 1985.
McDermid, Carol Lynn. Gide's Rhetorical Liberation of Desire1985.
McDonald, Boyd. Cruising the Movies: A Sexual Guide to Oldies on Tv. New York: Gay Presses of New York, 1985.
McLeod, Donald W., Gays, syndrome acquired immune deficiency, and Archives Canadian Gay. Medical, Social & Political Aspects of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) Crisis: A Bibliography / Miller, Alan V, Canadian Gay Archives Publication ;; No. 10;. Toronto, Ont., Canada: Canadian Gay Archives, 1985.
McNeill, John J. The Church and the Homosexual: New York, Next Year Pub., 1985.
McWhirter, David P., and Video Humanus Home. The Male Couple How Relationships Develop / Mattison, Andrew M.,; 1948. Los Angeles, Calif.: Humanus Home Video, 1985.
Michel, Dee. Gay Studies Thesaurus: A Controlled Vocabulary for Indexing and Accessing Materials of Relevance to Gay Culture, History, Politics and Psychology. Princeton, NJ: Michel, 1985.
Mikesch, Elfi Grossmann, von Ritter, Pelz Venus im, I. I. I. Filmproduktion Hyäne, and Features First-Run. Verführung Die Grausame Frau = Seduction: Lady Cruel / Treut, Monika. New York, NY: First Run Features, 1985.
Miller, D'Lane S. Homosexualities: A Study of Types1985.
Mirabet i Mullol, Antoni. Homosexualidad Hoy: Aceptada O Todavía Condenada? Barcelona: Herder, 1985.
Moberly, Elizabeth R. Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic. London: James Clarke, 1985.
Moran, Michael. Effects of Labeling and Self-Esteem Perceptions of a Therapist and the Willingness to Self-Disclose by Gay and Lesbian Subjects1985.
Morgan, Eileen. The Homosexual Law Reform Bill, a Union Issue / Johnson, Russell: Auckland [N.Z.] : Labour Publishing Co-operative Society : distributed by Pilot Books, 1985.
Morgenthaler, Fritz. Homosexualität, Heterosexualität, Perversion. Frankfurt a.M.: Qumran, 1985.
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Muir, Peter. Cytomegalovirus Infection and Immunity in Homosexual Men: 1985., 1985.
National Council of Churches in New, Zealand, Church, and Commission Society. Study and Discussion Kit: Homosexual Law Reform. Auckland, [N.Z.]: Church & Society Commission, 1985.
National Lawyers, Guild, Force Gay Rights Task, Chapter Santa Clara Valley, and Oppression National Committee to Combat Women's. Anti-Sexism Newsletter: A Combined Effort of the Gay Rights Task Force and the National Committee to Combat Women's Oppression. San Jose, Ca.: National Lawyers Guild, Santa Clara Valley Chapter, 1985.
Nelligan, Maurice. La Otra Cara Del Machismo: En El Presente Libro Hemos Elaborado Un Cuadro Humano, Objetivo E Imparcial, Amen De Divertido, Ligero Y Simpático, Del Varón Homosexual De Origen Mexicano. México, D.F.: Editores Asociados Mexicanos, EDAMEX, 1985.
New South Wales. Anti-Discrimination, Board. Annual Report 1984/1985: Chapter 8, Homosexuality Discrimination. [Sydney]: Govt. Printer, 1985.
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New York City Parents of, Lesbians, and Inc Gays. Can We Understand?: A Guide for Parents. New York: New York City Parents of Lesbians Gays, 1985.
New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform, Society. Submission to the Statutes Revision Committee in Support of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill 1985. Wellington [N.Z.]: New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Society, 1985.
New Zealand University Students, Association. Submission to the Statutes Revision Select Committee on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. Wellington, N.Z.: New Zealand University Students' Association, 1985.
New Zealand. Human Rights, Commission. Public Statement on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. Auckland, N.Z.: Human Rights Commission, 1985.
Noebel, David A. The Homosexual Revolution: A Look at the Preachers and Politicians Behind It. Manitou Springs, Colo.: Summit Press, 1985.
Nomenus, Inc. Nomenews. San Francisco, Calif.: Nomenus, 1985.
Nugent, Robert. Papers, 1963-[Ongoing], Bulk 1985-19961985.
Omark, Richard Carl. The Social Organization of a Gay Male Community1985.
Parker, William. Homosexuality Bibliography. Second Supplement, 1976-1982. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1985.
Parker, William. Homosexuality Bibliography. Supplement, 1976-1982. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1985.
Parkinson, P. G., Lesbian, and Centre Gay Rights Resource. Homosexuality as a Medical Condition / Silverstein, Charles. ; Family Matter: A Parents' Guide to Homosexuality. Wellington, N.Z.: Lesbian and Gay Rights Resource Centre, 1985.
Parkinson, P. G., Lesbian, and Centre Gay Rights Resource. The Sex Life of Gay People in New Zealand: Results of a National Survey 1984/5. Wellington [N.Z.]: Lesbian and Gay Rights Resource Centre, 1985.
Patton, Cindy. Sex and Germs: The Politics of Aids. Boston: South End Press, 1985.
Payne, Leanne. The Healing of the Homosexual. Westchester, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1985.
Pelletier, Rosaire. L'homosexualité, Dsi/Cb,; No 72;. Montréal: Le Service, 1985.
Pennington, Sylvia. Good News for Modern Gays: A Pro-Gay Biblical Approach. Hawthorne, CA: Lambda Christian Fellowship, 1985.
Pequigney, Joseph. Such Is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
Perry, Desmond J., Education South Australian College of Advanced, Campus Underdale, and Australia Synod of Western. Attitudes of Uniting Church Pastoral Care Givers Towards Homosexuality1985.
Perry, Suzanne Vicknair. Homosexual Identity Formation: An Analytical Review of Theoretical Models and Empirical Studies with Clinical Implications1985.
Phenmat, Kamnoetthon. Kanyomrap Khong Khru to Nakrian Ke: Su’ksa Karani Kharatchakan Khru Rongrian Matthayomsu’ksa Nai Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 6 Rongrian. [Krung Thep?]: Khana Sangkhomwitthaya lae Manutsayawitthaya, Mahawitthayalai Thammasat, 1985.
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Pletcher, Stan, College Goshen, and Seminar Biology Senior. A Christian Look at Homosexuality1985.
Ploeg, Wilfred. Naar Verten Die Niemand Weet: Homoseksualiteit in Het Huwelijk. Delft: Meinema, 1985.
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Presbyterian, Church. Breaking the Silence, Overcoming the Fear: Homophobia Education. New York: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1985.
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Reconciling Congregation, Program, and Concerns Affirmation: United Methodists for Lesbian/Gay. Manna for the Journey: Journal of the Reconciling Congregation Program: Washington, D.C. : Affirmation: United Methodists for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, 1985.
Reid, Stuart A., Australia Uniting Church in, and Victoria Synod of. Who Is My Neighbour?: A Study Guide for "Homosexuality and the Church" / Talbot, Warren,; 1958. Melbourne: Division of Social Justice, the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria, 1985.
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Rosenberg, Robert. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community / Scagliotti, John. New York, NY: Cinema Guild, 1985.
Ross, Michael W. Homosexuality, Masculinity & Femininity. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985.
Ross, Victor J. The Forbidden Apple: Sex in the Schools / Marlowe, John,; 1938. Palm Springs, CA: ETC Publications, 1985.
San Francisco, Aids Foundation, Research, and Corporation Decisions. A Report on Designing an Effective Aids Prevention Campaign Strategy for San Francisco: Results from the Second Probability Sample of an Urban Gay Male Community. San Francisco, Calif.: Research & Decisions Corp., 1985.
San Francisco Bay Area, Gay, and Society Lesbian Historical. Newsletter. San Francisco, Calif.: San Francisco Bay Area Gay & Lesbian Historical Society, 1985.
Santiago-Vazquez, Milagros. Homophobia among Male College Students of Puerto Rican Descent as a Function of Residence and Acculturation Factors1985.
Schaefer, Vivian, and Union Stonewall. You Can Fight City Hall Lesbian and Gay Rights in the Midwest. New York, NY: Women Make Movies, 1985.
Schiller, Greta. Before Stonewall :The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community. New York: Cinema Guild, 1985.
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Schofield, Michael George. Society and the Homosexual. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985.
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Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire, Gender and Culture.; Variation: Gender and Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
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Simmons, Fred. Scapegoating Theory Versus Cognitive Consistency Theory in Predicting and Explaining Generation of Attitudes among Fundamentalists1985.
Smith, David, Ltd Millivres, and Trust Pride. Lesbian & Gay Pride '95: Free Official Souvenir Magazine / Williams, Frances: [London : Millivres : The Pride Trust], 1985.
Smith, Greg Rev. Homosexuality Is Not a Sin. Petersham, N.S.W.: Metropolitan Community Church, 1985.
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Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Issues Bisexual. Division 44 Newsletter. Hermosa Beach, CA: Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues, 1985.
Sonenschein, David. The Politics of Sex Research1985.
Sophie, Joan. Stress, Social Network, and Sexual Orientation Identity Change in Women1985.
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Stark, Bonnie. Mccarthyism in Florida: Charley Johns and the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee, July, 1956 to July 19651985.
Steakley, James D. The Writings of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld: A Bibliography, Canadian Gay Archives Publication Series ;; No. 11; Schriftenreihe Der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft ;; Nr. 2;. Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1985.
Steven, Peter. Jump Cut: Between the Lines, 1985.
Steven, Peter. Jump Cut: Hollywood, Politics, and Counter Cinema. New York, NY: Praeger, 1985.
Steven, Peter. Jump Cut: Hollywood, Politics, and Counter-Cinema. Toronto, Ont.: Between the Lines, 1985.
Stoddard, Thomas B. The Aids Crisis: What the Aclu Must Do to Guard against Civil Liberties Abuses1985.
Stott, John R. W. Homosexual Partnerships?: Why Same-Sex Relationships Are Not a Christian Option, Viewpoint Pamphlets;. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1985.
Summerbell, Richard Charles. Abnormally Happy: A Gay Dictionary / Abound, Paul,; 1955. Vancouver, Canada: New Star Books, 1985.
Talbot, Dennis. Homosexual Women and Men in Australia and New Zealand: A Resource Book. Perth, W.A.: Gay Counselling Service, 1985.
Thévenot, Xavier. Homosexualités Masculines Et Morale Chrétienne, Recherches Morales,; 9;. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1985.
Thompson, Denise. Flaws in the Social Fabric: Homosexuals and Society in Sydney. Sydney [Aust.] ; Boston: G. Allen & Unwin, 1985.
Thorstad, David, and Association North American Man/Boy Love. A Witchhunt Foiled: The Fbi Vs. Nambla. New York: North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1985.
Tilton, Joanne Elizabeth. Health Beliefs and Barriers to Care Seeking among Lesbians1985.
Tinney, James S. Pastoral Care for the Person with Aids. [Washington, D.C.: J.S. Tinney], 1985.
Troiden, Richard R. Becoming Homosexual: Research on Acquiring a Gay Identity1985.
Turner, Glenn. Fairy Tales: A Treasury of Gay Jokes. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1985.
Turnley, Bill, and Aids Project Minnesota. On the Safe Side. [S.l.]: Minnesota AIDS Project, 1985.
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Vacha, Keith. Quiet Fire: Memoirs of Older Gay Men / Damewood, Cassie, The Crossing Press Gay Series;. Trumansburg, N.Y.: Crossing Press, 1985.
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Veritas. Scripture and Homosexuality: A Guide to the Perplexed Parliamentarian. Wellington, [N.Z.]: Veritas, 1985.
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Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro. Aniki Kara Ototo Tachi E / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1985.
Walker, Mitch. Men Loving Men: A Gay Sex Guide and Consciousness Book. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1985.
Ward, Merrill. Gay Threads in the Fabric of Western Culture: Dramatized Biographies of Famous Gay Men. San Leandro, CA: Community Pub., 1985.
Watkins, Charles Penn. The Influence of Gender-Stereotyped Interests on Ratings of a Perceived Homosexual: A Thesis1985.
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West, D. J. Sexual Victimisation: Two Recent Researches into Sex Problems and Their Social Effects. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., USA: Gower, 1985.
Whitam, Frederick Lee. Male Homosexuality in Four Societies: Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines, and the United States / Mathy, Robin M. New York: Praeger, 1985.
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Wulff, Wendy Patt. Health Care Professionals Attitudes toward the Homosexual Patient: Follow-up Inservice Program1985.
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Ziolkowski, Jan M. Alan of Lille's Grammar of Sex: The Meaning of Grammar to a Twelfth-Century Intellectual, Speculum Anniversary Monographs ;; 10;. Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1985.
1986 (312 items)
The Advisor. Little Rock, Ark.: Universal Publishers, 1986.
Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community. 1986.
Cité Guide Magazine. Denver, Colo.: La Cité Guide, Inc., 1986.
The Constitutional Rights of Aids Carriers. 1986.
Culture and Homosexuality. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review,; V. 23, No. 3 (1986); Variation: Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review ;; V. 23, No. 3. Montreal, Quebec: McGill University, 1986.
The European Gay Review. London: S. Santagati, 1986.
G@I Pied. [Paris: s.n., 1986.
Homosexuality. [New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1986.
Integrity/Austin News: Gay and Lesbian Episcopalians & Their Friends. Austin, Tex.: [Integrity/Austin], 1986.
Krp2 Report. Paramus, NJ: KRP2 Report, 1986.
Lesbian & Gay Christian Network. Haymarket, N.S.W.: [Lesbian & Gay Christian Network], 1986.
Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons. Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1986.
Love and Sex. Human Animal Series;1986.
Men on Men. New York, N.Y.: New American Library, 1986.
New Friends. 1986.
Nyhetstidningen Reporter. Stockholm [Sweden]: Stiftelsen Rosa Triangeln, 1986.
Out Preview. Pittsburgh, PA: OPC, Inc., 1986.
A Parent's Concern. [New York]: D.C. Productions, 1986.
Partners. [Seattle, WA: Sweet Corn Productions, 1986.
Plain Brown Rapper. San Diego, CA: Omnium Gatherum, Inc., 1986.
Projekt Culturele Minderheden & Homoseksualiteit = Projekto Pa Hendenan Di Minoria-Étniko Y Homoseksual = Yabancliar Ve Homoseksuël Projesi. Breda: Projekt CuMiHo, 1986.
Reporter. Stockholm: Stiftelsen Rosa Triangeln, 1986.
Revolt Med Killen. Åseda: Revolt Press AB, 1986.
Shadows over Sex Havens. Melbourne: The Age, 1986.
Social Work Practice in Sexual Problems. [S.l.]: Haworth Press, Inc., 1986.
Aardweg, G. J. M. van den On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Reinterpretation. New York: Praeger, 1986.
Affirmation: United Methodists for, Lesbian, and Concerns Gay. Open Hands: Journal of the Reconciling Congregation Program: [Evanston, IL : Affirmation : United Methodists for Lesbian/Gay Concerns, Inc., 1986.
Allen, John Edward The Effect of Acceptance Versus Non-Acceptance of a Homosexual Identity on Maslow's Theory of Creativity as Measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory1986.
American College Personnel, Association, Convention, and Orleans New. Opening Doors to Understanding and Acceptance: A Facilitator's Guide for Presenting Workshops on Lesbian and Gay Issues. [New Orleans: ACPA Convention, 1986.
American Library, Association, Force Gay Task, Print Task Force on Alternatives in, and Conference. Linking Lesbian & Gay Publishers & Distributors with Librarians :; New York, N.Y.). Elkridge, MD: Chesapeake Audio/Video Communications, 1986.
Aresin, Lykke Günther, D. D. R. Gesellschaft für Sozialhygiene der, Familie Sektion Ehe und, and Andrologie Sektion. Psychosoziale Aspekte Der Homosexualität: Gemeinschaftstagung Der Sektion Ehe Und Familie Der Gesellschaft Für Sozialhygiene Der Ddr Und Der Sektion Andrologie Der Gesellschaft Für Dermatologie Der Ddr Am 28. Juni 1985 / Bach, Kurt. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 1986.
Arosemena, Juan Ramon Cuevas Seroepidemiologia Del Virus Htlv-Iii En Una Poblacion De Panamenos De Alto Riesgo: Informe Preliminar1986.
Association, Masques Cahiers Masques. [Paris: Association Masquess], 1986.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Committee on, Sex, Law, and York New. Intro. No. 2, January 22, 1986, the Council of the City of New York: An Act to Amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in Relation to Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation. [New York: s.n.], 1986.
Baker, Chuck, Canada United Church of, Orientation Committee on Sexual, and Ministry Lifestyle in. As I Am: A Play in One Act Exploring Sexual Orientation and the Church. Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada [Distributor], 1986.
Baker, Kathleen, Canada, Rights Canadian Charter of, Freedoms, Lesbian, Caucus Gay Law, and Assembly Legislative. Submission to the Administration of Justice Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Regarding Bill 7: An Act to Amend Certain Ontario Statutues [Sic] to Conform to Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / Wedge, Grant. [Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto], 1986.
Banks, Dasal Sands, and Wgbh. We Are Family Eddy, Julia Dixon. [Boston]: WGBH-Boston in association with Cambridge Documentary Films, Inc., 1986.
Barton, Richard William Education and the Politics of Desire: A Semiotic Analysis of the Discourse on Male Homosexualities. Ann Arbor [Mich.]: University Microfilms International, 1986.
Barwasser, Karlheinz A., and Selections. 2 Männer / Hofmann, Dieter. Köln: Förtner & Kroemer, 1986.
Barwasser, Karlheinz A., and Selections. 2 Männer Hofmann, Dieter. Köln: Förtner & Kroemer, 1986.
Bech, Henning, and samfundet Kommissionen til belysning af homoseksuelles situation i. Lyst Eller Nød?: Kvinders Og Mænds Homoseksualitet: Redegørelse for Nogle Synspunkter Og Resultater I Videnskabelig Litteratur: Redegørelse Fra Kommissionen Til Belysning Af Homoseksuelles Situation I Samfundet / Lützen, Karin. [Denmark]: s.n.], 1986.
Becker, Donald Edward Developing a Life-Giving, Catholic Ministry to Gay/Lesbian Persons1986.
Bei, Neda, and Lesbierinnenforschung Österreichische Gesellschaft für Homosexuellenforschung und. Das Lila Wien Um 1900: Zur Ästhetik Der Homosexualitäten: Wien : Edition Spuren : Promedia, 1986.
Béjin, André, and sociales École des hautes études en sciences. Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times / Ariès, Philippe, Family, Sexuality, and Social Relations in Past Times;. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1986.
Benedict, Xvi, and Fidei Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Doctrina. Carta a Los Obispos De La Iglesia Católica Sobre La Atención Pastoral a Las Personal Homosexuales. Ciudad del Vaticano: [s.n.], 1986.
Blackwood, Evelyn Anthropology and Homosexual Behavior, Research on Homosexuality ;; No. 12; Variation: Research on Homosexuality ;; V. 12. New York: Haworth Press, 1986.
Blackwood, Evelyn The Many Faces of Homosexuality: Anthropological Approaches to Homosexual Behavior. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1986.
Bluestein, Ron A Waitress in Bohemia. San Francisco: New Babylon Press, 1986.
Bordowitz, Greg, Chicago Art Institute of, and Bank Video Data. Some Aspect of a Shared Lifestyle. Chicago, IL: Video Data Bank, 1986.
Bossin, Kerry, America Lutherans Concerned/North, and Theology Task Force on. Response to "a Study of Issues Concerning Homosexuality". [S.l.: s.n., 1986.
Boswell, John, University Fairfield, Institute Humanities, and Center Media. The Establishment of Social Values and the Oppression of Gay People, Intolerance : Four Perspectives;1986.
Bouchard, Alain Guide Gai Du Québec. Montréal: Editions Homeureux, 1986.
Boyd, Clodagh, Lesbian Dublin, and Collectives Gay Men's. Out for Ourselves: The Lives of Irish Lesbians & Gay Men. Dublin: Dublin Lesbian and Gay Men's Collectives and Womens Community Press, 1986.
Boyd, Malcolm Gay Priest: An Inner Journey, Stonewall Inn Editions ;; 4;. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Brantenberg, Gerd På Sporet Av Den Tapte Lyst: Kjærlighet Mellom Kvinner Som Litterært Motiv, Meta Serie;. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1986.
Brethren/Mennonite Council for, Lesbian, and Concerns Gay. Dialogue. Minneapolis, Minn.: The Council, 1986.
Bridgewater, Dee Correlates of Attitudes Towards Homosexuality among Gay Men1986.
Brock, Kenneth D. . Journals, 1986-20011986.
Brock, Kenneth D. . Kenneth D. Brock Journals, 1986-20081986.
Brongersma, Edward Loving Boys: A Multidisciplinary Study of Sexual Relations between Adult and Minor Males. Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers, 1986.
Brown, Christopher Out in Art / Stanley, Nick. London: GMP, 1986.
Brown, Judith C. . Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy [I.E. Benedetta Carlini]. New York ; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Browne, Susan E. . Social Networks, Social Support, and General Well-Being of Lesbians with Chronic Illness or Hidden Disabilities1986.
Bundesverband, Homosexualität Politisches Grundsatzprogramm. Köln: Bundesverband Homosexualität, 1986.
Bwmt/Chicago. Bwmt-Chicago: [Newsletter]. Chicago, Il.: Black and White Men Together, 1986.
Caballero, Luis L. Caballero, Me Tocó Ser Así. Hernández, José,; 1955. Bogotá: Editorial La Rosa, 1986.
Cain, Patricia A. . Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues Estate Planning for Gay and Lesbian Clients, Aals 6001 ; Tape No. 81-82. Crofton, Md.: Recorded Resources Corp., 1986.
Cain, Patricia A. Donovan Joint Mini-Workshop of Section of Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues, Minority Groups and Women in Legal Education Sexism, Racism, Classism and Heterosexism: A Close Look at Our Biases in the Law School Classroom / Gregory, John Dewitt, Aals 6001 ; Tape 14-16. Crofton, Md.: Recorded Resources Corp., 1986.
Catholic, Church, and Baltimore Archdiocese of. Homosexuality, a Positive Catholic Perspective: Questions and Answers in Lesbian/Gay Ministry. Baltimore, Md.: Archdiocesan Gay/Lesbian Outreach, 1986.
Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Doctrina, Fidei Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, "Publication / United States Catholic Conference ;; No. 148-2; Variation: Publication (United States Catholic Conference) ;; No. 148-2. [Washington, D.C.: Office of Pub. Services, United States Catholic Conference], 1986.
Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Doctrina, Fidei On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons. [S.l.: s.n., Printed in the U.S.A. by the Daughters of St. Paul), 1986.
Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Doctrina, Fidei, Church Catholic, and Sekretariat. Schreiben Der Kongregation Für Die Glaubenslehre an Die Bischöfe Der Katholischen Kirche Über Die Seelsorge Für Homosexuelle Personen: 30. Oktober 1986, Verlautbarungen Des Apostolischen Stuhls ;; 72;. Bonn: Das Sekretariat, 1986.
Christensen, Craig W., and Issues New York . Governor's Task Force on Gay. Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation in the State of New York Report of the Governor's Task Force on Gay Issues. Albany: State of New York, Governor's Task Force on Gay Issues, 1986.
Christensen, Craig W., and Issues New York . Governor's Task Force on Gay. Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation in the State of New York: Report of the Governor's Task Force on Gay Issues / Ringel, Lance. Albany: The Task Force, 1986.
Christensen, Craig W. Ringel, and Issues New York . Governor's Task Force on Gay. Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation in the State of New York / Cuomo, Mario Matthew. New York, N.Y.: The Task Force, 1986.
Chung, Haeshin "Paiderastia" in Sophocles' 'Philoctetes'1986.
Coalition for Gay Rights in, Ontario Discrimination against Lesbians and Gay Men. [Toronto]: Coalition For Gay Rights in Ontario, 1986.
Coffin, Donna Aileen Windows in the Closet Perspectives on Homosexuality for the Helping Professions1986.
Cohen-Ross, Judith An Exploratory Study of the Retrospective Role of Significant Others in Homosexual Identity Development1986.
Comunidad Homosexual, Argentina Vamos a Andar: Publicación De La Comunidad Homosexual Argentina. [Buenos Aires?]: La Comunidad, 1986.
Connecticut Coalition for, Lesbian, and Rights Gay Civil. Ct Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights: [Newsletter]. Hartford, CT: CT Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, 1986.
Connecticut Women's, Education, Fund Legal, Lesbian Coalition for, and Rights Gay Civil. Legal Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men: A One-Day Conference for Legal Practitioners, Lesbians and Gay Men, and Their Friends. [Hartford, Conn.: s.n.], 1986.
Conservative group for Homosexual, Equality Open Mind. London (BM/CGHE, WC1N 3XX): The Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, 1986.
Cooney, Thomas G. . Aids and Other Medical Problems in the Male Homosexual / Ward, Thomas T, Medical Clinics of North America,; V. 70, No. 3 (May 1986); Variation: The Medical Clinics of North America ;; V. 70, No. 3. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1986.
Cooper, Emmanuel The Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality and Art in the Last 100 Years in the West. London ; New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Feministas del Estado, Español Tribunal Contra Las Agresiones Al Derecho Al Aborto. [S.l.: s.n.], 1986.
Coote, Stephen The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse, Penguin Poets;. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books, 1986.
Cottle, Tom, T. V. Wgby, and P. B. S. Video. Gay Teens, Soapbox with Tom Cottle;. Washington, D.C.: PBS video, 1986.
Courouve, Claude Tableau Synoptique De Références À L'amour Masculin: Auteurs Grecs Et Latins. Paris: C. Courouve, 1986.
Court, John H. . The Homosexual Debate: A Psychologist's Response. [S.l.]: Fellowship for Revival, the Uniting Church in Australia (S.A.), 1986.
Curry, Hayden Warner A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. [Berkeley, CA]: Nolo, 1986.
Curry, Hayden Warner A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples Clifford, Denis. [Berkeley, CA]: Nolo, 1986.
Dailey, Timothy J. . The Use of Scripture in Normative Christian Ethics: The Limit Case of Homosexuality as Viewed in the Contemporary Debate (1955-1984)1986.
Davidson, Craig, York Association of the Bar of the City of New, York New, and Committee General Welfare. Statement on Behalf of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York Regarding Intro. 2 at City Council General Welfare Committee Hearings, March 11, 1986. [New York: s.n.], 1986.
Davies, Peter M. . Some Problems in Defining and Sampling Non-Heterosexual Males: Being the Second Working Paper of the Project on Changing Socio-Sexual Lifestyles under the Impact of Aids, Sru Working Paper ;; No. 21;. Cardiff: University College Cardiff Press, 1986.
Delfino, Giovanni Quando Le Nostre Labbra Si Parlano, Materiali ;; 12;. Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1986.
DeYoung, James B. . The Witness of Old Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to Homosexuality a Critique of Prohomosexual Interpretations, Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-1230;1986.
Duberman, Martin B. . About Time: Exploring the Gay Past. New York City: Gay Presses of New York, 1986.
Dyer, Richard Cine Y Homosexualidad, Colección Rey De Bastos ;; 1;. Barcelona: Laertes, 1986.
Eastern Europe Information, Pool, and Wien Homosexuelle Initiative. Eeip Report: Vienna, Austria : Eastern Europe Information Pool : Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien, 1986.
Escobar, Arístodes Después De Los Patroarcas: Utopía, Emancipación Y Autobiografía En La Narrativa Latinoamericana Actual. Asunción, Paraguay: Arandura Editoral, 1986.
Fastenberg, Andrea Toward Radical Subjectivity: A Constitutional Critique of Massachusetts' Foster Care Policy1986.
Flood, Gregory I'm Looking for Mr. Right, but I'll Settle for Mr. Right Away: Aids, True Love, the Perils of Safe Sex, and Other Spiritual Concerns of the Gay Male. Atlanta: Brob House, 1986.
Foley, Eugene F. . A Time for Dialogue: The Homosexual and the Church1986.
Freedom Democratic, Caucas, Lesbian, and Alliance Gay Action. Lavender Reader, Variation: San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Serial Collection. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Freedom Democratic Caucas, 1986.
Freeland, Leah J. . The Effects of Various Methods of Presenting Information on Attitudes toward Homosexuality1986.
Freeman, Malcolm G., University Emory, and Gynecology Obstetrics Dept. of. Gynecologic Care of Lesbian Patients. Atlanta, Ga.: The University, 1986.
French, Robert, and Sydney Gay History Project. Gays between the Broadsheets: An Annotated List of Australian Media References on Homosexuality, 1948-1980, Monograph / Gay History Project, Sydney ;; No. 1; Variation: Monograph (Gay History Project, Sydney) ;; No. 1. Darlinghurst [N.S.W.]: Gay History Project, Sydney, 1986.
Fung, Richard Chinese Characters. Chicago, IL: Video Data Bank, 1986.
Fung, Richard, Chicago Art Institute of, and Bank Video Data. Chinese Characters Shi Se Xing Ye. Chicago, IL: Video Data Bank, 1986.
Fung, Richard, V. Tape, and Video Charles Street. Chinese Characters. Toronto: V Tape, 1986.
Gallagher, John, and July. Homosexuality and the Magisterium: Documents from the Vatican and U.S. Bishops, 1975-1985. Mt. Rainier, Md. (4012 29th St., Mt. Rainier 20712): New Ways Ministry, 1986.
Gay History Project, Sydney Monograph. Darlinghurst [N.S.W.]: Gay History Project, Sydney, 1986.
Gay Life, Collective Gay Life. Manchester [England]: Medlock Pub., 1986.
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc Rubbers Are Bringing Men Together Again. [New York]: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1986.
Geller, Mauro Souza Alteracoes Imunologicas Por Aloantigenos Espermaticos: Nota Previa1986.
Gemeentelijke Werkgroep, Homo-emancipatie Beleidsadvies Gemeentelijke Werkgroep Homo-Emancipatie, Brochure / Gemeentelijke Werkgroep Homo-Emancipatie ;; 3;. Amsterdam: De Werkgroep, 1986.
Giezen, Astrid, Education Ballarat College of Advanced, Humanities Dept. of, and Sciences Social. A Study of Ballarat City Residents' Knowledge of, and Attitudes Towards Aids and Homosexuality. [Mt. Helen, Vic.]: The author, 1986.
Gijzel, Ruud van "Vraag Dat Maar Aan Je Moeder": De Sdap En Haar Standpunt T.A.V. Zedelijkheidsvraagstukken (1894-1940). Nijmegen: [Rijksuniversiteit], 1986.
Gill, John Erotic Poems from the Greek Anthology. Trumansburg, N.Y.: Crossing Press, 1986.
Girard, Philip, University Carleton, Sciences Faculty of Social, and Centre Jurisprudence. From Subversion to Liberation: Homosexuals and the Immigration Act, 1952-1977, Working Paper Series / Jurisprudence Centre; Variation: Working Paper Series (Carleton University. Jurisprudence Centre). [Ottawa]: Faculty of Social Sciences, Carleton University, 1986.
Gordon, Kevin, Issues Catholic Church. Archdiocese of San Francisco . Task Force on Gay/Lesbian, Social Justice Consultation on Homosexuality, and Theology Roman Catholic. Homosexuality and Social Justice: Reissue of the Report of the Task Force on Gay/Lesbian Issues, San Francisco. San Francisco: The Consultation on Homosexuality, Social Justice, and Roman Catholic Theology, 1986.
Gorman, Nanette M. . A Comparison of Homosexuals' and Heterosexuals' Love and Friend Relationships1986.
Greyson, John, and Collective Kitchen Video. Moscow Does Not Believe in Queers. New York, NY: The Kitchen Video Collection, 1986.
Griffin, Carolyn Welch Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences / Wirth, Marian Jenks,; 1923. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Gripton, James Social Work Practice in Sexual Problems / Valentich, Mary. New York: Haworth Press, 1986.
Groeschel, Benedict J., and Paul Daughters of St. Youth, Sex and Chastity. Boston, MA: St. Paul Video, 1986.
Grossmann, Thomas Beziehungsweise Andersrum: Schwul -- Und Dann?, Rororo Panther;. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1986.
Grossmann, Thomas Schwul-Na Und?, Rororo Panther;. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1986.
Hafer, Dick Homosexuality: Legitimate, Alternate Death-Style. Boise, Idaho: Paradigm Co., 1986.
Hammer, Barbara Snow Job: The Media Hysteria of Aids. New York: B. Hammer, 1986.
Härle, Gerhard Die Gestalt Des Schönen: Untersuchung Zur Homosexualitätsthematik in Thomas Manns Roman "Der Zauberberg", Hochschulschriften Literaturwissenschaft ;; 74;. Königstein/Ts.: A. Hain, 1986.
Hart, John Straight Talk About Being Gay. Ringwood, Victoria, Australia: Penguin Books, 1986.
Hauer, Gudrun, Wien Homosexuelle Initiative, and Auslandsgruppe. Rosa Liebe Unterm Roten Stern: Zur Lage Der Lesben Und Schwulen in Osteuropa / Hauberger, Doris,; 1961, Frühlings Erwachen ;; 7;. Kiel: C. Gemballa, 1986.
Herdt, Gilbert The Sambia: Ritual and Gender in New Guinea, Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology.;. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1986.
Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto López Páez, and hijo Doña Herlinda y su. Doña Herlinda Y Su Hijo Barbachano Ponce, Manuel. Van Nuys, CA: Caballero Azteca Films, 1986.
Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto López Páez, and hijo Doña Herlinda y su. Doña Herlinda Y Su Hijo Doña Herlinda and Her Son / Barbachano Ponce, Manuel. New York, N.Y.: Cinevista Video, 1986.
Heron, Ann One Teenager in Ten: Writings by Gay and Lesbian Youth. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1986.
Hetze, Stefanie Happy-End Für Wen?: Kino Und Lesbische Frauen. Frankfurt/main: Tende Verlag, 1986.
Hetze, Stefanie Happy-Ending Für Wen? Frankfurt/M.: Tende, 1986.
Hinkle, Earl B. . Adulthood Life Themes of Rural Homosexuals1986.
Hirschfeld, Magnus Von Einst Bis Jetzt: Geschichte Einer Homosexuellen Bewegung, 1897-1922 / Herzer, Manfred, Schriftenreihe Der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft ;; Nr. 1;. Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1986.
Holmes, Jonathan, Corporation Australian Broadcasting, and Centre State Film. Aids Pugh, George. East Melbourne, Vic.]: [State Film Centre of Victoria, 1986.
Horner, Wesley Sawler, and Productions Fanlight. First Dance Feldman, Steven,; 1952. Boston, MA: Fanlight Productions, 1986.
Howes, Robert Select Bibliography of Latin American Publications Dealing with Homosexuality. [London?: s.n., 1986.
Huestis, Marc Chuck Solomon: Coming of Age. New York: Cinema Guild, 1986.
Hugghins, Kenneth W. . An Investigation of the Jewish Theology of Sexuality Influencing the References to Homosexuality in Romans 1:18-321986.
Hughes, Gwyneth Where There's Life--. A Gay in the Family: [UK] : Yorkshire Television Production ; Hong Kong : Educational Film Services, 1986.
Hunter, College Talisman, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 169. New York, N.Y.: Hunter College, 1986.
Inagaki, Taruho Shonenai No Bigaku, Kawade Bunko;. Tokyo: Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 1986.
Indian Subcontinent Gay Support, Group Trikon. Palo Alto, CA: The Group, 1986.
Integrity/San Francisco Bay, Area The Gathering Community: The Newsletter of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Integrity, Inc. San Francisco, CA: Integrity/San Francisco Bay Area, 1986.
Ito, Bungaku "Barazoku" Henshucho Funsenki. Tokyo: Daini Shobo, 1986.
Jester, Susan K., and ed. The Scene: San Diego, Calif. : Western Land Development Corp. San Diego, Calif. : Technology Productions, 1986.
Joosse, Kees Arnold Aletrino, Pessimist Met Perspectief, Nederlandse Biografieën ;; D. 1;. Amsterdam: T. Rap, 1986.
Keener, Dana Ray Is Changing Sexual Orientation a Viable Option for Ego-Dystomic Homosexuality?1986.
Kehoe, Monika Historical, Literary, and Erotic Aspects of Lesbianism, Research on Homosexuality;. New York: Haworth Press, 1986.
Kinsman, Gary William The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada. Montréal: Black Rose Books, 1986.
Kokula, Ilse Die Unvollendete Aufklärung: Von Belle Van Zuylen Zur Entkriminalisierung Homosexueller Frauen Und Männer: Rede Gehalten Zur Inaugeration Als Gastprofessorin Am Belle Van Zuylen Wechsellehrstuhl Der Reichsuniversität Von Utrecht Am Dienstag, Den 10. Dezember 1985. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 1986.
Kozlovskii, Vladimir Argo Russkoi Gomoseksual’noi Subkul’tury: Materialy K Izucheniiu. Benson, Vt.: Chalidze Publications, 1986.
Lambda Associates of Staten, Island Newsletter. Staten Island, N.Y.: Lambda Associates of Staten Island, Inc., 1986.
Lanford, Randy A. . "Homosexuality in Adolescents"1986.
Last, Joel A. . Sexual Oppression, the Fear of Aids and Social Control1986.
Lehigh, Garry The Roman Catholic Priest Counsels the Homosexual: Toronto, 1986.
Leonard, Norman, Library Bancroft, and Office Regional Oral History. Life of a Leftist Labor Lawyer: 1985. Oral History Transcript / Ward, Estolv Ethan,; 1900-, ; Interviewer. Berkeley, California: University of California, 1986.
Leonard, Norman, Library Bancroft, and Office Regional Oral History. Life of a Leftist Labor Lawyer: Oral History Transcript / 1985. Ward, Estolv Ethan,; 1900- ; (Interviewer). Berkeley, California: University of California, 1986.
Lesbian Rights, Project Lesbians, Gay Men, & Employment Discrimination: An Annotated Bibliography of Cases and Law Review Articles. San Francisco (1370 Mission St., San Francisco 94103): Lesbian Rights Project, 1986.
Lewis, John, and Inc Gay Men's Health Crisis. Chance of a Lifetime. New York: G.M.H.C., 1986.
Lexington Gay Services, Organization, and Organization Gay Services. Gso News. Lexington, Ky.: Lexington Gay Services Organization, 1986.
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services, Organization, and Organization Gay/Lesbian Services. Glso News. Lexington, Ky.: Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization, 1986.
Leyland, Winston Cut/Uncut: True Gay Experiences of Foreskin and Circumcision. San Francisco: G.S. Press, 1986.
Lier, Rudolf Asveer Jacob van Tropische Tribaden: Een Verhandeling over Homoseksualiteit En Homoseksuele Vrouwen in Suriname, Caribbean Series ;; 4; Variation: Caribbean Series (Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde (Netherlands)) ;; 4. Dordrecht, Holland ; Providence, U.S.A.: Foris Publications, 1986.
Lockman, Lawrence E. . The Aids Epidemic: A Citizens' Guide to Protecting Your Family and Community from the Gay Plague. Ramona, Calif.: Vic Lockman, 1986.
Lokar, Joze Spolno Zivljenje, Odkloni in Motnje Spolnega Vedenja1986.
Lull, Timothy F., Homosexuality Lutheran Church in America. Advisory Committee of Issues Relating to, and America Lutheran Church in. A Study of Issues Concerning Homosexuality: Report. [S.l.]: Division for Mission in North America, Lutheran Church in America, 1986.
Lutheran Church in, America, and America Division for Mission in North. A Study of Issues Concerning Homosexuality: Report of the Advisory Committee of Issues Relating to Homosexuality, Lutheran Church of America. New York, N.Y.: Division for Mission in North America, Lutheran Church in America, 1986.
MacDonald, Dennis Ronald What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?1986.
Main, Stewart Wallace, Film Wombat, Video, Video Brighton, and Zealand Television New. A Death in the Family Wells, Peter. New York: Wombat Film and Video, 1986.
Mann, Thomas, and Nicanor tr. Ancochea. La Muerte En Venecia ; Mario Y El Mago / Mann, Thomas,; 1875-1955 ; Mario Y El Mago, Pocket Edhasa ;; 25;. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1986.
Marshall, Stuart, Chicago Art Institute of, and Bank Video Data. Bright Eyes. Chicago, Ill.: Video Data Bank, 1986.
McCleskey, Jack, ed, Pomona, Gay San Gabriel Valleys, and Coalition Lesbian. Spectrum. Pomona, CA: Pomona and San Gabriel Valleys Gay and Lesbian Coalition, 1986.
McCloud, Peggy A Study of Parental Influence on Adolescent Male Homosexuals1986.
McConnell, John Hazen Correlates of Identity for Homosexual and Heterosexual Young Men1986.
McNaught, Brian, and T. R. B. Productions. A Conversation with Brian Mcnaught on Being Gay. Boston, MA: TRB Productions, 1986.
McNaught, Brian, and T. R. B. Productions. On Being Gay a Conversation with Brian Mcnaught. Boston, MA: TRB Productions, 1986.
McPartlin, Joan Biblical Teaching on Homosexuality and Contemporary Church Ministry to the Gay Community1986.
Menter, Ulrich Ritualisierte Männliche Homosexualität Auf Neuguinea1986.
Merritt, Marilyn Louise Lesbian Versus Heterosexual Social Networks and Social Support1986.
Michaels, Judith E. . Homosexuality: Steps toward Understanding1986.
Miller, Dianna M. . Aids and the Gay Male: Issues of Homosexuality, Chronic Disease, and Dying1986.
Millward, Ted, Homosexuality Council on, and Religion. What the Bible Says to Homosexuals. Winnipeg: Council on Homosexuality & Religion, 1986.
Mitcham, Jane P., America Lutheran Church in, Services Division for Parish, and Homosexuality Advisory Committee of Issues Relating to. Study Guide for the Study of Issues Concerning Homosexuality. [Philadelphia]: Division for Parish Services, Lutheran Church in America, 1986.
Moberly, Elizabeth R. . Homosexuality: James Clarke, 1986.
Moberly, Elizabeth R. . Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic. Greenwood, S.C.: Attic Press, 1986.
Modern, Rocketry Homosexuality. San Francisco: Megatone, 1986.
Molitor, Dietrich Siegener Hans Henny Jahnn Kolloquium: Homosexualität Und Literatur / Popp, Wolfgang,; 1935, Kultur, Literatur, Kunst ;; Bd. 6;. Essen: Blaue Eule, 1986.
Money, John Yastes, and Pediatrics American Academy of. Homosexuality Lehne, Gregory K, Aap - Pediatric Update ;; V. 6, No. 11 Variation: Aap - Pediatric Update. ;; V. 6, No. Ll. Great Neck, N.Y.: Medical Information Systems, 1986.
Monthureux, Bruno Beauvoir Mihloud / Byramjee, Ghislaine, Domaine Anglo-Américain;. Aix-en-Provence: Alinéa, 1986.
Moran, Theresa Ann Sexual Practices and Beliefs of Homosexual Men Diagnosed with Aids or Aids Related Complex1986.
Movimiento Homosexual de, Lima Conducta Impropia. [Lima, Perú: MHOL-PERU, 1986.
Muchmore, Wes Coming Along Fine: Today's Gay Man and His World / Hanson, William. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Müller, Wunibald Homosexualität, Eine Herausforderung Für Theologie Und Seelsorge. Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 1986.
Murphy, L. M. . Gays, Jews, and the Holocaust. [Halifax, N.S.: s.n.], 1986.
National Public, Radio Fresh Air Robert Bauman, Admitting Homosexuality. Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, 1986.
National Sexual Privacy, Challenge National Sexual Privacy Challenge Bulletin, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 140. [Phoenix, Ariz.]: National Sexual Privacy Challenge, 1986.
New York State, Gay, Lobby Lesbian, and Collection Level Periodical Record Human Sexuality Collection. [New York State Gay and Lesbian Lobby Materials]1986.
New Zealand Catholic Bishops, Conference Dignity, Love, Life: Statement on Homosexuality. [Wellington?]: New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference, 1986.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. Los Angeles, Chapter Nambla/La Newsletter. Los Angeles, Calif.: Los Angeles Chapter, North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1986.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. Southern California, Chapter Nambla/Southern California Newsflash. Los Angeles, CA: Southern California Chapter, North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1986.
Noyes, Robert Olav, and Court British Columbia. Supreme. In the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, Her Majesty the Queen against Robert Olav Noyes: Reasons for Judgement of the Honourable Mr. Justice Paris. Paris, Ray. Vancouver, B.C.: The Court, 1986.
Olson, Myrna R. . From Closet to Classroom: A Perspective on Gay and Lesbian Individuals in U.S. Schools. Grand Forks, N.D.: University of North Dakota, 1986.
Onge, Jack, and Force National Gay Task. The Gay Liberation Movement. Chicago, Ill.: Alliance Press, 1986.
Other Countries, Inc Other Countries Records, 1986-19971986.
Palacios-Jimenez, Louis, Inc Gay Men's Health Crisis, and Education Dept. of. Eroticizing Safer Sex / Shernoff, Michael,; 1951-2008. New York: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1986.
Palacios-Jimenez, Louis, Inc Gay Men's Health Crisis, and Education Dept. of. Facilitator's Guide to Eroticizing Safer Sex: A Psychoeducational Workshop Approach to Safer Sex Education / Shernoff, Michael,; 1951-2008. New York: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1986.
Patton, Cindy Sex & Germs: The Politics of Aids. Montréal ; Buffalo: Black Rose Books, 1986.
Plant, Richard The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War against Homosexuals. New York: H. Holt, 1986.
Powell, Gail Marie Psycosocial Impact of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) on Healthy Male Homosexuals1986.
Practice, Press, Therapy New York Institute for Social, and Research. Homosexuality & Homophobia a Dialogue among Clinicians & Educators, Gay and Straight. New York, N.Y.: Practice Press, 1986.
Praunheim, Rosa von A Virus Knows No Morals. New York: First Run/Icarus, 1986.
Presbyterian, Church, and Agency Program. Breaking the Silence, Overcoming the Fear: Homophobia Education. [New York, NY: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1986.
Puente, José Ramón del El Homosexual En Puerto Rico: ?Crimen, Pecado, or Enfermedad? Rio Piedras, P.R.: [s.n.], 1986.
Puente, José Ramón del El Homosexualismo En Puerto Rico: Crimen, Pecado, O Enfermedad? Río Piedras, P.R.: [s.n.], Jay-Ce Print.), 1986.
Puterbaugh, Geoff Born Gay?: Hand Preference and Sex Preference, Corpora Cavernosa Monograph ;; #1;. Cupertino, Calif.: Henderson Associates, 1986.
Queen's Homophile, Association Qha News. Kingston, Ont.: Queen's Homophile Association, 1986.
Richmond Virginia, Gay, and Alliance Lesbian. The Richmond Pride. Richmond, Va.: R.V.G.L.A., 1986.
Rivera, Rhonda R. . Queer Law: Sexual Orientation Law in the Mid-Eighties--Part Ii, University of Dayton Law Review,; V. 11, No. 2;. Dayton, Ohio: University of Dayton School of Law, 1986.
Rofes, Eric E. . Gay Life: Leisure, Love and Living for the Contemporary Gay Male. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1986.
Rosenfels, Paul Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process. New York: Ninth Street Center, 1986.
Ross, Michael W. . Psychovenereology: Personality and Lifestyle Factors in Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Homosexual Men, Sexual Medicine ;; V. 3;. New York: Praeger, 1986.
Rowberry, John W. . Gay Video: A Guide to Erotica. San Francisco: G.S. Press, 1986.
Russo, Vito, and Radio National Public. Fresh Air Vito Russo, Author on Gays in Hollywood Film. Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, 1986.
Russo, Vito, Radio National Public, and Whyy. Vito Russo, Author on Gays in Hollywood Films Gross, Terry. Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, 1986.
Sahuquillo, Angel Federico García Lorca Y La Cultura De La Homosexualidad: Lorca, Dalí, Cernuda, Gil-Albert, Prados Y La Voz Silenciada Del Amor Homosexual. Stockholm: A. Sahuquillo Vázquez, 1986.
San Francisco, Aids Foundation, Research, and Corporation Decisions. A Report on Designing an Effective Aids Risk Reduction Program for San Francisco: Results from the Third Probability Sample of an Urban Gay/Bisexual Male Population. San Francisco, Calif.: Research and Decisions Corp., 1986.
Sanderson, Terry, and Councillors Association of Liberal. The Dissemblers of Fleet Street: Press Distortion of Gay Issues in the Uk, Grassroots Series ;; No. 8;. Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire: Association of Liberal Councillors, 1986.
Saslow, James M. . Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexuality in Art and Society. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.
Schalow, Paul Gordon "The Great Mirror of Male Love" by Ihara Saikaku / Ihara, Saikaku,; 1642-1693. ; Nanshoku Okagami.; English1986.
Schalow, Paul Gordon "The Great Mirror of Male Love" by Ihara Saikaku Ihara, Saikaku,; 1642-1693. ; Nanshoku Okagami.; English1986.
Schmeichen, Richard The Times of Harvey Milk a Film / Epstein, Robert. Beverly Hills, CA: Pacific Arts Video, 1986.
Schmeichen, Richard, and Video Pacific Arts. The Times of Harvey Milk Epstein, Robert. Beverly Hills, CA: Pacific Arts Video, 1986.
Schmiechen, Richard, Mark Isham, and Video Pacific Arts. The Times of Harvey Milk Epstein, Robert P.,; 1955- ; (Director); (Producer); (Film Editor). Beverly Hills, CA: Pacific Arts Video, 1986.
Schulman, Robert Stephen The Effect of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on Homosexual Identity1986.
Scroggs, Robin The New Testament and Homosexuality: Contextual Background for Contemporary Debate. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986.
Selberg, Barbara J. . A Rational Approach to the Adjudication of Homosexual Rights under the Constitution / Loh, Wallace D, Student Papers / University of Washington, School of Law.; Variation: Student Papers (University of Washington. School of Law)1986.
Sergent, Bernard Homophylophilia Sten Hellenike Mythologia. [Athena]: Chatzenikole, 1986.
Sergent, Bernard Homosexuality in Greek Myth. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.
Sergent, Bernard La Homosexualidad En La Mitología Griega, Arte Del Zahorí ;; 2;. Barcelona: Editorial Alta Fulla, 1986.
Sergent, Bernard L'homosexualité Initiatique Dans L'europe Ancienne, Bibliothèque Historique;. Paris: Payot, 1986.
Sergent, Bernard L'omosessualità Nella Mitologia Greca. Bari: Laterza, 1986.
Shapiro, Norman Essay: A Brief Sexual History of the American Male Who Works in the Great Outdoors. Brightwaters, NY: Euphemisms/Norman Shapiro, 1986.
Shapiro, Norman Rapid Transit. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms/N. Shapiro, 1986.
Shcolnik, Keith Bryan Affirmation: A Study of Homosexual Mormons1986.
Silverstein, Charles The Joy of Gay Sex: An Intimate Guide for Gay Men to the Pleasures of a Gay Lifestyle / White, Edmund,; 1940. New York: Pocket Books, 1986.
Sitler, John A., Gay, and Waterloo Lesbian Liberation of. A Bibliography of Gay Related Materials Appearing in the Holdings of the University of Waterloo Library. Compiled at the Request of Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (G.L.L.O.W.). [Waterloo, Ont.: s.n.], 1986.
Sloan, Irving J. . Homosexual Conduct and the Law: The Legal Standing of Gays and Lesbians, Legal Almanac Series ;; No. 85;. New York: Oceana Publications, 1986.
Smith, Leslie Fraser Out of the Closet, into the Living Room: Families' Responses to the Coming out of a Gay Male Family Member1986.
Soesbeek, K. H. . Homomannen Buiten Het Homowereldje, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1986, 8; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 8.: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Homologie Distributie [distributor, 1986.
Solomon, Chuck, and Productions Outsider. Chuck Solomon Coming of Age. New York, NY: Cinema Guide [distributor], 1986.
Southeastern Arts, Media, and Project Education. Southeastern Arts, Media & Education Project (Atlanta, Ga.) Records, 1986-19961986.
St Marys Community Youth Support, Scheme Don't Panic: Information for Young Gays. [St. Marys, NSW]: St Marys Community Youth Support Scheme, 1986.
Stanford University. Office of Residential, Education Gays and Lesbians in the Residences: Videorecording, 19861986.
Starr, Dawn Perceived Parental Support and Parental Attitudes Towards Homosexuality as Correlates of Lesbians' Self-Esteem1986.
Stein, Terry S. . Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men / Cohen, Carol J, Critical Issues in Psychiatry;. New York: Plenum Medical Book Co., 1986.
Stein, Terry S. . Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men Cohen, Carol J, Critical Issues in Psychiatry;. New York: Plenum Medical Book Co., 1986.
Stoppard, Miriam Where There's Life ... ... Flynn, Charles. [Great Britain]: Yorkshire Television, 1986.
Sutton, Laird, Trust Exodus, Sexuality Institute for Advanced Study of Human, and Project the Sexologists Sexual Health. All Hands on Dick a Jack-Off Party. Mcilvenna, Ted, Aids Prevention Sex Education Series;. San Francisco, CA: Exodus Trust, 1986.
Sweetin, Ellen M. . Called out of Our Closets: A Lesbian/Gay Biblical Ethic of Liberation1986.
Symonds, John Addington The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds / Grosskurth, Phyllis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.
Terrence Higgins, Trust, Centre Amsterdam Health Education, and Volksgezondheid en Cultuur Ministerie van Welzijn. Safer Sex, Keep It Up! [London]: Terrence Higgins Trust, 1986.
Thorstad, David, and Association North American Man/Boy Love. Boys Speak out on Man/Boy Love. Sandfort, Theo,; 1953- ; Ervaringen Van Jongens in Pedofiele Relaties. San Francisco, Calif.: North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1986.
Tingle, Rachel Gay Lessons: How Public Funds Are Used to Promote Homosexuality among Children and Young People. London: Pickwick, 1986.
Treskovich, Nancy Lee The Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem of Homosexual Men and Women as Related to Their Degree of Openness About Their Sexual Orientation to Significant Others1986.
Trevisan, João Silvério Devassos No Para, Políticas Do Imaginário;. [São Paulo]: Editora Max Limonad, 1986.
Trevisan, João Silvério Devassos No Paraíso, Políticas Do Imaginário;. [São Paulo]: Editora M. Limonad, 1986.
Trevisan, João Silvério Devassos No Paraíso: A Homossexualidade No Brasil, Da Colônia À Atualidade, Políticas Do Imaginário;. [São Paulo]: Editora M. Limonad, 1986.
Trevisan, João Silvério Perverts in Paradise. London: GMP, 1986.
Uhrig, Larry J. . Sex Positive: A Gay Contribution to Sexual and Spiritual Union. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich Critical Arrows. Los Angeles, Calif.: Urania Manuscripts, 1986.
United Church of, Canada, and Alive Church. Theological Digest. Orillia, Ont.: Church Alive, 1986.
United Church of Canada, Programme, Lifestyles Study on Sexual Orientations, Group Ministry. National Coordinating, Canada United Church of, Personnel Division of Ministry, and Education. Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry. [Toronto]: Division of Ministry Personnel and Education, 1986.
United Church of Canada. National Coodinating Group for, Programme, Lifestyles Study on Sexual Orientations, and Ministry. Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry: Kit 1. [Toronto]: The Church, 1986.
United Church of Canada. National Coodinating Group for, Programme, Lifestyles Study on Sexual Orientations, and Ministry. Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry: Kit 2. [Toronto]: The Church, 1986.
United Methodist Church . Rocky Mountain Conference. Board of Ordained Ministry. Advisory, Committee Advisory Committee Report to the Board of Ordained Ministry, United Methodist Rocky Mountain Conference. [S.l.: s.n., 1986.
Uniting Church in Australia. Fitzroy, Parish Contending Faithfully: A Response to the Assembly Report "Homosexuality and the Church". [Fitzroy, Vic.: Fitzroy UCA], 1986.
University of California, Irvine, Gay, and Union Lesbian Student. The Phoenix. Irvine, CA: GLSU, Student Center, University of California, Irvine, 1986.
U'Ren, rachel Harding, and Centre Community Research Action. The Company We Keep: Resource Information Booklet for Lesbians and Gay Men / Heather, Ruth. Clayton, Vic.: C.R.A.C., Monash University, 1986.
Vancouver, Aids. Play Safe This Summer. Vancouver: AIDS Vancouver, 1986.
Video, Images, and X. Video Class. Erotikus a History of the Gay Movies: New York, N.Y. : Video Images ; Sandy Hook, Conn. : Class-X Video [distributor], 1986.
Villar Gaviria, Alvaro Freud, La Mujer Y Los "Homosexuales". Bogotá: C. Valencia Editores, 1986.
Vining, Donald How Can You Come out If You've Never Been In?: Essays on Gay Life & Relationships. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1986.
Wafer, James William Sacred and Profane Love in Islam: Dimensions of Gay Religious History1986.
Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro Hanazakari No Mori / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1986.
Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro Himitsu No Kajitsu / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1986.
Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro Kinjirareta Hokago / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1986.
Weatherley, Mike Bragg Coming out Hooper, Jim, The Trouble with Sex;1986.
Weiss, Shelly, Center Jewish Women's Resource, and Women National Council of Jewish. Making the Jewish Community More Inclusive for Lesbian and Gay Jews Levine, Gail R. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Conference Copy, 1986.
Wells, Peter, and Commission New Zealand Film. A Death in the Family Main, Stewart. New York: Wombat, 1986.
Wells, Peter, James H. Brazier John Wallace, Commission New Zealand Film, and Zealand Television New. A Death in the Family Main, Stewart. ; (Director). New York, N.Y.: Distributed by Wombat Productions, Inc., 1986.
West, D. J. . Sexual Victimisation: Two Recent Researches into Sex Problems and Their Social Effects. Aldershot: Gower, 1986.
West, D. J., and f. Sexual Victimisation: Two Recent Researches into Sex Problems and Their Social Effects. Aldershot: Gower, 1986.
Whitam, Frederick L. . Male Homosexuality in Four Societies: Brazil, Guatemala, the Philippines, and the United States / Mathy, Robin M. New York: Praeger, 1986.
Wilcox, Michael Taylor, and Martin Bearclaw. Sherman. Gay Plays: Volume Two / Gellert, Roger,; 1927- ; Quaint Honour, A Methuen Theatrefile;. London: Methuen, 1986.
Willekens, Harry Naar Een Theorie Van Geslachtsonderscheid En -Verhoudingen in Het Recht Een Exploratieve Studie1986.
Willhoite, Michael "Now for My Next Trick---": Cartoons from the Washington Blade. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1986.
Williams, Tennessee Suddenly Last Summer. New York: Dramatists Play Service Inc., 1986.
Williams, Walter L. . The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.
Wolfram, Susanne Die Tödliche Wunde: Über Die Untrennbarkeit Von Tod Und Eros Im Werk Von Klaus Mann, Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache Und Literatur,; Bd. 935 =; Publications Universitaires Européennes. Série I, Langue Et Littérature Allemandes ;; Vol. 935 =; European University Studies. Series I, German Language and Literature ;; Vol. 935; Variation: Europäische Hochschulschriften.; Reihe I,; Deutsche Sprache Und Literatur ;; Bd. 935. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang, 1986.
Woolison, Thomas L. . Our Son Is Gay: A Survey of Parental Reactions1986.
Yüzgün, Arslan Türkiyede Escinsellik: (Dün, Bugün). Istanbul: Hür-Yüz, 1986.
Zampella, Tony V., and ed. San Diego Scene. Wimbish, Tom, ; Ed: San Diego, CA : RAM/ZAM Publications San Diego, CA : F Street Corporation, 1986.
Zynda, Stefan Sexualität Bei Klaus Mann, Abhandlungen Zur Kunst-, Musik- Und Literaturwissenschaft,; Bd. 362;. Bonn: Bouvier, 1986.
1987 (324 items)
Advocate 20-Year Anniversary: A Photographic Celebration of Gay Life. [Los Angeles, CA: Liberation Publications, 1987.
Brad. Growing up Series;. Lindfield, N.S.W.: Film Australia, 1987.
Chicago Outlines. Chicago, Ill.: Lambda Publications, 1987.
Conference Records, 1987. 1987.
Epicene: Canada's Gay News Magazine. [Toronto: Lambda Resources, 1987.
Gay Classics. London: Argos Films, British Film Institute, 1987.
Guide Magazine. Denver, Colo.: Guide, Inc., 1987.
The History of Gender and Sexuality. The Maryland Historian,; V. 18, No. 1;. College Park, MD: History Dept., University of Maryland, 1987.
Homophobia Issues of Gay People in the Work Place. [S.l.: s.n., 1987.
Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality. Amsterdam: Free University/Schorer Foundation, 1987.
Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality?. History. [Amsterdam: Free University/Schorer Foundation, 1987.
Inpulse: Heartbeat of the Gay Southwest. El Paso, TX: Inpulse Publishing, 1987.
Katalog Der Bibliothek Für Internationale Schwule Zeitschriften. Nürnberg: Rosa Flieder, 1987.
Lesbian/Gay Studies '87: Definitions and Explorations. New Haven: Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at Yale, 1987.
London Scene: The Gay Man's Guide. London: GMP, 1987.
My Son, My Son a Story of Acceptance and Compassion. Los Angeles, CA: Franciscan Communications, 1987.
The Network: A Guide to Gay New Jersey. [New Brunswick, N.J.: The Network], 1987.
Paidika. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Paidika, 1987.
Passport. San Francisco, CA: International Wavelength, 1987.
The Pink Paper: Britain's Only National Newspaper for Lesbians & Gay Men. London : Mindmaster, London : Chronos Pub.. 1987.
Psychotherapy for the Homosexual Patient. Audio-Digest Psychiatry ;; V. 16 No. 19. Glendale, Calif.: Audio-Digest Foundation, 1987.
The Rooster. New Orleans, La.: [Rooster Pub.], 1987.
Selected Articles on Homosexuality. 1987.
Siegessäule Articles and Clippings, 1987-1988. 1987.
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Naurssen, A. X. van. Interdisciplinary Research on Homosexuality in the Netherlands. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1987.
nazionale, Arci Gay. Omosessuali E Stato, Quaderni Di Critica Omosessuale ;; N. 3;. Bologna: Centro di documentazione il cassero, 1987.
Neill, Stephanie Anne. Early Family Influences in the Etiology of Homosexuality, Variation: Theses (Psy. D.) -- Rosemead ;; 1987.1987.
Network, C. T. V. Television. Sex and Sexes Package, Lifetime Ii;. Toronto: CTV Television Network, 1987.
North American Man/Boy Love, Association, and chapter San Francisco. Since You Asked: Some Questions and Answers About Man/Boy Love. San Francisco, CA: North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1987.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. Southern California, Chapter. Nambla/Southern California Newsletter. Los Angeles: NAMBLA/Southern California, 1987.
Nugent, Robert, and Sds. A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church. New York: Crossroad, 1987.
Ohio State, University-Gay, and Alumni ae Lesbian. Buckeye Gala: The Ohio State University-Gay and Lesbian Alumni/Ae Newsletter. Washington, D.C.: Ohio State GALA, 1987.
Ohlemeyer, Chris, Center Children's Hospital Medical, and Medicine Division of Adolescent. Homosexuality and Adolescence. Cincinnati, O.: Division of Adolescent Medicine, Children's Hospital Medical Center, 1987.
Olivero, Gary Troester. Oral History Interview with Gary Olivero and Barbara Blaine Blaine, Barbara1987.
Osterman, Mary Jo Kinheart. Homophobia Is a Social Disease. Evanston, Ill.: Kinheart Program on Sexuality & Homophobia, 1987.
Ostrow, David G. Biobehavioral Control of Aids. New York: Irvington, 1987.
Ota, Tenrei. Dai 3 No Sei: Sei Wa Hokai Suru Noka = the Third Sex. Tokyo: Ningen no Kagakusha, 1987.
Pachar, Jose Vicente Crooks. Mycobacteriosis Y Nocardiosis Diseminadas En Un Paciente Con Sindrome De Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida1987.
Patrucco, Raul. Alteraciones Inmunologicas En Homosexuales Asintomaticos Y Oligosintomaticos Seropositivos Para Anticuerpos Anti Htlv-Iii/Lav (Elisa)1987.
Payne, Leanne. Das Zerbrochene Bild. Kehl: Editions Trobisch, 1987.
Peng, Huaizhen Zhang. Tong Xing Lian Zhe De Ai Yu Xing / Wei, Xiuhui, Zhongguo Ren De Ai Yu Sheng Huo Shi Jie ;; 2;. Taibei: Dong cha chu ban she, 1987.
People, Cuny. Lesbian & Gay Community News. New York, NY: CUNY people., 1987.
Perper, Timothy. Teaching and Testing Suggestions For: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality / Cornog, Martha. [Guilford, Conn.]: Dushkin Pub., 1987.
Pierri, Ettore. Los Homosexuales / Possamay, Luciana, Hablan Los Otros-- ;; 1; Colección Testimonial;. [Montevideo]: Proyección, 1987.
Pierri, Ettore. Los Homosexuales Possamay, Luciana, Hablan Los Otros-- ;; 1; Colección Testimonial;. [Montevideo]: Proyección, 1987.
Polhuis, A. Homo's Onder De Tucht. Voorburg: Protestantse Stichting tot Bevordering van het Bibliotheekwezen en de Lectuurvoorlichting in Nederland, 1987.
Porter-Chase, Mary, and Press Samary. Circle of Love: A Women's Unity Ritual. Cotati, Calif.: Samary Press, 1987.
Portman, John R. Carroll. My Son, My Son a Story of Acceptance and Compassion. Ham, Donald R. Los Angeles, CA: Franciscan Communications, 1987.
Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay, Concerns. Bibliography: The Church & Lesbian/Gay Concerns. New Brunswick, NJ: Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concerns, 1987.
Purvis, Bruce L. Assessment and Change of Male Attitudes toward Homosexuality1987.
Randa, Philippe. La Maffia Rose: "Faut-Il Brûler Les Homosexuels?". Paris: Le Carrousel-FN, 1987.
Reed, Paul. Serenity: Challenging the Fear of Aids, from Despair to Hope. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1987.
Remafedi, Gary. Homosexuality the Adolescent's Perspective. [Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 1987.
Renan, Sheldon. Aids: What Everyone Needs to Know (Revised Edition). Los Angeles: Churchill, 1987.
Ridinger, Robert B. Marks. An Index to the Advocate: The National Gay Newsmagazine, 1967-1982. Los Angeles, Calif.: Liberation Publications, 1987.
Riese, Randall. Is He or Isn't He--? / Hitchens, Neal. Deephaven, MN: Meadowbrook, 1987.
Rolfe, Frederick. The Venice Letters / Woolf, Cecil. London: Cecil Woolf, 1987.
Roscoe, Will. Bibliography of Berdache and Alternative Gender Roles among North American Indians. [New York]: Haworth Press, 1987.
Rose, David Steven. The Effects of Ascribed Sexual Orientation on Clinical Judgment by Experienced Clinicians1987.
Rosenbaum, Robert Dean, Wien Homosexuelle Initiative, and Auslandsgruppe. Lavender Love under the Red Star: Lesbians and Gays in Eastern Europe. Monterey, Calif.: Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1987.
Rozendal, Sybren. Wie Ben Ik Dat Ik Dit Niet Doen Mag?: Ervaringen Vn Homo- Theologen in De Gereformeerde Kerken. Kampen: Kok, 1987.
Rueda, Enrique. Gays, Aids, and You / Schwartz, Michael,; 1949. Old Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair Co., 1987.
Ruibal Ares, Beatriz Muchinik. Alteraciones Inmunologicas En Pacientes Con Sida E Individuos Pertenecientes Al Grupo De Alto Riesgo En La Argentina1987.
Rungkanda, Phongsathonkunlaphanit. Khwamkhithen Khong Nakrian Chai Chan Matthayomsu’ksa Pi Thi 61987.
Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies. New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
Russo, Vito Auteur. The Celluloid Closet. New York (N.Y.) ; Cambridge ; Philadelpia [etc.]: Harper & Row, 1987.
Rutledge, Leigh W. The Gay Book of Lists. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Salfer, Victoria L. An Evaluation of the Growth and Decline of the Topic of Homosexuality in the Media for a Twelve Year Period 1973-841987.
Sanderson, Terry. The Potts Correspondence and Other Gay Humour. London: Other Way Press, 1987.
Schalow, Paul Gordon. "The Great Mirror of Male Love" by Ihara Saikaku / Ihara, Saikaku,; 1642-1693. ; Nanshoku Okagami.; English1987.
Schell, Hal. Ministering to Homosexuals. Minneapolis, MN: Resurrection Tapes, 1987.
Schorberger, Gregor. Aids Station: Wege Humaner Begleitung. München: Kösel, 1987.
Scott, Stephen J. The Homosexual Rights Movement and the Men's Movement in the United States: Histories and Implications, 19871987.
Self, Janet A. Bowers V. Hardwick: A Study of Aggression / by Janet A. Self. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, College of Law, 1987.
Sergent, Bernard. Homosexuality in Greek Myth. London: Athlone, 1987.
Sergent, Bernard Goldhammer. Homosexuality in Greek Myth / Dumézil, Georges. London: Athlone, 1987.
Shapiro, Norman. Changes. Brightwaters, NY: Euphemisms Publishing Co., 1987.
Shapiro, Norman. Masturbation Fantasies. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms Publishing Co., 1987.
Shapiro, Norman. No Explanation. [S.l.]: the Artist, 1987.
Shapiro, Norman. [Untitled]. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms/Norman Shapiro, 1987.
Shapiro, Norman, and Euphemisms. Maury: Masturbation Fantasies. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms Publishing Co., 1987.
Shapiro, Norman, and Euphemisms. [Untitled Book]. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms/N. Shapiro, 1987.
Shewey, Don. Cut Front: Contemporary Gay and Lesbian Plays. New York: Grove Press, 1987.
Shewey, Don. Out Front: Contemporary Gay and Lesbian Plays. New York: Grove Press, 1987.
Shively, Charley. Calamus Lovers: Walt Whitman's Working-Class Camerados. San Francisco, Calif: Gay Sunshine Press, 1987.
Shiver, Maria, inc National Broadcasting Company, and Incorporated Films. Growing up Gay, Main Street (Television Program); Variation: Main Street (Television Program): Chicago : Films Incorporated, Richmond, B.C. : Image Media Services [distributor], 1987.
Siebenand, Paul Alcuin. The Beginnings of Gay Cinema in Los Angeles: The Industry and the Audience1987.
Sivertsen, Wiggsy, Jose San, and Dept Police. San José Police Department Training Program on Gay and Lesbian Lifestyles: Class Presented to the San José City Police Department. [San Jose?, Calif.: s.n., 1987.
Skillrud, Harold C. Tiemeyer. A Guide for Pastoral Care in Matters Concerning Homosexuality / Schaper, Richard L: Philadelphia : Division for Parish Services and Division for Professional Leadership, Lutheran Church in America : order from Order Secretary (2900 Queen Lane, 19129), 1987.
Sloan, Irving J. Homosexual Conduct and the Law, Legal Almanac Series ;; No. 85;. London ; New York: Oceana Publications, 1987.
Snyder, Anne, Counterplay, Productions Scholastic, and Productions Insight. The Truth About Alex. New York, NY: Scholastic Productions, 1987.
Sociologists, Lesbian, and Caucus Gay. Sociologists' Lesbian and Gay Caucus Newsletter. Claremont, Calif.: The Caucus, 1987.
Sousa, Jerri. Bailing out of Homosexuality: A Personal Recovery. [Chula Vista, CA: Better Choice], 1987.
Spahr, Jane Adams. Approaches to the Spirituality of Lesbian Women: Implications for Ministry1987.
Starr, Richard D. Speaking the Unspeakable: Homosexuality--a Biblical and Modern Perspective. Milwaukee, Wis.: Northwestern Pub. House, 1987.
Steenderen, B. van. Homo Worden, Homo Zijn: Een Onderzoek Naar De Vormgeving Van Een Homoseksuele Identiteit Bij Jongens, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 1987, 9; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 9.: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Homologie Distributie [distributor, 1987.
Stout, R. Jan. Sin and Sexuality: Psychobiology and the Development of Homosexuality1987.
Sullivan, Gerard. A Study of Political Campaigns of Discrimination against Gay People in the United States 1950-19781987.
Swift, Michael, Government Citizens for Moral, and Rights Heterosexual. Ephemeral Materials, 1987: Dallas, Tex., 1987.
Tapestry, International. Rights and Reactions: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial. New York, NY: Tapestry International, 1987.
Thompson, Mark. Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
Thompson, Russell Gene. A Descriptive Study of Anonymous Homosexual Behavior1987.
Tinney, James S. America's First Black Gay Christian Activist. Washington, D.C.: James S. Tinney, 1987.
Trenchard, Lorraine, Gays Lesbians, and Project Broadcasting. Are We Being Served: Lesbians, Gays and Broadcasting Project Report / Finch, Mark. S.l.: Lesbians, Gays and Broadcasting Project, 1987.
Trikone. Trikone. Palo Alto, Calif.: Trikone, 1987.
Trikone. Trikone Magazine. San Jose, Calif.: Trikone., 1987.
Tripp, C. A. The Homosexual Matrix. New York: New American Library, 1987.
Tucker, Gwen Margaret, Productions Tri-Image, and Womantyme. Reflections a Moment in Time / Liss, Janet. Long Beach: Tri-Image Productions ; distributed by Womantyme, 1987.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Criminal, Justice. Anti-Gay Violence: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Second Session on Anti-Gay Violence, October 9, 1986, Serial No. 132;. Washington: USGPO, 1987.
Universität Gesamthochschule, Siegen, and Literatur Forschungsschwerpunkt Homosexualität und. Forum Homosexualität Und Literatur. [Siegen: Forschungsschwerpunkt Homosexualität und Literatur im Fachbereich Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften an der Universität-GH Siegen], 1987.
University of Illinois at, Urbana-Champaign, and Center Counseling. Coming Out. Champaign, Ill.: Counseling Center, Dept. of Student Affairs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987.
Vennard, Jane E., Lay Iliff Institute for, and Education Clergy. Homophobia in Christian Perspective1987.
Visano, L. A. This Idle Trade: The Occupational Patterns of Male Prostitution. Concord, Ont.: VitaSana Books, 1987.
Vollhaber, Tomas. Das Nichts, Die Angst, Die Erfahrung: Untersuchung Zur Zeitgenössischen Schwulen Literatur, Homosexualität Und Literatur,; Bd. 1;. Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1987.
Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro. Momoiro Hansamu / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1987.
Wakabayashi, Yasuhiro. Nettai No Sono = Green Field of Summer / Kochi, Shu. Tokyo: Kurieitazu, 1987.
Walker, Kim M. Roth, College Goshen, and Seminar Biology Senior. Homosexuality in the Bible1987.
Warmerdam, J. N., and C. O. C. Nederlandse Vereniging tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit. Cultuur En Ontspanning: Het Coc 1946-1966 / Koenders, Pieter, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 10;: [Utrecht] : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Verspreiding, Homologie Distributie, 1987.
Watts, Raleigh. Gender Variance among Male Polynesians1987.
Werner, Reiner. Homosexualität: Herausforderung an Wissen Und Toleranz. Berlin: Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1987.
West, and Bookshop Wilde. Books for Men. Edinburgh: West & Wilde Bookshop, 1987.
Wim. Banyolan Bencong / Yan. Bandung: Indah Jaya, 1987.
Wingens, Marc. Sexualiteit En Geschiedenis. Utrecht: UHSK, 1987.
Wingfield, Carrie. Yearning to Be Loved. Seattle, Wash.: C. Wingfield, 1987.
Women Make Movies, Inc. Lifetime Commitment a Portrait of Karen Thompson: Released in the U.S. by Women Make Movies, 1987.
Woods, Gregory. Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-Eroticism and Modern Poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987.
Wool, Peter Charles. The Development of a Bible Study Curriculum for the Local Church Related to the Issue of Homosexuality1987.
Wuttke-Groneberg, Walter. Homosexuelle Im Nationalsozialismus: Ausstellungskatalog. Ulm: The Author, 1987.
Yramategui, Rick. Toward a Gay/Lesbian Theology of Liberation, Variation: Thesis--United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities ; M.Div., 1987.1987.
Zillman, Donald N., Utah University of, and Law College of. Fourth Annual Fordham Debate. Salt Lake City, Utah: College of Law, University of Utah, 1987.
Zillman, Donald N., Utah University of, and S. J. Quinney College of Law. Be It Resolved: That Congress Should Enact Legislation to Forbid Discrimintion against Homosexual in the Areas of Housing and Employment Fourth Annual Fordham Debate / Fordham, Jefferson Barnes. Salt Lake City, Utah: College of Law, University of Utah, 1987.
Zwickler, Phil. Rights and Reactions Lippman, Jane. Melbourne: Australian Film Institute, 1987.
1988 (371 items)
Adelaide Gaze. Adelaide: Peter Langford, 1988.
Arcade: The Official Magazine of the Insider Video Club. Hollywood, CA: Insider Video Club, 1988.
Arkansas Advisor. Little Rock, Ark.: Universal Publishers, 1988.
Beelddocument = Visual Document. 1988.
Big Easy Times. New Orleans, LA: Big Easy Times, 1988.
Black Gay Voices. Other Countries; 1st V. (Spring 1988); Variation: Other Countries (Series) ;; V.1. New York: Other Countries, 1988.
Bob and Ted, Carol and Alice, and Kids Lesbian and Gay Families. Decatur, GA: The Resource Link, 1988.
The Gay Times. Rock Island, Ill.: M & M Press, 1988.
He Ain't Heavy. Degrassi Junior High;: Playing With Time, and Taylor Productions, 1988.
Homosexuelle Und Aids: Der Versuch Einer Bewältigung: Ein Situationsbericht Aus Der Schweiz, Oktober 1988. Zürich: AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, 1988.
Mardi Gras. Celebrations.;. Sydney: ABC, 1988.
Nurturing the Gift: Gay & Lesbian Persons in Seminary & Religious Formation. New York, NY: Communication Ministry Inc., 1988.
Outlines. Chicago, Ill.: Lambda Publications, 1988.
Outlook. San Francisco, Calif.: Out/Look Foundation, 1988.
A Packet of Materials on the Church and Homosexuality. Thousands Oaks, CA: Center for Theological Study, 1988.
Quest: For a Positive Lifestyle. Denver, Colo.: Quest, 1988.
The Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships in the Religious Society of Friends: Containing Material to Assist Meetings That Want to Discuss This Subject to Reach a Fuller Understanding of These Issues, Particularly Those Meetings That Have Been Approached by a Same-Sex Couple Asking for a Special Meeting for Worship to Recognize Their Relationship. London: Quaker Home Service, 1988.
Schildchrott. Bern: HuK, 1988.
Second Ilga Pink Book: A Global View of Lesbian and Gay Liberation and Oppression. Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies ;; No.12; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 12. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.
The Second Stone: The National Newspaper for Gay and Lesbian Christians. New Orleans, LA: [Bailey Communications, 1988.
Sex in the Seventies a Collection of Sample Pictorial Items and Periodicals. New York: New York Public Library, 1988.
Southern Voice. Atlanta, GA.: SAME (Southeastern arts, Media and Education Project), Inc., 1988.
Spiegelbild. Berlin: Medium, 1988.
Sydney's Cruiser Magazine. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Garth Scamp, Sydney's Cruiser Magazine., 1988.
Video 28. Leeds: Video 28, 1988.
A, A. R. G. H. Aargh! Northampton, England: Mad Love, 1988.
Ackerley, J. R., and war Prisoners of. Gay Plays / Wilcox, Michael,; 1943, A Methuen Theatre File;. London: Methuen., 1988.
Ackerley, J. R., and war Prisoners of. Gay Plays Wilcox, Michael,; 1943, A Methuen Theatre File;. London: Methuen., 1988.
Adamska, Katarzyna. Ludzie Obok: Lesbijki I Geje W Polsce. Torun: Pracownia Duszycki [u.a.], 1988.
Adler, Michael W. Diseases in the Homosexual Male, The Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science;. London ; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Alice. Amour En Sursis: Le Témoignage D'alice, Homosexuelle. Moncton, N.-B.: Éditions d'Acadie, 1988.
American Association of Law, Libraries, and Section Contemporary Social Problems Special Interest. Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Selective Bibliography on Homosexuality and the Law, 1969-1988. [S.l.]: Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Contemporary Social Problems SIS, American Association of Law Libraries, 1988.
American Psychological, Association, Lesbian Committee on, and Concerns Gay. A Selected Bibliography of Lesbian and Gay Concerns in Psychology: An Affirmative Perspective, 1988. [Washington, D.C.]: American Psychological Association, 1988.
American Psychological Association. Committee on, Lesbian, and Concerns Gay. A Selected Bibliography of Lesbian and Gay Concerns in Psychology: An Affirmative Perspective. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1988.
Andersson, Henrik O. Om Homosexualitet. Stockholm: Carlsson, Grafica), 1988.
Angelakes, Andreas. Poietike Anthologia Apoklinontos Erotismou, Xene Poiese ;; 10;. Athena: Gnose, 1988.
Aronson, Susan L. Cooper, writer, Inc Advanced American Communications, and America Learning Corporation of. What If I'm Gay? Brown, Jeffrey D.,; 1957: Deerfield, IL : Learning Corporation of America ; Northbrook, IL : Distributed by Coronet/MTI Film & Video, 1988.
Arterburn, Jerry. The Arterburn Story How Will I Tell My Mother? Laguna Beach, CA.: Outreach Ministries, 1988.
Arterburn, Jerry. How Will I Tell My Mother? / Arterburn, Stephen,; 1953. Nashville: Oliver-Nelson, 1988.
Arterburn, Jerry. How Will I Tell My Mother? Arterburn, Stephen,; 1953. Nashville, Tenn.: Oliver-Nelson, 1988.
Arterburn, Jerry. How Will I Tell My Mother?: A True Story of One Man's Battle with Homosexuality & Aids / Arterburn, Stephen,; 1953. Nashville: Oliver-Nelson, 1988.
Atkinson, Alison, London King's College, and Studies Department of Nursing. Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Aids1988.
Augsburger, Stanley Wayne. The Church as a Change Agent for the Male Homosexual: Etiology, Intervention, and Change1988.
Babuscio, Jack. We Speak for Ourselves: The Experiences of Gay Men and Lesbians. London: SPCK, 1988.
Bach, Gérard. Homosexualité: La Reconnaissance? Boulogne-Billancourt [France]: Espace nuit, 1988.
Baker, Chris, and Authorities Association of London. Action Guide: Local Government Bill Clause 28 / Parker, Jan. London: Association of London Authorities, 1988.
Baker, Karen. Living with and Loving Your Gay Child: A Handbook for Parents / Windell, James. Waterford, MI: Minerva Press, 1988.
Baldauf, Ingeborg. Die Knabenliebe in Mittelasien: Bacabozlik, Occasional Papers / Ethnizität Und Gesellschaft ;; Nr. 17; Variation: Occasional Papers (Freie Universität Berlin. Forschungsgebietsschwerpunkt Ethnizität Und Gesellschaft) ;; Nr. 17. Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, 1988.
Ball, Ann M. Ethics Professor Addresses Morality Issues at Diocesan Conference1988.
Baltimore Justice, Campaign. Document in Support of the Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill for Baltimore City. Baltimore, Md. (P.O. Box 1751, 21203): The Campaign, 1988.
Barbo, Beverly, and Convocation Wartburg College. The Walking Wounded. [Waverly, Iowa: Wartburg College, 1988.
Bartlett, Neil. Who Was That Man?: A Present for Mr Oscar Wilde, Masks; Variation: Masks. London: Serpent's Tail, 1988.
Bech, Henning. Når Mænd Mødes: Homoseksualiteten Og De Homoseksuelle. [Copenhagen]: Gyldendal, 1988.
Beck, Ashley, and Group Jubilee. Speaking Love's Name: Homosexuality--Some Catholic and Socialist Reflecions / Hunt, Ros. London: Jubilee Group, 1988.
Beeren, Marian. Lesbisch Informatieboekje 1988. Amsterdam: COC-Magazijn, 1988.
Bem, Sandra L. Pollack. Is Heterosexuality Compulsory? Perspectives on Homophobia Widmer, Candice1988.
Bender, David L. Human Sexuality: 1988 Annual / Leone, Bruno,; 1939, Opposing Viewpoints Sources,;. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1988.
Beurdeley, Cecile. L'amour Bleu: Die Homosexuelle Liebe in Kunst Und Literatur Des Abendlandes. Berlin: B. Gmunder, 1988.
Bieber, Irving. Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study. Northvale, N.J.: Aronson, 1988.
Bitman, Curtis. What Is the Experience of Sexual Co-Addiction in a Homosexual Relationship1988.
Blum, Ina Treut. Virgin Machine Uriona, Marcelo. New York: First Run/Icarus, 1988.
Blumenfeld, Warren J. Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life / Raymond, Diane Christine,; 1949. New York: Philosophical Library, 1988.
Blumenfeld, Warren J. Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life Raymond, Diane Christine,; 1949. New York: Philosophical Library, 1988.
Boddé, Tineke. Why Is My Child Gay? Washington, D.C.: Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, 1988.
Boisson, Jean. Le Triangle Rose: La Déportation Des Homosexuels, 1933-1945. Paris: R. Laffont, 1988.
Borland, James A. Homosexuality: An Alternative Life-Style, or Sin?, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-1173.1988.
Boswell, John, Inc Integrity, and Productions Michael James. 1500 Years of the Church Blessing Lesbian & Gay Relationships It's Nothing New to the Church / Preslawski, James. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Michael James Productions, 1988.
Bradford, Judith, Lesbian National, and Foundation Gay Health. The National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Final Report / Ryan, Caitlin. Washington, D.C.: National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation, 1988.
Bray, Alan. Homosexuality in Renaissance England: [London] : Gay Men's Press ; Boston, MA : Distributed in North America by Alyson, 1988.
Breslin, William. The Constitutional Right of Privacy: Expanding Intimacy and Autonomy1988.
Bronshtein, David Ionovich. Voguing: The Message Low, Dorothy. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1988.
Brownley, Margaret. Gay Youth: A Positive Approach for Parents and Siblings. Minneapolis, MN: Community Intervention, Inc., 1988.
Cabaj, Robert P. Sexuality and Homosexuality, Psychiatric Annals,; V. 18, No. 1;. Thorofare, N.J.: Slack, 1988.
Cahn, P. Perez. Analisis De La Demanda Espontanea De Un Consultorio Externo De Sida En La Ciudad De Buenos Aires1988.
Campbell, Ian M., and d. A Prospective Study of Factors Influencing Hiv Infection in Homosexual & Bisexual Men. Parkville, Vic.: Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, 1988.
Cantarella, Eva. Secondo Natura: La Bisessualità Nel Mondo Antico, Nuova Biblioteca Di Cultura ;; 289;. Roma: Editori riuniti, 1988.
Carré, Jacques. Ville Et Santé En Grande-Bretagne: Xviiie-Xxe Siècles: Actes Du Colloque De Clermont-Ferrand (17-18 Janvier 1986), Publications : Nouvelle Série / Faculté Des Lettres De L'université Blaise-Pascal ;; Fasc. 28;. Clermont-Ferrand: Association des Publ. de la Fac. des lettres et sciences humaines, 1988.
Carrel, Jack, and ed. The Chronicle. Long Beach, CA: [s.n.], 1988.
Centro de Apoyo a la Comunidad, Gay, and Liberación Grupo Orgullo Homosexual de. Uno Sobre Otro. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Centro de Apoyo a la Comunidad Gay ; Grupo Orgullo Homosexual de Liberación, 1988.
Cheung, Benny, Kong Hong, and Kong Radio Television Hong. Aids, Hong Kong Connection;. [Hong Kong]: RTHK, 1988.
Chicago . City Council. Commission on Human, Rights, Protection Consumer, and Service Carter Reporting. Before the City of Chicago Human Rights and Consumer Protection Commission, in Re: Human Rights Ordinance, Chapter 199: Report of Proceedings ... Held ... On the 15th Day of June, A.D., 1988. [Chicago: s.n., 1988.
Chicago . City Council. Commission on Human, Rights, Protection Consumer, and Service Carter Reporting. Before the Human Rights and Consumer Protection Commission in the Matter of Human Rights Ordinance: Report of Proceedings ... Held ... On the 23rd Day of June. [Chicago: s.n., 1988.
Chicago . City Council. Committee on Human, Rights, Protection Consumer, and Service McCorkle Reporting. Report of Proceedings of a Hearing before Committee on Human Rights and Consumer Protection: Held on December 1st, 1988. Chicago, Ill.: [s.n., 1988.
Chumbawamba. Smash Clause 28 / Geluidsdocument = Sound Document: Agit-Prop Records, 1988.
Cinemapacific. When Two Guys Meet. San Francisco: Cinemapacific, 1988.
Cohen, Ed. Talk on the Wilde Side: Towards a Genealogy of the Discourse on Male Homosexuality1988.
Coleman, Eli. Integrated Identity for Gay Men and Lesbians: Harrington Park, 1988.
Coleman, Eli. Integrated Identity for Gay Men and Lesbians: Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Emotional Well-Being. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1988.
Coleman, Eli. Psychotherapy with Homosexual Men and Women: Integrated Identity Approaches for Clinical Practice. New York: Haworth Press, 1988.
Comiskey, Andrew. Freeing the Homosexual. Santa Monica, Calif.: Desert Stream Ministries, 1988.
Comiskey, Andrew. Pursuing Sexual Wholeness. Santa Monica, Calif.: Desert Stream Ministries, 1988.
Comiskey, Andrew. Pursuing Sexual Wholeness How Jesus Heals the Homosexual. Santa Monica, Calif.: Desert Stream Ministries, 1988.
Committee on, Lesbian, and History Gay. Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Bibliographies. Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, Bard College, 1988.
Community, Center. The Paper, an Alternate Lifestyles Journal. Boise, Idaho: The Community Center, 1988.
Comstock, Gary David. Exodus and Resurrection: The Ministry of Lesbians and Gay Men within the Churches. Winnipeg: Council on Homosexuality and Religion, 1988.
Cook, Ann Thompson. And God Loves Each One: A Resource for Dialogue About the Church and Homosexuality. Washington, D.C.: Task Force on Reconciliation, 1988.
Cook, Ann Thompson, and Church Dumbarton United Methodist. And God Loves Each One: A Resource for Dialogue About the Church and Homosexuality. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton United Methodist Church, 1988.
Cooper, Dennis. Against Nature. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1988.
Cooper, Dennis, and Exhibitions Los Angeles Contemporary. Against Nature. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1988.
Copley, Antony. Sexual Moralities in France 1780-1980: New Ideas on the Family, Divorce and Homosexuality. London: Routledge, 1988.
Copley, A. R. H. Sexual Moralities in France, 1780-1980: New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality, an Essay on Moral Change. London ; New York: Routledge, 1988.
Cotter, Jim. Good Fruits: Cairns, 1988.
Courouve, Claude. Ces Petits Grecs Ont Un Faible Pour Les Gymnases--: L'amour Masculin Dans Les Textes Grecs Et Latins. Paris: C. Courouve, 1988.
Curry, Hayden. A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press, 1988.
Cuthbertson, Coline Cuthbertson. Reminiscences of Coline and Kenneth Cuthbertson: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Davies, Peter, Cardiff University College, and Unit Social Research. Some Notes on the Structure of Sexual Acts, Sru Working Paper ;; 31; Project Sigma Working Paper ;; 10;. Cardiff: University College, 1988.
Davis, John Jefferson. Homosexuality and Aids, Chapel Messages /.; Mabts.; 881029. Memphis, TN.: Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Deevey, Sharon. I Never Met One Before: An Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Issues for Nurses. Columbus, Ohio: Lesbian Health Resources, 1988.
D'Emilio, John. Out of the Shadows: The Gay Emancipation Movement in the United States, 1940-19701988.
Denver, Aids Prevention. We're Looking for 1000 Good Men. [Colorado]: Denver AIDS Prevention, 1988.
DeYoung, James B. Biblical and Historical Precedent for the Criminality of Homosexual Behavior, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-0053.1988.
DeYoung, James B. Biblical and Historical Precedent for the Criminality of Homosexual Behavior: A Study of Scripture, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, Rabbinics, Philo, Josephus, Early Patristics and Pagan Greek and Roman Sources Which Address the Proscription of Sodomy by Law1988.
DeYoung, James B. The Biblical Evidence on Homosexuality and Civil Rights: With Implications for Aids, Church Discipline and Law1988.
DeYoung, James B. The Meaning of "Nature" in Romans 1 and Its Implications for Biblical Proscriptions of Homosexual Behavior, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-0039.1988.
DeYoung, James B. The Old Testament Witness to Homosexuality: A Critical Assessment of the Prohomosexual Interpretation, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-1192.1988.
DeYoung, James B. The Witness of Old Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to Homosexuality: A Critique of Prohomosexual Interpretations, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-1230.1988.
Dicker, Gordon S., and Australia Uniting Church in. Homosexuality and the Church, Responses: Responses from the Uniting Church in Australia to a Report of the Assembly Committee on Homosexuality and the Church. Melbourne: Uniting Church Press, 1988.
Diffusions gaies et lesbiennes du, Québec. Image Et Nation Gaie Et Lesbienne: Festival International De Cinéma Et De Vidéo De Montréal. Montréal: Diffusions gaies et lesbiennes du Québec, 1988.
Dodier, Grace M. Goldsmith, Educational Connecticut Women's, and Fund Legal. The Legal Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men in Connecticut. Pulda, Ruth. [Hartford, CT.]: Connecticut Women's Education[al] and Legal Fund, 1988.
Dorian, Stacy Wynne, Austin University of Texas at, and Law School of. Homosexuality and the Law: An Annotated Bibliography, Tarlton Legal Bibliography Series ;; No. 32; Variation: Tarlton Law Library Legal Bibliography Series ;; No. 32. Austin, Tex.: Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas at Austin School of Law, 1988.
Dougherty, Cecilia. Kathy. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1988.
Earnshaw, Tania. Items on Homosexuality in the Alexander Turnbull Library's Reference Collection (New Zealand/Pacific). [Wellington N.Z.]: T. Earnshaw, 1988.
England, Michael E., and Churches Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community. The Bible and Homosexuality, Let's Do the Gospel Series ;; 3;. [California?: Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches?], 1988.
Equity, Institute. Sticks, Stones, and Stereotypes Palos, Piedras Y Estereotipos. Amherst, MA: Equity Institute, 1988.
Esparza, Joey. For Lost Words. Riverside, CA.: D. Blood Press, 1988.
Exodus, International. Exodus Telephone Counseling Manual: How to Minister Hope to Men & Women Overcoming Homosexuality, or Their Family & Friends, through Telephone Counseling. San Rafael, Calif.: Exodus International, 1988.
Fagan, Patrick F. Hope for Homosexuality, Currents in Family Policy;. Washington, D.C.: Center for Child and Family Policy of the Free Congress Research & Education Foundation, 1988.
Feliz, Antonio A. Out of the Bishop's Closet: A Call to Heal Ouselves, Each Other, and Our World ; a True Story. San Francisco, Calif.: Aurora Press, 1988.
Fellini, Federico Cuny, and Satyricon. Fellini Satyricon Satyricon / Zapponi, Bernardino, Criterion Collection ;; 35;: [U.S.] : MGM/UA Home Video : Janus Films & Voyager Press, 1988.
Fernand-Laurent, Jean, and U. N. Secretary-General. Note. Geneva: UN, 1988.
Fichte, Hubert. Homosexualität Und Literatur 2: Polemiken, His Die Geschichte Der Empfindlichkeit; Variation: Fichte, Hubert.; Geschichte Der Empfindlichkeit. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1988.
Field, David. Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Say?, Uccf Booklets; Variation: Uccf Booklets. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1988.
Fierro, Ramiro Birri, T. V. Escuela Internacional de Cine y, and Frameline. No Porque Lo Diga Fidel Castro Not Because Fidel Castro Says So / Sanchez, Graciela I. [Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ]: Frameline, 1988.
Fischer, Hal. Representations: Sexual Identity in the Works and Lives of Frank O'hara, Allen Ginsberg and Andy Warhol1988.
Fordham, Jefferson Barnes, Utah University of, and Law College of. Be It Resolved: That Congress Should Enact Legislation to Forbid Discrimination against Homosexuals in the Areas of Housing and Employment Fourth Annual Fordham Debate. Salt Lake City, Utah: College of Law, University of Utah, 1988.
Fowler, Richard A. Civilization in Crisis: A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Feminism, Euthanasia, and Abortion / House, H. Wayne. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1988.
Fox, F. Earle. Human Sexuality: Hetero-, Homo-, or Pan-? / F. Earle Fox. Norwalk, Conn.: Emmaus Ministries, 1988.
Franklin, Kevin. Gender Identity in the Homosexual Male Identifying and Testing Two Theories of Object Relations within the Personality, University of Tasmania Dept. Of Psychology Thesis; Variation: University of Tasmania.; Theses.; University of Tasmania.; Dept. Of Psychology.; Theses.1988.
Freedman, Alan. "A Man Crying!": Gay Sensibility and the Quest for Mediation in a Passage to India1988.
Friedman, Richard C. Male Homosexuality: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.
Friedman, Richard C. Male Homosexuality: A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective / Mackinnon, Roger A.. ; Préf. New Haven [etc.]: Yale university press, 1988.
Gaies, Jeremy S. Negative Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Other Psychological Issues of People Affected by Aids1988.
Gasper, Mark. An Empty Bed. New York: Yankee-Oriole Company, 1988.
Gauthier-Hamon, Corinne. Entre Père Et Fils: La Prostitution Homosexuelle Des Garçons / Teboul, Roger, Le Fil Rouge,; Variation: Fil Rouge.; Section 2,; Psychanalyse Et Psychiatrie De L'enfant. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1988.
Gay, Advocates Lesbian, and Defenders. Annual Report. Boston, MA: Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, 1988.
Gay Health, Action. The Joys of Sex: A Safer Sex Pin-up for Gay Men. [Dublin]: Gay Health Action, 1988.
Gay Law Students, Organization. Sexuality and the Law. Buffalo, N.Y.: Gay Law Students Organization [State University of New York at Buffalo], 1988.
Gayle, Terence C. Key Factors in Gay and Bisexual Mens' Decisions to Adopt Safer Sex1988.
Gerard, Kent. The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe / Hekma, Gert. ; (Other), Journal of Homosexuality,; 16:1/2; Research on Homosexuality,; 17;. New York: Haworth Press, 1988.
Ghamri, Muhammad ibn Umar. Al-Hukm Al-Madbut Fi Tahrim Fi`L Qawm Lut / Athari, `Ubayd Allah Al-Misri. Tanta [Egypt]: Dar al-Sahabah lil-Turath, 1988.
Ghamri, Muhammad ibn Umar. Al-Hukm Al-Madbut Fi Tahrim Fi`L Qawm Lut Athari, `Ubayd Allah Al-Misri. Tanta [Egypt]: Dar al-Sahabah lil-Turath, 1988.
Gibson, Jacqueline L. It Happened by "Magic": A Qualitative Study of Falling in Love1988.
Gilgun, Bernard. Oral History Interview with Bernie Gilgun Troester, Rosalie Riegle1988.
Glaser, Chris. Uncommon Calling: A Gay Man's Struggle to Serve the Church. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988.
Goldstein, Anne B. History, Homosexuality, and Political Values: Searching for the Hidden Determinants of Bowers V. Hardwick1988.
Goot, Yko van der. Homosexualiteit En Theologie, Theologische Etherleergang Rondom Het Woord.;. 's-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum, 1988.
Gramick, Jeannine. The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons" / Furey, Pat. New York: Crossroad, 1988.
Gray, Jane Karen. The Tearoom Revisited a Study of Impersonal Homosexual Encounters in a Public Setting1988.
Greenberg, David F. The Construction of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Gregg, Joseph, d, Association American Library, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. International Thesaurus of Gay and Lesbian Index Terms / Ridinger, Robert B. Marks,; 1951. [Chicago?]: Thesaurus Committee, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, American Library Association, 1988.
Guibert, Hervé Reyre, and A. J. O. Gaumont. L'homme Blessé Chéreau, Patrice. [S.l.]: Axon Video, 1988.
Hafkamp, Hans. Pijlen Van Naamloze Liefde: Pioniers Van De Homo-Emancipatie / Lieshout, Maurice Van. [Amsterdam]: SUA, 1988.
Hagan, Patti. Reminiscences of Patti Hagan: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Hands Off Washington . Whatcom County Coalition, Council, and Fairness Washington Citizens for. Hands Off Washington, Whatcom County Coalition Council Records, 1988-1996 1994-19951988.
Hanigan, James P. Homosexuality: The Test Case for Christian Sexual Ethics, Theological Inquiries;. New York: Paulist Press, 1988.
Härle, Gerhard. Männerweiblichkeit: Zur Homosexualität Bei Klaus Und Thomas Mann. Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum, 1988.
Hatton, Norman, and Aids Committee of Toronto. Oral Sex. Toronto, Ontario: Aids Committee of Toronto, 1988.
Hayden, Casey. Reminiscences of Casey Hayden: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Hayim, George. Thou Shalt Not Uncover Thy Mother's Nakedness: An Autobiography. London ; New York: Quartet Books, 1988.
Healy, Timothy S., University Georgetown, and President Office of the. [Letter] 1988 March, 28 Washington, Dc to the Members of Georgetown's Faculty and Alumni1988.
Hepburn, Cuca. Alive & Well / Gutierrez, Bonnie. Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press, 1988.
Hepburn, Cuca. Alive & Well Gutierrez, Bonnie. Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press, 1988.
Heyns, Martha Margrieta. Die Rol Van Die Superego in Egosintoniese En Egodistoniese Homoseksualiteit1988.
Hillsborough County. Sheriff's Office. Detention, Dept. Aids. Tampa, Fla.: The Dept., 1988.
Holleran, Andrew. Ground Zero. New York: Morrow, 1988.
Hong, Kong. Homosexual Offences: Should the Law Be Changed? - a Consultation Paper. June 1988: (Hong Kong, Government Printer). 1988.
Hong, Kong. Homosexual Offences: Should the Law Be Changed? - a Consultative Paper. Hong Kong: Govt. Printer, 1988.
Horn, Jack Douglas. The Torah/Pentateuch: Its Codes and Myths Concerning Sexuality and Their Origins1988.
Hos, Jantine. Een Doodstille Geboorte: Kindermoord in Noord-Brabant 1814-1838. Beuningen: [s.n.], 1988.
Houck, Douglas Alan. Case Study Analysis of Homosexual to Heterosexual Transformation with Overview of the Moberly Model. Seattle, WA: Metanoia Ministries, 1988.
Human Rights, Watch, Gay International, and Commission Lesbian Human Rights. Scandaluri Publice: Orientarea Sexuala Si Legea Penala În România: Raport Elaborat De Human Rights Watch Si International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. New York: Human Rights Watch ; International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, 1988.
Humanistisch, Verbond, and Homowerkgroep Landelijke. Humanisme En Homoseksualiteit: Eerste Suggesties. Utrecht: Humanistisch Verbond, 1988.
Ingwersen, Karen Collier. Anxiety in Homosexual and Bisexual Men with Aids Anxiety1988.
Integrity, Inc. News & Notes. Washington, D.C.: Integrity, Inc., 1988.
International, Lesbian, Association Gay, and Utrecht Rijksuniversiteit te. Ilga Pink Book, Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies;; No. 12; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.
International, Lesbian, Association Gay, and Utrecht Rijksuniversiteit te. Second Ilga Pink Book, Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies ;; No. 12; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 12. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.
International, Lesbian, Association Gay, and Utrecht Rijksuniversiteit te. Second Ilga Pink Book: A Global View of Lesbian and Gay Liberation and Oppression, Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies ;; No. 12; Variation: Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies ;; No. 12. Utrecht: Interdisciplinary Gay and Lesbian Studies Department, Utrecht [State] University, 1988.
Ipiotis, Celia Salaam, and A. R. C. Videodance. Abdel Salaam & Lloyd Newson Bush, Jeff, Eye on Dance ;; No. 274;. New York, N.Y.: ARC Videodance, 1988.
Ipiotis, Celia Salaam, and A. R. C. Videodance. Abdel Salaam, Lloyd Newson Bush, Jeffrey C, Eye on Dance ;; No. 274;. New York, N.Y.: ARC Videodance, 1988.
Ipiotis, Celia Salaam, and A. R. C. Videodance. Men in Dance Homosexual/Heterosexual Presentation / Bush, Jeffrey C, Eye on Dance ;; No. 274; Variation: Eye on Dance ;; No. 274. New York, N.Y.: ARC Videodance, 1988.
Ivory, James Wilby, Productions Merchant Ivory, International Film Four, and Video Lorimar Home. Maurice Merchant, Ismail: [Los Angeles, Calif.] : Lorimar Home Video : Distributed exclusively by Image Entertainment, 1988.
James, Eric. Homosexuality and a Pastoral Church: Christian Action, 1988.
James, Eric. Homosexuality and a Pastoral Church: A Plea for Study and Discussion. London: Christian Action, 1988.
James, E., and London Christian Action. Homosexuality and a Pastoral Church: A Plea for Study and Discussion1988.
James, Selma, and Lesbians Wages Due. Out of the Clause into the Workhouse, Centrepiece ;; 7; Variation: Centrepiece (London, England) ;; 7. London, England: King's Cross Women's Centre, 1988.
Johnson, Christopher B. A Study of Homophobia among Male and Female Undergraduates at a Small Catholic University in the Northwest1988.
Johnson, O. D. Homosexuality and the Bible: A Study. Kansas City, MO: Alternate Studies Project, 1988.
Jones, Marshall. Casting out Fear Reconciling Ministries with Gay/Lesbian United Methodists. Nashville, TN: Reconciling Congregation Program, 1988.
Joustra, Arendo. Homo-Erotisch Woordenboek. Amsterdam: T. Rap, 1988.
Julien, Isaac, Film Sankofa, and Collective Video. This Is Not an Aids Advertisement. New York: Third World Newsreel, 1988.
Kalin, Tom, Chicago Art Institute of, and Bank Video Data. They Are Lost to Vision Altogether. [Chicago, IL: Video Data Bank], 1988.
Kaneko, Shusuke. Summer Vacation: 1999. New York: New Yorker, 1988.
Kaneko, Shusuke, Kenji Takama, Miyuki Nakano, and Tomoko Otakara. Summer Vacation 1999 Kishida, Rio. ; (Writer of Accompanying Material). Japan: New Century Producers/CBS/Sony Group production, 1988.
Karlen, Arno. Threesomes: Studies in Sex, Power, and Intimacy. New York: Beech Tree Books, 1988.
Kendall, R. T. Is God for the Homosexual? Basingstoke: Marshall Pickering, 1988.
Kepner, Jim. Gay Spirit: The Chord [I.E. Cord] of Many Strands. Hollywood, CA: International Gay & Lesbian Archives, 1988.
Kirby, M. D. Sex, Science & Society1988.
Kirkendall, Jonathan Troester. Oral History Interview with Jonathan Kirkendall and Susan Frankel Frankel-Streit, Sue1988.
Kirstein, Carl Frederik. Seksuele Begeleiding as Menslike Verantwoordelikheid in 'N Metagogiese Situasie. Pretoria: Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 1988.
Kistenberg, Cindy Joy. The Effects of Homosexual Literature in Performance on Attitudes Towards Homosexuals / Jackson, Graham,; 1949- ; Another Time, Another Place1988.
Kleinberg, Seymour. Alienated Affections: Being Gay in America, Stonewall Inn Editions ;; 14; Variation: Stonewall Inn Editions ;; 14. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Kocher, Kurth W., and Schweiz Aids-Hilfe. Homosexuelle Und Aids: Der Versuch Einer Bewältigung: Ein Situationsbericht Aus Der Schweiz, Oktober 1988. Zürich: AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, 1988.
Koestenbaum, Wayne. Double Talk: The Erotics of Male Literary Collaboration1988.
Kommissionen til belysning af homoseksuelles situation i, samfundet. Homoseksuelles Vilkår. Kbh. [i.e. København]: Statens informationstjeneste, 1988.
Koppleman, Andrew. The Miscegenation Analogy: Sodomy Law as Sex Discrimination1988.
Korb, Richard Alan. Victimization and Self-Persecution: Homosexuality on the German Stage, 1920's and 1970's1988.
Kramer, Joseph. Ecstatic Sex, Healthy Sex. Oakland, CA: Body Electric Publishing, 1988.
LaHaye, Tim. What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1988.
Lanning, Cynthia. Answers to Your Questions About Homosexuality. Wilmore, KY: Bristol Books, 1988.
Learning Corporation of, America. What If I'm Gay?: Deerfield, IL : Learning Corporation of America ; Northbrook, IL : Distributed by Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Lee, Yiu-kuen. The Social and Legal Aspects of Homosexuality in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Study. [Hong Kong]: University of Hong Kong, 1988.
Lee, Yiu-kuen, and Kong University of Hong. The Social and Legal Aspects of Homosexuality in Hong Kong an Exploratory Study1988.
Leopardi, Angelo, and Sexualforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaftliche. Der Pädosexuelle Komplex: Handbuch Für Betroffene Und Ihre Gegner / Beck, V. ; (Volker). Berlin: Foerster Verlag, 1988.
Lesbian, and Movement Gay Christian. Journal. London: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1988.
Lesbian, Gay, and Program Bisexual Awareness. Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Awareness Program Records, 1988-2000 (Inclusive), 1997-2000 (Bulk)1988.
Lewes, Kenneth. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Lewis, Gary R. The Correlation between Unsafe Sexual Behaviors and Suicidal Probability1988.
Lewis, Steven L. Gay Masquerade Male Homosexuals in American Cities, 1910 to 19401988.
Lewis, Steven L. Gay Masquerade: Male Homosexuals in American Cities, 1910-19401988.
Leyland, Winston. When I Was 18: And Other Homosexual Encounters from First Hand, Volume 5. San Francisco: Leyland Publications, 1988.
Liberek, Daniel. Oral History Interviews with Daniel Liberek, 19881988.
Liberek, Daniel. Oral History Interviews, 19881988.
Library, Association. Prohibition on Promoting Homosexuality by Teaching or by Publishing Material: Section 28, the Local Government Act, 1988. London: Library Association, 1988.
Lieberman, Anne, Wnet, and Humanities Films for the. Homosexuality, Nature Vs. Nurture Hartz, Jim. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences [distributor, 1988.
Lindsay, Jenny, and University Open. Social Problems and Social Welfare. Unit 2, Family, Gender and Welfare. Unit 8, Masculinity, Homophobia and Sexuality / Plummer, Kenneth, Social Sciences : A Second Level Course; D211 ;; Block 2 (8 & 9); Variation: D211 ;; Block 2, Units 8-9. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1988.
Lokar, Joze. Homoseksualnost1988.
Lowe, David A. David A. Lowe Papers, 1988-19921988.
Maasen, Thijs. De Pedagogische Eros in Het Geding: Gustav Wyneken En De Pedagogische Vriendschap in De Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf Tussen 1906-1931, Publicatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 11; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 11. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.
Madison Gay/Lesbian Resource, Center. The Directory: A Guide to the Organizations Serving Madison's Gay/Lesbian Community. Madison, WI: Madison Gay/Lesbian Resource Center, 1988.
Maggiore, Dolores J. Lesbianism: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to the Literature, 1976-1986. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1988.
Marshall, Cindy, and Theatre Youth Expression. Sticks, Stones, and Stereotypes Palos, Piedras, Y Estereotipos. New York: Distributed by Select Media, 1988.
Marshall, Stuart. Pedagogue. Chicago, IL: Video Data Bank, 1988.
Marshall, Stuart, and Production Genlock. Pedagogue Bartlett, Neil. Chicago, Il.: Video Data Bank, 1988.
Martin, Fowler W. Reminiscences of Fowler W. Martin: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Matsuda, Osamu. Kamoji No Shiso: Nihon Ni Okeru Shonenai No Seishinshi. Tokyo: Peyotoru Kobo, 1988.
Matthiessen, F. O. Rat & the Devil: Journal Letters of F.O. Matthiessen and Russell Cheney/ Cheney, Russell,; 1881-1945: Alyson Publications, 1988.
Mattison, Andrew M. Male Couples Facing Aids Mcwhirter, David P.,; 1932-2006. San Diego, CA: Mariposa Education and Research, 1988.
Max, H. Gay(S) Language: A Dic(K)Tionary of Gay Slang. Austin, Tex. (No. 231, P.O. Box 33280, Austin 78764): Banned Books, 1988.
McConaghy, N., Australian Royal, and Psychiatrists New Zealand College of. Treatment of Impulse Disorders. Rozelle, N.S.W.: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, New South Wales Branch, 1988.
McNaught, Brian, and T. R. B. Productions. A Conversation with Brian Mcnaught on Being Gay: Boston, MA : TRB Productions ; New York : [Distributed by] Focus International, 1988.
McNeill, John J. The Church and the Homosexual. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.
McNeill, John J. Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians, and Their Lovers, Families, and Friends. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.
McQuoid, Daniel W. Attitudes toward Homosexuality: Implications for Responsible Psychotherapy1988.
Meyerhofer, William. Confiding the Secret: An Examination of the Author/Reader Relationship in Three Early Examples of the American Gay Novel1988.
Milan, and sanità Assessorato igiene e. Gay E Salute Incontri Di Educazione Sanitaria: [Milano] : Comune di Milano, Assessorato igiene e sanità : ASA, Associazione solidarietà A.I.D.S., 1988.
Moberly, Elizabeth R. A Christian Perspective on Homosexuality, Atlanta '88 ;; No. 810. Pasadena, CA: Media Services, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1988.
Mohr, Richard D. Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, and Law. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Money, John. Gay, Straight, and in-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Morgenthaler, Fritz. Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Perversion: Hillsdale, NJ : Analytic Press : Distributed by Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988.
Moser, Arden D., and T. V. Foundation Episcopal Radio. Human Sexuality Homosexuality and the Bible, One in the Spirit;: Atlanta, Ga. : The Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation ; [Harrisburg, Pa. : Morehouse, distributor], 1988.
Moss, Carol. Reminiscences of Carol Moss: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Mott, Luiz R. B. Escravidão, Homossexualidade E Demonologia, Coleção Malungo. Ensaios; Variation: Coleção Malungo.; Ensaios. São Paulo, SP: Icone Editora, 1988.
Mott, Luiz R. B. O Sexo Proibido: Virgens, Gays E Escravos Nas Garras Da Inquisição. Campinas, SP, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1988.
National Conference on, Lesbian, and Issues Gay Legal. Lavender Law. San Francisco, Calif.: The Conference, 1988.
Nelson, James B., and Concerns Clarence Jordan Center for Christian Ethical. Discussion and Open Forum, 1988, Apr. 27 Shelp, Earl E.,; 1947- ; Discussion and Open Forum, 1988, Apr. 271988.
Norris, David, and Rights European Court of Human. Norris Case (6/1987/129/180): Judgment. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1988.
Oetomo, Dede. Bahasa Rahasia Waria Dan Gay Di Surabaya. [Pasuruan: Oetomo, 1988.
O'Leary, Denyse. A Crisis of Understanding: Homosexuality and the Canadian Church. Burlington, Ont.: Welch Pub., 1988.
Ono, Lori. A Critical Review of Literature on the Development of Gender Preference1988.
Palazollo, Tom. Gay for a Day. Chicago, Ill.: Facets Multimedia, 1988.
Payne, Leanne. The Broken Image: Kingsway, 1988.
Petherbridge, David A. D. Gay Theories, Gay Realities: An Intercourse with Two Gay Thinkers1988.
Picchio, G. R. Muchinik. Evaluacion De La Inmunoflurescencia Indirecta Como Ensayo Confirmatorio En El Diagnostico Serologico De La Infeccion Por El Virus De La Inmunodeficiencia Humana (Hiv)1988.
Pierce, Christine. Aids: Ethics and Public Policy / Vandeveer, Donald,; 1939. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1988.
Plant, Richard. The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War against Homosexuals. New York: H. Holt, 1988.
Poirier, Anne Claire. Salut Victor! San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1988.
Pollak, Michael. Les Homosexuels Et Le Sida: Sociologie D'une Épidémie. Paris: A.M. Métailié, 1988.
Powell, L. Laurence, Jr. The Male Homosexual Character as Portrayed in Six Selected Plays from the American Theatre, 1968-19781988.
Pusch, Detlev, and Aids-Hilfe Deutsche. Beelddocument = Visual Document. Reichardt, Jörg,; Photographer1988.
Rees, Charles A. Lady Bright and Her Children: Contemporary American Gay Drama1988.
Rekers, George Alan. Comprehending Homosexuality and Aids. Columbia, S.C.: Columbia Bible College, 1988.
Richard, Louis. Homosexualités Et Tolérance Sociale / Seguin, Marie-Thérèse. Moncton, N.-B.: Éditions d'Acadie, 1988.
Richard, Louis, and sociale Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire et indisciplinaire sur la gestion. Homosexualités Et Tolérance Sociale / Seguin, Marie-Thérèse. Moncton, N.-B, Canada: Editions d'Acadie, 1988.
Richard, Louis, and sociale Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire et indisciplinaire sur la gestion. Homosexualités Et Tolérance Sociale Seguin, Marie-Thérèse. Moncton, N.-B, Canada: Editions d'Acadie, 1988.
Richter, Rosalyn, Defense Lambda Legal, and Fund Education. Gays and the Law: A Guide for Laypeople. New York: Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc., 1988.
Rietschel, Jean, Nina Representing gays in criminal cases. Kraut, Aids A. R. C. Young Peter Public benefits, insemination Artificial, Cheri surrogacy. Pies, Heather surrogacy. Wishik, Katherine Gay/lesbian families with children. Triantafillou, partnerships Gay/lesbian, Bessida families. White, Tom Defending lewd conduct cases. Horn, and cases Defending lewd conduct. [Proceedings] Albers, Ron. ; Representing Gays in Criminal Cases. Berkeley, CA: Conference Recording Service, 1988.
Rijksuniversiteit te, Utrecht, and Homostudies Interfacultaire Werkgroep. Research Programme: Information Presented on the Occassion of the Site Visit of the World Health Organisation, December 19th, 1988, University of Utrecht. [Utrecht]: Dept. of Gay and Lesbian Studies, University of Utrecht, 1988.
Robinson, Timothy Grant. The Incidence of Bisexual Feelings, Opposite Sex Behaviour and Opposite Sex Gender Identity in Male and Female Psychology and Medical Student1988.
Roller, Bruce, and Inc Faith Rallies Evangelistic Party. Loving Ourselves: The Message of Reconciliation. [Grand Rapids, Mich.: Faith Rallies Evangelistic Party, Inc.\, 1988.
Roscoe, Will, and Indians Gay American. Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology, Stonewall Inn Editions;. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Rosen, Dan, University Loyola, and Law School of. Privacy, the Symposium Sex, Sodomy and the Constitution. [New Orleans, La.]: Loyola University School of Law, 1988.
Rosencranz, Armin. Reminiscences of Armin Rosencranz: Oral History, 1988. Chafe, William Henry, ; Interviewer1988.
Roskey, Michael Laurence. Ideology in Instances of Anti-Gay Violence1988.
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Ross, Michael W. The Treatment of Homosexuals with Mental Health Disorders. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1988.
Rowell, Randolph C. The Impact of Aids on Attitudes toward Homosexuality in the United States1988.
Rudolph, James Robert. The Effects of a Multimodal Seminar on Mental Health Practitioners' Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Authoritarianism, and Counseling Effectiveness1988.
Ruse, Michael. Homosexuality: A Philosophical Inquiry. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.
Rutledge, Leigh W. Unnatural Quotations: A Compendium of Quotations by, for, or About Gay People. Boston: Alyson Publication, 1988.
Saia, Michael R. Counseling the Homosexual. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1988.
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Saslow, James M. Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexuality in Art and Society. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press, 1988.
Saylor, Douglas B. The Murder of the Father: Readings in Sade, Balzac and Proust1988.
Scherer, Peggy. Oral History Interview with Peggy Scherer Troester, Rosalie Riegle1988.
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1989 (410 items)
All About Austin. Austin, Tex.: CenTX Pub., 1989.
Body and Soul: Human Sexuality and the Church. Louisville, KY: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1989.
Custody Denials to Parents in Same-Sex Relationships: An Equal Protection Analysis. 1989.
The Flying Faggot. Canberra: [s.n.], 1989.
G.L. Images. Seattle, WA: Electric Press, 1989.
Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues. Crofton, Md.: Recorded Resources Corporation, 1989.
Hamaagal the Circling. Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 75, 108. Atlanta, Ga: Congregation Bet Haverim, 1989.
Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York, N.Y., NAL Books., 1989.
How Should Society Treat Homosexuality? , Opposing Viewpoints Pamphlets;. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1989.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy. [Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1989.
The Latest Issue: Sacramento's News Magazine for the Gay Community and Its Friends. Sacramento, Calif.: Latest Issue Publishers, 1989.
Leather and Bondage, Series 2 a Selection of Pictorials, Fiction, and Manuals, with Chiefly Male Homosexual Themes. New York: New York Public Library, 1989.
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Looking for Langston. Sankofa / Full Frame Film & Video, 1989.
Male Body Magazines of the 1960's, Series 1 Selected Examples. New York: New York Public Library, 1989.
Male Body Magazines of the 1960's, Series 2 Selected Examples. New York: New York Public Library, 1989.
More Sex in the Eighties a Collection of Sample Pictorial Items and Periodicals. New York: New York Public Library, 1989.
Our Bibliography, at Last: A List of Gay and Lesbian Fiction, Bigraphies, History, and References. [Corvallis, Or.?] ; Laine Young, 1989.
Out!: New Mexico's Gay and Lesbian News Source. Albuquerque, N.M.: Out!, Inc., 1989.
Papers, 1989-1994. 1989.
Paz Y Liberación. Houston, TX: [s.n.], 1989.
Prologue: An Examination of the Mormon Attitude Towards Homosexuality. [Los Angeles, Calif.: Affirmation/Gay and Lesbian Mormons, 1989.
Report of Field Test of Survey of Minnesota Gay and Bisexual Men. San Francisco: Communication Technologies ;, 1989.
Rome Gay News. Rome: [s.n.], 1989.
Rouge a Lesbian and Gay Socialist Quarterly. London: BM Rouge, 1989.
The San Francisco Bay Times. San Francisco, CA: Coming Up, Inc., 1989.
Sexual Orientation and the Law. 1989.
Tribe: An American Gay Journal. Baltimore, Md.: Columbia Pub. Co., 1989.
Who's Afraid of Project 10? Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, 1989.
Abhishaker, Makka, and College Normandale Community. Homophobia and Ethical Analysis, Philosophy Club.;1989.
Achtenberg, Roberta, Guild National Lawyers, and Chapter San Francisco Bay Area. Sexual Orientation and the Law. New York, NY: C. Boardman Co., 1989.
Affirmation, Gay, and Mormons Lesbian. After Marriage, What?: A Frank Discussion About the Problems Confronting the Homosexual Married Mormon. Los Angeles, Calif.: Affirmation/Gay & Lesbian Mormons, 1989.
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Altman, Dennis. Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality?: International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies. London: GMP, 1989.
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Alyson, Publications. The Alyson Almanac. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Alyson, Publications. The Alyson Almanac: A Treasury of Information for the Gay and Lesbian Community. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Amendt, Günter. Natürlich Anders: Zur Homosexualitätsdiskussion in Der Ddr, Kleine Bibliothek. Wissenschaft ;; 523;. Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1989.
American Academy of, Pediatrics. Working with Gay and Lesbian Youth. Chicago, IL: Teach'em, 1989.
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education. Homophobia (101) in Physical Education, Sport, and Dance: Workshop Readings. [Massachusetts?: s.n., 1989.
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American Association of Law, Libraries, and Section Contemporary Social Problems Special Interest. Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Selectve Bibliography on Homosexuality and the Law 1969-1988. [S.l.]: Standing Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Contemporary Social Problems SIS, American Association of Law Libraries, second draft, 1989.
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Art, Positive. Militant Eroticism: 1990 Calendar, Mercury Calendar ;; 4;. New York, NY: Mer d'Communique, 1989.
Ashby, Irving. Primal Threat: An Introduction to Homophobology. [Ithaca]: Comstock, 1989.
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Bailey, John Michael. A Test of the Maternal Stress Hypothesis for Human Male Homosexuality1989.
Balka, Christie. Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian or Gay and Jewish / Rose, Andy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Balka, Christie. Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian, Gay, and Jewish / Rose, Andy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Ballard, Pamela E. The Impact of Aids on Attitudes toward Homosexuals1989.
Banzhaf, Jane C. Role Model Choice of Gay College Students: A Study of Gay White Males Attending College During the 1960's, 70's and 80's1989.
Barilier, Roger Wells, and Sida Lumière biblique dans les nuages du. L' Homosexualité: Approbation Ou Pardon? / Edgar, William. ; Sida Et La Morale, Synapse Éthique ;; No. 3;. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Kerygma, 1989.
Barnett, Rick, Lesbian, and Center Gay Community Services. The Center Show: 1 June 1989 / Sahlman, Barbara. [New York, NY: The Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, 1989.
Bech, Henning. Mellem Mænd. [Copenhagen]: Tiderne skifter, 1989.
Benning, Sadie. Sadie Benning, Volume 1. Chicago: Video Data Bank, 1989.
Bernal B, Juan N. Arroyave. Seroprevalencia De Sida En Prostitutas Masculinas Y Femeninas Chilenas1989.
Bessler, Jeffrey, and America Evangelical Lutheran Church in. Can We Talk About This? An Audio Tape and Study Guide for Christians Preparing to Discuss Homosexuality. Chicago: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1989.
Bhugra, Dinesh Kumar Makhan Lal. Doctors' Attitudes to Male Homosexuality. Leicester: University of Leicester, 1989.
Bienen, Andrew. They Don't Know About Us 2nd Annual Public Dispaly of Affection. Charlottesville, Va.: Lesbian and Gay Students Union, 1989.
Bienen, Andrew. They Don't Know About Us 2nd Annual Public Display of Affection. Charlottesville, Va.: Lesbian and Gay Students Union, 1989.
Blumenfeld, Warren J. Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life / Raymond, Diane Christine,; 1949. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Bory, Jean-Louis. Ma Moitié D'orange. Paris: Julliard, 1989.
Bowling Green State University. Student Affairs, Research, and Office Evaluation. Homosexuality: Attitudes and Perceptions. Bowling Green, Ohio: BGSU, Student Affairs Research and Evaluation Office, 1989.
Bozett, Frederick W. Homosexuality and Family Relations / Sussman, Marvin B, Marriage & Family Review ;; V. 14, No. 3-4;. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
Bozett, Frederick W. Homosexuality and the Family. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Britton, Dana Michelle. Homophobia and Homosociality: An Analysis of Boundary Maintenance1989.
Buchsbaum, Tony, and Louisiana Xavier University of. Review of Equal Affections by David Leavitt, 19891989.
Buckley, Alan. Dear God, I'm Gay / Eadie, Donald,; Rev. Hollywood [Engl.]: GIG Publications, 1989.
Buer, David. Oral History Interview with David Buer Troester, Rosalie Riegle1989.
Burton, Richard Francis. Epílogo a Las Mil Y Una Noches. Barcelona: Laertes, 1989.
Butters, Ronald R. Moon. Displacing Homophobia. Clum, John M, South Atlantic Quarterly ;; V. 88, No. 1;. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1989.
Butters, Ronald R. Moon. Displacing Homophobia: Gay Male Perspectives in Literature and Culture / Clum, John M. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1989.
Byrne, Thomas J. Becoming a Spiritual Director for the Homosexually Oriented Candidate for the Priesthood in the Roman Catholic Tradition of Celibacy. Chicago1989.
Cardín, Alberto. Guerreros, Chamanes Y Travestís: Indicios De Homosexualidad Entre Los Exóticos, Cuadernos Ínfimos ;; 120;. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1989.
Carlin, Norah. The Roots of Gay Oppression. Oxford [England] ; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 1989.
Carow, Heiner, Defa, and Spielfilme Studio für. Coming out Freihof, Matthias,; 1961: New York : N.Y. : First Run Features : DEFA Studio für Spielfilm, 1989.
Carrington, Christopher Michael. Liberal Protestantism and the Gay Identity/Rights Movement: The Case of the United Church of Christ1989.
Carruth, Bruce. Codependency: Issues in Treatment and Recovery. Mendenhall, Warner, Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly ;; 6(1);. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
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Caviglia, Anita. Factors Influencing Disclosure of Lesbian Identity in the Women's Health Care Setting: A Thesis1989.
Charleston, Steven Klein, and homosexuality Biblical perspectives on. Inclusivity a Vision for the Church in the 21st Century / Chilstrom, Corinne. ; Couples in Ministry, Resource ;; Series 16, No. 2, February, 1989. [Minneapolis]: Augsburg Fortress, 1989.
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Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Urban Culture and the Making of a Gay Male World, 1890-1940. [New Haven, Conn.: s.n.], 1989.
Chevaly, Maurice. Genet, Collection Rencontres,;. Marseille: Temps parallèle, 1989.
Cheverton, Jeff. Being Different - Feeling Good: A Handbook on Homosexuality for Lesbians, Gays and Heterosexual Students / Mckilligan, Bree. [St. Lucia, Qld.]: University of Qld. Student Union, 1989.
Clark, Donald H., and Hebrew. Le-Ehov Homoseksu'al / Sela`, Ziv. Tel Aviv: Mor, 1989.
Clark, J. Michael. A Place to Start: Toward an Unapologetic Gay Liberation Theology. Dallas: Monument Press, 1989.
Clark, J. Michael. A Place to Start: Toward and [Sic] Unapologetic Gay Liberation Theology. Dallas: Monument Press, 1989.
Clary, Julian Brinkley. Out on Tuesday Let's Not Pretend / Mathew, Jan. [England?: s.n., 1989.
Cleaver, Richard. Oral History Interview with Richard Cleaver Troester, Rosalie Riegle1989.
Coates, Thomas J. Homosexual, Men & Aids Mandel, Jeffrey S, Aids-Hiv 89: Overview and Update ;; Lecture No. 22;1989.
Cobb, John B. The Right to Love1989.
Cohen, Ed. Talk on the Wilde Side Towards a Genealogy of the Discourse on Male Homosexuality. Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilms International, 1989.
Cohen, Susan. When Someone You Know Is Gay / Cohen, Daniel,; 1936. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1989.
Coleman, Peter. Gay Christians: A Moral Dilemma: London : SCM ; Philadelphia : Trinity Press International, 1989.
Coleman, Peter Everard. Gay Christians: SCM, 1989.
Coleman, Peter Everard. Gay Christians: A Moral Dilemma: London : SCM Press ; Philadelphia : Trinity Press International, 1989.
Colvin, Madeleine, and Liberties National Council for Civil. Section 28: A Practical Guide to the Law and Its Implications / Hawksley, Jane. London: NCCL, 1989.
Colvin, Madeline, and Liberties National Council for Civil. Section 28: A Practical Guide to the Law and Its Implications. Hawksley, Jane, Liberty; Variation: Liberty. London: NCCL, 1989.
Comiskey, Andrew. Pursuing Sexual Wholeness. Lake Mary, Fla.: Charisma House, 1989.
Comiskey, Andrew. Pursuing Sexual Wholeness: How Jesus Heals the Homosexual. Lake Mary, Fla.: Creation House, 1989.
Comiskey, Andrew Min. Tongsongae, Onjonhan Pyonhwa Rul Wihan Sijak = Pursuing Sexual Wholeness. Soul-si: Welsup`uring = Wellspring of Liffe, 1989.
Comstock, Gary David. Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men in Post-World-War-Ii North America: An Empirical and Biblical-Ethical Study1989.
Congregation Bet, Haverim. Hamaagal. Atlanta, Ga: Congregation Bet Haverim, 1989.
Connell, R. W., and Aids Social Aspects of the Prevention of. Practice and Pleasure: Sexuality in a Sample of Gay and Bisexual Men / Kippax, Susan, Social Aspects of the Prevention of Aids. Study a ;; Rept. 5; Variation: Social Aspects of the Prevention of Aids (Series). Study a ;; Rept. 5. [North Ryde, N.S.W.: Social Aspects of the Prevention of AIDS Project], 1989.
Connor, W. Robert, and Center National Humanities. After the Wedgewood ; and, Cultural Margins D'arms, John H.,; 1934, Side A. Soundings ;; Dec. 31, 1989; Side B. Soundings ;; Jan. 7, 1990 Variation: Soundings (Research Triangle Park, N.C.). Research Triangle Park, N.C.: National Humanities Center, 1989.
Connor, W. Robert, Sexuality, subcultures, and Center National Humanities. American Scholarship in the Global Marketplace D'arms, John H.,; 1934, Soundings (Radio Program) ;; 1989, Dec. 31, Jan. 7. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: National Humanities Center, 1989.
Copley, A. R. H. Sexual Moralities in France, 1780-1980: New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality: An Essay on Moral Change. London ; New York: Routledge, 1989.
Corbett, Kenneth James. Interpreting Male Homosexual Development: Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis1989.
Corneau, Guy. Père Manquant, Fils Manqué: [Que Sont Les Hommes Devenus?]. Montréal: Éditions de l'Homme, 1989.
Cox, Lee S. The Homosexual Agenda in Public Education. Virginia Beach, Va.: CBN University, 1989.
Craft, Christopher Charles. Another Kind of Love: Sodomy, Inversion, and Male Homosexual Desire in English Discourse, 1850-18971989.
Crisp, Quentin. Quentin Crisp's Book of Quotations: 1000 Observations on Life and Love by for and About Gay Men and Women / Appleby, Amy: New York : Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan, 1989.
Cumberland County Family, Planning, and College Grant MacEwan Community. Loving Yourself. Amherst, N.S.: Cumberland County Family Planning, 1989.
Cummins, Stephen. Elevation. [Sydney?]: AFI [distributor], 1989.
Cuomo, Michael. Cruising: Homoaetiology, Voyeuristic Phantasy: A Psychoanalytic Study1989.
Curry, Hayden Leonard. A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples / Clifford, Denis. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press, 1989.
Curry, Hayden Leonard. A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples Clifford, Denis. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press, (1990 printing), 1989.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele. Una Disperata Vitalità: Poesia Per L'altro Amore / Metalli, Mario Sigfrido, Edizione Del Giano ;; 34;. Roma: Ianua, 1989.
Davidson, J. D. Gay Britain: The Complete Guide to Gay Britain. [Downham Market]: D and I, 1989.
Davidson, Toni. And Thus Will I Freely Sing: An Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Writing from Scotland. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1989.
Deouell, Rachel. A Case Study in Group Therapy with Male Homosexuals in Israel1989.
DeYoung, James B. The Contributions of the Septuagint to Biblical Sanctions against Homosexuality a Study of "Know" in Genesis 19:5 and "Cult Prostitute" in Deuteronomy 23:17-18 and Elsewhere, with the Implications for English Translations, Ethics and Law, Variation: Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-0063.1989.
DeYoung, James B., and Network Theological Research Exchange. The Contributions of the Septuagint to Biblical Sanctions against Homosexuality a Study of "Know" in Genesis 19:5 and "Cult Prostitute" in Deuteronomy 23:17-18 and Elsewhere, with the Implications for English Translations, Ethics and Law, Evangelical Theological Society Papers ;; Ets-0063;1989.
DiIenno, Joseph A. Smith, and inversion Sexual. Homosexuality. Boston, MA: Daughters of St. Paul, 1989.
Donahue, Phil, Humanities Films for the, and Entertainment Multimedia. The Origins of Homosexuality. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities, 1989.
Donaldson, Bruce, and Legislation Western Australia. Parliament. Legislative Council. Standing Committee on. Report of the Standing Committee on Legislation in Relation to Acts Amendment (Sexuality Discrimination) Bill 1997, Clause 8, Proposed Sections 35o(3) and 35p(3), Report / Standing Committee on Legislation ;; 49; Variation: Western Australia.; Parliament.; Legislative Council.; Standing Committee on Legislation.; Report ;; 49. Perth, W.A.: The Committee, 1989.
Donatelli, Gary. Oral History Interview with Gary Donatelli Troester, Rosalie Riegle1989.
Dorian, Stacy Wynne. Homosexuality and the Law: An Annotated Bibliography, Tarlton Legal Bibliography Series ;; No. 32;. Austin, Tex.: Tarlton Law Library, the University of Texas at Austin, School of Law, 1989.
Doucette, Robert. Triangle. Chicago: Picture Start, 1989.
Dover, K. J. Greek Homosexuality. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Dover, Kenneth James, and Societies American Council of Learned. Greek Homosexuality, Variation: History E-Book Project. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Dover, Kenneth James, Acls Humanities E-Book, and E. Book Project History. Greek Homosexuality, Variation: Acls Humanities E-Book. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Dover, Kenneth James, and E. Book Project History. Greek Homosexuality. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Downing, Christine. Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love. New York: Continuum, 1989.
Duberman, Martin B. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past. New York: NAL Books, 1989.
Duberman, Martin B. Chauncey. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past / Vicinus, Martha. New York: New American Library, 1989.
Duffy, Pam Reid. Surviving Survival: A Theory of Living with the Threat of Aids1989.
Dunton, Chris. Wheyting Be Dat?: The Treatment of Homosexuality in African Literature1989.
Dworek, Günter, Germany, Bundestag, and Schwulenreferat. Selbstbestimmt Schwul: [Section Symbol]175 Ersatzlos Streichen, Argumente / Die Grünen; Variation: Argumente (Germany (West). Bundestag. Grünen). Bonn: Die Grünen im Bundestag, Schwulenreferat, Arbeitskreis Arbeit & Soziales, Arbeitskreis Recht und Gesellschaft, und Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schwule der Grünen, 1989.
Eddy, Mark, Congress Library of, and Service Congressional Research. Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation: Arguments for and against Proposed Legislation. [Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress, 1989.
Esterberg, Kristin Gay. From Sex Variant to Sexual Revolution: The Ladder, 1956-19721989.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in, America. Can We Talk About This? Minneapolis, MN: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 1989.
Falk, Patricia J. Courts' Citation and Reference to Social Science in Legal Opinions Involving Gay Individuals1989.
Faris, Donald L. Trojan Horse: The Homosexual Ideology and the Christian Church. Burlington, Ont.: Welch Pub., 1989.
Farmer, Brett, University Griffith, and Humanities Division of. Different Pleasures: Male Homosexual Desire in Mainstream Narrative Cinema. [Nathan, Qld.]: School of Humanities, Griffith University, 1989.
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, and Autoren Filmverlag der. Faustrecht Der Freiheit Chatel, Peter, The Fassbinder Collection;. Hamburg: PolyGram Video, 1989.
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, Film Tango, Autoren Filmverlag der, and Film City. Faustrecht Der Freiheit Fox and His Friends / Chatel, Peter, The Fassbinder Collection;. New York, N.Y.: New Yorker Video, 1989.
Fernandez, Dominique. Le Rapt De Ganymède. Paris: Grasset, 1989.
Fink, Heinrich Berg. Und Diese Liebe Auch: Theologische Und Sexualwissenschaftliche Einsichten Zur Homosexualität / Aresin, Lykke. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1989.
Fleming, Lee. By Word of Mouth: Lesbians Write the Erotic. Charlottetown, P.E.I.: Gynergy Books, 1989.
Fleming, Mickey C. About Courage. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1989.
Folland, Tom, and Union Mercer. Stigma: Gay Politics, Gay Aesthetics? [Toronto: Mercer Union, 1989.
Foulke, Mary Lova. More Light for Social Ministries: God in the Liturgy, Praxis and Experience of a More Light Congregation1989.
Fourth, Tuesday. Fourth Tuesday Forum, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 99. Atlanta, Georgia: Fourth Tuesday, 1989.
Fout, John C. A Select Bibliography on the History of Sexuality, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Bibliographies ;; No. 3;. Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, Bard College, 1989.
Frings, Matthias. Männer-Liebe: Ein Handbuch Für Schwule Und Alle, Die Es Werden Wollen / Kraushaar, Elmar, Rororo Mann;. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1989.
Frost, Ernest. Kodes Van Die Homo-Erotiek in Die Afrikaanse Poësie: 'N Dialektiese Lesing1989.
Gay, and Defamation Lesbian Alliance Against. Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation Records, 1989-19931989.
Gay, and Defamation Lesbian Alliance Against. Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation/San Francisco Bay Area Clippings, 1989-1993, (Bulk 1991-1993)1989.
Gay, and Languages Lesbian Caucus for the Modern. Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter: Lgsn. Toronto, Canada: Gay and Lesbian Caucus for the Modern Languages, 1989.
Gay, and Network Lesbian Youth Services. The Gay and Lesbian Youth Services Network Survey of Lesbian and Gay Youth and Professionals Who Work with Youth. [Winnipeg]: Gay and Lesbian Youth Services Network, 1989.
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. Safer Sex How to Do It. [New York, NY]: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1989.
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. Thank Goodness for Latex Always Practice Safer Sex. [New York, NY]: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1989.
Gays, and Campus Lesbians on. Newsletter. [St. Lucia, Qld.]: G.L.O.C., 1989.
Gerard, Kent. The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe / Hekma, Gert. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Gerard, Kent. The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe / Hekma, Gert,; 1951, Journal of Homosexuality ;; Vol. 16, No. 1-2; Variation: Journal of Homosexuality ;; Vol. 16, No. 1-2. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Gijs, Luk Straver. Homoseksuele Mannen in Het Huwelijk / Proosdij, Cor Van, Nisso Studies ;; Nr. 4;. Delft: Eburon, 1989.
Gmünder, Bruno Theophil. Hamburg & Sylt Von Hinten / Bussler, Ulrich, Das Schwule Stadtbuch,; 1989/90;. Berlin: B. Gmünder Verlag, 1989.
Golenski, John D., and Services Kaiser-Permanente Audio Visual. A Difference between Friends, Pri Health Care Education; Variation: Pri Health Care Education. Evanston, IL: The Services, 1989.
Goodman, Percival. Reminiscences of Percival Goodman: 1989. Oral History, Lee, Jonathan, ; Interviewer1989.
Goodman, Percival. Reminiscences of Percival Goodman: Oral History, 1989. Lee, Jonathan, ; Interviewer1989.
Gooss, Ulrich. Homosexualität Und Gesundheit / Gschwind, Herbert. Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1989.
Goss, John C. "Out" Takes. [S.l.]: John C. Goss, 1989.
Goss, John C. Reed, Films AudioGraphic, and Video. "Out" Takes Reubens, Paul,; 1953. Van Nuys, CA: AudioGraphic Films & Video, 1989.
Gough, Cal. Gay/Lesbian Archives and Libraries in North America / Miller, Alan V. Atlanta, GA: GLTF Clearinghouse, 1989.
Gough, Cal, Association American Library, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. Four Dozen Good Ones!: A Highly Selective List of Recent Annotoated Bibliographies by or About Lesbians or Gay Men. [Minneapolis, MN: GLTF Library Information Clearinghouse, 1989.
Gough, Cal, Association American Library, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. The Lambda Bibliography. [Minneapolis, MN: GLTF Clearinghouse, 1989.
Gough, Cal, Association American Library, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. Selecting Materials for Gay and Lesbian Users of Public Libraries. [Chicago, Ill.]: Library Information Clearinghouse, Gay & Lesbian Task Force, American Library Association, 1989.
Gramick, Jeannine. Homosexuality in the Priesthood and the Religious Life. New York: Crossroad, 1989.
Grant, Duncan. Private: The Erotic Art of Duncan Grant, 1885-1978 / Turnbaugh, Douglas Blair. London: Gay Men's Press, 1989.
Gray, Jane Karen. The Tearoom Revisited: A Study of Impersonal Homosexual Encounters in a Public Setting1989.
Gulf Coast Women's Net, Work. The Hericane, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 108. Gulfport, MS: Southern Wild Sisters, Unlimited, 1989.
Günther, Erwin, D. D. R. Gesellschaft für Dermatologie der, Andrologie Sektion, and Familie Sektion Ehe und. Psychosoziale Aspekte Der Homosexualität / Bach, Kurt, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,; Variation: Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 1989.
Hadleigh, Boze. Conversations with My Elders. London: Gay Men's, 1989.
Halperin, David M. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love, New Ancient World Series; Variation: New Ancient World. New York: Routledge, 1989.
Handl, Michael, and Wien Homosexuelle Initiative. Homosexualität in Österreich, Edition M;. Wien: Junius, 1989.
Hapuli, Ritva. Naisia Rakastavat Naiset: Lesbolaisuuden Ja Siihen Liittyneenä Homoseksuaalisuuden Määrittäminen Euroopassa Vuosien 1880-1930 Välisenä Aikana, Tasa-Arvojulkaisuja. Sarja D, Naistutkimusraportteja,; 1/1989; Variation: Tasa-Arvojulkaisuja.; Sarja D,; Naistutkimusraportteja ;; 1989/1.: Helsinki : Valtion painatuskeskus : Jakelu, Tasa-arvovaltuutetun toimisto, 1989.
Hasbany, Richard. Homosexuality and Religion. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Hasbany, Richard, and Ed. Homosexuality and Religion. New York ; London: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Hecker Filho, Paulo. Um Tema Crucial. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Sulina, 1989.
Hegner, Isabel. Eye to Eye. New York: First Run/Icarus, 1989.
Hekma, Gert. Goed Verkeerd: Een Geschiedenis Van Homoseksuele Mannen En Lesbische Vrouwen in Nederland. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1989.
Herdt, Gilbert H. Gay and Lesbian Youth, The Research on Homosexuality Series;. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
Heyward, Carter. Touching Our Strength: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
Heyward, Carter, Services Stone Center for Developmental, and Studies. Coming out and Relational Empowerment: A Lesbian Feminist Theological Perspective, Work in Progress ;; No. 38; Variation: Work in Progress (Stone Center for Developmental Services and Studies) ;; No. 38. Wellesley, Mass.: Wellesley College, Stone Center for Developmental Services and Studies, 1989.
Hightower, Scott. Private Performances, Erotic Time Capsule ;; V. 2, Book 2.;. [New York]: Scott Hightower, 1989.
Hill, Ivan. The Bisexual Spouse. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Hocking, David L. Biblical Morality. Santa Ana, CA: Calvary Tapes, 1989.
Holleran, Andrew. Ground Zero. New York, NY: New American Library, 1989.
Hopcke, Robert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality / Jung, C. G. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989.
Hopcke, Robert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality / Jung, C. G.; 1875-1961. ; (Carl Gustav). Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989.
Hopcke, Robert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality Jung, C. G.; 1875-1961. ; (Carl Gustav). Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989.
Horvat, Ignac S. William Golding's Portrayal of Love Ambivalent Passions of the Heart, Variation: Canadian Theses on Microfiche.1989.
Huber, Hermann J. Gewalt & Leidenschaft: Das Lexikon Homosexualität in Film Und Video / Höfner, Michael. Berlin: B. Gmünder, 1989.
Hurtado H, Carmen Velasco R. Sujetos Infectados Con El Virus De La Inmunodeficiencia Humana: Marcadores Serologicos De Valor Pronostico1989.
Integrity/Triad. Records, 1989-19901989.
Inter-university Consortium for, Political, and Research Social. Abc News Papal Visit Poll, August 1987, Icpsr; 8892; Abc News/Washington Post Poll Series; 8892; Variation: Icpsr (Series) ;; 8892. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1989.
Isay, Richard A. Being Homosexual: Gay Men and Their Development. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1989.
Jackson, Peter A. Male Homosexuality in Thailand: An Interpretation of Contemporary Sources. Elmhurst, N.Y., U.S.A.: Global Academic Publishers, Krips Repro), 1989.
Jackson, Peter A. Male Homosexuality in Thailand: An Interpretation of Contemporary Thai Sources / Herdt, Gilbert H.,; 1949. Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic, 1989.
Johnston, Lawrence, and Films Zeitgeist. Night Out. Australia: Zeitgeist Films, 1989.
Joseph, Paul R. Can the Bill of Rights Survive Aids?1989.
Julien, Isaac, Film Sankofa, and Collective Video. Looking for Langston. New York: Third World Newsreel, 1989.
Kalin, Tom. They Are Lost to Vision Altogether. New York: Electronic Arts Intermix, 1989.
Kerkhof, Marti van. Which Homosexuality? London: GMP, 1989.
Khan, M. Masud R. The Long Wait and Other Psychoanalytic Narratives. New York: Summit Books, 1989.
Killingsworth, M. Jimmie. Whitman's Poetry of the Body: Sexuality, Politics, and the Text. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
Kinsman, Gary. The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada. Montréal, Qué., Canada ; Cheektowaga, N.Y., U.S.A.: Black Rose Books, 1989.
Kippax, Susan, Wales New South, Aids Council, and Sciences School of Behavioural. Regional Differences in the Responses of Gay and Bisexual Men to Aids: The Australian Capital Territory, Social Aspects of the Prevention of Aids.; Study a,; Report ;; No. 4;. [Sydney]: Macquarie University School of Behavioural Sciences, 1989.
Kirchhoff, Inge. Clergy Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Canadian Theses = Thèses Canadiennes;. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1989.
Kirschner, Robert, Rabbis Central Conference of American, Homosexuality Ad-Hoc Committee on, and Rabbinate the. Homosexuality, the Rabbinate and Liberal Judaism: Papers Presented to the Ad-Hoc Committee on Homosexuality and the Rabbinate. Borowitz, Eugene B.,; 1924- . ; on Homosexuality and the Rabbinate, a Covenantal Response. [New York]: Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1989.
Koake, Takeshi. Tong Xing Ai Wen Ti 30 Jiang = 30 Questions About Homosexuality, You He Zi Xun Chuan Zhen ;; 3;. Xianggang: You he zhi zuo shi wu suo, 1989.
Koestenbaum, Wayne. Double Talk: The Erotics of Male Literary Collaboration. New York: Routledge, 1989.
Köhler, Joachim. Zarathustras Geheimnis: Friedrich Nietzsche Und Seine Verschlüsselte Botschaft. Nördlingen: Greno, 1989.
Kominars, Sheppard B. Accepting Ourselves: The Twelve-Step Journey of Recovery from Addiction for Gay Men and Lesbians. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
Korten, Thea, and Centrale Doopsgezinde Jeugd. Bekijk Het Eens Van Deze Kant: Een Werkmap over Homosexualiteit / Soepboer, Willie: Driebergen : Landelijk Centrum voor Gereformeerd Jeugdwerk : Landelijke Hervormde Jeugdraad ; Amsterdam : Doopsgezinde Jeugd Centrale, 1989.
Kourilsky, Françoise Besset, Fonction, défense Tour de la, inopportune Visite, Jean Claude English. Van Itallie, Liliane Ancient boys. Wouters, and English. Gay Plays: An International Anthology / Temerson, Catherine. [New York]: Ubu Repertory Theater, 1989.
Kramer, Larry. Just Say No: A Play About a Farce, Stonewall Inn Editions;. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Kramer, Larry. Reports from the Holocaust: The Making of an Aids Activist. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Kuklin, Susan. Fighting Back: What Some People Are Doing About Aids. New York: Putnam, 1989.
Lambda Legal, Defense, and Fund Education. Liberty for All: An Evening of Cabaret, Music, Comedy and Remembrances Commemorating Lambda's Fifteenth Anniversary, with the Third Annual Liberty Awards, Monday, May 8, 1989, Town Hall, New York City. New York, NY: Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, 1989.
Langevin, Ron. Facts About Homosexuality. Oakville, Ont.: Juniper Press, 1989.
Lapi, Luigi. Il Gaio Sesso: Dalle Zone Erogene Alla Storia Dei Costumi Sessauli, I Libri Della Mela;. Milano: Xenia, 1989.
Lavender, Information, and Association Library. Lavender Information and Library Association Records, 1989-19991989.
Lawrence, Andrea. Nowhere to Turn but Hope: A Human Rights Musical Performance1989.
Lawson, Ronald, Association American Sociological, Meeting, and Ill Chicago. Trouble in an "Ex-Gay Ministry": Quest Learning Center/Homosexuals Anonymous1989.
Lazarus, Ministries. Profiles. Pittsburgh, PA: Lazarus Ministries., 1989.
Lee, Jonathan Wojnarowicz, Project Fear of Disclosure, and Media Cross/Current. The Fear of Disclosure Project Zwickler, Phil. San Francisco, CA: Distributed by NAATA/CrossCurrent Media, 1989.
Lester, Andrew D. Classroom Lecture, 1989, Nov. 2 (for Andrew D. Lester) the Self-Awareness of Homosexuality1989.
Leuze, Robert, Lesbian Friends for, and Concerns Gay. Each of Us Inevitable. New York: R. Leuze, 1989.
Leuze, Robert, Lesbian Friends for, and Concerns Gay. Each of Us Inevitable: Some Keynote Addresses Given at Flgc Annual Mid-Winter (and Other) Gatherings, 1977-1989. Sunnytown, Pa.: FLGC, 1989.
Lewes, Kenneth. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality. New York: New American Library, 1989.
Lewis, William B. The Case of John-Mary Jones: Are Unhappy Homosexuals Doomed to Stay That Way? Bonsall, Calif.: TVR Pub., 1989.
Life Skills, Education. Understanding Homosexuality. Weymouth, MA: Life Skills Education, 1989.
Loff, Bebe. Aids Prevention and the Law: A Discussion of the Legal Status of Prostitution and Homosexuality in Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. Braddon, A.C.T.: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, 1989.
Lokar, Joze. Pravica Do Razlicnosti? Pripomba Ob Sokantnem Partijskem Programu1989.
Lokar, Joze. Psihijatrijski Aspekti Seksualnosti1989.
Love in, Action. A Step Further, Vol. 1: Love in Action Newsletters 1986-1987. San Rafael, Calif.: Love in Action, 1989.
Love in, Action. A Step Further: Love in Action Newsletters. San Rafael, CA: Love in Action, 1989.
Lyons, Troy Shannon. The American Gay Movement: Its Roots in Turn of the Century German Thought1989.
Ma, Pearl. Aids and Infections of Homosexual Men / Armstrong, Donald. Boston: Butterworths, 1989.
Ma, Pearl. Aids and Infections of Homosexual Men / Armstrong, Donald,; 1931. Boston: Butterworths, 1989.
Ma, Pearl. Aids and Infections of Homosexual Men Armstrong, Donald,; 1931. Boston: Butterworths, 1989.
Macourt, Malcolm. How Can We Help You?: Information, Advice and Counselling for Gay Men and Lesbians, Survival Handbooks;. London: Bedford Square, 1989.
Madison Gay/Lesbian Resource, Center. Madison Lesbian/Gay Calendar. Madison, WI: Gay/Lesbian Resource Center, 1989.
Magli, Ida. La Sessualità Maschile, Frecce;. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1989.
Martinez-Fonts, Alfredo, photographer, and Inc Gay Men's Health Crisis. Keep It Up! [New York, NY]: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1989.
Massey, University, and Anthropology Dept. of Social. Sex/Politics, Sites ;; Issue No. 19; Variation: Sites (Palmerston North, N.Z.) ;; No. 19. Palmerston North, N.Z.: Dept. of Social Anthropology, Massey University, 1989.
Mc Naught, Brian Author. On Being Gay Thoughts on Family, Faith, and Love Mcnaught, Brian ; Author: Saint Martin's Griffin [Imprint] New York : St. Martin's Press Gordonsville : Macmillan [Distributor], 1989.
McCaffrey, David J. Belvin, and Minorities Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual. Sharing Silent Journeys of Faith Report: Embracing Our Exiled Gay Brothers and Lesbian Sisters. / Kellogg, Polly. St. Paul, MN: Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities, 1989.
McConaghy, Nathaniel. Relevant Published Work: (Submitted for Assessment for Degree of Doctor of Science)1989.
McDaniel, Michael A. Preservice Adjustment of Homosexual and Heterosexual Military Accessions: Implications for Security Clearance Suitability / Eoyang, Carson K. Monterey, Calif.: Defense Personnel Security Research and Education Center, 1989.
McLaren, Jay. The Encyclopaedia of Gay and Lesbian Recordings (Ms.6.3.1). Christophersen, Hans. Amsterdam: J. McLaren, 1989.
McMullen, Richie. Enchanted Boy. London: GMP, 1989.
McNaught, Brian, and College Gettysburg. Challenging Homophobia1989.
Medina, Catherine Marie. Attitudes toward Homosexuals and Sexual Practices among Counselor Trainees: A Cross Cultural Study1989.
MeetClub. Meetworks. Carlton South, Vic.: MeetClub., 1989.
Michigan Organization for Human, Rights. Mohr Bulletin. Detroit, Mich.: The Organization, 1989.
Miller, Wes. The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Contemporary Debate About Homosexuality1989.
Miller, Wes, and College Regent. The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Contemporary Debate About Homosexuality. Vancouver, BC: Regent College, 1989.
Minnesota American Indian, Aids Task Force. Honored by the Moon. [Minneapolis, Minn.]: The Task Force, 1989.
Moll, Albert. Die Konträre Sexualempfindung: Mit Benutzung Amtilichen Materials. Berlin: Fischer's medicinische Buchhandlung, 1989.
Moncomble, Yann. Politique, Le Sexe Et La Finance, Faits Et Documents;. La Neuve-Lyre: Y. Moncomble, 1989.
Mora, Miguel Rivas. Proctitis Por Chlamydia En Varones Homosexuales1989.
Morris, Robert R. Submissions to the Joint Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Composed of Members of the Committee on Doctrine and of the Board of Congregational Life That Is Preparing a Report on Human Sexuality. Toronto: [s.n.], 1989.
Mott, Luiz R. B. O Sexo Proibido: Virgens, Gays E Escravos Nas Garras Da Inquisição. Campinas, SP, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1989.
National, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. House of Representatives Voting Record, 100th Congressional Session. Washington, D.C.: National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, 1989.
National Gay Rights, Advocates. Model Privacy Statute: An Act Affirming the Right of Privacy in Intimacy. San Francisco, Calif.: National Gay Rights Advocates, 1989.
National, Lesbian, and Foundation Gay Health. The 11th National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference & 7th National Aids Forum. [Washington, D.C.]: National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation, 1989.
National, Lesbian, Foundation Gay Health, University George Washington, Lesbian National Association of, and Professionals Gay Alcoholism. The 11th National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference & 7th National Aids Forum. San Diego, Calif.: Listen to Learn Tape Library, 1989.
Negativland. The Weatherman, Over the Edge ;; V. 3 Variation: Over the Edge (Lawndale, Calif.) ;; V. 3. Lawndale, CA: SST Records, 1989.
Nelson, Kenneth, Films Cinema Center, and C. B. S. Fox Video. Boys in the Band Crowley, Mart,; 1935. New York, N.Y.: CBS Fox Video, 1989.
New Day, Films. Finding Our Way Men Talk About Their Sexuality. [Harriman, N.Y.]: New Day Films, 1989.
News, A. B. C. Abc News Papal Visit Poll, August 1987, Icpsr ;; 8892; Abc News/Washington Post Poll Series; Variation: Icpsr (Series) ;; 8892; Abc News/Washington Post Poll Series. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan [distributor], 1989.
NewsBank, Inc. The San Francisco Bay Times. San Francisco, CA: Coming Up, Inc., 1989.
Nicholson, Paul E. A Suggested Ministry on Behalf of, and to the Gay/Lesbian Christian1989.
Norgang, Gloria, and Services Pink Triangle. For You, for Us: A Manual for the Helping Professional / Roome, Roger. Ottawa: Pink triangle Services = Service du triangle rose, 1989.
Norris, David, and Rights European Court of Human. Affaire Norris: 1. Decision Du 30 Novembre 1987 (Dessaisissement): 2. Arret Du 26 Octobre 1988 = Norris Case: 1. Decision of 30 November 1987 (Relinquishment of Jurisdiction), 2. Judgment of 26 October 1988, Publications De La Cour Européenne Des Droits De L'homme. Série a, Arrêts Et Décisions =; Publications of the European Court of Human Rights. Series a, Judgments and Decisions ;; Vol. 142; Variation: European Court of Human Rights.; Publications De La Cour Européenne Des Droits De L'homme.; Série a,; Arrêts Et Décisions ;; V. 142.: Strasbourg : Greffe de la Cour, Conseil de l'Europe ; Köln : C. Heymanns, 1989.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. Southern California, Chapter. Nambla/Southern California News. Los Angeles, Calif.: Southern California Chapter of the North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1989.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. Southern California, Chapter. Newsletter. Los Angeles, CA: North American Man/Boy Love Association, Southern California Chapter, 1989.
Nugent, Robert. Homophobia Acknowledging a Prejudice / Gramick, Jeannie. Kansas City, MO: National Catholic Reporter Pub., 1989.
Nugent, Robert. Homosexuality: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Issues: A Fishbone Tale / Gramick, Jeannine. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
Nugent, Robert, Sds, and Collection Katzoff. A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church. New York: Crossroad, 1989.
Nystrom, Lee. "Unshackle That Sex Slave" - Jesus. Bloomington, Minn.: L. Nystrom, 1989.
Odom, William N. The Scarred Servant: The Truth About God's Bisexual Man. Memphis, Tenn.: Odom Pub., 1989.
Old Reliable Tape, Co. The Wrestling Tapes: Adults Only, Old Reliable Wrestling Catalogue ;; No. 1;. Hollywood, CA (1626 N. Wilcox, #107, Hollywood, CA 90028): Old Reliable Tape Co., 1989.
Olinger, Dan. Homo-Sexuality. Greenville, S.C.: Bob Jones University Press, 1989.
Orr, Lisa. Sexual Values: Opposing Viewpoints, Opposing Viewpoints Series; Variation: Opposing Viewpoints Series (Unnumbered). San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1989.
Osborne, June, England Church of, Bishops House of, and Responsibility Board for Social. The Osborne Report: Report to the House of Bishops on Homosexuality1989.
Osborne, June, and Responsibility Church of England. Board for Social. Report to the House of Bishops on Homosexuality1989.
Osment, Philip. Gay Sweatshop: Four Plays and a Company: London : Methuen Drama ; Portsmouth, N.H. : Distributed in the USA by HEB Inc., 1989.
Ossewold, Jurriënne, and Museum Amsterdams Historisch. Two of a Kind: A History of Gays and Lesbians in Holland / Verstraeten, Paul. Amsterdam: Amsterdams Historisch Museum, 1989.
Parker, Alice C. The Exploration of the Secret Smile: The Language of Art and of Homosexuality in Frank O'hara's Poetry, American University Studies.; Series Xxiv,; American Literature,; Vol. 25;. New York: P. Lang, 1989.
Patel, Sunita. Homophobia: Personality, Emotional, and Behavioral Correlates1989.
Payne, Leanne. L'image Brisée: Surmonter La Crise D'identité. Kehl [Germany]: Editions Trobisch, 1989.
Pennington, Sylvia. Ex-Gays? There Are None!: What It Means to Be a New Creature in Christ. Hawthorne, CA: Lambda Christian Fellowship, 1989.
Persky, Stan. Buddy's: Meditations on Desire. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1989.
Petzold, Heinz-Joachim. Homosexuellenreport. [Berlin]: Berliner Verlags-Anstalt Union, 1989.
Pharr, Suzanne, and Center Simmons College Media. Homophobia as a Weapon of Sexism Crumpacker, Laurie,; 1941. [Boston, Mass.: Simmons College], 1989.
Philadelphia . Mayor's Commission on Sexual, Minorities. Five-Year Report, 1984-1989. [Philadelphia, Pa.: The Commission, 1989.
Pierson, Lance. No-Gay Areas: Pastoral Care of Homosexual Christians, Grove Pastoral Series,; No. 38;. Bramcote, Notts.: Grove Books, 1989.
Poole, Carman. Some Suggestions for Pastoral Outreach to Gay Parishioners1989.
Popara, Roberta A. Pastoral Care and Ethical Issues in an Age of Aids1989.
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Praunheim, Rosa von. Silence=Death. New York: First Run/Icarus, 1989.
Praunheim, Rosa von. Survival in New York. Berlin: R. von Praunheim, 1989.
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Price, Frederick K. C. Homosexuality: State of Birth or State of Mind? Tulsa, Okla.: Harrison House, 1989.
Prine, Kirk. Gay Men: The Open Behavioral Expression of Sexual Orientations and Descriptions of Psychological Health1989.
Pronk, P. Tegennatuurlijk?: Typen Van Morele Argumentatie Inzake Homosexualiteit. Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij, 1989.
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Public Education Committee on, Children, Youth, and Children Seattle Commission on. "Should Public Schools Teach Homosexuality as a Normal Lifestyle in School Curriculum?": (a Response Report to the City of Seattle Commission on Children and Youth, Report on Gay and Lesbian Youth) December, 1988 and a Look at-- the Emergence of Sexual Attitude and Behavior Restructuring through Aids Education. Seattle, WA (P.O. Box 33082, Seattle 98133-0082): The Committee, 1989.
Quackenbush, Paul A., Homosexuality, Donald G. the Church. Bloesch, and Sid L. Reply to Paul Quackenbush. Mohn. Homosexuality and the Church / York, Alwyn L. ; Response to Paul Quackenbush's 'Homosexuality and the Church', On the Way. Occasional Papers of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ ;; Vol. 6, No. 2, Autumn 1989; Variation: On the Way ;; V. 6/2. [Wisconsin: United Church of Christ, 1989.
Rees, Charles A. Lady Bright and Her Children: Contemporary American Gay Drama1989.
Reinsberg, Carola. Ehe, Hetärentum Und Knabenliebe Im Antiken Griechenland, Beck's Archäologische Bibliothek;. München: C.H. Beck, 1989.
Rhyne, Robert M. A Deconstructive Analysis of Sexual and Textual Inversion in Marcel Proust's a La Recherche Du Temps Perdu1989.
Riggs, Marlon T. Tongues Untied. San Francisco, CA: Frameline [distributor], 1989.
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Riggs, Marlon T., and Project Fear of Disclosure. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien No Regret / Saint, Assoto,; 1957. New York: Fear of Disclosure Project, 1989.
Riggs, Marlon T. Callet, Releasing Strand, and Frameline. Tongues Untied Hemphill, Essex, Frameline's Lesbian & Gay Cinema Collection;. Santa Monica, CA: Strand Releasing, 1989.
Robertson, Carol E. The Mahu of Hawai`I1989.
Rocke, Michael Jesse. Male Homosexuality and Its Regulation in Late Medieval Florence1989.
Rodriguez, Richard A. Significant Events in Gay Identity Development: Gay Men in Utah1989.
Roemer, L. S. A. M. von. Uranism in the Netherlands Till the Nineteenth Century with Special Emphasis on the Numerous Persecutions of Uranians in 1730: An Historic and Bibliographic Study. [Jacksonville, Fla.]: Urania Manuscripts, 1989.
Rothblum, Esther D. Lesbianism: Affirming Nontraditional Roles / Cole, Ellen. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
Rothblum, Esther D. Loving Boldly: Issues Facing Lesbians / Cole, Ellen. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Ruse, Michael. La Homosexualidad, Colección Teorema. Serie Mayor;. Madrid: Cátedra, 1989.
Rutledge, Leigh W. The Gay Fireside Companion. Boston, Mass.: Alyson Publications, 1989.
Saint, Assoto. Stations: Poems. New York, N.Y.: Galiens Press, 1989.
Salkowitz, Selig, Leonard S. Introduction. Kravitz, and Rabbis Central Conference of American. Homosexuality and the Rabbinate: Papers Delivered at the 100th Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, June 1989. Kahn, Yoel H.,; 1958- ; Kedusha of Homosexual Relationships. [New York]: Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1989.
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San Francisco Public Library. Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial, Branch. Policy Statement of the Gay/Lesbian Collection at the Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. San Francisco: The Branch, 1989.
Saslow, James M. Ganimedes En El Renacimiento: La Homosexualidad En El Arte Y En La Sociedad. Madrid: Nerea, 1989.
Schifter, Jacobo. La Formación De Una Contracultura: Homosexualismo Y Sida En Costa Rica. [San José, Costa Rica]: Ediciones Guayacán, 1989.
Schiller, Greta Scagliotti, and Network Media. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community / Rosenberg, Robert,; 1955. [S.l.]: MPI Home Video, 1989.
Schmigalla, Hans Bach. Psychosoziale Aspekte Der Homosexualität: Ii. Workshop Der Sektion Andrologie Der Gesellschaft Für Dermatologie Der Ddr Und Der Sektion Ehe Und Familie Der Gesellschaft Für Sozialhygiene Der Ddr Am 23. April 1988 / Günther, Erwin, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena;. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 1989.
Schneebaum, Tobias. De Geesten Van Het Oerwoud. Amsterdam: Contact, 1989.
Schneebaum, Tobias. Where the Spirits Dwell: An Odyssey in the New Guinea Jungle. New York: Grove Press, 1989.
Schulze, Salomé. Geslagsopvoeding Vir Seuns: Riglyne Ter Voorkoming Van Homoseksualiteit En Kindermolestering. Van Rooyen, Linda. [Hammanskraal]: Unibook, 1989.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Billy Budd: After the Homosexual1989.
Sepulveda, Cecilia Velasco R. Subpoblaciones De Linfocitos T En Hepatitis Viral Aguda1989.
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Shapiro, Norman. Vs. Brightwaters, N.Y.: Euphemisms, 1989.
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Sharam, Earl Scott, Seminary San Francisco Theological, and Thesis. The Debate over the Ordination/ Commissioning of Self-Declared Homosexual Persons in the United Church of Canada: A Values Analysis1989.
Shepherd, Simon. Coming on Strong / Wallis, Mick. London ; Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Shepherd, Simon. Coming on Strong: Gay Politics and Culture / Wallis, Mick. London ; Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Simmons, John, Chicago, Gay Mayor's Committee on, and Issues Lesbian. Pride Day Speech. [Chicago: City of Chicago, Mayor's Committee on Gay and Lesbian Issues, 1989.
Socarides, Charles W. Homosexuality: Psychoanalytic Therapy. Northvale, N.J.: J. Aronson, 1989.
Spong, John Shelby, Church Trinity, and Communications United Methodist. Faces on Faith. An Interview with John Spong. Nashville, Tenn.: EcuFilm, 1989.
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Straaten, Peter van. Petje Af Voor Het Nih! Beelddocument = Visual Document: Vrij Nederland), 1989.
Stümke, Hans-Georg. Homosexuelle in Deutschland: Eine Politische Geschichte, Beck'sche Reihe ;; 375;. München: C.H. Beck, 1989.
Sullivan, Gerard. A Study of Political Campaigns of Discrimination against Gay People in the United States, 1950-19781989.
Sverige, Socialstyrelsen, and studier Institutet för sociala. Homosexuell Forskning: Seminarium. Stockholm: Socialstyr., [Socialstyr.]), 1989.
Syregelas, Nicholas. Pink, Green, Blue, and White: An Examination of the Underlying Causes of the San Francisco City Hall Slayings1989.
Tasmanian, Gay, and Group Lesbian Rights. Pink Thylacines: The Newsletter of the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group. Hobart, Tas.: The Group, 1989.
Thorsen, Karen. James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket Miles, William,; 1931. New York: Mayles Films, Inc., 1989.
Tompkins, J. H. Back to the Future: The Fight against Gay Rights in Contra Costa County1989.
Triptow, Robert. Gay Comics: New York : New American Library ; Markham, Ont. : Penguin Books Canada Limit, 1989.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, and d. Four Letters to His Kinsfolk / Lombardi, Michael A., ; Tr. Jacksonville, FL: Urania Manuscripts, 1989.
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Universitetsforlaget. Lambda Nordica. Stockholm: Scandinavian University Press, 1989.
Van Der Merwe, H. J. Antropologiese Modelle in Die Psigoterapeutiese Hantering Van Die Homoseksuele Persoon1989.
Venga, Enrico. Dal Diario Di "S": Saggio Sulla Teoria Della Omosessualità. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 1989.
Villette, Charles-Michel, and de marquis. Les Petits Bougres Au Manège: L'an Second Du Rêve De La Liberté, 1791, Cahiers Gkc ;; 2;. Lille: GKC, 1989.
Warren, David Henry. Out of the House of Bondage: Preface to a Calvinist Theology of Gay Liberation1989.
Watanabe, Tsuneo. The Love of the Samurai: A Thousand Years of Japanese Homosexuality: London : GMP Publishers ; Boston : Distributed in North America by Alyson Publications, 1989.
Watanabe, Tsuneo Iwata. Love of the Samurai: A Thousand Years of Japanese Homosexuality. London: Gay Men's Press, 1989.
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Wieler, Diana J. Bad Boy. New York: Delacorte Press, 1989.
Wilcox, Leslie Vessels. Growing up Gay Bidwell, Robert. Honolulu: KHET, 1989.
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Winchester, Joseph. Getting It On, True Life Experiences Series;. Amsterdam: Acolyte Press, 1989.
Witomski, T. R. Kvetch. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1989.
Wolf, James G. Gay Priests. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
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Wotherspoon, Garry. Being Different: Nine Gay Men Remember. Sydney, NSW: Hale & Iremonger, 1989.
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Zanca, Kenneth J. Social Justice and Sexual Ethics: An Evaluation of Official Church Teachings on Homosexuality Using Principles of Social Justice Derived from the Papal Encyclicals and Documents of Vatican Ii1989.
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1990 (596 items)
1/9. Moskva: "1/10", 1990.
Above Ground. Allentown, Pa.: Cobalt Blue., 1990.
Adam Gay Video Erotica. Los Angeles: Knight Pub. Corp., 1990.
Aids Education and Prevention: Brochures, Ca. 1990-2000. 1990.
Austin San Antonio Gay & Lesbian Yellow Pages. [Austin, TX: Austin Media Visions], 1990.
Bazar Vokzal. [Russia]: MP "Konvent", 1990.
[Blue Diamond Catalogue]. Mitchell, A.C.T.: Blue Diamond., 1990.
Bohemian Boys. [s.l.] : Pride Video : Champions Video of Australia [distributor], 1990.
Caribbean Heat. Santurce, P.R.: Caribbean Pub., 1990.
Ciao! Sunnyvale, CA: Jim Drew, 1990.
Coasters Newsletter. Southport, Qld.: Coasters., 1990.
The Denver Blade: The Cutting Edge of Colorado's Lesbian and Gay Public. Denver, Colo.: [s.n.], 1990.
Die Andere Welt. Berlin: Die Andere Welt, 1990.
Fag Rag. Austin, Tex.: Fag Rag, 1990.
Friction. New York, N.Y.: Momentum Pub., 1990.
Frighten the Horses. San Francisco, Calif.: Heat Seeking Pub., 1990.
Fuh Cole. Milwaukee, WI: Dave, 1990.
Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues. Crofton, Md.: Recorded Resources Corporation, 1990.
The Gay Hawkeye. [Iowa City, Iowa]: Gay People's Union, 1990.
Gay People's Chronicle. Cleveland, Ohio: KWIR Publications, 1990.
Gay People's Chronicle. Columbus, Ohio: KWIR Publications, 1994.
Gay Radio Network the World's Glbt Radio Network. SeaTac, WA: Gay Radio Network, 1990.
Gay-News. Leipzig: Gay news Verlag, 1990.
Gayscene. Detroit, Mich.: Gayscene Magazine, 1990.
Gerbil: A Queer Culture Zine. Rochester, NY: Brad Pease, 1990.
Ha-Zeman Ha-Varod. Tel-Aviv: ha-Zeman ha-varod, 1990.
Heartland. [Indianapolis, IN]: Phoenix Publications, Inc., 1990.
Hell Bent. Redfern, N.S.W.: Wicked Women Publications, 1990.
Hermes. México, D.F.: Febo Editores, 1990.
Homosexuality and Genes. Latimer Comment ;; 45.;: Oxford Latimer House, 1990.
Homosexuality and Judaism: The Reconstructionist Position; the Report of the Reconstructionist Commission on Homosexuality. Wyncote, Pa.: Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot; Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, 1990.
Homoture. San Francisco, Calif.: The HomoCo, 1990.
Identities Queer Film Festival: [Program]. Wien: DV8-Film, 1990.
Imageout: The Rochester Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival. Rochester, N.Y.: ImageOut, 1990.
John C. Miller: [Collection]: 1990-1996. 1990.
La Revue H. Paris: Les Amis de la Revue h, 1990.
Lesbian & Gay Film and Video Festival of Toronto: Program Guide. Toronto, Ont.: Inside Out Collective, 1990.
Literatussi. Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript, 1990.
Love and Men. Leeds: M.A.S.S., 1990.
Mafuoka. Phialdelphia, Pa.: [s.n., 1990.
The Michigan Tribune. Ann Arbor, MI: Culver Communications, Inc., 1992.
The Middle Years: What's the Difference; the Midlife Issues of Gay and Lesbian Religious and Clergy. Chicago: Communication Ministry Inc., 1990.
Mx: Metroxtra. London [England], 1990.
My Comrade. [New York, N.Y.]: My Comrade, 1990.
Nummer Sicher. Berlin: Stop-Aids-Projekt Berlin, 1990.
An Open Letter to Our Presbyterian Sisters and Brothers. Louisville: Presbyterian Coalition, 1990.
Out Far! Annual Phoenix Lesbian & Gay International Festival: Program Guide. Phoenix, Ariz.: [The Festival], 1990.
Outfest: [Program]. Los Angeles: Outfest, 1990.
Outrage Gay & Lesbian Short Story Anthology. Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia: Designer Publications, 1990.
Pansy Beat. [New York, N.Y.]: Pansy Beat Productions, 1990.
Paris Is Burning. [New York]: Off White Productions, 1990.
Perra! La Revista: Vida Y Cultura Gay Latina De Miami. Coral Gables, FL: Eduardo Aparicio, 1990.
Rik. Köln: Mattei Verlag, 1990.
Rites Magazine. Toronto: Rites Pub., 1990.
San Antonio Gay & Lesbian Yellow Pages. [Houston, Tex.: GLYP, Inc.], 1990.
Sean's Jake: Channel 1, First in News. Van Nuys, CA: Nuance, Inc., 1990.
Sexual Orientation and the Law. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990.
Siegessäule. Berlin: Magnus-Zeitschriftenverlags, 1990.
The Slant of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community of Marin County. Corte Madera, Calif.: Marin Stonewall Allaince, 1996.
Spawn of Satan. San Francisco, CA: S.O.S. [199-?-, 1990.
Stonewall. London: Stonewall, 1990.
Stonewall News Spokane. Spokane, WA: Stonewall Pub., 1995.
Tema. Moskva: Tema, 1990.
Ten Percent. Ann Arbor, MI: Ten Percent, 1990.
The Three Biggest Lies Told by Right-Wing Fundamentalists: 1. We're Pro-Life. 2. God above Politics. 3. We Love All People: A Primer on How to Conteract the Fraud That Is Conservative Fundamentalism, While Keeping Your Own Faith. Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.: Grinch and Co., 1990.
Tuntentinte. Hannover: Tuntentinte, 2002.
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Ty. Moskva: "Ty", 1990.
The War against Halahkah. London: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, 1990.
The Washington Blade Online. Washington, D.C.: Washington Blade Inc., 1990.
Whats on Guide. Pink Guide. Birmingham (P.O. Box 4955, Birmingham): Whats on guide, 1990.
Achtenberg, Roberta, and Rights National Center for Lesbian. Preserving and Protecting the Families of Lesbians and Gay Men. San Francisco, CA (1663 Mission St., 5th Floor, San Francisco 94103): National Center for Lesbian Rights, 1990.
Acklin, Claudia. Living and Dying. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1990.
Agudah li-shemirat zekhuyot, ha-perat. Daf Meda`. Tel-Aviv: ha-Agudah li-shemirat zekhuyot ha-perat, 1990.
Agudah li-shemirat zekhuyot, ha-perat. Israel Update. Tel Aviv: Society for the Protection of Personal Rights, 1990.
Aids-Hilfe, Schweiz. Je Le Mets Toujours Avec. [Zurich]: AHS, 1990.
Aids-Hilfe, Schweiz. Je Ne Jouis Pas Dans Sa Bouche. Zürich: AHS, 1990.
Aids-Hilfe, Schweiz. Safer Sex Is Mehr Als Nur Zwei Worte. [Zurich]: AHS, 1990.
Aids-Hilfe, Schweiz. Safer Sexe Sécurité À Deux, Passionnément. Zürich: AHS, 1990.
Aids-Hilfe, Schweiz. --Und Nicht in Den Mund Abspritzen! [Zurich]: AHS, 1990.
Alanus, de Insulis. Medieval Sourcebook Alain of Lille [Alanus De Insulis]: The Complaint of Nature. Champaign, Ill. (P.O. Box 2782, Champaign, 61825): Project Gutenberg, 1990.
Albaek, Erik. Aids: The Evolution of a Non-Controversial Issue in Denmark: Paper Presented at the American Political Science Association's 86th Annual Meeting. [Denmark?: s.n., 1990.
Alegria, Juan, and Bexley Hall Colgate Rochester Divinity School. Heterosexism and Homophobia, Roger Williams Fellowship Conference ;; 19901990.
Allan, James, and Morningside. Queering the Media Pitch Larsen, Eddie, Open Door;. [Auckland, N.Z.]: Morningside, 1990.
Alyson, Publications. The Alyson Almanac: A Treasury of Information for the Gay and Lesbian Community. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
American Academy of, Religion, Consultation Gay Men's Issues in Religion, and Group Gay Men's Issues in Religion. Gay Men's Issues in Religious Studies Series. Las Colinas, Tex.: Monument Press, 1990.
American Psychological, Association, Convention, and Mass Boston. Psychological Perspectives on Human Diversity in America, Master Lectures. Aurora, Colo.: Sound Images, 1990.
American Psychological Association. Committee on, Lesbian, and Concerns Gay. A Selected Bibliography of Lesbian and Gay Concerns in Psychology: An Affirmative Perspective, 1990. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1990.
Amodia, Anthony John. The Gay Men's Health Project: An Institutional Case Study of a Community as an Educational System1990.
Anderson-Barnes, Christine Diane. Effects of a Christian Treatment Program for Changing Ego-Dystonic Homosexual Orientation1990.
Anglican Church of, Canada, Gays Working Group on, Lesbians, and Church the. Our Stories/Your Story: A Resource. [Toronto?: The Group, 1990.
Aptekar, Bryan D. A Gay Book Collection: A Source of Identification and Inspiration1990.
Arterburn, Jerry. How Will I Tell My Mother? / Arterburn, Stephen,; 1953. Nashville: Oliver-Nelson, 1990.
Asher, Jeffrey S. Out of the Closet: Studies in the Compatability of Homosexuality and Christianity, Including the Williams-Asher Debate with a Homosexual Priest. Indianapolis, Ind.: Faith and Facts Press, 1990.
Association of Reconciling, Christians, and Congregations. Association of Reconciling Christians and Congregations, Aotearoa, New Zealand Arcc. [Auckland?] N.Z.: ARCC, 1990.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Committee on, Sex, and Law. Comment by the Committee on Sex and Law on Behalf of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York on Proposed Dhcr Rent Regulations Extending Succession Protection to Non-Traditional Family Relationships in Rent Regulated Apartments, [3127];. [New York: s.n.], 1990.
Atobá. O Caso. Rio de Janeiro: Atobá - Movimento de Emancipação Homossexual, 1990.
Aucamp, Hennie. Wisselstroom: Homoërotiek in Die Afrikaanse Verhaalkuns: 'N Bloemlesing. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau, 1990.
Australian, Lesbian, and Archives Gay. Australian Lesbian and Gay History a Bibliography, Variation: Pandora Electronic Collection. South Yarra, Vic.: Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, 1990.
Banzhaf, Jane C. Role Model Choice of Gay College Students: A Study of Gay White Males Attending College During the 1960's, 70's and 80's1990.
Baumgardt, Manfred, Berlin Freunde eines Schwulen Museums in, and V. Frankfurt am Main Emanzipation e. Die Geschichte Des [Paragraphen] 175: Strafrecht Gegen Homosexuelle. Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1990.
Bay, Aids Committee of Thunder. Negotiate, Good Health Lasts a Lifetime;. [Ontario]: AIDS Committee of Thunder Bay, 1990.
Beckstein, David Loren. Aids Prevention in Public Sex Environments: Outreach and Training Manual. Santa Cruz, Calif. (P.O. Box 5142 Santa Cruz 95063): Santa Cruz AIDS Project, 1990.
Beeson, Constance, Forum National Sex, and International Focus. Stamen. Huntington, N.Y.: Focus International, 1990.
Bender, David L. Human Sexuality: 1990 Annual / Leone, Bruno,; 1939, Opposing Viewpoints Sources,;. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1990.
Bernt, Joseph. Privacy and the Aids Crisis: Newspaper Practices Regarding Obituaries and Outings / Greenwald, Marilyn1990.
Berry, Paul, W. Group, and Aids Satellite Television Network. Aids in the Black Community. [Chicago, Ill.]: Physicians Association for AIDS Care, 1990.
Bérubé, Allan. Coming out under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two. New York: Free Press, 1990.
Bethel Evangelistic, Ministries. The Paper Pulpit. Interlachen, FL: Bethel Evangelistic Ministries, 1999.
Bhaduri, Chapal Kripalani. Performing the Goddess Chapal Bhaduri's Story. Kishore, Naveen. Calcutta, India: Seagull Foundation for the Arts, 1990.
Bieber, Kimberly. Who's Afraid of Project 10? Greene, Scott. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California ;, 1990.
Biery, Roger E. Understanding Homosexuality: The Pride and the Prejudice. Austin, Tex.: Edward-William Pub. Co., 1990.
Biggs, Don, Zealand Methodist Church of New, and Commission President's. Practising Homosexuals in Ministry in the Methodist Church of New Zealand: Notes Gathered as a Result of Involvement in the Consultations of the President's Commission, 1990. [Auckland, N.Z.]: Aldersgate Fellowship, Methodist Church of New Zealand, [1990], 1990.
Bilezikian, Gilbert Karlsen. Understanding Homosexuality / Jones, Stanton L. Wheaton, Ill.: Center for Applied Christian Ethics, 1990.
Billmaier, Susan McLaughlin. A Little Respect: A Discussion Guide / Charlton, Catherine. Newark, N.J.: RUTGERS Office of TV and Radio ; Rutgers Student Health Service, 1990.
Bishop, André, William Finn, Douglas Stein, Scott Lehrer, Kate Riddle, Michael Starobin, Danny Gerard, Janet Metz, Michael Rupert, Betty L. Finn William Corwin, Horizons Playwrights, Library New York Public, Film Theatre on, and Archive Tape. Falsettoland Daniels, Paul S. ; (Producer): New York, 1990.
Black, Claudia Black, and duty Double. Double Duty. New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.
Blake, Nayland. Brains: The Journal of Egghead Sexuality / Alvarez, D.-L.,; 1962. San Francisco: B. Works, 1990.
Blake, Nayland, and Gallery Mincher-Wilcox. Qué Overdose: A Collection of Works on Paper Charting an Emerging Gay Iconography. San Francisco: Mincher-Wilcox Gallery, 1990.
Blasius, Mark. An Historical Ontology of Politics1990.
Boatwright, Kathleen, and Inc Integrity. The Dilemma of the Lesbian/Gay Family. Washington, DC: Integrity, 1990.
Boero, Gastón. Las Minorías Sexuales: Prostitución Y Homosexualidad, Colección Enfoques; Variation: Colección Enfoques (20/21 (Firm)). [Montevideo, Uruguay?]: 20/21, 1990.
Bogle, Darlene. Strangers in a Christian Land. Old Tappan, N.J.: Chosen Books, 1990.
Boston Bar, Association. Employer-Employee Relations under the New Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Rights Law. [Boston: Boston Bar Association], 1990.
Bowling Green State, University, Health College of, and Services Human. The Ohio Aids Project Aids Education in Ohio Colleges and Universities. [Bowling Green, Ohio]: College of Health and Human Services, BGSU, 1990.
Boyd, Malcolm. Look Back in Joy / Barton, Crawford,; 1943. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
Bozett, Frederick W. Homosexuality and Family Relations / Sussman, Marvin B. New York: Haworth Press, 1990.
Bozett, Frederick W. Homosexuality and Family Relations Sussman, Marvin B. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1990.
Brewer, Brian W. Reading Camp: Gay Theory and Myra Breckinridge. Lexington, Ky.: [s.n.], 1990.
Bridge, Michael James. A Phenomenological Study of Being a Homosexual Male Who Has Been Diagnosed with Aids1990.
Brown, Rita Mae, John Scagliotti, Guild Cinema, and Co-operative Sydney Filmmakers. Before Stonewall the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community. Rosenberg, Robert,; 1955- ; (Producer). Sydney: Sydney Filmmakers Co-operative, 1990.
Brown, Wayne A. Tuck, and Kgtv. Growing up Gay Flaherty, Kate1990.
Browning, Julie, A. B. C. Radio, and Corporation Australian Broadcasting. Gay Experience, Abc Radio Tapes; Word of Mouth (Radio Program); Talk of Australia. [Sydney]: Australian Broadcasting Corp., 1990.
Brühl, Olaf. Die Ddr, Die Schwulen, Der Aufbruch: Versuch Einer Bestandsaufnahme ; [Dokumentiert Wird Die Veranstaltung 'Schwule in Der Ddr', Die Vom 17. Bis 19. November 1989 Im Freien Tagungshaus Waldschlößchen ... Stattgefunden Hat]/ Jean Jacques Soukup (Hrsg.). Mit Beitr. Von Olaf Brühl .... Soukup, Jean Jacques, Schriftenreihe Des Waldschlößchens ;; Bd. 1;. Gleichen-Reinhausen: Verein für Soziale und Pädag. Arbeit, 1990.
Burton, Carol W. Ethnography of a Lesbian Community in Michigan1990.
Büssing, Sabine. Of Captive Queens and Holy Panthers: Prison Fiction and Male Homoerotic Experience, European University Studies. Series Xiv, Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature,; Vol. 194 =; Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe Xiv, Angelsächsische Sprache Und Literatur ;; Bd. 194; Variation: Europäische Hochschulschriften.; Reihe Xiv,; Angelsächsische Sprache Und Literatur ;; Bd. 194. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang, 1990.
Butler, Karen L. College Students' Knowledge of and Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men1990.
Cameron, Paul, and International Human Life. The Politics of the Homosexual Network. Gaithersburg, MD: Human Life International, 1990.
Campbell, Thomas J. Catholic Priests and the Pastoral Care of Homosexuals and Homosexual Persons with Aids1990.
Canaday, Rudd Hoover. Church Growth in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches1990.
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Card, Orson Scott. The Hypocrites of Homosexuality1990.
Carl, Douglas. Counseling Same-Sex Couples. New York: Norton, 1990.
Carnie, Morag, and Archives Canadian Gay. Posters in the Canadian Gay Archives: An Inventory. [Toronto]: Canadian Gay Archives, 1990.
Casey, Elizabeth Anne. A Comparison of Homosexual and Heterosexual Relationships and an Examination of Attitudes toward Homosexuality: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (Psychology), University of Canterbury1990.
Casi, Stefano. Desiderio Di Pasolini: Omosessualità, Arte E Impegno Intellettuale. Torino: Sonda, 1990.
Castellaneta, P. J. Together Alone. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1990.
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Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Urban Culture and the Making of a Gay Male World, 1890-19401990.
Chauncey, George Duberman. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past / Vicinus, Martha. New York: Penguin Books USA, 1990.
Chen, Kexin. Jin Zhi Yu Ye He's a Woman, She's a Man / Ruan, Shisheng. Xiang gang: Fei tu er you ying die fa xing gong si, 1990.
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Chester, Melinda. Marriage Restrictions, Morality, and the Law1990.
Chicago, Filmmakers. Reeling: Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival: Program Book. Chicago: Chicago Filmmakers, 1990.
Clark, J. Michael. A Defiant Celebration: Theological Ethics & Gay Sexuality. Garland, Tex.: Tangelwüld Press, 1990.
Clark, J. Michael. Diary of a Southern Queen: An Hiv Vision Quest. Dallas: Monument Press, 1990.
Clark, J. Michael. A Lavender Cosmic Pilgrim: Further Ruminations on Gay Spirituality, Theology, & Sexuality. Garland, TX: Tangelwüld Press, 1990.
Clark, J. Michael, Religion American Academy of, and Consultation Gay Men's Issues in Religion. Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian Tradition: Essays / Stemmeler, Michael L.,; 1955, Gay Men's Issues in Religious Studies Series ;; V. 1;. Dallas: Monument Press ; Distributed by Publishers Associates, 1990.
Clout. Cloutreach: Quarterly Newsletter for Christian Lesbians Out. Athens, Ohio: CLOUT, 1990.
Cobb, John B. Matters of Life and Death, The Caldwell Lectures ;; 19901990.
Cobb, John B., and Seminary Louisville Presbyterian Theological. Matters of Life and Death, The Caldwell Lectures ;; 1990;1990.
Cohen, Ed. Talk on the Wilde Side: Towards a Genealogy of the Discourse on Male Homosexuality. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1990.
Cohen, Richard A., M.A, and Foundation International Healing. Healing Homosexuality. [Bowie, MD?]: International Healing Foundation, 1990.
Coleman, Peter. Gay Christians: A Moral Dilemma: London : SCM Press ; Philadelphia : Trinity Press International, 1990.
College Art Association of, America, Gay, and Caucus Lesbian. Gay and Lesbian Caucus Newsletter. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Gay and Lesbian Caucus, 2000.
College Art Association of, America, Gay, and Caucus Lesbian. Gay and Lesbian Caucus: [Newsletter]. State College, PA: GLC, 1990.
Comiskey, Andrew. Pursuing Sexual Wholeness. Eastbourne: Monarch, 1990.
Community, Center. Out! Boise, Idaho: Community Center, 1990.
Community, Church. What Jesus Had to Say About Homosexuality. Detroit, Mich.: Community Church of Detroit, 1990.
Companions on a, Journey. Journey: The News Letter of Companions on a Journey. Colombo: Companions on a Journey, 1990.
Connecticut Stonewalls, Foundation. Connecticut Stonewall's Newsletter. Hartford, CT: Stonewalls Foundation, 1990.
Contrario. Contrario: [Magazine]. Bodegraven: ContrariO, 1990.
Cook, Roger Lee-Wilson, Four Channel, Screen British, and Eye Artificial. The Garden Swinton, Tilda. [London]: Artificial Eye, 1990.
Cook, Roger Lee-Wilson, Four Channel, Screen British, and Uplink. The Garden Swinton, Tilda. London: Artificial Eye [distributor], 1990.
Crawford, David. Easing the Ache: Gay Men Recovering from Compulsive Behaviors. New York: Dutton, 1990.
Cresswell, Rick, and Conscience Queer. Back to the Other World? Scituate, MA: Scream Sync Productions, 1990.
Cronk, George. Moral Issues, New Life Series. Wayne, N.J.: Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church, 1990.
CrossOver, Ministries. Reality. Lexington, Ky.: CrossOver Ministries, 1990.
Dadey, Richard D. Post, Agenda Empire State Pride, and Fairpac. Empire State Pride Agenda Records, 1990-1998. Piel, Candida Scott1990.
Dallas, Michael. Onveilige Seks Bij Homomannen: Een Verkennend Onderzoek Naar Omvang En Achtergronden / Sandfort, Theo,; 1953, Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; D. 17; Variation: Publikatiereeks Homostudies Utrecht ;; 17.: Utrecht : Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht ; Amsterdam : Homologie Distributie/Boekhandel Vrolijk, 1990.
Danish Pedophile, Association. Ny Sexualpolitik: Udgives Af Pædofilgruppen. København: DPA, 1990.
Davenport-Hines, R. P. T. Sex, Death, and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance. London: Collins, 1990.
Davies, Bob, and Family International Congress on the. Coming out of Homo-Sexuality Practical Answers for Clients. [S.l.]: Technical Resource Group, 1990.
Davies, Christie, Canterbury University of Kent at, Religion Centre for the Study of, and Society. From the Sacred Hierarchies to Flatland, Pamphlet Library / Centre for the Study of Religion and Society ;; No. 23; Variation: Pamphlet Library (University of Kent at Canterbury. Centre for the Study of Religion and Society) ;; No. 23. Canterbury: Centre for the Study of Religion and Society, 1990.
Davis, Jeffrey S. Military Policy toward Homosexuals Scientific, Historic, and Legal Perspectives, Variation: Hein's Legal Theses and Dissertations ;; 003-00055.1990.
Davis, Jeffrey S., and V. A. Judge Advocate General'S School Charlottesvile. Military Policy toward Homosexuals: Scientific, Historic, and Legal Perspectives: Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center, 1990.
Day, Dennis, and V. Tape. Tales for the Disenchanted Heads, Tails. Toronto: V Tape, 1990.
De Vos, Pierre. Sexual Orientation and the Right to Equality in the South African Constitution. [South Africa?: s.n., 1990.
Dellamora, Richard. Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990.
Dellemonache, J. Perfect Wording. [S.l.]: J. Dellemonache, 1990.
Delver, Bam-bi. Liefde Zonder Grenzen: Jongen-Jongen, Meisje-Meisje in West-Europa, Jeugdzaken;. Amersfoort: Acco, 1990.
Denver, Aids Prevention, and Denver. Our Strength Is Showing!: [Denver, Colo.] : Denver AIDS Prevention : Dept. of Health and Hospitals, 1990.
Derks, Paul. Die Schande Der Heiligen Päderastie: Homosexualität Und Öffentlichkeit in Der Deutschen Literatur 1750-1850, Homosexualität Und Literatur,; Bd. 3;. Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel, 1990.
Deutsche, Aids-Hilfe e V., and Act Up Berlin. Eines Tages Wird Dieser Junge Gröss Werden. [Germany]: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, 1990.
DeYoung, James B. The Meaning of Arsenokoitai in the New Testament and Its Source: With Implications for Christian Ethics and Ministry, Evangelical Theological Society ;; Ets-0075;. Tacoma, Wash.: Evangelical Theological Society, 1990.
Di Meglio, Donatella. L'invisibile Confine: Ermafroditismo E Omosessualità, Culture ;; 1;. Roma: Melusina, 1990.
Di Stefano, John. Tell Me Why the Epistemology of Disco. Toronto, Canada: V-tape [distributor], 1990.
Dialogai. Pour En Découdre Avec La Maladie, Les Soins, La Prévention, Les Droits Sociaux, L'isolement, Les Assurances, Etc. Genève: Dialogai, 1990.
Dieterle, Roger Evan. The Male Identity and Experience1990.
Dignity/Detroit. Dignity Dateline. [Detroit, Mich.]: Dignity/Detroit, 1990.
Diva, T. V. Like a Prayer Stop the Church. [New York]: DIVA TV, 1990.
Dobbins, Richard D., and Ministries Emerge. Surviving Life's Storms No. 11 Homosexuality in the Family. Akron, Ohio: Emerge Ministries, 1990.
Dover, Kenneth James. He Homophylophilia Sten Archaia Hellada. Athena: Ekdoseis P. Chiotelle, 1990.
Downing, Christine. Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love. New York: Continuum, 1990.
Duberman, Martin B. Chauncey. Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past / Vicinus, Martha. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Group, 1990.
Duell, Douglas. America's Sexual Abuse of Her Gay and Lesbian Children1990.
Dwyer, Sandy, and Network Education Information. Vanguard: News & Views. Los Angeles, CA: Education Information Network, 1990.
Dyer, Richard. Now You See It: Studies on Lesbian and Gay Film. London ; New York: Routledge, 1990.
Dynes, Wayne. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. London: St. James Press, 1990.
Dynes, Wayne R. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. Chicago ; London: Garland, 1990.
Dynes, Wayne R. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality / Johansson, Warren, Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; Vol. 492; Variation: Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; V. 492. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.
Dynes, Wayne R. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality Johansson, Warren, Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; Vol. 492; Variation: Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; V. 492. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.
Dynes, Wayne R. Percy. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality / Johansson, Warren. Chicago: St. James Press, 1990.
Dynes, Wayne R. Percy. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality Johansson, Warren, Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; Vol. 492; Variation: Garland Reference Library of Social Science ;; V. 492. New York: Garland Pub., 1990.
Dzmura, Valerie Ann. The Social Networks of Gay Men with Aids1990.
Ellis, Havelock. Sexual Inversion, The Classics of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Library; Studies in the Psychology of Sex; Variation: Ellis, Havelock,; 1859-1939.; Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Birmingham, Ala.: Classics of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Library, 1990.
Ellis, Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex: Sexual Inversion. New York: Classics of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Library, 1990.
Enterprises, C. B. C., and Corporation Canadian Broadcasting. A Lesbian in the Pulpit, Man Alive Series; Variation: Man Alive Series. Toronto: CBC Enterprises, 1990.
Episcopal Church. House of, Bishops, Church Episcopal, and letter Pastoral. A Statement of the House of Bishops. New York, N.Y.: [s.n.], 1990.
Erickson, Fanny Ainsworth Wilson. A Participant-Observer Study of the Process, Conflict, and Resolution in Seeking Approval of a Statement of Openness, Inclusion, and Affirmation of Gay/Lesbian People in a Large, Urban, Liberal, Protestant Congregation1990.
EroSpirit Research, Institute. Erospirit. Oakland, CA: EroSpirit Research Institute, 1990.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in, America. In the Matter of the Disciplinary Proceedings against the Congregations of First United Lutheran Church and Saint Francis Lutheran Church1990.
Falcon, Publishing. Falcon Film/Video Collection. San Francisco: Falcon, 1990.
Falls, Melanie. Variation in Sexual Preferences among College Students and Its Relationship to Homophobia and Self-Esteem, Kent State University Honors Papers : Department of Psychology;1990.
Family, Solidarity. The Homosexual Challenge: Analysis and Response. Dublin: Family Solidarity, 1990.
Faris, Donald L. Trojan Horse: The Homosexual Ideology and the Christian Church. Burlington, Ont.: Welch Publishing, 1990.
Farnham, Margaret. One Christian's Journey. Columbus, Ohio: SELECT, 1990.
Ferrera-Balanquet, Raoul. Merida Proscrita Cascante, Enrique Novello. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1990.
Ferrera-Balanquet, Raul Romero, Productions Latino Midwest, and Distribution Frameline. Meridad Proscrita Arroyo, Gabriel: Iowa City ; Caracas ; Merida : Latino Midwest Productions ; [San Francisco, CA : Distributed byFrameline Distribution, 1990.
Fleet, Randell David. The Development of a Personal Iconography of a Gay Christian Artist: A Master's Statement1990.
Fletcher, Ben. Clergy under Stress: A Study of Homosexual and Heterosexual Clergy in the Church of England: London, England Mowbray, 1990.
Fletcher, Lynne Yamaguchi. Lavender Lists: New Lists About Lesbian and Gay Culture, History, and Personalities / Saks, Adrien. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1990.
Freud, Sigmund. Case Histories, The Penguin Freud Library ;; V. 8 [Etc.]; Variation: Penugin Freud Library ;; V. 8-9. London: Penguin Books, 1990.
Freunde eines Schwulen Museums in, Berlin, and Emanzipation. Die Geschichte Des [Paragraph Sign]175. Berlin: Rosa Winkel, 1990.
Fulton, Aubyn S. Religious Orientation, Anti-Homosexual Sentiment, Identity Status, and Fundamentalism: In Search of Mature Religion1990.
Garber, Eric. Uranian Worlds: A Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror / Paleo, Lyn. Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1990.
Gatland, Jan Olav. Mellom Linjene: Homofile Tema I Norsk Litteratur, Bøker Om Bøker; Meta Serie; Variation: Bøker Om Bøker. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1990.
Gay, and Association Lesbian. Opt Out. [Rondebosch, South Africa]: GALA, 1990.
Gay, and Defamation Lesbian Alliance Against. Media Guide to the Lesbian and Gay Community. New York, N.Y.: Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, 1990.
Gay, and Northwest Lesbian Archives of the Pacific. Northwest Gay and Lesbian Historian. Portland, Or.: Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, 1990.
Gay, and Association Lesbian Arts. Out: A Journal of Gay & Lesbian Art. Darlinghurst, N.S.W.: Gay and Lesbian Arts Association, 1990.
Gay, and County Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange. The Center Liaison. Garden Grove, CA: Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Orange County, 1990.
Gay, and California Lesbian Historical Society of Northern. Database of Periodicals. San Francisco, CA (P.O. Box 42126, San Francisco 94142): GLHS, 1990.
Gay, and California Lesbian Historical Society of Northern. Ourstories Newsletter of the Gay and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California. San Francisco, Calif.: The Society, 1990.
Gay, California Lesbian Historical Society of Northern, Lesbian Bisexual Gay, and Society Transgender Historical. Ourstories: Newsletter of the Gay and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California. San Francisco, Calif.: Gay and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California, 1990.
Gay, and Coalition Lesbian Media. Out on the Screen: A Film/Video Screening and Seminar Series [Program]. Los Angeles, CA: Gay & Lesbian Media Coalition, 1990.
Gay, Lesbian, and Network Straight Education. Homophobia 101 Teaching Respect for All, Variation: Kraus Curriculum Development Library ;; Gu K-127. [New York]: GLSEN, 1990.
Gay, Lesbian, and Network Straight Education. Homophobia 201 Advanced Anti-Homophobia Training, Variation: Kraus Curriculum Development Library ;; Gu K-128. [New York]: GLSEN, 1990.
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. Current Flow, Safer Sex Shorts;. New York: Gay Men's Health Crisis, 1990.
Gay, Vegetarians, and Vegans. The Green Queen. London: Gay Vegetarians & Vegans, 1990.
Gays, and Zimbabwe Lesbians of. Galz. Harare: GALZ, 1997.
Géczi, János. Vadnarancsok I-Ii. Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1990.
Geest, Hans van der. Verschwiegene Und Abgelehnte Formen Der Sexualität: Eine Christliche Sicht. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 1990.
Genet, Jean, and Press Grove. Un Chant D'amour. [S.l.: s.n., 1950.
Genet, Jean, Press Grove, and Division Film. Un Chant D'amour. [s.l.: s.n., 1990.
George-Murray, R. Dale's Asleep / George-Murray, R. ; (Richard); (Signer). [S.l.: The Author], 1990.
Gerber/Hart, Library, and Archives. Gerber/Hart Library & Archives. Chicago, Ill.: Gerber/Hart Library & Archives, 1990.
Gillette, Suzanne Cooper. From Isolation to Action: Selected Mothers of Gay Men with Hiv/Aids Create New Meaning from Their Experience1990.
Ginsberg, Allen, Miguel Rodríguez Ileana White Steven F. Selections. Grinberg, and Institute Naropa. North/South Import/Export since 1960 Pan Am Faculty. Randall, Margaret,; 19361990.
Ginsburg, Lisa. Joystick Blues Goralsky, Michal. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1990.
Girth, and Detroit Mirth. The Spare Tire. Redford, MI: Girth & Mirth--Detroit, 1990.
Glaser, Chris. Come Home!: Reclaiming Spirituality and Community as Gay Men and Lesbians. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.
Glaser, Chris Bonawitz, and Khon. Homosexuals and the Church. California-Hawaii Elks Project for Speech-Impaired Children Johnson, Donald K. Honolulu: KHON, 1990.
Gough, Cal. Gay and Lesbian Library Service / Greenblatt, Ellen,; 1954. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1990.
Gough, Cal, Association American Library, Gay, and Force Lesbian Task. The Lambda Bibliography. Chicago, Ill.: GLTF Clearinghouse, 1990.
Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990.
Gramick, Jeannine. Homosexuality in the Priesthood and the Religious Life. New York: Crossroad, 1990.
Grau, Günter. Lesben Und Schwule, Was Nun?: Frühjahr 1989 Bis Frühjahr 1990: Chronik, Dokumente, Analysen, Interviews. Berlin: Dietz, 1990.
Greenberg, Alan M., and Indexing Integrity. Gay/Lesbian Periodicals Index. Charlotte, NC: Integrity Indexing, 1990.
Greenberg, David F. The Construction of Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Griffin, Carolyn Welch. Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences / Wirth, Marian Jenks,; 1923. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.
Groleau, James. For the Love of Gods: A Visual Interpretation of Greek Myth. San Francisco: [J. Groleau?], 1990.
Group, B., and Trust Terrence Higgins. What Has Hep B Got to Do with Me?: [London] : Group B : Terrence Higgins Trust, 1990.
Günther, Erwin, D. D. R. Gesellschaft für Dermatologie der, Andrologie Sektion, and Familie Sektion Ehe und. Psychosoziale Aspekte Der Homosexualität: Iii. Workshop Der Sektion Andrologie Der Gesellschaft Für Dermatologie Der Ddr Und Der Sektion Ehe Und Familie Der Gesellschaft Für Sozialhygiene Der Ddr Am 3. Februar 1990 Im Jena. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 1990.
Guth, Julie, Women Minnesota Coalition for Battered, and Committee Lesbian Advocacy. Confronting Hemophobia: A Manual for Battered Women's and Anti-Sexual Assault Programs / Elliott, Pam. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, 1990.
Haars, Buff. Semen, Brideprice, and Symbolic Equivalency in Papua New Guinea1990.
Hahn, Sigrid G. J. Deadly Secrets: Disease Motifs in Thomas Mann's Tod in Venedig1990.
Hallett, Martin. How Does It All Begin?: A Look at Some of the Ways in Which Homosexuality Develops. London: True Freedom Trust, 1990.
Halperin, David M. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love. New York: Routledge, 1990.
Hares, and Bookshops Hyenas. Haretical: The Hares & Hyenas Newsletter on New Books. Collingwood, Vic.: Hares & Hyenas., 1990.
Hares, and Bookshops Hyenas. Screaming Hyena. South Yarra [Vic.]: Hares and Hyenas, 1997.
Harris, Simon. Lesbian and Gay Issues in the English Classroom: The Importance of Being Honest, English, Language, and Education Series;. Milton Keynes ; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1990.
Hart, Harvey Allen. Fortune and Men's Eyes Persky, Lester. Culver City, Calif.: MGM/UA Home Video, 1990.
Hasbany, Richard. Homosexuality and Religion: Harrington Park, 1990.
Hasegawa, Sadao. Sadao Hasegawa: Paintings and Drawings: London : GMP ; Boston, MA : Distributed in North America by Alyson Publications, 1990.
Hawkes, Brent. Homosexuality and the Bible a Lecture / Down, Graham. Toronto, Ont.: B. Hawkes, 1990.
Hawley, Laura. Gay and Bisexual Men Seeking Help in Changing to Safer Sex: Rate of High Risk Sexual Practices and Attitudes toward Homosexuality1990.
Hayton, Brad, and Family Focus on the. The Homosexual Agenda: What You Can Do. [Colorado Springs, Colo.]: Focus on the Family, 1990.
Heriza, Anthony Blake, University Rutgers, T. V. Office of, and Radio. A Little Respect Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals on Campus / Troost, Peter. [Newark, N.J.]: Rutgers, 1990.
Hilferty, Robert. Stop the Church. New York: R. Hilferty, 1990.
Hilferty, Robert, and Productions Altar Ego. Stop the Church: New York, N.Y. : PDR Productions ; [S.l.] : Distributor, Frameline, 1990.
Hilferty, Robert, Productions Altar Ego, and Frameline. Stop the Church. San Francisco, CA: Frameline, 1990.
Hilferty, Robert, Productions Altar Ego, and Distribution Franklin Media. Stop the Church. New York, NY: Franklin Media Distribution, 1990.
Hinsch, Bret. Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
Hippler, Mike. So Little Time: Essays on Gay Life. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1990.
Hirschfeld, Magnus. Les Homosexuels De Berlin: Le Troisième Sexe / Cardon, Patrick, Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp. Vingtième Siècle,; 2/3; Variation: Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp.; Xx ;; 2/3. Lille (France, Nord): G.K.C., 1990.
Hirschfeld, Magnus. Les Homosexuels De Berlin: Le Troisième Sexe / Hirschfeld, Magnus,; 1868-1935. ; Troisième Sexe, Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp ;; No. 17. Vingtième Siècle,; 2/3; Variation: Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp ;; No. 17.; Cahiers Gai-Kitsch-Camp.; Xx ;; 2/3. Lille (France, Nord): G.K.C., 1990.
Hollander, Gerald Wayne. Psychometric Indications of Depression among Homosexual Males Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus1990.
Holmberg, Scott D. Human Herpesvirus 6 (Hhv-6) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Hiv) in a Cohort of Homosexual Men1990.
Homodok. News from the Friends of Homodok Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Homodok Society, 1990.
Hong Kong Ten Per Cent, Club. Shi Fen Yi Tong Hua = Hong Kong Ten Per Cent Journal. Xianggang: Xianggang shi fen yi hui, 1990.
Honolulu, Gay, and Foundation Lesbian Cultural. Annual Adam Baran Honolulu Gay & Lesbian Film Festival: [Program]. [Honolulu: s.n., 1990.
Hopcke, Robert H. Men's Dreams, Men's Healing. Boston: Shambhala, 1990.
Huggins, James. Affective and Behavioral Responses of Gay and Bisexual Men to Hiv Antibody Testing1990.
Hunt, Paul Michael. Gay and Lesbian Community Relations and Integration: A Case Study, Wilmington, North Carolina1990.
Hunter, Jonathan, and Family Focus on the. Homosexuality & Sexual Redemption Aids, Our Christian Challenge, Counseling Enrichment Program, 1990. Pomona, CA: Focus on the Family, 1990.
Hurles, David, and Co Old Reliable Tape. Old Reliable Solo Videotape Catalogue 1-2. Hollywood, CA (1626 N. Wilcox, #107, Hollywood, CA 90028): Old Reliable Tape Co., 1990.
Hurst, Ed, and Outpost. Challenge to the Church: An Outpost Anthology. Minneapolis, Minn.: Outpost, 1990.
Illingworth, Patricia. Aids and the Good Society, Points of Conflict;. London ; New York: Routledge, 1990.
Integrity, Inc. Integrity/Chicago Newsletter. Chicago, IL: Integrity/Chicago, 1992.
International Association of, Lesbian, Archives Gay, and Libraries. Ialgal Newsletter, Variation: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, Ca. 1972-1994 ;; Reel 109. San Francisco, CA: IALGAL, 1990.
Irish Council for Civil, Liberties. Equality Now for Lesbians and Gay Men. Rathfarnham, Dublin: Irish Council for Civil Liberties, 1990.
Isay, Richard A. Being Homosexual: Gay Men and Their Development. New York: Avon Books, 1990.
Iyg. Iyg Video Resource Library Catalogue. Indianapolis, Ind.: IYG, 1990.
J. J. Sedelmaier Productions, Inc. The Ambiguously Gay Duo. White Plains, N.Y.: J. J. Sedlmaier Productions, 1990.
J. J. Sedelmaier Productions, Inc. Saturday Night Live/Nbc Compilation. White Plains: J.J. Sedlmaier Productions, 1990.
Jaffa, Harry V. Homosexuality and the Natural Law. Montclair, Calif. (4650 Arrow Highway, Suite D-6, Montclair 91763): Center for the Study of the Natural Law, Claremont Institute, 1990.
Jagodensky, Joe, Churches Wisconsin Conference of, and Orientation Task Force on Sexual. Being Gay in the Church. Madison, Wis. (1955 W. Broadway, Suite 104, Madison, WI 53713): Wisconsin Conference of Churches, 1990.
Jarman, Derek, Fernsehen Zweites Deutsches, Four Channel, and Uplink. The Garden. England: A Basilisk production for Channel Four Television, British Screen, ZDF, Uplink, 1990.
Jay, Karla. Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions / Glasgow, Joanne,; 1943, Feminist Crosscurrents;. New York: New York University Press, 1990.
Jay, Michael. Gay Love Signs: The New Astrology Guide for Men Who Love Men. New York, N.Y.: Plume Book, 1990.
Jellonnek, Burkhard. Homosexuelle Unter Dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung Von Homosexuellen Im Dritten Reich, Sammlung Schöningh Zur Geschichte Und Gegenwart;. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, 1990.
Johnson, Paul R. Ancient Answers to Modern Gay Problems: The Song of Songs, a Gay Love Poem. Pomona, CA: Fidelity Press, 1990.
Johnson, Paul R. A Gay Debate / Eaves, Thomas F. Pomona, CA: Fidelity Press, 1990.
Jones, James W. "We of the Third Sex": Literary Representations of Homosexuality in Wilhelmine Germany, German Life and Civilization ;; V. 7;. New York: P. Lang, 1990.
Jürgens, Ralf Erich. Equality and Gay Rights in the United States and in Canada, Variation: Canadian Theses. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, Canadian Theses Services, 1990.
Kennedy, Hubert C. Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: Sein Leben Und Sein Werk, Beiträge Zur Sexualforschung ;; Bd. 65;. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1990.
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